Chapter 102: Chapter 102 : Welcome To Uzushiogakure (Rewrite)
Kirito was not having a good time. After he falls unconscious after entering into that Fuinjutsu sealing array, he doesn't even remember what happened next.
It was only 2 hours ago that he came back to his consciousness. But unlike any other person. He did not directly open his eyes. He first extended his senses and tried to understand what was going on around him.
Thanks to his Hyper Focus technique he was able to perceive things around him pretty well even with his eyes closed but this time around his senses are not working that well. Maybe because he is still suffering from Chakra exhaustion.
So he ended up pretending that he was still unconscious. The reason was the voices he was hearing around him. There were many people around him when he woke up.
But even after 2 hours, his senses were not working right and he was not able to comprehend what was going on around him.
So he finally decided to open his eyes and check his situation on his own. The moment he opened his eyes. There was an old man sitting right in front of him.
"Shit, I did not even sense him being right next to me" unconsciously Kirito mutters.
"Forget about sensing him. I did not even hear him when he was sitting right next to me. Whats going on with my senses" This time Kirito thought to himself immediately calming himself. Thing more rationally. But still internally surprised and agitated.
"Calm down. Your sense is currently dull but it's not entirely their fault that you did not sense me here. I too have been concealing my presence." Said the old man sitting right in front of Kirito.
"You knew that I was awake," Kirito asked.
"Yes, it's a really good quality for a ninja, to observe first before making a move." Said the old man.
The old man was wearing a traditional rope and had white hair. Kirito had no idea who this person was. None of the episodes from Naruto mentions this guy in front of him.
But he was feeling a very familiar feeling from this old man in front of him.
"If you knew that I was awake then why not point it out directly? Why waste your own time here, sitting and waiting for me to open my eyes on my own" Kirito asked.
"When you are my age you will realise that waiting for things just became that much easier and rewarding. Life just teaches you to be patient as you grow old." said the old man and his Kirito had an intense urge to roll his eyes but he kept them fixed on the old man in front of him.
"Sounds very nice. But I am afraid that I don't have time to wait here. Where I am and who are you" Kirito finally asked.
From the moment he woke up, he was trying to sense his markers around the world and was completely unsuccessful. Now there is a possibility that this is happening because his senses not working correctly but now after gaining some of his sensing capability back, he tried again and still, he could not sense his markers.
So right now the only way for him to get information about his location and his situation is the old man sitting in front of him.
"You youngsters are impatient as always," said the old man and sighed.
"Well for your question. I am Kashin. Uzumaki Kashin and you are still in the Uzushiokagure." said the old man with a narrow eye like knowing something. Kirito was having a hard time believing this.
"You are telling me that we are in Uzushiokagure right now," Kirito asked again. Trying to pressure the old man to tell the truth.
"Yes, we both are standing in the lands of Whirlpool right now. The home of the Uzumaki clan" said the old man with pride in his voice.
Faking that kind of expression is hard but still, Kirito was not believing him. Uzushiogakure has been long destroyed to ruins. If there was a place really left intact in the lands then others would have noticed it right?
"Although maybe for you, we do not exist" asked the old man with narrowed eyes even further.
This even further confused Kirito.
"What are you talking about" Kirito asks him.
"Hmm, you have a Konoha headband with you. Are you a Konoha Ninja" ask Kashin.
Kirito did not know whether he should give this information to Kashin considering that there is a possibility that because of Konoha the Uzumaki clan was destroyed. At least indirectly and there is a possibility that this old man in front of him might hold grudges against Konoha.
But after sensing that he does not have any hostility towards himself. Kirito finally nodded to Kashin's question.
"I see, and what years do you think is currently," Kashin asked Kirito.
This made Kirito narrow his eyes. Maybe a normal person might react like this question is completely pointless but not Kirito.
He knew time travel was possible in the Naruto universe and now this old Uzumaki elder is asking him this question.
He gulped and said "What are you talking about. Tell me clearly" asked Kirito.
The old man just smiled and stood up.
He motioned Kirito to follow him and went outside the door.
This made Kirito's bad premonition even more strong. So he quickly stood up and followed Kashin.
While walking out of his room, he also found many other people there and all of them had red hairs.
This made his heart sink even more. If his common sense is telling him right then he should not be asking where he is.
He already knows the answer to that. But rather he should be asking when he is.
Soon the old man took him outside on a balcony and pointed towards the village outside the building where both of them were standing.
"Welcome to Uzushiogakure. The home of the Uzumaki clan. And about my question earlier. According to Konoha years. We are in the 49th year of Konoha" Kashin said with a smile.
While Kashin's smile was at his all-time high. Kirito's heart which was hanging from a threat finally collapsed.
"I am almost 30 years in the past" Kirito mutters to himself. Still not believing what Kashin told him but he did believe his senses and he was sensing a chakra signature similar to Karin there.
"SHIT" that is the only thing Kirito said out loud after understanding his own situation.
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