In Marvel as Dante

Chapter 151

Severance (Grade Max-)

Upgrade with 30,000 AE and DE, Runes.

Forged with an innovative mixture of Adamantium, Demon Energy, and Angel Energy, this slender greatsword is a masterpiece far beyond the current level of Dante, the Arcane Forgemaster. It possesses a few potent innate abilities alongside other potent runic enhancements.

Conduit—universal conductivity with all demonic and Angelic affinities

Extreme durability—its ridiculous strength and potency are further enhanced by the influx and binding of all of Nephilim affinities.


Enhanced storage (1000 AE + 1000 DE)

Enhanced Impact

Advanced Precision

I was practically drooling when I saw the stats, which pushed me to make even more Adamantium and start the next project I'd been thinking about for weeks-- a pair of combat boots made from Twilight Adamantium and Vibranium to complete Eryx.

The gauntlets always came in clutch when I wanted to get up close and personal, but I always felt they were incomplete because I couldn't throw out kicks without leaving myself exposed.

Eryx (Grade 3), Third Evolution (5000)

A pair of oversized metal close-quarter gauntlets with spiral engravings tap into Dante's primal connection to Explosion. Deals 3x base damage of Rebellion with each Punch.

Abilities: Mid-Tier Explosion Manipulation, High-Tier Fire Manipulation.

Before I began forging in earnest, I grabbed a chunk of Vibranium and Twilight adamantium and fused it with Eryx using Unity.

It was strange using Unity on a portion of Rebellion. After all, all of Dante's arsenal was borne from the central weapon itself, but the upgrade went off without a hitch. In fact, it turned out better than expected, bringing the weapon to a summit I would've never attained with normal upgrades.

Eryx (Grade Max-)

Upgrade with 30,000 AE and DE, Runes.

A pair of oversized Twilight metal and Vibranium close-quarter gauntlets with spiral engravings that tap into Dante's primal connection to Nether Fire and Explosion. Deals 3.5x the base damage of a fully upgraded Rebellion. Adding Demonic energy greatly increases the damage output.

Abilities: Conduit, Peak Explosion Manipulation, Peak-Tier Fire Manipulation, Extreme Durability, Titanic Force.

Titanic force—Break through most materials with enough pressure and force.

Osiris, Aquila, Arbiter, and even Rebellion got the same treatment.

Max grade pushed Osiris's damage to be 1.2x base Rebellion damage, increased the Wind manipulation to Peak, and increased the speed boost to 75%--which was unreal.

Aquila got the most robust increase. The blade and its projections now matched Rebellion's base output, and it granted me a passive boost to my dimension affinity when using it, raising it as high as Peak. I could now generate as many as seven spectral shurikens with each swing.

Arbiter got 4.5x the base damage of Rebellion in the same grade, maxed out eruption powers, and maxed out weight manipulation, which let me 12x the weight of the weapon with enough energy influx.

However, the weapon that changed the most was Rebellion. It gained a shifting turquoise look, a thinner overall profile, and a unique ability on top of the significant damage bump the weapon got.

Endless Well:

Rebellion can now act as a conduit for most demonic and angelic techniques and serve as an energy stabilizer when combining multiple affinities. It has no conceivable energy limit.

The blade will not break regardless of how much energy is channelled into it. Passively channelling energy into it increases its base damage.

I whistled, delighted that yet another shackle had been broken. I didn't even need Shin's stores to upgrade my weapons anymore. I could do that all by myself.

The boots that started this entire upgrade spree came out better than expected. They were just as powerful as Severance. I used more Vibranium than Adamantium because I wanted to keep the boots relatively light for all of the kicking I'd be doing, but that didn't stop me from bathing them in runes.

A set of six impact runes and storage runes were paired on each boot. Because I used Vibranium as a base instead of Adamantium, the storage function of the boots came out better than expected. Overall, I was satisfied with the final product.

Invictus (Grade Max-)

30,000 DE and AE, Runes

Forged from Twilight Vibranium and Adamantium, the Invictus was created to be companions to Eryx and emulate most of its abilities, but with one notable difference. They are lightweight, whereas Eryx is heavier.

Conduit—universal conductivity with all demonic and Angelic affinities

Vibrational impact—Break through most materials with enough pressure and force.

Extreme durability—extremely impact absorbent due to influx of Nephilim affinities.


Enhanced storage (900 AE + 900 DE)

Enhanced Impact

It was morning when I was done with my work spree, and just as I was about to begin working on the suit for the team, I noticed that I was out of Vibranium. Luckily, there was a hidden cache location I could hit up in mid-town, so I decided to make a day of it.

Jean needed to check in with some of our future recruits, and It'd give me a chance to gather energy for the second Uber skill combination I had planned. Plus, a road trip would be the perfect place to ask for what sort of enhancement they'd want for their armors.

After Jean portaled us to New York, I bought a convertible off a lot using my Peter Quill ID and paid in cash. I, of course, mentally pushed the man to forget the entire interaction and made sure he erased the tape for the day.

