inanis journey[new]

Chapter 5 – a young maiden finding love (1)

i am half unsure if this chapter is good as it involves fate, emotions, and finding love(kind of) as the title suggests, but here it is, any suggestion just leave a comment.

ps: this is part one, there is a part 2 which is chap 6

{Freya Pov}




the first day of the sixth month of the year 1310 in the 40th 100 thousand years series of the longevity era, a normal day in a normal series, it isn't like the 37th serie with the war of the west continent, nor the 11th serie with the dragon revolution, and specially not like the 10th serie with the ascension of the human god of war.


this date is today, and there is nothing particularly special about today, not my birthday, not a holiday, not the birthday of any of my friends nor any festival around the region.


resuming, it is a normal day like the others.


I and my group of friends just returned from a hunt, to be more specific each of us returned from our individual hunts, mine was a silver ranked one, the job was simple, hunt a lightning panther and bring the corpse to the guild, but that hunt was a damn hard one, that thing is a invasive species so i wasn’t exactly prepared outside info i read on a textbook about the animal, i knew it could use blink and lightning armor but knowing and being prepared to it are two different things, but well, i managed, with some injuries and some time? yes, but i did it.


so i was at the guild sitting on a table with my friends, i had taken my leather armor off and was cleaning a bite i got from the panther.


Boltrog the gentle giant(quite literally as he is half giant) of the group asked worried “so, how was it, you got a bad bite right there”


“it was annoying but i managed, it blinked out of nowhere and bit me, then it kept blinking around so it took some time” 


Hie-Riza, the other girl of the group and the next one to become silver like me spoke happily with her naturally deeper voice “nice! that was a three star hunt right? only two more and you get promoted to silver!”


I glanced at Riza, especially her round cheeks, round arms and chubby tail before asking “Riza, have you been visiting aunt Ma lately?”


she raised her ear somewhat confused “yes? why?”


“I think uncle Vike been feeding you a few too many treats like he usually does”


as i re-applied the bandages she immediately tried to defend herself saying “but i have been being modest with treats” and “i only go there one day each week” but we chuckled as we could see she wasn’t being modest at all.


but as i was about to say something Riza ear perked up and her tails went stiff as she listened to something, it twitched and kept turning side to side before locking in the direction of the guild entrance door.


we noticed it immediately so i asked “what’s the problem?” and i noticed many A-a’ny’ma around the guild did the same thing, an animal got into the city? an altercation outside the guild? 


but she simply said “it-its a… song? it is getting closer” we chorused “song?”


she returned a “yeah, someone is singing, i don’t know their language but i understand it, something about staying away? a thousand voices howling in their head? and…all the stars shining a bloody red or something. it is not translation magic, i know it, but still, it is strange? nice? the one singing has a really nice voice”


Malek, another guy from the group, asked “soul song?”


Riza shook her head “no, it’s more like they are just speaking in another language, a rather funky one i might add, like someone speaking 100 words at once and all of them are in different languages and are different ways of saying the same thing in those languages”


It didn't take long at all for the rest of us to start hearing the song, it was low, but it was very hard to miss. And I have to say it was one of the most beautiful voices I heard, despite them singing nonsense it was still beautiful.


Then through the open doors of the guild came a person singing the song in a low voice, at this point the guild was almost completely silent, with only a clink and clank of forks and knives on plates or armor from a guy or two.


The person who entered had black skin like a shadow fiend, white hair like an Arachne, strange but nice looking white shifting patterns on their skin that seemed to have a life on its own, horns like that of a sheep-kin, and some kind of black fog that covered and went around their hips, chest and face, they were wearing normal clothes; only a long necked and sleeved gray shirt, and baggy pants, with no shoes or accessories. 


What are they?


