In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 9 Rescue Part 1

Chapter 9 Rescue Part 1

It was night, around 1:30 when I stepped out of the mist gate into an alley near the building Brittany and her brother were being held in. I looked around to confirm no cameras and nobody watching before making my way down the alley to the building. I turned invisible after I closed the gate since I didn't want any innocent bystanders to see me.

Eventually, I see the building across a parking lot. I also see a fancy car outside. Looks really expensive. This implies this place makes a lot more money than on the surface though... Unsanitary means. That, or a client has come to talk to them... In the middle of the night. Very suspicious.

After walking through the parking lot, I eventually made my way to the building. I had gone inside through a side door before, but this time, I had a different idea. I was already invisible, but I also used [RivetStab] on my fingers, and had them dig into the wall. They weren't as strong as I would like, but they were able to pull me up. Like a spider, I pulled myself up to the roof. The building in the front was an office building but also had a built-in warehouse in the back. Brittany was near the top of the main building. She wasn't at the top, or the top floor, but in what looks like a twenty-floor building, it looked like she was on the 17-18th floor. So I would have to go through multiple floors of probably armed men to get up there. But the joke's on them since I can do this. I finish scaling up the wall of the warehouse section and run across the roof toward the main office building. In preparation for what I know is most likely to come next, I give the system an order.

'System, the telepath from earlier is probably going to try again. Run analysis on its effects with whatever processing power isn't being used to block them.'


Almost immediately after, I get a notification of a telepath probing my defenses. I know it's a race against time, so I run faster. I reach the wall and use [RivetStab] again to start climbing the office building. I speed up the wall using the extensions of my fingers to dig into the concrete and pull myself up. I can feel the telepath in my mind even without the system's warnings thanks to [ConsciousnessControl]. The system told me that the telepath was actively trying to read me now. I reached outside the floor where Brittany was and broke onto the floor through the glass. It was stronger than I thought it would be, but companies these days make windows a lot stronger to avoid accidents caused by idiots.

I pulled myself inside and immediately looked around. There was no one in this room so I ran to the door and opened it, sprinting down the hall towards Brittany. I knew that the odds were small that the telepath would have already been there. But the odds weren't zero. Then there was the fact that the telepath might have guessed where I was going. And the telepath might not only be able to read minds but could also project thoughts. So there's a possibility she told everyone in the building where I was headed. Assuming she could sense my general location with her powers of course. The possibility exists. I am partly cursing my bad luck, but also glad at my fortune for finding such a power. I can steal it for myself after I rescue Brittany and her brother.

I run down the hallway but after turning a corner I see three guards outside her room. I turned off my invisibility because I wanted to make sure of their intentions. They pull out their guns the moment they see me, confirming their intentions are hostile. But I don't give them the opportunity and open fire immediately with the two pistols I had found at my warehouse. I was using them because I didn't want to use too many powers. Partly because I wanted to hide what I could do, but also because I wanted to practice without them. I shot them multiple times until they were immobile, then I shot each in the head. Only after that did I kick the door in on the room where Brittany was.

I looked in and I saw Brittany tied to a pipe and gagged with a cloth. I stepped inside and looked to my left to make sure there wasn't anyone, but a gunshot to my side knocked me over. I looked up and saw a big angry Russian-looking guy with a buzz cut ready to unload more lead. He was hiding in the dark behind the door. I dropped my guns, but I didn't waste any time and used [Telekinesis] to push his gun away and push him to the floor. I grab my guns off the floor, aim at him, and fire.

After five rounds he stops moving. He's either dead or unconscious. I don't care either way. I look back at Brittany who is shocked at what just happened. I can feel the telepath making progress on my shields, so I waste no time. I pull out the concealed knife and head towards Brittany. She screams into her gag while leaning away from me, probably thinking I'm going to hurt her.

"Calm down, I'm just cutting your bindings,"

I said as calmly as I could. She just nodded and closed her eyes as I did. After I finished, I could hear men running down the hall to the room we were in. I looked around one last time to see if I had missed anything. But it was just Brittany and the one guard. Wait, my pistols. I then leaned down to grab them off the floor and put them back on my belt. Then I pulled her onto her feet, opened a mist gate, and tried to pull her through.

