Infernal comedy: A Rias Gremory self-insert (Highschool dxd/Sandman Au)

The Argonaut

 Wrote this listening to that:


He ignored the dark angry sky, the tower of plants hovering over him like cruel judgemental gods.

He ignored the aching pain he felt, he ignored the way his body burnt from the inside and he focused only on what was in his arms.

He focused only on his son, on the corpse of his son. His son had inherited the white colour of his eyes and his hair from his father but everything else came from his mother, Jason’s dead wife.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. None of this was supposed to be happening. His baby boy should have been laughing, complaining about school and how it bored him. He wasn't supposed to be so unnaturally still.

He had chosen this city of the United States because the population and even the religious members of their church hadn’t been aware of the supernatural, at least, that's what he thought.

He had wanted to raise his child in a place where he wouldn't have to fear for his life OR suffer either because of devils like Jason had done due to his status as a half-blood or Exorcists, fanatics believing in the extinction of everything they saw as blasphemous against their god. Nicholas, his son had been his everything.

“Why?” he felt himself ask. The voice that came from him was the voice of a broken man who had lost everything.

“Why?” an approaching voice repeated his question. “You’re really asking me that?”. The owner of the voice finally appeared in Jason's vision field. He wore priest robs over what seemed to be an expensive tailor-made suit

Jason said nothing waiting for an answer, one that could explain why, why was the life of his only child taken away when he hadn't done anything.

“Woah, you're serious,” the man said with surprise in his voice. The priest, no with the way the man oozed confidence, it was clear that he was more. That wasn't a mere priest aware of the supernatural. It was an exorcist. He stopped walking before Jason.

“That's simple really. You're devils, creatures of darkness and I did half of my duty, cleanse the darkness that your son represented,” the exorcist spoke.

That was it? The reason why his son died was only because of his nature? He watched how the exorcist lit up a cigarette. “Do you want one?” the exorcist asked.

He presented the package of fags to Jason. He didn't move. After a moment, the exorcist understood and put it in one of his pockets. “He was just a quarter devil,” Jason found himself saying.

“I thought that it was more but hey, it is what it is. He's still had the blood of a demon running in his veins. I'm sure that the lord will accept him in his kingdom because of his humanity after thousands of years of repentance.” The exorcist made a cross with his arms.

The exorcist looked at his watch “It's getting late. Sister Rosa will pester me all day tomorrow if don't come back soon. I'll soon deal with you. Do you want to ask a last question before I send you to our lord?”

Pride, the exorcist exuded it as if he already won, as if killing Jason’s son was just a formality. “I just want to know something. Why now? All that time, you and the other members of the church knew of our presence for all those thirteen years yet it is today without any provocation that you attack and kill my son. Why?”

“Honestly, I wanted to exterminate you and your family for a long time way before your wife even died. Copulating with Half Demons? It's a no-no in the eyes of the lord. It's one of the greatest sins, an unforgivable one but each time I unfortunately wanted to get rid of you, there was always a you can't do this, they're peaceful, the war ended, they're also part humans and all the crap.”

The exorcist threw his non-finished cigarette on the ground and smothered it under his feet. “I knew it was just a question of time because things went wrong. It's in the make-up of your kind. You only bring suffering and devastation into this world. I was proven right when your kind decided to kill the pope, kill cardinals, attack the Vatican, attack god himself. Now the other recognized that I was right. I was finally given the authorization to slay you and your spawn Jason Amduscias.”

“I'll pray for your soul that in the next world, you may be allowed to come back to this world as a being pure untainted from sin.” Jason watched how the plants began to rush at him.

Time slowed as Jason watched them coming close. Jason wondered if he should try to fight, or do anything. What would be the point? He had lost everyone that mattered. His grandfather, the original Amduscias, the only parental figure that he had, who had loved him and didn't treat him as lesser because of his half-blood status had died fifteen years ago of injuries he had sustained in the great war.

His wife had died giving birth to their son and the son that had been his reason to continue had just died in his arms.

