In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 7 All kind of growth (TimeSkip)

Chapter 7 All kinds of growth

[Time skip warning]
It has been sixteen days since I broke out of jail. I have been training my powers and I have been researching what I can. With a combination of the intelligence-enhancing quirk and the system, I've been able to learn a lot. But I'm nowhere near where I'd like to be. There are some things that you can only learn with access to people who know what they're doing. Figuring everything out on my own has gone well so far, but books can only get me so far. I would need access to the internet to look up specific things, but I would probably be put on a list and investigated by S.H.I.E.L.D. They wouldn't even need to know I was someone who escaped prison. So I would need to find a workaround. On a side note, I've figured out how to code. The system helps me with things I can't understand for the moment, but I've learned all the basic programming languages. There were a few coding books at the thrift stores, so I bought them and read them. Python was a little difficult. Too many symbols in comparison to some other programming languages, but I learned it, as well as some others. I get the idea of how it works, but now I need access to a computer to even use these skills.

Apart from training, I have been going on long walks through the less populated areas of the city and placing markers on people of interest. I have marked fifteen mutants so far. Six whom I've confirmed to be Morlocks, and the others are civilians. But I haven't confirmed whether everyone is a mutant yet. They could not be, and their energy is just weird. I have also been stalking these people when I can. I have only been able to figure out what one of their powers is though. Because they keep using it.

She's a girl who is popular at her school. But not because of the reasons most would think. Beauty, wealth, or any of that. It's because she has an ability similar to minor mind control. It works on all those around her. It makes everyone around her pay attention to her, like her, and not even think about hurting her. I'm not even sure if she knows she's doing it. I know about it because the system alerted me of someone trying to use mind control on me.

After figuring out what it was, I decided to approach her. She was kind of freaked out when some unknown guy approached her out of nowhere when she was alone. I probably should have expected that, but oh well. If she knew what I went to jail for, even if it was a false charge, she would be even more scared. But I managed to clear it up so I could talk to her. I told her I'm a mutant that can sense other mutants and their powers. I told her about it, and how I noticed what she was doing, and as I expected, she didn't even know she was using it. I knew because she didn't believe me. After telling her what I thought her power was and what I could sense though, she was freaked out to know she was one of the mutants talked about on the news.

Curious to know why she suddenly believed me. We kept talking. Her story was interesting. She was originally bullied, but now she was at the top of her school. The school was previously full of violence and bullying, but now it's much better. She had been unconsciously making people less violent. And much more prone to kindness. Also, their grades have been rising as well. That's the reason she believed me when I told her what her power was.

After some discussion, we concluded her ability allowed her to make people more prone to do things that she wanted, without actually controlling them.

After our talk, I gave her some advice on how to use her powers. How now that she knew about it, she could probably do a lot more. I made sure to tell her that a power like this is extremely dangerous, and if anyone else were to find out, she could be kidnapped. And that she shouldn't use it for her benefit. Unless there's an emergency, she shouldn't really use it. After talking some more, we introduced ourselves. I gave her my name, Axel, and she said her name was Brittany. I had kept an eye on her previously but didn't know her name. After that, we parted ways. I placed a marker on her, but she didn't notice. I just hope she doesn't get in trouble.

I probably could have stolen her power, but something tells me I shouldn't. I stole that one guy's power, and he was knocked out for ages. I don't want to do something to this innocent girl who has no idea about my situation.


After waiting another ten days, making it 26 days since I broke out of jail, I have marked eighteen mutants. And I have figured out what another one of them can do. It was a telekinesis ability. I saw him go to an area where there was no one around and use Telekinesis on an old rusted-out car. He lifted the whole thing in the air. He couldn't hold it for long before he had to set it down. I waited another two days before sneaking into his house and stealing his ability from him while he slept.

{Ability stolen}


{Ability Analyzed}

{[Telekinesis X-gene]}

I was planning on not stealing abilities until much later, but he had an ability that I needed. I have other powerful abilities, but telekinesis was a miscellaneous ability I needed. Luckily he was fine. He was tired after he woke up, but I waited till it was the weekend and not a school day, so he slept in and was fine. But he'll find out he lost his ability pretty soon. This was just more evidence that consciousness-related abilities can possibly cause serious damage to their users if stolen.

With that, there are 17 marked mutants.


I also found another abandoned warehouse. I moved all the crates and valuables from my old base there instead. It's a better location. The place is a bit bigger, and it has an underground area. the underground area's pretty small, but I've been using [Overhaul] to make extensions. I put my room as well as the weapons in the basement, while the other stuff was up top. I plan on putting my extremely secret stuff in the extensions I'm making. Like my lab. I have had some success with using [Overhaul] on living things. A few rats have come around and I have experimented on them. I felt a little bad, but they were the best option.


A whole month passed by. Making it 56 days since I escaped from prison. I have marked 14 more mutants, making 31 in total. One of which is Brittany. I have kept an eye on her just in case. I have no plans on stealing her ability unless things change drastically and I need to. It's probably a bad idea to not steal her power, but the problem is that it would probably injure her psyche. It's a power directly linked to her consciousness, so stealing it could cause problems. And I may not get as lucky as I did with the other guy. I plan on waiting another month before starting my power-stealing spree. I have completed other minor quests. Gaining a total of 180VP. Combine that with my original 107VP, and I have 287VP. I decided to wait to level up. I won't do it until I'm ready. I was also lucky and acquired another quirk from a quest reward.