When my eyes landed on them i felt my chest warming up and I suddenly knew it, a feeling that I know that I know, a feeling of finding something you been searching for a long time, but I still was not sure, I was feeling something my mother and father told me I would feel when I met a specific person, I felt it deep in my guts and at the back of my mind, but as I immediately checked my mind and soul for any sign of tempering or outside influence I found nothing abnormal, the song influenced me and those around me, but it was a normal reaction as it was honestly a beautiful song being sung by a beautiful voice, and the feeling of knowing they were that person was something more instinctual, something complex yet normal and natural.


But I won't act yet, I need to verify things.


As they entered the guild they didn't look around, not exactly, just to deepen the mystery of who and what they are they suddenly manifested various eyes all over their bodies, the eyes started to look at everything and everyone on the guild at fast speeds, but them they stopped on a specific person on the guild and stared, they landed on me! Making a few people whisper around us.


Do they know? Did they feel it too? when their eyes locked onto me i forgot about the people around me for a moment, a moment that seemed to stretch longer than normal, i felt like i was… seen? not in an exposed way, but like they were looking at the real me, it wasn’t creepy, unnerving or frightening, i confess, i got lost in their eyes for a few moments, but Riza by my side asked whispering “Do you know them?” bringing me back to reality, I said a half distracted ”no”.


I don't know if they felt it too, but the eyes stared at me and only me for a few moments before closing and vanishing, all the while they were walking towards the counter where Dogga was, as if the eyes thing was not even worth attention and didn’t happen.


They stopped singing and started talking with Dogga. And like Riza described they somehow said one word out loud but spoke and transmitted 50 in 10 different ways. they confirmed what everyone already suspected, that they were not from the region and wanted to make a guild card, and wanted to sell silk? As they were making the guild card, Dogga confirmed their information, which made us learn her name(or the translations of it at least) ‘Scarlet Inanis’. a translated version of her race, ‘beings from outside’ so I am guessing they live outdoors? We learned their age, 31, not that old. We learned a few of their abilities, some were expected while others not so much, like ‘avatar creation’ what that entails?


After they got the card they went and passed a message from aunt Ma of all people( a message that surprised everyone, both because of who it was from and the contents of it) and confirmed that they didn't know anybody from the region, so they gave Dogga a few rolls of silk and Dogga immediately tested them, she stabbed the rolls multiple times with a knife but it didn't leave a single dent on them! Dogga is not weaker than me! This display made people whisper even more but our table just observed, especially Riza, she was paying close attention.


After Scarlet sold the rolls of silk they bought a store and left, but as they left they gave a quick glance in my direction, for a split second, but didn't approach or talk with me and acted like it didn't happen, or approached others for that matter.


But as soon as they left Dogga was swarmed by people asking about the store Scalert bought, where was it? When will it open? And the like, but Dogga immediately shouted with amplification magic “guys back off! I will answer some questions but only once!” Everyone got silent and gave her some space so she continued “they bought shop number 314 on the plaza, but I don't know when they will open it, nor what they will sell, only that is silk based, so it can be clothes, accessories, backpacks, ropes, bandages armor or anything like that”


Hearing this everyone sat down and started discussing about what just happened, but I had other things on my mind, i turned to my friends and said “my bad guys i need to go home talk with my parents about…something personal”


Riza said “i will go talk with aunt Ma, ask what is going on”


Boltrog said “i will stay, see if any news come to the guild” Malek being inseparable from Boltrog added “me too, I will stay” 


I got up and said “tell the others i said hi, i don’t know if i will come back today, but if i can, i will, bye” before leaving and running home.



i only noticed my hands were shaking because when i tried to put the keys on the door I missed a few times. but i managed to get the door open after a few tries.


when i entered and closed the door behind me the first thing i did was scream “MOM! DAD! please come to the living room! its important!” i knew they were home as it was their day off so i quickly went to the living room and waited while standing.


but it didn’t take long for both of them to come running from the kitchen and saying “What is going on?!” 


but once they saw me their expression softened and mom hair started to glow and flow like lava while my dad eyes started to shine as they looked at each other before turning to me and dad saying “you found them” and mom completing with a huge smile “you found your sun!” she was almost jumping from joy.


but i immediately asked surprised “i am not sure about it, but how did you know?”


they laughed a bit, mom said “your poker face suck” and dad said “your hair is flowing and pulsating with the colors of fire and your head has a aura that keeps alternating between black and white, which we assume is their colors”, mom added, making fun of me “and there is the wobbly legs and shaky hands, heh, you look like a baby horse”


i couldn't help but be embarrassed as i felt the heat on my face. Damn it, they read me like an open book!