"W-wait, what are you-" She asked in fright at seeing the black portal appear.

"No time to explain!" I said as I dragged her through.


We stepped into the in-between warehouse I use for teleporting between locations. She looked around in shock and also looked slightly sick. Teleporting feels weird. Like being weightless and also feeling like gravity is increased at the same time. As I loosened my grip to close the portal, she tried to break free and run away.

"Brittany, stop! It's me!" I said.

She stopped and looked at me with a confused look of both fear and confusion. I took off my helmet and showed her my face.

"A-Axel? W-what happened? Why are you here?" She said in confusion.

"No time to explain everything, so listen. I'm a mutant as I told you before. I can sense powers and teleport. I can also do a few other things, but that's not important right now. I heard that you were kidnapped, and did my best to find you. It took me all day, but I found you. I also heard they kidnapped your brother too. Tell me if he was kidnapped, tell me about who kidnapped you, and any other details that could help." I said in a rush. She just looked shocked for a moment before she spoke.

"U-um, yeah, I was kidnapped and so was my brother. I don't know how but they figured out I was a mutant, but they kidnapped my brother as a hostage to make me do what they said. Please, you need to save my brother!" She practically cried.

"You need to tell me everything about your kidnappers. I know for a fact one of them is also a mutant, so tell me if there are others. Leave out no details." I said urgently.

"T-there was a guy, I overheard a guy mentioning a fire mutant, I think." She said.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. There was this girl. She was... Off. Like she knew what I was thinking." She said with a dazed expression.

"I already told you I can sense people's powers. That's how I met you in the first place. Also partly how I found you now. But while I was rescuing you I could also sense that there was someone with powers like yours, but different. I could feel a direct attack on my mind. Trying to listen to my thoughts. Is she the person doing it? What does she look like?" I asked urgently.

"Wait, she can read minds?! W-what are you going to do?" She asks in a panicked tone.


"Ah! Sorry! Um, she had silver hair, bright blue eyes, she was wearing... Crap! I can't remember! She didn't wear any glasses, but... She seemed to hate the others..." She trailed off.

"Brittany! Again, focus!" I yelled at her to break her out of her trance.

"Y-yes?" She asked with a squeak.

"What do you mean she hated the others?" I asked.

"Just like I said, she didn't seem to like the other kidnappers at all." She said.

"What did she do when you saw her?" I asked.

"She asked me a lot of questions, mostly about if I had seen any other mutants." She said. But she looked like she had just realized something.

"She knew! She knew about you!" She said shocked.

"Yes. I figured. She can read minds after all. Now, do you know where they took your brother?" I asked.

"No... I was blindfolded and couldn't see. But they said if I didn't cooperate they'd hurt him." She answered.

"Alright... I think that's everything I need to know. I'm going back. Stay here until I come back. If I don't come back in an hour, I'm probably dead." I said. I put my helmet back on and got another magazine and loaded them into my pistols.

"Wait. Are my parents fine? They got hurt when we were taken." She asked with worry.

"They are in the hospital from what I heard. They should be fine, but I don't know for sure."

Brittany just nodded with a worried look on her face before speaking again.

"Please save him." She said with worry.

I just nodded and stepped through the portal.


I stepped out into one of the hallways and immediately saw two more people with guns. They had their guns aimed at me already because they saw the portal open before I stepped through. I activated my [Telekinesis] ability to push their guns out of their hands. I needed to make sure that the bullets didn't go through the still-open portal. While they couldn't shoot me, my shots hit them. They screamed in pain, but I just shot again. Aiming for the head this time.

After they were dead, I stepped over them as I closed the portal. Wait... I was going to question them! Crap! But as if willed into existence by that thought, five more people show up. The one in the front raises his arms and signals the four behind him to wait. He smiles and speaks.

"You must be pretty strong to get this far. But you won't get past me!" He says before his fists are covered with fire. Must be the guy Brittany heard about. He's not the guy who I placed the marker on though. He seems to be on the ground floor. I just scoff before answering.

