Chapter 107: Chapter 107 : Uzu In Trouble (Rewrite)
Kirito had no idea why the clan leader was looking for him. It was pretty late to call him over and he was not having a good feeling about this.
When Kirito finally entered the office of Ashina Uzumaki. There were already a few people there including Ashina. Kashin was also there.
"So you are finally here," Said Ashina the moment Kirito entered the office room.
"I suppose I am here. Still not sure why though" Kirito said in a little sarcastically. He was mostly irritated by the weird timing that this Uzumaki clan leader had called him to his office.
"Well, you are here because you are involved in the conversation which I am going to tell everyone," Ashina said.
Kirito now started to have some idea of what this conversation could be. But he did not think too much about it and waited for the Clan Leader to talk.
"As for you all who has not known this information, let me explain," Ashina said and paused so other gave him attention.
After he made sure that he had the attention of all the people in the room. He started once again.
"Kirito here informed me on his arrival that there is an invasion plot happening against the Uzumaki clan in the future". The moment these words left Ashina's mouth. The entire office was in an uproar.
Kirito is not contributing. It is not his place to confirm his information. He just let the clan head handle it.
"Quite down. This is important so listen" Ashina shouted.
"How credible is this information? Why are you sure that this boy here is not lying to us" One of the elders who's name is Kirito doesn't know and doesn't bother knowing either asked in a heated voice.
"I know this is a big claim and I was too sceptical about this too but believe me this is real. Otherwise, I would not have called all of you out here and talked with you about his topic here" Ashina was very apparent about this.
This brought absolute silence in the office and most of the people present there were either watching Ashina or Kirito at this time.
"The moment I learn about this from Kirito and believe me, he has a good reliable source to claim this as well, I can assure you that. I immediately started gathering information on a possible attack on Uzu. It's just yesterday that I asked for this information and within one day, I got the information.
Mist, Rock and Cloud are heavily mobilizing their armies right now and even have started regular marches in the sea area near our borders." Ashina said.
"One minute, you are telling me that 3 of the 5 major villages are going to attack us together," Kashin asked.
Kashin already had some idea that the clan was in danger but not this much. Now even he was worried.
"Did you ask for Konoha's help" That was the next thing which came to everyone's mind.
"Well about that. According to Kirito, Konoha's upper management might be responsible or at least involved in this invasion" Ashina drops the next big bomb.
"What". Pretty much everyone shouted next.
"Look, I don't have any confirmation about this let alone proof but for the time being, we will consider what Kirito is telling because his previous intel was on the mark," Ashina said. He already knew that what Kirito told him was the truth but he can't explain this to the other elders and members.
The reason is that he can't share that Kirito is from the future.
"So what are we gonna do," Kashin asked.
"Well, for the time being, I think we should ask for Konoha's help." Some of the elders said.
"Without proof, we can't just assume that Konoha will not help us. Not to mention, we are an old alliance here. They will definitely come forward in our time of need right" other elders said.
Ashina was not telling anything and let others talk and give their ideas to the table. That is a sign of a good leader.
"Okay, I too agree that we should ask for Konoha's help. Even there is a possibility that they won't help us. It's worth a shot." Ashina said others agreed including Kirito.
"Well, it's worth a shot. It's not like I am actually 100 per cent sure that Konoha is behind the attack on Uzu anyway. What I told to Uzumaki Clan Head was just my hypothesis and I was pretty apparent about it" Kirito thought.
"But I don't understand how my presence here was necessary. They could have let me sleep while they took this boring meeting" Kirito muttered to himself.
"Kirito, I will be sending a team to Konoha to ask for their help. I would like you to go with them" Ashina said.
This finally pops Kirito's bubble about spending his vacation entirely on learning Fuinjutsu and finding a way back home.
"Me, are you sure," Kirito asked. Even another elder besides Kashin was sceptical about this.
"Yes, you are the source of this information and considering how you get that. You are also the best candidate to go to Konoha and see whether this is true or not." Ashina said.
"Shit, there goes my peaceful vacation," Kirito thought to himself.
"And what do I get" That is what Kirito wanted to question but he held himself back.
"Okay but as you already know I have a plan to learn Fuinjutsu from Kashin Sama here. What about that" Kirito asked hoping that this small hindrance would give him a way out.
"Don't worry about that. There is an even better master of Fuinjutsu currently living in Konoha. And on my request, she might even be willing to teach you" Ashina said.
"You mean Mito Sama" Kirito said with raised eyes.
Ashina just smirked and changed to topic.
"Anyways, the team will be leaving for Konoha in a few days. For the time being, I will let my granddaughter show you the basic Uzumaki seals. She will sort you out tomorrow on her own so for the time being you can go" Ashina said. This time it looks like he is plotting something.
Kirito was sure that there was more important information which Ashina wanted to talk about but couldn't talk in front of him there so Ashina sent him out.
Kirito did not think too much about this and directly went out. Not like he can change anything about this situation anyway.
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