It doesn't mean power as in quirks or X-genes specifically, it means power overall. If I were to work out, I would get more benefits from it, and I would recover quickly. Quirks are also affected. It's a good passive. But the name sounded kind of stupid. So I asked the system and had it renamed to [GrowthBoost]. It's simple but effective.

After I acquired all the VP, I decided I needed a quirk that would help me with information gathering. With 287, it gives me options. The stronger quirks are unlocked after I upgrade the system. But I can buy some stronger quirks meant for miscellaneous things. For example, I can buy [LieDetector] for 50SP. It allows the one who uses it to sense lies. However, I can also buy [Truth] for 60SP. It allows me to ask someone a question, and they answer against their will with the truth. I have to choose one of them, and after contemplating the pros and cons. I choose [Truth]. Leaving me with 227VP.

So another quirk has been added. After scanning through the quirks some more, I saw a few that could be useful. But after going through the skills menu there was one I figured I would need soon. The [Invisibility] quirk. This one is different than the quirk from the MHA series. It allows for the whole body to turn invisible, as well as clothes. so the clothes wouldn't appear to be floating, so I wouldn't have to be naked for it to work effectively. It cost 80VP. So that left me with 187VP. But it was worth it. It felt really weird not being able to see my hand and would take some getting used to.

With these new powers in my arsenal, I'm able to move ahead with my plans.

Oh, and speaking of plans, Tony Stark has been kidnapped by the Ten Rings. It happened a week or so ago, but I only found out today because of a newspaper.


I have been experimenting with my [Invisibility] skill. It's still a little weird not seeing my body, but I'm getting more used to it. It's different than the one from the actual MHA story as I mentioned. I can make myself and my clothes invisible. And I can turn it on and off naturally. I've also been experimenting with the [Truth] quirk. It has strengths and weaknesses. If I had it and the lie-detector quirk, then it would be perfect.

I have had some more breakthroughs with my other powers too. I have been experimenting with just how far I can teleport with my [WarpGate] quirk and have had mixed results. I have found out that so far I can only consistently go to places I have already been to, but I can still go to somewhere I haven't. But I need a good understanding of the coordinates First. I have even increased the strength of [LaserFingers] considerably. Before, I could only shoot short bursts of energy. But now, I can shoot a consistent beam. In the future, I might be able to curve the beam on command.


Another seven days passed, making it 63 days since I broke out. There's a total of 37 Mutants marked. And I have decided enough time has passed. It's time to start stealing powers.

Name: Axel/???
Level: 1 - 0/100
Age: 20/??
Species: Human/Metahuman/Homosuperior
System: Ultimate Villain System
VP: 187

Quests: [ClickToExpand]

Tools: [MentalShields(Minor)] [PowerAnalysis]


[All For One - Allows its user to steal/transfer genetic factors that make up powers/gifts from others, and put them into themselves. And once the user has stolen it, they can also transfer it to others for them to use if they desire.]

[Overhaul Quirk - Allows its user to deconstruct and reconstruct matter. Requires physical contact to activate, but not required once a connection has been established.]
[ConsciousnessControl X-gene - Grants its user greater control over their consciousness. Granting many minor boosts to things such as focus, memory, multitasking, and various other things.]
[Invisibility Quirk - Allows its user to bend light around them, making them invisible. Works on more than just the visible spectrum.]
[Telekinesis X-gene - Allows the user to move objects without physically touching them.]
[Truth Quirk - Allows its user to compel someone to answer their questions.]
[Explosive Blast Quirk - Allows its user to create explosive blasts. Size and power depend on users' skill in using this ability and strength. Also gives the user minor heat resistance.]
[Laser fingers Quirk - Gives its user the ability to shoot laser beams from their fingers. Has great accuracy, and enough penetration to easily pierce people.]
[WarpGate Quirk - Allows its user to open portals made of black mist, allowing the user and others to teleport.]
[Search Quirk - Allows one to place roughly 100 invisible markers on someone and track their location. Users can also vaguely sense weaknesses in someone a marker has been placed.]
[Scanning Quirk - Scanning allows the user to search for and identify people's Quirks to some extent, as well as to measure their level of power using a heat signature-like vision.]
[RivetStab Quirk - Allows the user to extend black extensions with cracked glowing throughout it from their fingers and spine.]
[Strength enhancer Quirk - A basic strength-enhancing quirk.]
[Healthy body Quirk - gives the user a healthy body. Affects things like eyesight and how fast someone ages.]
[Intelligence Enhancement Quirk - Enhances the users' intellect.]
[Body Strengthening Quirk - Strengthens the user's body. Makes the user much more durable.]

Skills: N/A

Blessings: N/A


The world shall soon know the name... Negasonic Teenage Warhead! (Lol just kidding). That is the name of one of the X-Men. in case you didn't know.

MC will have to abandon his plan of laying low for as long as possible. He will play a risky move because of certain factors outside of his control...

I have had an interesting chat with someone in the comments, and have decided to make some minor changes to my plans for how the story will go in the future.

If you're wondering about Brittany, she doesn't exist in Marvel comics, as far as I know. I just made it up. She's a new addition. You'll see where I'm going with it in a few chapters. If it's similar to any of the comic characters, that's just a coincidence.

"But there are no coincidences" - Master Oogway.

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