Chapter 35: Chapter 35
{A/N: I've kind of reached the point in this story where i've given the MC too much power, writing this chapter I kept thinking how just a single power would of made a good story. Basically since this is my first story I didn't know how to balance my character.
I'm thinking of putting this story on hiatus for a bit and writing a new story, what do you reckon it should be about?
Species based
1st Pov
Looking at the strange woman my mind instantly considers different plots and schemes, not willing to let anyone hurt Jean I scan the woman's thoughts. Instantly I find a myriad of different artificial memories and thoughts overlaying the woman's original mind.
Frowning slightly, I look down at Jean.
"Jean how about you get some drinks from the kitchen, I would like to have a small talk with our guest." – Morgan
Nodding Jean slips off to the side and speed walks toward the kitchen, stepping forward I grab the woman's shoulder to prevent her running and more viscously probe her mind. Moving passed the fake memories and preset instructions I finally get to her actual memories deep within her mind.
Sifting through them I find something mildly surprising, muting the woman's painful groans I begin performing a thorough scan of her memories. It turns out this woman is actually Jean's mother, after her apparent death at Juggernauts hands she had continued to heal slowly.
Unfortunately, it seems a mad scientist took interest in her and captured her while she was healing, moving further through her memories it seems it took her over five years to fully heal. In that time, she was at the mercy of her captor who imbedded new memories into her recovering brain and turned her into a slave.
She lived that way for a few years before the mad scientist seems to of gotten bored and stuck her in suspended animation. Finally, I get to the latest memories and programming and find the woman was sent here by the scientist to try and steal a genetic sample from me.
Scoffing at that I step forward and rest my hands on her head, controlling my psionic abilities I gently begin erasing all the programming and fake memories from her mind. Sighing in annoyance I begin to heal the woman as more and more of her brain is destroyed.
Eventually though I clear all the shit put in her head by the mad scientist and begin restoring her original mind, delicately I guide her brain to restore the connections imprinted deep within her psychic presence.
Deciding she needs to know what happened to her I also reconstruct a small bit of her time with the mad scientist, but in order not to traumatise her I make it so her brain can't actualise these memories and interprets them similar to a movie.
Finished with my work I release the seizing woman's head as she collapses to the ground, reaching down I conjure a cloth and gently wipe the blood from around her head. Looking up at me I can she the confusion in her eyes but decide to ignore it.
Running into the room after hearing her mum collapse Jean looks around, then her eyes settle on me crouched near her fallen mother with a bloodied cloth in hand. Standing up straight I erase the cloth before turning to Jean, looking her dead in the eyes I say.
"Take care of your mum Jean, I have some stuff I need to go deal with. Also, your mum might not be in the best mental state so help her catch up." – Morgan
Seeing Jean nodding absentmindedly I give her a smile before stepping outside and shutting the door, instantly I connect to the internet and begin hacking every database in the world for traces of Nathaniel Essex.
Surprisingly, the man is pretty thorough using aliases and fake personas but it doesn't help, after a few minutes of searching I easily track down all companies associated with him. Then using reasonable deduction, I determine the most likely location for his base.
Using my psionic energy I quickly perform a extra check on Jean before taking to the air, as I fly I launch a digital assault on all of Essex's companies instantly bankrupting them. Breaking the sound barrier I quickly cross the world towards a island off the coast of Africa.
Smashing into the ground of the island I break straight through the floor into a hidden lab, recovering I begin walking deeper into the facility. A few seconds in a obnoxious voice begins echoing over the bases PA system.
"Well, I didn't think you would be stupid enough to come to me. You shall make a great test subject for increasing my power." – Mr Sinister
Snorting I ignore the clearly delusional fool and continue to walk, suddenly some panels begin to rise from the floor. Curious what he's planning I decide to wait in place as they rise, in reality the plates rise incredibly quickly but it's still slow to me.
Locking into the place I quickly scan the plates made of a diluted adamantium; after falling into place, I hear the same voice echoing over a speaker inside the box.
"Ha you dumb fucking idiot you walked straight into a trap, nothing on earth can destroy this box." – Mr Sinister
Kind of annoyed by his name calling I reach out towards the wall, activating my matter manipulation the indestructible wall falls to dust in my hand. Over the PA system I hear sounds of mild shock in the mad scientists voice before he begins laughing madly.
"Yes, Yes! You shall be my greatest creation!" – Mr Sinister
Getting fairly annoyed by his stupid ranting I decide to cut straight down towards him instead of navigating his facility. Stomping heavily the weak floor collapses beneath me, stomping again I continue to smash my way deeper into his facility.