“but i am not sure about it, it is only a suspicion, i didn’t fall in love with them at first glance, i didn’t feel like i suddenly was attracted to them, i didn’t feel any sudden changes on my mind or soul, i admit, they were nice looking, seemed interesting, their heads seemed to be full of silly thoughts, had a nice voice and sing well, but still”


they looked at each other, mom said “Sunny, you felt something when you met them?”


“yes, it was a vague feeling of knowing that you know, like you found something you were searching for a long time, they seemed ‘right’, but we didn’t talk or anything, but i think they felt it too as they stared at me for a bit and seemingly ignored the other at the guild”


Mom sighed in relief “baby, that’s it, when you find them you get a vague hint, for me and you dad we noticed each other heat and got curious about it, quickly finding comfort in said heat, followed by love for each other, we didn’t fall in love at first glance, at most we seemed more interesting to each other initially. when you find your other side you receive a hint, but its on you to take the opportunity, quite a few miss it the first time, so, you must not let it pass!” 


dad added “ they might not be them, but there is a chance there, so if they are silly-headed like you said they might not even have noticed they found you, so you have to pounce on this opportunity! first get to meet them, see if they are your other side, if they aren’t, you get a new friend, if they are, you get THE partner, but no rushing things, you have plenty of time, you are barely 35”


i crossed my arms in thought ‘they just got to the city and opened a store that sells silk stuff, maybe i can use the excuse of buying clothes there?’


dad “well, that is a good excuse, if you do that you get what you want and leave with nice clothes on top of it”


“i said that outloud?”




“heh, yeah”


i massaged my forehead, “that can work out”


mom couldn’t help but smile mischievously and say “so, tells us about them, how do they look? how they walk, move? are they strong? you already said they are silly-headed but are they smart?”


“weeell, they seem strong, but they move without care for their surroundings as if nothing could hurt them, their moves are full of openings but seem calculated, they are smart? i dunno, but they traded a few rolls of silk for a dozen thousand copper and didn’t seem to care, or more likely, not understood how much that is, and their appearance…” mom smiled and dad made gesture to say “go on”


 i continued “they have the body of a warrior but no scar or callus on their hands, their skin is pure darkness like a shadow fiend, short hair whiter than that of an Arachne, strange but nice looking complex white tattoo like patterns all over their bodies that keep moving and shifting as if alive, sheep-kin like horns that cover their ears in a spiral, and some kind of black fog that sticks to their body and covers their chest, hips and a bit of the thighs, and their face” they put some thoughtful expressions, dad said “never heard or saw someone like that” mom “me neither”


“well, they seem to come from a race that translates to ‘beings from outside’ so i guess they live outdoors, probably in deep forests” 


they nodded and gestured for me to continue 


“one interesting thing I noticed about them is that they somehow, say one word or not even say anything but somehow speak 50 words at once and in 10 different ways for each word, like if you compressed an entire day worth of talking into the word ‘hi’, it is strange but quite interesting. they also have a few abilities like making silk, that fog thingy, i quote ‘avatar creation’ no idea about that one, and they are shape shifters as Dogga listed their abilities and it was one of them… and when they entered the guild they manifested like a hundred eyes all over their body that locked onto me after looking around” i immediately regretted saying the last part.


mom froze, then her hair flared up as she grabbed dads shoulder and shook him with dizzying strength and speed screaming “We are gettin a gazillion grandchildren!!” 


dad said between shakes “ca-lm do-wn!” she calmed down a bit but only a bit and let him go.


i forgot how fertile shifters are, that mistake was on me.