"Get past you? You say that as if I even consider you a threat." I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

He has an 'I'll kill you for that!' face as I say that, and he punches at me as a huge fireball shoots down the hallway at me. I just ignore it and it whooses past. I made the suit heat resistant, and I have minor heat resistance thanks to [ExplosiveBlast]. After the flames disappear and the smoke clears, I'm still standing untouched. He has a shocked look, but I don't give him any time. I push myself and use my telekinesis power at its max and fling all five of them into the ceiling. A few of their guns go off accidentally, and one of them accidentally shoots another guy in the leg. After they fall to the floor in a heap I shoot them. I could probably use [LaserFingers]. But it would take a lot of energy and I need to conserve it, and I don't need the telepath knowing more of what I can do. Also if the bodies of the prisoners I killed are found, they might find the same types of wounds if I used that power on these guys. Although if they found them, it's been two months now. They would be heavily decomposed.

I shot every one of the others dead, but I left the one with the flame hands alive, only shooting his legs. He screams in pain, but being the big tough guy he is, he stops after a few moments. Not wanting to waste any more time, I use [Truth] on him and ask him,

"Where is the boy that was kidnapped with the girl?" I ask.

"D-down stairs in the basement." He said through the pain. He was lucid enough to look shocked at what he said though. I ask him a few more details before I put my hand on his forehead and use [AllForOne] on him to steal his ability. I then use [Overhaul] on him to erase his whole body. I don't want to leave any evidence of my ability to steal powers behind.

{Power stolen}


{Power analyzed. [FlameFist] X-gene added.}

I didn't smile as I saw the notification. I had to kill eight people tonight so far, and I didn't believe that the night would end with only that much.

I ran down the stairwell and made my way to the ground floor. I predicted that there would be men stationed behind the door to shoot me, so I used [Telekinesis] to create a barrier around me. I had practiced for a while to make it. After I put it up, I push the door open and am immediately attacked by gunfire. I waste no time and shoot the two and they drop to the floor. I again step over them leaving no survivors. I have been using [Scanning] this entire time and have only gotten a response from that Flame Fist guy. But I don't need it to know there's one in the next room.

I can sense the mutant that I had previously placed a marker on in the street behind the door. There's a chance they were kidnapped, but also there's a chance they weren't. Deciding that I'm going to risk it I open the door. As I do, I see a mutant among three others. He has blonde hair and looks like he works out, but he also looks angry. Likely because I probably killed one of his friends earlier. He raises his hands at me, but I step forward and to the side behind a concrete pillar and see a bright purple laser shoot past me and hit the door where I was previously standing, blowing a hole through it. He shoots again at the pillar where I'm hiding behind, but it doesn't go through.

"Hiding huh? You coward! You came in here and don't even have the nerve to fight me!" He said in a tone that promised vengeance.

But unfortunately, his vengeance wouldn't arrive.

I panic as I think about what to do. I'm pinned behind the pillar and can't hit him without being shot. After thinking about it, I realize there is something I can do. I reach down and pick a grenade from a pouch on my belt. I pull the pin and handle and throw it at them. I hear them scream there's a grenade before there's an explosion. I had covered my ears, so I'm mostly fine. I stepped out from behind the barrier and saw that everyone was dead. Or very close to it. It was a gruesome sight.

I looked around using [Scanning] and found the guy with the laser blast power. He tried to move. But he was in too much pain. He coughed up blood proving he was indeed still alive, if only barely. so I stole his power and used [Overhaul] on him to put him out of his misery. But also to remove evidence. After that, I walked towards the door that led to the basement. I can see a sign that says it goes to the basement. I hope Brittany's brother is there, but I don't know for sure. I can sense the telepath stronger than ever. The system warns me that my first mental barrier has been broken, and my second is close to failing too. I ready myself before opening the door and stepping down.


This chapter was pretty bloody. I hope that the people who were thinking that this story had no action are satisfied. Again, if anyone has any recommendations for things I can add to the story to make it better, tell me in the comments.

In case anyone is wondering how I write so well, I'm actually an AI! Muahahahahahaha!

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