In One Piece with Ancestral Spider System

Chapter 5: Cobweb Generator.

After “having fun” with Nami. She was once again alone on the farm since Nami had left. She had also already dressed in her blue blouse and black shorts.


Looking at the tangerines on her farm, she thought of making a good part of it become recycling points. ‘If I do that, I will end up with less money later.’ In the end, she shrugged.


Whatever happens, it will happen, she wanted to test the limit that could be reached with this system, and also to know what will happen when unlocking the spider's body. Although, she is a little doubtful about what would happen if she unlocked the Spider's Body. She ended up deciding to take a risk.

[Recycling Point +8]

She used it on eight tangerines in a row.


'Unlock Spider's Body.' Nojiko said in her mind.


A cold, robotic voice echoed in her mind again: [Host wants to use 10 Recycle Points and unlock Spider's Body?]


'Yes.' She mentally agreed.

[Unlocking Spider Body: 1% ... 5% ... 10% ... 100%!]



As if chains had been opened, a current of energy spread through her body, and Nojiko felt a slight sensation of pleasure when she felt this new type of force run through her body. All her feelings seemed to be being enhanced together, just as her strength was increasing.


Seconds later, everything had stopped. The good feeling, she felt was gone without warning. ‘Meh, but it's okay...’


Nojiko could say that she was now at least 5 times stronger than before. Her senses became more acute, even a few whispers she was able to hear coming from the village.


Calming down and sitting on the floor. She managed to get a view of her status, through the internal view.


Name: Nojiko.

Recycling Points: 0

Spider Body: Bronze 1/100

Spider-sense: Bronze 4/100

Cobweb Generator: Bronze 1/100 (Locked - 10 Recycle Points required to unlock)

Combat value: 120


‘Now a Cobweb Generator has appeared... and I was right, my strength has increased a lot.’ Seeing that the deal was real, Nojiko smiled with satisfaction.


Picking up a tangerine, she used to recycle.

[Recycling Point +0.1]

‘Why that? Before I was giving 1 point...’ Nojiko complained mentally. What she received was an awkward silence, with no response from the system.


'I must treat these first 10 points as a bonus that the system gave me, but is that the real value? Or maybe as I gain points, the value of the things I recycle will decrease?' She wondered and thought that all of these alternatives could be possible.


What would be worse, is the last one, since if it always decreases the number of points when using recycled, I will have serious problems in the future. Well, there's no point in thinking about it now. There are still a lot of tangerines, I'll use 100 of them and unlock the Cobweb Generator.’


Although she didn’t know if it would look like the Spider-Man movies and comics she saw in her past life, Nojiko was willing to try. If it were something so strong and resistant, it would be worth it.


Picking up a basket, she started picking the tangerines. At one point, she had already made a bunch with 100 tangerines.


‘Recycle.’ She said mentally.

[Recycling Point +10]

“It passed at 0.1. Whatever now I have the necessary points.” She murmured.


‘Unlock Cobweb Generator.’ Nojiko said in her mind.


A cold, robotic voice echoed in her mind again: [Host wants to use 10 Recycle Points and unlock Cobweb Generator?]


'Yes.' She mentally agreed.

[Unlocking Cobweb Generator: 5%... 20%... 100%!]

Nojiko closed her eyes while feeling the changes in her body. The process was fantastic, she felt her genetics changing. As well, a kind of silk fabric particle began to be produced in her body.


Opening her eyes, and just like in the comics and Spider-Man movies, she folded her two middle fingers and extended her arm.




Like Wolverine's claws, a small relief opened on her wrist and several small holes appeared and a silk cobweb emerged from them and stuck to the nearby tree.




Nojiko gave a cry. Not because it hurt, but because seeing several small holes formed in her wrist, it was a little scary. Although she expected something similar, it is not the same as seeing it happen.


Recovering from the fright she got. Nojiko took a deep breath and calmed down. That was another incredible thing. She managed to regain calm in a matter of seconds. 'Is this related to my spider instinct?' She wasn't sure.


The sky initially clear blue began to be taken by the darkness. Only now Nojiko noticed that he spent a lot of time on her farm.


Breathing a lot of fresh air. She thought, ‘This cobweb... I can't just leave it here. Well, I just need to roll it up, then throw it out, right?’


It was what she initially thought, but then, the silk threads that had left her body, started to come back, as if her previous thoughts were a command. Soon after the silk threads came back, the various little holes that formed on her wrist, closed as if they had never existed in the first place. It was magnificent!


‘Okay, although I'm excited to try these cobwebs further and that gave me a lot of ideas. I better get back.’ She told herself and started walking out of the tangerine farm.


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