Chapter 87: Chpater 87 : Itachi And Kisame 2 (Rewrite)
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Kirito knew that Itachi should be an undercover agent from Konoha here but he is not sure whether Itachi will kill the Konoha people or not. In the anime, he has not killed anyone. At most, he made Kakashi and Sasuke unconscious with his Genjutsu.
But currently, he needs to take care of Kisame first.
The shark-like-looking man has already completed his handprint and was ready to blast Kirito with a powerful water-style attack.
But Kirito already knew that Kisame is a water-style shinobi and he naturally has a way to handle the water jutsu.
Kirito releases his Adamantine chain on seeing the massive wave coming towards him and uses the chain as feet like how Spiderman does in Avengers or how Doctor Octopus does in Spider movie.
Kirito always wanted to do and show off. And today he finally has a chance to do so. Kirito in their past life was a great fan of Marvel and always wanted to use some of those powers.
Kisame saw this and was a little surprised but did not see any particular reaction to this which Kirito was expecting.
Kirito frown. "I was at least expecting a little more reaction out of this shark man here" Kirito muttered to himself.
But Kakashi, Asuma and Kurenai were more surprised by Kirito's move. Not that he was imitating Spider-Man but the fact that Kirito could use the Adamantine Chakra Chains.
They all have seen Kushina Uzumaki using this chain in the past and knew how powerful they are.
But again they did not have time to fuss about this here and immediately started working focusing on the fight.
Kisame did not stop the attack and took out his sword and charged towards Kirito.
For Kirito this is not a problem at all. He might not be able to dodge a widespread attack like a water wave but avoiding a sword swing with his speed is no problem at all.
So Kirito easily dodges the upcoming attack and forms a Rasengan in his hand and slams the Rasengan into Kisame's body.
This time he was not holding back and the power of the Rasengan was enough to send Kisame flying back.
This Rasengan was not the Rasengan Shuriken but still, the wind nature chakra was infused in it. The power was much better than any Rasengan out there.
This time Kisame was injured but Kirito saw that he started healing thanks to his sword.
"Dude that cheating" Kirito mutter in a low voice.
On the other both Asuma and Kurenai was beaten by Itachi with his Genjutsu. And only Kakashi was left. Asuma and Kurenai was not fallen in the Tsukuyomi. But was defeated by a normal genjutsu.
"Maybe in the canon, he did not attack too much because he knew that Naruto is not in the village and it was pointless to fight with Konoha Jonin" Kirito thought.
He was thinking about going and giving Itachi a hand but at this time a toad directly falls on top of the healing Kisame.
"This" Kirito saw this and thought.
"Of course, Jiraiya is in the village currently" He remembered.
The next moment, Jiraiya directly appear on top of the same toad with a pup of smoke.
"Hahaha, All behold the glory of the sage of Mount Myaboku," Jiraiya said in doing his normal dancing pose which he always used to do in the anime.
Honestly, out of all the things which Kirito have seen here. Jiraiya's character is the most like his anime counterpart.
Itachi saw this and was ready to help Kisame but then then he saw Kisame coming out from the water on the other side.
"We cannot handle this many people alone. We better get going" Itachi said and Kisame also nodded watching Jiraiya, Kakashi and finally Kirito.
Other Jonin tried to stop them but it did not matter. When Kisame and Itachi wanted to escape, not even Jiraiya was able to stop them in the anime.
This time Kakashi suddenly fall on the ground and everyone was surprised.
Kirito to did not have any idea what happen but when he scan with his Mind Eye Of The Kagura technique. He found out that Kakashi was unconscious and understood what might have happened to him.
"That Itachi was able to cast his Tsukuyomi technique while running away from us" Kirito thought and internally shudder.
"Sure enough, the genius of Uchiha is not someone who can be taken lightly," Jiraiya said, also understanding the situation here.
Later on, Kirito and Jiraiya with the help of Guy came later on to help. Bought Kurenai, Asuma and Kakashi to the hospital.
"Why you are the one who is carrying Kurenai" Jiraiya complained.
"Because you are a pervert and Kurenai is the only person who I can carry. Others are too heavy" Kirito also said.
Jiraiya was carrying Asuma. He was the heaviest person there. Guy was carrying his eternal rival and Kirito ended up carrying Kurenai.
And thanks to that also enjoy some very nice pairs of breasts too. Jiraiya was crying tears of blood after seeing this.
After dropping all the fallen comrade to the hospital Kirito wanted to leave but Jiraiya did not let him go.
"Wait a minute I have something to tell you," said Jiraiya.
"What it is" Kirito ask narrowing his eyes.
"Well, I have a mission for you to do. You might be the best person currently for this" Jiraiya said.
"Hmm, what mission" Kirito also ask and was already getting a bad feeling in his heart after hearing about a mission from Jiraiya at this time.
And drag him to the Hokage office.
"Why are we going to the Hokage Office," Kirito ask mid-way but there was no answer.
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