“its not that easy mom, and we didn’t even met yet!”


She essentially teleported to a meter from me and grabbed my hand, guiding me to my room saying “we need to get you ready! you need to wear nice clothes! uhh-Sexy clothes-No! modest one! yes, show you are an innocent young maiden, they will fall for you in a heartbeat! let’s go!”


as she dragged me i looked to dad with pleading eyes but he just sighed, shook his head and waved to me, the betrayal! 



mom pestered me for 2 and half hours, but after some negotiating I ended up wearing normal clothes, a long necked and sleeved scarlet shirt, camo pants, and mercenary boots. Mom looked me up and down and gave a thumbs up saying “that will do, go get them! But not so fast hein!” then started laughing weirdly before saying in an exaggerated manner “may lady luck be on your side Sunny.


so i departed to what would change my life forever, for the better or worse.


But the first step outside the door was the heaviest, I felt a weight on my heart, and asked myself “what if they aren't the one?” But a worse question popped up “what if they are the one?” the latter was worse because what would I do if that was the case? Suddenly fall in love out of nowhere? Have a gazillion children like mom said? Or worse, have to do it only because we are each other missing whole? 


Nobody wants to be forced to spend their entire lives with someone they don't like, and I am not different. I want to find the right person, get to know them and go from there, maybe have a few children in the future if they are indeed the one, you know, normal stuff.


I took deep breaths to calm myself down, I was getting too agitated.


But it is like dad said, if they are the one then we will see what we can do, but if they aren't I only get new clothes and maybe a new friend.


I tried this with my friends, to see if they are the ones, even with Riza, but they were just good friends, I couldn't see them like love partners, yeah I would trust my back to them, but not to the level of sharing my whole being for hundreds of thousands of years with them.


So I took heavy steps towards the address of the shop.



as i walked the streets were as lively as ever, like nothing changed, it was strange, i felt they should be different, somehow, yet they aren’t, the warm sun on my skin was a strong contrast to the cold discomfort on my guts.


It didn't take long for me to arrive at the shop, but when I got there I was quite surprised because aunt Ma was getting out of it with their four oldest pups and all of them had new clothes.


We greeted each other and she promised to visit next week, but I quickly gave a goodby and didn't stall them anymore, her pups were going to clean their fur, serious stuff.


Turning to the shop, I looked inside, and as I expected, it had very little to nothing in it as they moved in today, it had four dressed mannequins, a few bags on the counter along a decent sized tea set, and that is it, but yet, when I stepped inside I could feel it was warm, welcoming and felt like home, I also felt a vague feeling like I was being praised for being at the right place and right time, which made me ask myself ‘what are those feelings?’ I could feel the world praising me, but why was it doing it? does us getting together mean something big is going to happen? us getting together have any significance? or these things are my imagination?


I of course immediately verified my mental and soul barriers, but they didn't even have a scratch and were strong as ever, I also didn't see or feel any lingering mental imprint floating about or coming from Scarlet.


I discreetly looked around for any ward, rune or even suspicious ambient mana, but still found nothing abnormal, just the standard building wards, there wasn't any obvious formation anchor either.


As I fixed my hair that fell on my face I secretly used magic to detect any pheromone or suspicious smells that might be affecting me but only found the smell of completely normal cupcakes and sweet tea.