As I fall lots of mind controlled mutants attempt to attack me but I mercilessly kill them all, eventually I reach the final floor and see my target behind a rapidly rising security door. Walking up I tap the electrified door gently.
"Open up and I'll kill you quickly." – Morgan
Emotionlessly yelling through the door, I control the sound waves to easily pass through the smallest gaps into the room. While I'm at it I also extend my psionic presence into the room to monitor him, inside the mad scientist begins to panic as he watches me through his security cameras.
Not seeing him opening up and running out of patience I decide to deal with him and get out. Shaping my arm, I form a molecule wide blade and pierce it straight through the door, then rapidly transferring all my cells through the gap I reform on the inside of the room.
Instantly a electrified cell appears around me as I feel a bunch of devices attempting to limit my powers, in addition to this Mr Sinister begins trying to attack my mind. Brushing off his attempts I reverse them back on him, freely searching through his mind I find a psychic link connecting him with hundreds of clones around the world.
Using this link I instantly destroy every single clone or spare body, then I cut off the one in front of me from his powers. Looking at him he begins coughing blood as his mind is ripped to shreds leaving only enough for him to process his demise.
Looking up at me I see the fear in his eyes before I effortlessly break out of the electrified cage and crush his head beneath my foot. Teleporting back to the surface after stashing his body in my inventory I watch as the underground base explodes in atomic fire as his contingencies take effect.
Checking none of the clones or mind controlled mutants survived I coldly turn away from the mushroom cloud and teleport over to the resident mutants. Finding Eric hard at work in his office I transfer all Mr Sinister's base locations to his computer before teleporting out.
Back in my home I sit down on my couch as I wait for Jean to get back with her mum.
Like that two months pass as I continue to experiment with my lab rats to perfect my new organism for Jean. In that time, I continue to refine the process into a quicker and more efficient change, which resulted in a stronger final form.
Walking through my isolated cells I stop by the very first chamber where my first successful test subject sat cross legged. Opening her eyes the woman stares me directly in the eyes whilst holding her position, mentally reaching out I bat away the woman's weak physic attacks as I analyse her psionic frequency.
Running it alongside some other test I confirm no change in the woman's mind other than my improvements. Mentally ticking off my project I remotely connect to the cell's incineration device, activating it the woman silently stands within the fire as the flesh melts off her bone.
Turning up the power the last cell of the woman is incinerated and I run a quick mental check for any lingering psychic presences. Wrapping up the last checks I warp towards the door and turn off all the lights as I leave.
Warping out of my expansive base I appear in my silent lounge room and sit down, quickly checking up on Jean's location she seems to be at a shopping centre at the moment with her mother. Thinking of Elaine pulls forth memories of the past months.
Initially she entered a almost catatonic state after I broke her free of the mind control, but with constant pressure from Jean she was able to get the woman to open up to her. From there I worked with Jean to help cure her trauma and get her reintegrated into society.
In was a difficult process mostly for Elaine but I was able to easily sort out her ID and documents officially bringing her back to life. We had entered a kind of slow period after that with Jean constantly teaching her mother while she stayed in the guest room.
It took just over a month and a half for Elaine to finally feel comfortable seeing her husband again, so gathering everyone up I made it a little group trip. Arriving in a peaceful town I easily tracked down Jean's dad working on repairing his house after Charles' fight.
Introducing myself first I had delved into his mind in an attempt to find any remaining traces of his lost memories. Surprisingly, his memories weren't even lost but instead blocked behind extensive mental trauma, calling Jean and Elaine forward I watch a glint of recognition flash through her Dad's eyes.
The recognition quickly started to fade though as trauma reared its ugly head again, using my extensive abilities I had chosen to squash his trauma for the moment. Breaking into tears Jean's father, John, had rushed forward and pulled the two woman into a hug.
Seeing this reaction, I noticed he was happier without the trauma and began the slow process of slowly removing it, unsurprisingly the trauma of dying if left to fester can really embed itself into all parts of someone mind.
After that event though Elaine had moved back in with her husband, she still met up with Jean though and her and John tended to drop by for dinner once a week.
Moving back to the present I casually browse the internet for a bit but don't find anything interesting. Moving onto my business emails I ignore the spam emails from Stark industries and instead check if any of my employees need anything.
