Chapter 115: Chapter 115 : Konoha Scum (Rewrite)
Currently, Umai and Me was the only one travelling back to Uzu. Our other comrade went back on the very first day after coming to Konoha. The reason is to give this a first impression of what Konoha's attitude is about the current situation of Uzu and what exactly they can expect from Konoha.
Good thing we did that because we needed to prepare. Hell, I even went as far as to secretly tell the land leader to assume the worst if one of us did not come back right after reaching Konoha.
Currently, there were around 20 Ninjas following us. They will definitely not going to engage us until we are not outside the land of fire.
Apparently, it seems like my little show in the Hokages office made Danzo warry of me and he ended up sending 20 of his elite Anbu.
"There is Anbu following us. There are around 20, not all of them are Jonin but we are dealing with at least 16 high chunin level shinobi, 3 low Jonin level shinobi and one high Jonin" I said looking at Umai.
"What, how do you know that" Umai looked at me and asked.
"I can sense them" I just said that and Umai understood what I meant.
"You are able to sense them from his long distance" Umai looked at me with wide eyes.
"Yeah, my range is pretty big and recently I have a feeling that it has improved. But I can't say without actually trying" I said and he looked even more surprised.
About this, even I am surprised a little. I have no idea how my sensing range increased by itself when I was not even training in it.
Maybe it has something to do with my Template Progress. Possible.
"Listen you go ahead and I will catch up with you" I said to Umai.
"What you got to be joking. I am not leaving you here." Umai said.
"Hey, I got this. I know how to handle those shinobi, believe me.
Remember what the clan leader told you, I am not just a normal kid with a hero complex." I said rolling my eyes.
"Hero complex, I don't remember you saving me from those boring meetings before. You in fact ran away" Umai thought but did not say anything to me.
"Okay but make sure that you run away the moment you get the chance. And don't make me regret this decision kid" He said and started to move ahead. I slowed down.
"Well, I don't necessarily intend to run away. What I want is to fight a little." I mutter to myself and turn back.
"Time to set the stage before the big fight happens. I also want to test out all those tricks I learned with Mito and Fuinjutsu traps" I mutter with a wide smile on my face.
So by the time, those Anbu from Konoha reach me. I set all possible traps to welcome them.
It did not take more than 10 minutes for them to come anyway. But 10 minutes for me was more than enough.
"Maybe I ask why you guys are following me," I ask with a jolly tone.
There was no answer, they went ahead to attack me. I have no idea why they can't take out few seconds to even talk with me but fine.
The moment they arrive near me. I activated the seal I placed in the entire place. It was a barrier which I learned from Mito. Practically trapping them inside the barrier with me.
Requires clones to set up and is pretty strong but consumes very little chakra.
"I was thinking at least I will know your names before I kill you but it's fine. Not like I care about you Konoha scum anyway" I said with a smirk.
None of the 20 Shinobi looked even a little bit affected by my proclamation that I knew that they were from Konoha. Just like a good shinobi should be.
But internally they panic and I could sense that.
"Kill him" That might be the only thing I heard and ever going to hear from one of those Anbu.
And the moment this sound was heard. They rush towards me. I just smiled from where I was standing.
If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to
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