Was this how everything was going to end? Was he going to let the killer of his son able to leave after as if nothing had happened?

He has been wrong. There was one thing that still mattered. There was own thing that still animated him and that was to drench the fucking earth with the blood of the exorcist.

Around him, the gigantic trees stopped in their advance as if they were held away by an invisible force.

The exorcist had been leaving but stopped when he didn't hear the sound of broken bones and flesh, of his pillar entering into and cratering the Earth.

“Oh?” the exorcist said in surprise. “I thought that there was no fight in you anymore, that the death of your spawn had broken you. Well, it see-”.

Jason didn't let him finish. He pushed with all of his might, darted through obstacles and punched the motherfucker in the face.

He felt something crack under his fist before the exorcist form was sent flying away to a neighbouring home.

Screams erupted from it as the inhabitants of it began to scream in terror. He felt a surge of Holy energy as if waiting to be activated at any moment.

The exorcist came walking out of the house. The punch of Jason had deformed his face. His jaw was hanging in a grotesque sight yet the exorcist didn't seem bothered or feeling pain.

Even in his state, the exorcist opened his mouth and spoke as if nothing had happened “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

He watched how reality bent with the words of power of the exorcist. He was back in pristine condition as if everything that had happened had just been an illusion, a lie that Jason’s brain had believed.

“You’re a saint,” Jason said to the exorcist already knowing it to be true. Saints were human beings with enough holy power that they had been either lucky to be born with or faithful with such faith that the Abrahamic god himself granted them proportional to their faith authority over the world.

There once had been millions of them at the beck and call of the church and Heaven. Most templars had been saints. They had been the first of Heaven on Earth.

They had slayed in the name of the god they worshipped an innumerable number of Pagan deities and supernatural beings.

Fortunately or unfortunately depending on who you ask, with The decline and the major loss of power of the church in the last centuries, Saints have become rarer and rarer.

“This is the title that the church gave us. I prefer to call myself an executioner. It's less prideful,” the exorcist said.

The exorcist stopped meters away from him. “Are you scared now that you know what I am? Will you try to run or beg for your life?” the exorcist questioned.

Around them, the silent neighbourhood had become alive. The sleeping mundane had awakened and were now acting like headless chickens. “Shit, the head sister will have my hide. So many people to hypnotize. Well, it is what it is.

Vines and thorns began to sprout from the ground coiling as if they were snakes ready to strike “I'll deal with all of this after I kill you.”

Jason searched and dug inside for a spark that he hadn't touched for a really long time. He embraced it into his heart, into his soul and ignited it. Lightning, dark violet plasma surges from inside him igniting and filling every one of his cells with energy.

Sparks of electricity appeared and disappeared around him. “I don’t care if I die or live Saint,” Jason said softly. “The only thing that mattered to me right now is fucking annihilating you.”

The exorcist rolled up his sleeves leaving his arms bared. They were covered completely by blood-red tattoos, tattoos of Bible verses. ‘They were probably similar in their functionement to runes’ Jason mentally noted.

Jason took a fighting stance, hands at his chest height, face exposed, his feet were heel, toe shoulder width apart.

In the next second, the saint was rushing at him, a punch directed toward his face, exactly what he wanted.

Jason slid to the right, the arm of the exorcist overextended before him. Lightning crackled and coated his right arm and with it, Jason moved to cut the arm of his enemy.

He watched how slowly due to the speed his mind operated his attack came closer to his opponent. It should meant his victory yet Jason felt as if something was wrong.

He was proven right when the spot he was on the point of striking bulged as if worms were crawling into the skin of the Saint.

The flesh distorted and exploded in a shower of gore and blood. A spike came Rushing at him from the disfigured arm.

‘He knew I would dodge,’ Jason realized. He wanted and counted on me doing this and counter-attacking. That was a trap.

‘That was clever,’ he had to admit. Fortunately, he also had tricks. He continued not trying to escape or dodge the thorn.

