In One Piece with Gacha System

Chapter 23: Capitulo 21: The Bounty Hunters

They took and celebrated having a ship, so part of the supplies were used for a small party that lasted a few hours.

While they were cleaning up, there was something Oliver wanted to check.

He went to the hatch that should lead to the men's quarters.

It was a small room with plenty of hammocks, a wardrobe, some barrels, and a few sofas.

'Did Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper sleep here?' he wondered.

He was about to go check where the women's quarters were to compare them, but Luffy started shouting.

"I did it! Here's our flag!!" he yelled, proudly showing off a strange drawing. "Hahaha! It really took a lot of effort!"

"Is that… our flag?" Zoro asked, confused.

"So basically… he has no artistic talent," Usopp said, looking at Luffy's strange drawing.

"Actually, I'm not so sure… it could be a surrealist symbol," Nami said, trying to understand the drawing.

"Hey, at least he tried," Oliver said, looking at the flag. 'Was it really that horrible?'

"A pirate flag has to be a symbol of death... Well, I guess you could describe it as horrible," Zoro said, trying to find a positive side.

"So... what do you think?" Luffy asked with a smile.

"It sucks, Luffy! I'll draw it!!" Usopp said.

Usopp started drawing the flag, but this time with his own face on it.

"Don't change it," Luffy and Zoro said, hitting Usopp on the head.

Then Usopp redid it, this time following Luffy's design, and it turned out really well.

"Yes! It looks great!" Nami said happily, admiring the design.

"Since I was a kid, I created art on people's walls. Art and I are one," Usopp said, as his nose seemed to have grown.

Then they started painting the sail with the same Jolly Roger design.

"Alright!! Everything's ready!! The pirate ship Going Merry is complete!!" Luffy shouted, happy that everything was finally done.

The rest of the crew was resting when suddenly, a loud cannon blast was heard.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Zoro shouted.

"Practicing with the cannons since I saw they were working. But they don't fire very well," Luffy said, frustrated that he couldn't destroy a distant rock.

"Let me see that," Usopp said, approaching the cannon. "What do you want to shoot at?"

"That rock," Luffy told him.

Usopp looked at the target, adjusted the aim, and fired, hitting it dead on.

"Wow! You hit it in one shot!" Luffy said, impressed.

"I hit it in one shot!" Usopp said in disbelief but quickly composed himself. "See? Didn't I tell you? If you need accuracy, I'm your guy."

"It's decided. You're going to be our sniper!" Luffy said with a big smile, having found a great marksman.

Now they were all in the kitchen, relaxing for a moment to think about their next destination.

"Well, for starters, I think I'll accept that position, but if you can't control the ship, there'll be an instant change of captain," Usopp said in a threatening tone.

"Yeah, whatever," Luffy said, not paying attention. "I was thinking we need to fill another position before heading to the Grand Line."

"That's true. Now we have a good kitchen. I'd pay anything for it," Nami said.

"A vital and indispensable member for sailors," Zoro said, agreeing with Nami on what was needed.

"You're with me, right? It's exactly what a pirate ship needs," Luffy said with a smile. "A musician."

"You're an idiot!" Nami shouted at him.

"Why do you make it seem like you have a good idea and then come out with something stupid like that?" Zoro asked, sometimes not understanding him.

"That's true. We need a cook; it will be much more useful than a musician right now," Oliver said.

At that moment, a loud scream was heard outside, startling Usopp.


Luffy went to check, and there was the bounty hunter Johnny, destroying the ship's barrels.

"Hey!! Who the hell are you?!" Luffy shouted.

"You're asking me that?"

Johnny attacked Luffy, but he managed to dodge, though that caused a small part of the ship to be destroyed.

"I've taken the heads of many well-known pirates over the years, and you useless, unknown pirates… TRIED TO KILL MY NAKAMA!" he shouted again, trying to attack him.

Luffy jumped, grabbed him by the head, and slammed him against the ship, defeating him.

"I lost... just barely," Johnny said.

"What's wrong with you? I have no idea what your problem is," Luffy said, grabbing his hat, which had fallen off.

As the fight ended, everyone came out of the kitchen, where Zoro saw the swordsman.

