Infinite Evolution: My Idle Evolution System

Chapter 78: The Tyrant God's Demise?

"Three… four… five… six… dozen… ATOMIC!!!"

"I A.M. A.T.O.M.I.C.!!!!!!!—!!!!!!!—!!!!!!!"

For a few seconds, time seemed to come to a stop. Not freeze per se, but completely stop.

The heated, savage breath of the Tyrant God and the even breathing of the crazily smiling robed man were the only things to bypass this stasis mold. For that slim chunk of time, they looked to be unmoving, struggling against one another. The Tyrant God put everything it had into decapitating the human who had somehow resurrected, while the human unleashed subtle yet indescribably dangerous wave after wave of Atomic energy.

Before the Tyrant God had clutched onto his face, Cassius had activated the 'I AM ATOMIC' Skill enough times to give a normal person an aneurysm. Yet, before the consequences of this reckless action could register, he unloaded the full extent of his fingering capabilities on his poor System, causing his total number of Status Recoveries to hit rock bottom.

And the result of this death wish:


"Tell me how that one feels, you hot scaly bitch!"

Time resumed as Cassius flipped up both his middle fingers, enjoying every moment of watching the Tyrant God's usually icy expression flip through several uncharacteristic emotions.


Before the successive Atomic explosions collided with her voluptuous body, the Tyrant God looked up and saw a shit-eating grin that angered her to no end. More than ever—more than she had ever felt for anything in her entire life—she wanted to slaughter this human!!!

With one final, all-out attempt, the Tyrant God exerted the full extent of her profoundly destructive power to phase her hand through the purple light that had rebounded her hand away the first time. As the light rapidly expanded and reached past her arm, she broke past her limits, activating all her unique A-Rank Skills.

She would kill that bastard!!!

Although not expecting something like this to happen, Cassius did not fret. He subconsciously used another Status Recovery, then unbound his body from the frozen state that came as a side effect of using the I AM ATOMIC skill. Then, with his speed that still surpassed hers, he conjured a shadowy demonic figure that crackled under its own affinity with the lightning element.

"Evomon fusion," Cassius called out, his voice and subsequent actions surprising the Tyrant God to no end. "Nyxvoldar, activate ultra-sonic burst."


The terrifying electric shadow looming over Cassius like a giant abruptly and instantly zorped into the body of its master, urging him to undergo several ridiculously fast transformations.

By the end of the transformations, a slightly taller, far more intimidating nightmarish figure appeared. Then, with a quick step that seemed to exceed hundreds of thousands of MPH, he phased through the hand and body of the beautiful Tyrant God, doing so with the help of an extra-evolved Permutation B-Rank Skill.

"...Ho..w could yo…uu!?"


For the first time since they encountered one another, Cassius finally heard the Tyrant God speak. Her voice was not overly sweet, but it was still feminine and melodic enough to ring out quite nicely in his ears. Quite nicely indeed.

Turning his head back just enough to see the deadly purple Atomic light envelop her body, Cassius casually commented, "Your lovely voice will be forever remembered in the echoes of my memories; after all, you are the first A-Rank Monster that I have ever killed. You're also the first talking one I've met… Hmm…"


Cassius nonchalantly dug earwax out of his demonically pointed obsidian ears. "No need to shout," he replied. "You were strong; you should feel honored just knowing that. Without my shitty system, I might really have been diced up by you…"

He briefly paused before continuing, "Anyway, it seems like this is where we part ways…"

"Goodbye, hot scaly bitch. It was a fun fight. Maybe in another lifetime, I'll fight you again, possibly even in a proper exchange of blows…"

Suddenly shifting his gaze toward his wrist, Cassius pretended to check his watch. "Well, would you look at the time? It would appear that our time here is up. I bid you farewell, pretty young miss."

With that, he curtly bowed before flashing away at speeds transcending common sense.

He reappeared nearly a hundred miles away, leaving the far slower gray-haired draconic beauty to simmer in a sea of anger. The purple Atomic light had already entirely covered her up, inflicting ungodly amounts of pain, yet only working to further deepen her.... horniness…!?

'Hah…!!! He's so powerful~!!!! I want to eat him up~!!!! I NEED to eat him~!!!!!'

Draconic species, as many people knew, were infamously known for their vast appetite for anything lustful. They were rumored to screw anything with a hole.

If there was a hole, there was a goal.
Enjoy new tales from empire

And though the Tyrant God was a female dragon subspecies of the monster mutant variety, she still partially retained that lascivious nature.

Moreover, her species, different from the prideful pure-blooded dragons, was one that aligned more along the lines of 'LOVE for the strong,' which meant they only submitted to those stronger. And more often than not, if this was between an opposing male and female—even from two different species—then the defeated female would vie for a long-lasting mating session with the male.

However, not everything was roses and dandelions. After finishing the copulation session, the female Tyrant Dragons were known to… uhhh… devour their male partners. Similar to how spider species functioned, except far more brutal—and the sex lasted for what felt like an eternity, essentially draining the male dry long before she devoured him…


A hundred or so miles away.

Cassius suddenly felt a shiver go up his spine, prompting him to suspiciously look around in all directions. Yet, after finding nothing of notice, he shook his head before refocusing on the extremely massive explosion growing upward like a genuine Atomic Bomb. It was, of course, still a ways away from actually reaching such a high level, but it was definitely getting up there.

Though, he did feel it a shame that something of this caliber could only be performed if he cheated things with system rewards…

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