The Cache was in a rundown neighborhood protected by retired contact of Klaue's. I could sense him tense up the moment we parked, and he immediately recognized me. Today felt like a no-mask day, so I went with it. Jean put him to sleep before he could fetch his rifle, and we went about our business of retrieving the cache.

It was packed with nearly 100 pounds of Vibranium, several bars of gold, and 100,000 in different denominations.

After Jean Teleported it back to the house, we hopped back into the car, and on a whim, I headed towards Mid-Town High.

"Why are we changing directions," Rin asked. "I thought we were going to Hell's Kitchen to see that blind lawyer?"

"After we're done with this," I said. "Peter Parker is my MVP. He's the only one smart enough to lead this little team I'm forming, and pretty soon, he'll be strong enough."

"You know, we don't have to drive all the way down to Mid-town. If I concentrate really hard, I can tell you what he's thinking right now. What he is like."

"You're just showing off," I said. "But I want to get a good measure of the kid. I know more about him than just about anybody else. I know how he becomes what he becomes, and I know the trauma that pushes him to that point. I also know the lengths he'd go through to do what he think is rights."

"You make him sound like the second coming of Jesus or something," Rin grumbled, and I smiled.

"Jealous, my young Padawan? He might be impressive, but he is predictable. You and Jean are not, which makes you far more interesting as friends and allies," I said. "Growing as a leader is realizing you need both to succeed."

The rest of the drive was mostly quiet, with Jean and I trading idle conversation. The first time she spoke up was just as we reached the parking lot outside Peter's school.

"You need to floor it," she said, grabbing my hand. "Peter's in trouble."


"Keep up, Ned," I yelled, tugging on the sleeves of his shirt as we climbed up the stairwell, taking two steps at a time.

"You're dead!" Flash's voice echoed from below, accompanied by the thunderous footsteps of the football team.

"I told you to leave it alone, Ned!" I yelled. "Why didn't you just listen."

"He'd never stop if I did," Ned said between huffs. "Somebody had to stand up to him."

 I muscled the door open and was nearly blinded by the natural light. We were on the roof, and Ned's eyes popped wide open when he realized.

"Well, you better hope he won't throw us off that roof for making him tank his essay."

"He wouldn't," Ned said nervously. "Would he?"

"You bet your ass I would," Flash came up behind us, and Ned and I gave him a wide berth. Three jocks flanked him. "I'm tired of you little shits not knowing your place. The coach has benched me because of you. I'm going to miss scouting season!"

"Aren't your parents super rich?" I asked. "Can't they pay for your college?"

"That's not the point!" Flash snapped. "You need a reminder of how things really work." He stalked us down. "And I think a wedgie isn't going to cut it this time."

"Leave them alone, Flash!" Mary Jane came barreling through the door, panting. "I already told the principal you were up here. You could get into serious trouble."

Flash's face went pale, and Ned saw the weakness, so he pressed the advantage.

"You're not so big and scary now," he said. "When are you going to realize that in the real-world people don't behave like animals."

Flash eyes fixed on Ned and he rapidly approached him, driving Ned closer to the edge of the roof. "And when are you going to realize fatso that this all that brainpower is useless if you can't throw a punch." He shoved Ned back, pushing him closer to the edge.

"Are you going to let people fight your battles for you? MJ, that skinny twig Parker? When are you ever going to stand up for yourself," he said, pushing Ned to the floor.

Flash might've had rocks for brains, but he was a fairly competent bully. He was trying to provoke Ned to fight back and give him a good reason to really hurt him.

I put myself between them before anything else could happen. "Go, MJ. Get a Teacher."

MJ hesitated for the slightest moment before she took off, and I turned to Flash.

"Don't know why you're in such a rush, Parker?" he said. "You're both going to get your asses kicked."

"That's enough Flash. A teacher will be up here any moment," I said. "You need to put a stop to this before it gets out of hand."

"Of course you'd say that," he sneered, grabbing hold of my shirt. "You're just as big of a pussy as your friend." He shoved me back. I stumbled backward, tripping on Ned's legs, which were slightly stuck out, and went over the edge before I even realized it.

The screams were deafening, none of them mine. The loudest was Ned's. Panic flooded me when I saw the rapidly approaching ground. I flailed once, then twice, and promptly shut my eyes, expecting death. What I hadn't expected was to feel a sudden weightlessness and two arms wrapped around me.

The air around me suddenly shifted, and when I opened my eyes, my rescuer was setting me on my unsteady feet in the parking lot.

I tried and failed to blink away the nausea, but I recognized his face immediately.

"Incoming," a woman said.

"Oh my god, it's you. You're Inferno—"

I lurched forward as the vomit poured out of me.


'Thanks for the warning, Jean,' I sent with a disgusted look on my face. 'This were new clothes.'

I took several cautionary steps away from Peter; He was still projectile vomiting. Jean and Rin exchanged some looks.