Other than a casual email from Tessa there is nothing urgent there either, sighing in boredom I decide to just keep doing checkups while I wait for Jean to get home.
Checking my company's evaluation first I can officially call myself a trillionaire as my robots infiltrate every industry and rake in tons of cash. Next I check on the progress of my data network which has managed to enter South America and Europe.
Checking up on the political side of things I ignore the pile of lawsuits and court orders, and instead opt to do what any rich person does and buy those suing me.
Happy with my basic checkup I decide to instead plan my next step, thinking of my neural link technologies I decide I'll work on bringing the human species under my control next. I suppose they would be like pets; humans are after all a far inferior species compared to me and could use some guidance to overcome their violent and greedy tendencies.
Liking this idea, I decide to put more thought into it, starting with neural based technologies I can subtly lower their aggressive impulses whilst increasing their happiness. After that I should work on seizing executive power, I know I could just claim power by force but it doesn't seem fun.
Thinking it over I decide to become a likeable public figure before enrolling for presidency, after I become president I can just bribe congress to quickly pass a bill that gives me executive power. After all, if the constitution has a clause that allows it to be changed then anything's on the table.
Deciding not to dilly dally too much longer I begin working on my neural device, deciding for a device that doesn't require invasive surgery I use the Focus from Horizon Zero Dawn as the base. Modifying the circuits and mixing in parts of the Thought device from the Atomic Heart universe I eventually complete a optimised prototype that allows the user minor technopathy and enhanced mental abilities.
Reviewing me design I decide it's good enough for now and that I can just upgrade it later if I feel like it, extending my arm it morphs into a tendril which weaves into a plug on the floor. The plug itself is connected to my expansive data network and allows me to enhance my already strong control of technology.
Formatting and sending off my new mental connector I start production of 100 million units, while at it I also whip up some advertising and begin sending it to my human workers to spread around.
Humming to myself I tap a long claw against my scales as I think of what to do next, remembering my system I decide to check up on my notifications.
[ Notifications ]
Quest Completed – {Biological Enhancement}
-Biological Enhancement
You have started down the route of biological enhancement a risky and complex endeavour.
Objective: Create a functioning formula that can break the genetic limits of a human without causing them to become too estranged from the rest of their species.
Reward: Progenitor Virus (Resident Evil), All Viral Strains (Resident Evil), 10,000pts
Claim: [Y/N]
You have received:
1x Vial of Progenitor Virus (Resident Evil)
Knowledge – Complete makeup of all variant viruses (Resident Evil)
Repeat Creation complete x1,000,000– Reward 15,000,000pts
Repeat Creation complete x200– Reward 400,000pts
Repeat Creation complete x50– Reward 150,000pts
Repeat Creation complete x300,000– Reward 150,000pts
Repeat Creation complete x500 - Reward 50,000pts
Repeat Creation complete x8– Reward 80,000pts
Total points earned: 15,830,000pts
You have Received 14900 Xp from miscellaneous activities.
You have {Levelled Up!}
You have {Levelled Up!}
You have {Levelled Up!}
[ Status ]
Name – Morgan
Gender – Female
Species – Chimera (Typhon, Symbiote, Mecha morph, Dragon, Martian)
Template – Lucy Miller (50%)
Age – Physical (?) Soul (19)
Shop Points: 311,990,970pts
Lvl – 42 (0/7,000xp)
Health – 10,335,000/10,335,000(1% per minute)
Energy – 23,127,000/23,127,000(1% per minute)
STR – 12200 (A+) *10
VIT – 12900 (A+) *10
CON – 14200 (A+) *10
AGI – 13700 (A+) *10
DEX – 11750 (A+) *10
WIS – 28400 (A+) *10
INT – 31500 (A+) *10
SEN – 21950 (A+) *10
LCK – 56800 (S-) *10
Free Points: 300 -> 6000
Progenitor Virus (Purple)
Universe: Resident Evil
Type: Item
Grade: (S)
This single vial contains the purest strain of the progenitor virus in existence. Being both beneficial and detrimental to life, this virus has existed since the first living cell in its universe and has helped rapidly progress the evolution of all living creatures in different ways.
Complete Makeup of all Viral Variants (Purple)
Universe: Resident Evil
Type: Knowledge
Grade: (A+)
After finding the progenitor virus, the founders of the umbrella corporation believed it could be used to enhance humanity. To that end scientists worked on this virus for decades creating both horrifying variants and successful products, each new strain was a step closer to their final goal. This reward contains all knowledge on any viral strain concocted in its home universe.