Which confused me, obviously, Scarlet didn't use magic, pheromones, runes or formations, no soul or mental techniques, and specially no light trick as I am a light elemental and would have detected it on top of being immune to it, so what is going on??? Is the world really giving hints and littles pushes to us two? i was half disappointed that there was nothing fishy going on, should I be thinking like that?.


but i didn’t let anything show on the outside… i think. quickly getting to the counter and greeting them i said “hi, my name is Freya, your name is Scarlet Inanis, right? i saw you at the guild earlier… sooo, I heard you are selling clothes?”


a common and normal opening, nice work there.


but as i said it i could feel them looking at me, like, looking at me, the ME, but it didn’t feel intrusive or creepy, it was like they were looking at something worth exploring what it is.


they said with a smile i could feel through the fog “yeah, i am selling silk stuff, which includes clothes, belts, cloaks and simpler cloaks, hats and the like… i also saw you at the guild”


unfortunately my mouth was faster than my brain and i asked “when you saw me, did you feel anything? any hint, vague feeling like ‘i know that person?’, anything at all”


i could feel them raising an eyebrow as they said “how did you know? i did feel like something or someone gave me an obvious hint that i should know you and that you were someone important somehow, but outside that, i felt my instincts warn me that you are, ‘the one’ no idea what that means, and i kinda awakened recently so i ignored my silly instincts”


so they felt it too! but what now? i have to try acting normal, keep it cool and don’t freak out, but its easier said than done


‘did they fall in love? something made them fall in love? maybe feel some desire or attraction to me? but how i ask this? you can’t go to a person and ask ‘you want to fuck me?’. okay lets come up with a normal and casual question’


they took a sip from their tea and spoke calmly ”i did find you interesting, you hair seem to be natural but sometimes flow and acts like lava and sometimes you have a glow around your head like now, and there was that warning from my instincts, so you must be someone both interesting and important to me somehow, but love at first sight? not exactly. finding you attractive and interesting? maybe. you are asking because you felt something?”


i touched my hair and it was indeed warm. Today must be the ‘suck at poker face’ day, but I realized something. 


“did i say that outloud?” they said “uh-huh” FUCK, i triple checked my mental and soul barriers again as it can be the only explanation for how i am acting today, but found nothing abnormal, again.


they took a tea cup poured some tea on it and slid it on the counter towards me saying “drink it, it might help” 


i accepted it and took a sip calming down a bit “you could say that, my parents warned me that one day i would feel something when i met ‘the one’, my other side, the right partner, and… i think  it’s… you”


i took my eyes from the cup to see their reaction but surprisingly, they just took a sip from their tea, brought a hand to their chin and said “me? of all people? hmm, it might explain a few things, but even if that was the case, we could not be together until i verify if it is safe”


i probably sounded more sad than i expected “why? Is there some problem with me?”


they sighed “you? no. but me? a lot. you see, my kind is quite ‘special’, when dealing with my kind you can be prepared to have anything happen, mostly horrible things but sometimes good ones like gaining lost forbidden knowledge, but i do not want to erase you from existence by accident”


‘how would you do it by accident? scratch that! how would you do it on purpose?’


they continued “you said that out loud again. but my kind is… ‘different’ to say the least, accidents happen, various things can happen, like accidentally turning you into a giant brain with a thousand eyes and mouths”


again how do you do that on accident? like ‘achoo now you are a giant brain’?


Scarlet “ i probably am some anomaly for my kind but i am still one of them, so we might have children, which is really bad as more of my kind is a recipe for disaster, and my kind just so happen to be fertile with a upper F; there are instances of my kind impregnating mountains, forests, various different species, even cases where they had children with concepts such as primordial chaos or ancient darkness.”


i immediately said “wai wait wait! so you saying, that you can have children with concepts?”


they answered after a sip of tea as if it was the most mundane thing ever “primordial concepts, yes”


i started massaging my forehead, things were getting complicated.


but they continued, oblivious “so i can not risk putting my partner in danger, especially as my instincts are warning me that it is a very bad thing, nor risk having a thousand children that eat worlds for breakfast”


Mountains? forests? primordial chaos?!?! and they say it with the straightest face possible? 