"I was expecting somebody more---" Rin spoke.

"Put together?" Jean provided.

'He's only fifteen. Cut him some slack,' I sent mentally.

'So am I,' Rin sent back.

'Fair enough,' I admitted. 'But give Peter a chance he'll surprise you.'

Peter, finally done with the vomiting, looked up and wiped his mouth. "What is going on?"

"Saw you falling on my drive. Couldn't very well let you die."

Peter opened his mouth, closed it, and saw how fast we were away from the building where he had fallen.

"You must've been moving at over 300 mph if you could catch me and bring me back to your car in seconds.'

"You're quick, aren't you?"

He swallowed. "And you're the Inferno Knight. Dante Sparda."

"I didn't pick that name, you know?" I said, chuckling. "The media does what it does, and it stuck."

"It's better than anything you could've come up with," Jean said, leaning against the car. "At least they didn't call you Hell boy or Fire man."

"I don't know about Hell boy. It's got a ring to it," I chuckled.

"If anyone can pull it off, it's you, boss," Rin said.

"We're in public, Rin. Please, call me Mr. Boss," I quipped, and Jean shook her head. Noting that Peter was obviously confused, Jean introduced herself.

"Jean Grey," she offered her hand. "I'm his partner."

"Peter Parker," he greeted with his cheeks flushed, "but you already knew that."

'A crush on first sight?' I sent to Jean. 'I got to tell you. I'm really jealous, Jean.'

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. 'Like you don't have that effect on people. Rin practically worships you.'

Yeah, he did. It was cute in the beginning, but it was starting to become a problem. Case in point, I had to nudge him to greet Peter.

"Rin Yamanaka," he said with a stiff look. "I'm his apprentice."

"Apprentice?" Peter said, a bit surprised. "You're all superheroes."

Rin laughed at the mere suggestion, and Peter's face flushed with embarrassment.

"What do you think this is? A Saturday morning cartoon? In the real world, there are no Superheroes."

"We're all enhanced, if that's what you're asking?" Jean said.

"I've seen theories circling around online that you're some type of mutant."

"But you're not so sure," I said, reading his mind. "You think I am one of those things that attacked New York."

"The violence reached his neighborhood," Jean said slowly. "His uncle was hurt."

"I see," I said slowly, turning to Peter, who looked ashamed yet angry. "Jean, would you mind going to see the blind lawyer without me? You can drop off Rin at the Dojo."

"I thought we were supposed to go together?" Rin protested, but I shook my head. "I'll catch up to you. You can always call if you really need me."

Rin had a complicated look. "I won't," he finally said, turning to Jean.

"Come on, let's go."

"See you later, Jean," I smiled and waved.

"Don't take too long," she said. "We need to be ready for the mission."

I watched Jean walk away, disappearing behind a bend where she opened a portal, transporting them to their targets. Peter's eyes followed Jean as well, but it was glued somewhere notably lower.

"Like what you see?"

"I didn't mean to—"

"Hmm hmm," I hummed as I opened the door to my car. "Hop in kid. You're a horny teenager. I don't hold it against you."

"Aren't you like four years older than me?" Peter hopped into the car and then looked at me. "Wait, where are we going?"

I put on a pair of sunglasses to hide the color of my eyes. I didn't want any bounty hunter sniffing around.

"To see your uncle," I said. "He's in the hospital, right?"

"No, they discharged him last night, but it'll be weeks before he can go back to work."

For a moment, I considered letting Uncle Ben be. The attack on New York was Domina's doing, not mine, and I'd tried to keep the fight as localized as possible. I couldn't intervene every time someone was in pain. That was a fast track to losing my soul.

But Peter was important, and so was Uncle Ben. I couldn't risk him dying before Peter became Spiderman…who knows, he might not need to die at all.

The keys stayed in the ignition for a split second before I twisted it and let out a long sigh. "I'm going to fix up your uncle."


"It's the least I could do after everything that's happened. You need the help."

"Wait you can heal people!"

"Among many other things," I said. "You were right when you said I was something else."

"Wow…that's just—I have so many questions…but," he hesitated, and I read his mind.

"You're afraid that it'll cost me something," I said. "It does, but it's fine. It's nothing I won't be able to reverse eventually." Hopefully.

"You didn't throw that thug that hurt Uncle Ben through our apartment window," he countered.

"Yeah, but he was in New York because of me. I had a bounty on my head for pissing off Domina."

"Who's that?"

"Somebody a fifteen-year-old kid shouldn't have to worry about just yet. Get some powers, then we can have that conversation."

Peter pouted, and I pulled onto the main road and floored it. "You think you're protecting me by keeping things secret, but you're only making sure I can't protect my aunt May or Uncle Ben when the time comes."

I raised a brow at Peter's tone. There was a fire about him, more than I expected.

Maybe the break-in incident changed him more than I expected. Or perhaps I had no true measure of what his life had been up until this moment.

"Tell me about the attack," I said.


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