Chapter 105: Chapter 105 : Talking To The Clan Head (Rewrite)
Immediately after getting a hold of the situation, Kirito was summoned by the clan head of the Uzumaki clan.
"So what did you say your name was, young man" Ashina Uzumaki was a stern-looking man but Kirito could feel that currently, Ashina was trying to scare him. Maybe to get more information about him or to test him.
"I am Kirito, Kirito Namikaze" Kirito replied, making sure that he kept eye contact at all times. He can't let the old man scare him.
"And why are you here Kirito Namikaze" Ashina said after seeing that his intimating strategy not working.
Ashina was the direct decedent of another Ashina Uzumaki who was alive in the Hashirama and Madara Era. Ashina was much older and died much earlier than both Madara and Hashirama. Kirito heard that the current clan head was given his name to remember him by the clan.
"I am looking for a way back home and to do that, I need to learn Fuinjutsu" Kirito said.
It's not like he does not know Fuinjutsu but he is nowhere as proficient in this art as the Uzumaki were.
Not to mention, the reason he is in this situation is because of the Uzumaki seals.
"Kashin told me about you. It's really hard to believe but now when I see you, I can also feel the Uzumaki blood inside you. But it's hard to believe that you came here by travelling time" said Ashina.
But then both of them did not say anything for a while. Both play the waiting game and see who talks first.
"These old guys are sure irritating." Kirito internally thought.
"So, can I get permission to learn about Uzumaki Sealing Arts now please," Kirito asked.
"Hmm that's, why it is that you being a Uzumaki that you have no idea about sealing" Ashina asked.
"It's not like I don't know sealing. I did not just mess up with that ancient Uzumaki seal and come here on a wimp. I might not be as good as a Uzumaki Fuinjutsu master but I know my way around seals." Kirito said.
"So how come your hair is blond and not red," Ashina asked.
"My father had blonde hair. And as you can guess. His name was Namikaze" Kirito was getting bored with his talk but he had to nonetheless.
"And your mother. Who is she" Ashina asked.
"I am not sure whether I should tell that considering how the future will change" Kirito said.
"I am pretty sure that the future will change if you are here no matter what" Ashina replied.
"Well true." Kirito agreed but was still not sure whether he should tell about the future to Ashina or not. It's not like he can't stay here without telling them that they will be attacked soon. He needs them to go back home and thus changing the future is almost inevitable.
"Well my mother's name is Kushina Uzumaki and my Father's name is Minato Namikaze. I was born around 20 years from now on in Konoha" Kirito said.
"Humm this makes some sense. We are currently planning to send a new host for the Jinchuriki to Konoha. If I am not wrong then Kushina is under consideration in this list." Ashina thinks to himself.
"And what about the Uzumaki clan? How is my clan fairing? You must know about them considering your mother and the fact that you came here through an Uzumaki Fuinjutsu array place here in Uzushiogakure." Ashina said.
"Well, that is not a good story," Kirito said and sighed.
Ashina narrowed his eyes and demanded answers now. By the response Kirito gave him, this is definitely something bad.
"The Uzumaki clan is destroyed" Kirito said to Ashina.
This brought an absolute silence in the room. Not like there was anyone else in the room besides them two in the first place.
For some time neither of the two spoke anything but then.
"What? What do you mean destroyed" asked Ashina in a dangerously low grounding voice.
Kirito just sighed because he knew that this matter was going to take some time.
"I mean destroyed, you heard right. Before my birth, the Uzumaki clan was destroyed. I heard that this happened in the second Shinobi War. Almost just when my mother was sent to Konoha. Three villages combined their might to lay siege on the Uzushiogakure. Iwa, Cloud and Mist." Kirito said and waited for Ashina's response.
"Boy, do you understand what are you talking about here right," Ashina asked him again.
"I know what I am talking about. In the future from where I have come from. Uzushiokagure is completely destroyed and only a few shattered people of Uzumaki remain. In fact, I only have seen 2 other Uzumaki beside me in my entire life. That being my twin brother and another Uzumaki survivor whose mother escaped the destruction of Uzu and was captured by some other village. This particular Uzumaki girl was able to heal others with her blood and her daughter also inherited that power." Kirito told him the entire thing. He did not talk about Nagato because he didn't want to explain how he knew him.
Ashina did not know what to say right now. But then suddenly something clicks inside his mind.
"And what about your mother? You never met her" Ashina asked.
"She too died just after giving birth to me with my father in the Nine-Tails attack which will happen in the village," said Naruto
Ashina did not say anything more.
He now just wanted to listen to Kirito about everything he knew about the future. This might help him save his clan if what Kirito was saying had any truth.
Thus this leads Kirito to tell the entire history of the Shinobi world from his Uzumaki clan's fall to his coming here.
By the end of the story, it was already too late.
"Konoha did not even come to save us." Ashina cursed inside.
"You should not believe in Konoha. I am a Konoha shinobi too and know how shady things are in the village especially after Hiruzen became the Hokage." Kirito said.
"Anything more which could help us," asked Ashina.
"There is not much but I can say that it's not just the three villages who are involved in the upcoming attack in Uzu. There is a possibility that Hokage especially Danzo is making this happen behind the shadows. Don't believe them." Kirito said and Ashina nodded.
"Now that you know everything you need to know. Can you help me learn Uzumaki Fuinjutsu so I can go back home" Kirito asked.
Ashina thought about it and then nodded.
"If the information you gave us is true then I with the entire Uzumaki clan am indebted to you. I will help with everything you can within our power. Currently, there are 2 Master level Fuinjutsu users in the clan. Kashin is one of them. If you want to learn then ask him. He will train you. Feel free to stay here as long as you want" Ashina said and took his leave.
Kirito keeps thinking about this. "Is it okay to change the past like this ?"
But he did not think about this too much. He to directly went to his room assigned by the clan head to get some rest.
It's only 1 day since he came here and he already started to have a headache about how he will be changing the future or how he gonna get back home.
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