The thorn entered in contact with Jason’s skin and phased through him. It was said that The members of the Amduscias clan had control over lightning. That was wrong. They didn't control it, they were lightning.

How could Lightning, something so unearthly be touched by something not from the Heavens?

He watched with satisfaction how the smile on the face of the exorcist was turning into shock. This time, Jason wouldn't give him a chance to survive. He targeted the heart of his opponent, piercing his flesh with his right arm, attaining his heart, grabbing it and removing it in a violent display that demons of old would be proud of before kicking the Saint in the face sending him flying again.

The heart of the exorcist was still beating in his grasp as if not aware yet that it had been removed from his owner. Jason crushed it making the organ spatter him with blood.

“Nicholas, it's done,” he whispered. “Soon, I'll be with you.”

Jason pumped all of his demonic energy into his bloodline making it more potent, more wild, more dangerous.

He could see light radiate from his skin, cracks that began to form. At that moment, he wondered if would his grandfather be proud.

“I tried my best,” he said to himself. His gaze locked on the sun, the star of their solar system. It was so beautiful, so bright just like them.

A common activity that he had used to do with his son had been to watch the stars. With their nature as supernatural beings, they had been able to see more than mankind could ever imagine. Nicholas had told him that he had wanted to become one, to become a star so bright, so beautiful, so intense that he could never be forgotten, ignored.

Jason closed his eyes. He wondered if, for an instant, he would be as bright as Nicholas wished he could have been.

His thoughts stilled with the sound of a voice, of a familiar one “Oy, it is not finished,” the voice spoke.

Jason opened his eyes. His gaze fell on the walking living form of the saint. “How?” Jason could not stop himself from asking.

The gap that Jason had left when he had taken the heart of his enemy was still there. “What kind of monster you are?”

“A monster, you're inversing things devil spawn but I understand that it can be shocking. It's simple really.”

The tone of his voice changes taking what could only be called gravitas. It was the second time. It was as if he was before a deity for an instant “Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security,” the exorcist preached.

Jason watched how thorns appeared and slithered into the flesh of the exorcist and began to sewn him back together replacing what had been destroyed, taken. “That's simple really, I'm a weapon, his weapon and weapons don't die,” the Saint spoke.

Jason flexed his arms checking on their state. They could still move. That was good. His bloodline was still running amok in him destroying him little by little.

He could stop it but it would mean that for a moment, he would be devoid of ways to defend himself until his demonic energy replenished.

If he didn't stop, he calculated that his bloodline would destroy him in the next 4 minutes. Four minutes to kill a Saint, a being capable of shaping and transfiguring the world according to his faith.

The smart thing would be to try to run but Jason had never been smart. Lightning-shaped devil wings exploded free from his back.

Jason rose in the sky, his gaze encompassing all the city where he had lived with his child.

Under him, he felt an explosion of holy energy and saw how the Earth itself began to move. “God had said,” the Saint spoke.

“I command the earth to give life to all kinds of tame animals, wild animals, and reptiles And that's what happened. God made every one of them. Then he looked at what he had done, and it was good. God also said, Now we will make humans, and they will be like us,” the Saint chanted words of power.

Jason raised his hand and grabbed the entirety of it. “Never forget what we are, what you are,” his grandfather had told him.

Under him, Jason watched how Metal, Iron, glass and rocks from all the city and the Earth itself began to move breaking away from their original places to bend at the will of the Saint.

‘4 minutes’ Jason reminded himself. Dark angry clouds covered his forms changing their nature due to his will being imposing on them, twisting due to his innate sorcery clading his body in a dark armor and bestowing in his right arm a jagged spear.

The world, the Earth attacked him and Jason Amduscias answered instead of running by flying toward it.

I kinda wanted to show what Sona was talking about. This chapter was supposed to be longer but I wasn't in the mood for writing more. I'll try to write the next chapter quickly. I also asked before writing this for people to choose between the letter B or G. They'll impact the end of the next chapter 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.