In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 1 – I died!? What!? My Guild!!

In a completely black space, surrounded by stars and faraway galaxies, one young guy, or at least something similar to one, floated around, aimlessly.

Anyone that sees him would probably think of only one thing. A ghost. A totally white and transparent figure that resembles a human, with both legs and arms, a torso, and a head with what seems to be a pair of closed eyes and features of someone not that old nor that young, and with probably 1,76 meters when it comes to height.

“Mmm…”-The eyes fluttered, announcing the awakening of this young guy. “Mmm… Just a little more… We almost win…”-Seemingly talking while sleeping, the guy, or ghost, turned and turned around, eyes trying to open, but not quite making it.

“It’s time to wake up!”-A sudden voice resonated in that infinite space, really close to where the ghost was floating, and with it, a small creature appeared.

Looking at it. Only a little devil would come to mind. It has a small child body, probably the body of a 5yo child, but with a face that would make anyone fear it. Its face and hands had a red color to them, while the rest of the body was covered in a black business suit with a pair of black dress shoes that, overall, looked kind of funny in its small size.

On its red head, two long horns could be seen. Both probably 30 centimeters in size, slightly curved back. With two completely black eyes, no iris or pupil visible in them.

The little devil flew around the young guy still turning and turning but without waking up, even with the loud shout that recently resonated so close to him.

“Mmm… Why does this guy doesn’t wake up? Mmm…”-The little devil pondered while rubbing his chin. “Oh, I know!!!”-It hit its palm with his fist before raising its open right hand as if trying to grab something.


Suddenly, a cloud of smoke appeared, and from it, some kind of wooden hammer appeared, right in the open hand of the little devil, who quickly grabbed it.

The wooden hammer was long. Probably twice the size of the little thing, with a white luster to it and an aura that made it look as something completely different than a normal wooden hammer.

“This would surely do!”-The little devil said before downing the hammer straight towards the ghost’s head.



A dry hit sounded around that black space, followed by the screams of the young adult ghost, who quickly woke up and sat up while grabbing his head and hunching his back.

“What the fuck dude!!?? Who hit me!?”-The ghost asked while looking all around him.

“That would be me~ Hehe~”-The little devil smirked while throwing the hammer far off into the distant galaxies.

“What…? Who…?”-The confused ghost answered while turning towards the little creep floating close to him. “AHHHHHHHH!!!!”-He screamed while crawling backward, still sitting on the floor. “What’s this ugly thing!!!”

“Hey! Who are you calling ugly!? You are the ugly one, human!”-The little devil answered while pointing its index finger toward the human.

“IT CAN SPEAK!!!”-Screamed the human ghost.

*sigh…*This is going nowhere…”-The little devil sighed before snapping its fingers.

Immediately, the human stopped. Not being able to move, while his mouth completely shut, silencing him.

“Whew~ That’s better. Now. Listen here human. I’ll say things slowly so that you can understand and have a calm conversation with yours truly.”-The little thing said while moving his index finger back and forth. “First. Don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you. Second. Stop screaming! It just brings pain to my sensitive ears. And finally, I have a proposal that would actually be of interest to you. Human. Understood?”-The little devil asked.

“…”-The human stayed there, not being able to move.

“Oh, right! Sorry.”-The devil snapped its fingers again. “Now nod if you understood what I said.”

“…”-Still unable to speak, the human ghost nodded his head.

“Great! We finally talk calmly! Now, I’m going to let you free, so please stop screaming and pissing your pants… Not that you have any though.”-The little thing said before snapping its fingers once again. “There you go, you can now speak freely.”

“Oh. Ooooh. Who…? Who are you?”-The human ghost asked.

“And I thought you would go insane again. You have more brains than I what I thought. My name is Lars. A great demon! Though, don’t look at me in fear. I will not do anything against you. Nothing bad at least.”

“A great… Demon?”-A perplexed human asked while looking at the little thing floating in front of him.

“Yes! A great demon!”-The little thing said while raising its arms as if boasting his great presence.

“…”-The human just averted his eyes. And it was then that he noticed that he wasn’t in his home. “Wait! Where am I!!??”-He asked in total shock. “Where did you bring me!!??”

“What did I tell you about no screaming!?”-Said the demon while digging his ear. “Look. I didn’t bring you here. I merely grabbed you on your way to the other life and that brought you here. So, you’re welcome!”

“On my way… to the other life…?”