"Huh? Is that Johnny?" he wondered, looking at him.

"ANIKI-ZORO?!!" Johnny shouted in surprise.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you with Yosaku?" Zoro asked.

Johnny started explaining how Yosaku suddenly fell ill.

"His teeth started falling out, and his old scars reopened and began to bleed. I just didn't know what to do. So I took him to an empty rock to rest... AND THEN A CANNONBALL FROM THIS SHIP FLEW OVER THERE...!!"

What Johnny said made Luffy and Usopp realize they were responsible.

"W-We're sorry!" both apologized deeply.

"What's done is done. Don't torture yourselves. If apologies solved everything, we wouldn't need the law," Johnny said.

"Finally, we got to the point where pirates would sometimes tremble at the name of Yosaku and Johnny. My nakama and I have been bounty hunters for years! Is he going to die, Aniki?" he asked, totally distressed.

"Are you guys idiots or what?" Nami said angrily.

"What's your problem, Nami?" Zoro asked, annoyed.

"I can't just sit here and let you ridicule my nakama's death," Johnny said, grabbing his sword.

"Luffy! Usopp! Do you remember where the lemons are in the kitchen? Squeeze the juice out and bring it here to give to Yosaku!" Nami ordered them, and they immediately ran off.

"Lemons?" Johnny asked, confused.

"It's scurvy," Nami told him.

Luffy and Usopp returned with the squeezed lemon and began giving it to Yosaku.

"If we haven't arrived too late, he'll be fine in a few days," she explained to Johnny while Usopp and Luffy practically drowned Yosaku with the lemon juice.

"R-Really, Aneki?!" Johnny asked, extremely happy.

"Don't call me that. In the past, this disease struck fear into sailors traveling the seas. It's simply a deficiency of plant-based nutrition. Old ships didn't have the ability to store fresh fruits and vegetables on long journeys," she explained, leaving many astonished.

"Wow, you're like a doctor," Luffy said, impressed by her knowledge.

"I knew that's what he had," Usopp said, puffing out his chest.

"You HAVE to know these things to sail the sea!! Without me, you'd all die!!" she shouted angrily at them for their ignorance.

Oliver remained silent to avoid Nami's scolding.

At that moment, Yosaku stood up and started jumping with his nakama.

"I'M BACK TO FULL HEALTH!!" Yosaku shouted.

"WOOOOOO, YOU DID IT, NAKAMA!!" Johnny shouted as well.

"YOU CAN'T RECOVER THAT FAST!!" Nami yelled, frustrated at the lack of common sense.

"Sorry for not introducing ourselves. I'm Johnny!"

"I'm Yosaku! We were bounty hunters with Aniki-Zoro! Nice to meet you all!!"

Both swordsmen introduced themselves to the crew.

"I don't know how to thank you. I thought I was going to die," Yosaku said.

"But it's almost as surprising as the fact that bounty hunter Zoro became a pirate," Johnny added.

At that moment, Yosaku coughed up blood and fell ill again, as he couldn't recover so quickly.

"Shut up and rest!!" Zoro scolded him.

"Let this be a lesson to you," Nami said, sitting on the stairs.

"This is the kind of thing we have to watch out for on a long journey," Zoro said, realizing the dangers.

"If we hadn't found him, he would have died, and what we need to maintain proper nutrition on a long voyage is a sea cook," Usopp said, lying down.

"When you think about it, it's a vital skill," Nami said, considering the implications.

"THEN LET'S FIND A COOK!! Besides, that means we'll eat incredible food on the ship!!" Luffy said, imagining all the delicious meals they could have.

"Aniki, Aniki!" Johnny said insistently, raising his hand.

"What is it, Johnny?" Zoro asked, noticing his persistence.

"If you're looking for a sea cook, then I know the perfect place. Getting him to join you will be another problem, but still..."

Johnny told them about a restaurant in the middle of the sea, about two or three days from their location. He also mentioned to Zoro that Hawkeye Mihawk sometimes showed up there, which got Zoro excited.



I'm letting you know that the winning story is Black Clover. Tomorrow I'll upload the first chapter and start writing the story.

I might be inactive for a week or two or so, since something is going on in my personal life.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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