‘heh, do i have to worry about my partner cheating on me with a mountain? maybe mom’s dream of having a gazillion grandchildren might not be impossible’


“you said that out loud again. But cheating? that is simply… impossible” they said as if testing the word impossible, but it sounded to be a fact for some reason, which didn’t stop me from having my face become red as a tomato.


they added with a hint of curiosity “i do not know if ‘impossible’ is the right word, but me, cheating on my partner? i am eternal, but i would rather forfeit my eternal life than cheat on them”


this sounded… nice? i mean… having a loyal partner that only had you in their eyes is every gal dream! But wait a moment, why are we discussing having children???


i quickly tried to change the subject before i made a blunder “i don’t know your kind but aren’t you guys just a rare species that lives in deep forests? you probably heard exaggerated tales from your elders, and as you guys didn’t have contact with the outside world you couldn’t verify them”


they were surprised for some reason but they quickly explained “deep forest? the ‘outside’ on my kind’s name does not refer to outdoors” i raised an eyebrow and asked “then what it is?” they answered with ” we normally live outside of the universes, sometimes outside realities” my jaw dropped to the floor, is that possible?! ”we are rare, and that is good, as my kind is known for 3 main things, doing outrageous things like erasing someone from all realities with a blink if they are a mature one of my kind, absolute extremes, such as absolute order or absolute chaos, and being absurdly evil, if one of my kind gets inside a universe you can say goodby to it and pray the universe will not suffer much, so if i have children i want to make sure they will not enslave the entire world at the age of 3”


world ending children was not something i expected to have to worry, like ever.


i must have made a stupid face as they laughed a bit, somehow making the sound of a running river, if the river was made of chaos instead of water, they quickly apologized “my bad for dropping this bomb on you, but do you see why i am quite surprised? of all people the one for you is me? i just awakened and technically only have the power of a infant of my kind despite being an adult but still, you can not take chances with my kind”


I asked after a pause “but you don’t seem like absolute evil? nor a threat, i can’t see you doing something like enslaving the world or even killing a Lizz for that matter, no offense but you seem to be full of silly thoughts, like if you can cook an egg on my hair” when i mentioned cooking an egg on my hair they froze, making me narrow my eyes and ask “you were thinking of exactly that?”


they quickly said “n-no?” they suck at lying, and that is good.


only now did i notice that my shoulders were tense because they relaxed a bit.


they continued “I was not always like… this. but as i was saying, i am an anomaly, but still one of them, so anything can happen, my saliva can make you melt from the insides, i might transmit some radiation that makes you crazy, my blood can birth monsters, anything can and is likely to happen, so i want to be safe even if nothing happened until now”


is that something i have to worry now? is it worth it? maybe we can make this work out? this question made me pause for a moment, with a comfortable silence between us.


but is things so bad? they mentioned rather outrageous things, but still seem like a down to earth kind of gal, someone who would make a good friend, maybe a few risks are okay? there are many powerful and wise people around, maybe we can find solutions to their worries? After all, look at how far our world came to.


after some sips of tea i felt some warmth in my heart, who wouldn’t? we are not even dating and they are worrying about me- their partner! yes! their future partner that might or might not be me!


my face became hot and i started to mess with my hair but they seemed to be only looking at me with amusement, making me even more embarrassed.


after some silence they suddenly asked a random question “so, what is a lizz? i heard is some kind of lizard”


i was quite…unprepared? for this question, at this point the serious air from moments ago almost vanished, i couldn’t help but find their train of thought somewhat funny and cute, i sighed in relief, finally something normal to talk about.


“Lizz? the cute chubby palm sized lizards? the ones with a light underbelly and a fat tail? how you not know them?”


they scratched the back of their head “well i was not born on this universe, and i was dropped here yesterday, which is the time i awakened, but i think i saw a few Lizz in the forest, we have them on my world but we call them ##### there, but do people really eat them?” they said a completely alien word but didn’t notice or care about it.


i took a sip from my tea “they eat, sometimes. what this awakening you mentioned a few times?”


they looked at their tea for a few moments, as if deciding something, then looked at me and said “i was not always like.. this, you know?” they gestured to themselves 

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