“Yes, you idiot. Haven’t you seen your body? You’re dead.”

“My… What?”-The human slowly turns his hands up and starts looking at every inch of his body. “WHAT!!!??? I’M DEAD!!??? BUT HOW!!!!???”


“ARGH! I already told you not to scream!!!”-Said the little demon after snapping its fingers. This time only shutting the human’s mouth.

“Mmm!! MMMM!!!! MMMMMMMMM!!!!!”

“Listen. You died in your room. It was a sudden heart strike followed by a stroke. Being completely alone… Well, you didn’t have a chance.”-Said the little guy while shrugging. “But hey! Nothing’s lost yet. You didn’t have any family to speak of, no girlfriend, no friends either.”

“MMMM!!!”-The human tried to speak while pointing his middle finger at him.

“Don’t be like that. I promise that once you listen to my proposal, you’ll be truly happy.”-The demon said while wriggling its brows up and down.

“Mm…”-The guy nodded.

“Good to have you back. *snaps*-The demon finally snapped its fingers again.

“So… Did I die? Why?”

“Told you. Heart strike and a stroke. Bad luck, but that happens when you go with bad alimentary habits and go through some stressful situation.”

“Stressful situation? Wait…? MY GUILD!!?? What happened!!!??? I remember that I was playing an OTS and was in the middle of a Guild War!!!! Did we win!?”

“Nope. Your guildmates were trash. With you out of the game thanks to the lights-off, everyone lost the Guild War.”-The demons said while shrugging and digging its ear.

“FUCK! I KNEW IT!!! THOSE NOOBS!!! *sigh…* Shitty druids healing the MS instead of the EKs…”-Said the human while hunching down.

“Now, now, relax. That’s all in the past. Would you listen to my proposal?”-Said the little demon while getting closer to the human ghost.

*sigh…* Sure… It’s not like I have anything better to do…”

“Well, you could go to the afterlife… Probably reborn in another body without memories after a few hundred years either in Hell or Heaven.”

“What!? Heaven and Hell are real?”-The guy asked while snapping his eyes open and starting to sweat, or that’s what would happen if he wasn’t a ghost.

“No, they don’t. Your soul would merely sleep while going towards another world. Though, mentioning Heaven and Hell is a nice way to make guys like you lost their shit in fear hahaha~”-The little demon said while laughing.

“You… shitty thing… Either way… Go on. What’s that proposal you’ve been talking about?”

“You’ll be reborn in another world. With your memories. And a… Listen well. SYSTEM!!”-The great little demon said.

“…”-The guy stared open-mouthed at the little devil. “A system? In another world? Bitch I’m in! Where do I sign!?”-He quickly answered.

“Don’t you want to know what world?”

“Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever, tell me.”

“In the world of HARRY POTTER!!!”

“Oh… Seems nice, not that dangerous. When you asked if I didn’t want to know I thought that you would send me to some Xianxia shit with young masters, girls with city-destroying beauty and jade skin, or those sects. But Harry Potter is good. I’ve seen the movies a few times.”

“And the novels?”

“Nope. Just the movies. Maybe a little bit of reading from wikis here and there. Oh, I did read a lot of fanfics of it.”

“Well… I guess that will work for you…”

“Sure, then, what about the System? Will it be some harem system? Some lewd system? OHHH PLEASE MAKE IT A HENTAI SYSTEM!!!”-Fervently asked the guy.

“Neither of those.”-Only to be straightly rejected by the little devil.

“…”-The guy stared at it. “WHY!?”

“The system is already prepared and fitted to you.”

“Fitted to me?”

“Yes. What’s what you made all your life? Apart from being a loner and being an orphan at a relatively young age.”

“…”-The guy glared at the little devil.

“It’s the truth though…”-Shrugged Lars. “Then? Won’t you answer?”

“Dunno… Playing games?”

“Precisely, and from those games which one did you play the most?”

“…”-His eyes went wide. “Tibia!?”

“BINGO!!”-Lars shouted while pointing his finger towards him.

“Holly fuck… What would that system be like?”

“Well… It’s actually cheated… It’s not precisely a Tibia System but more like an OTS system… After all, you stopped playing original Tibia long ago, and put all your attention in hundreds or even thousands of OTS… Really man… *sigh…*

“Well… I still had work to do… OTS was easier and faster to play since they didn’t need enormous amounts of time invested. Also… They were funny, and some even original.”-He said. “Like those Pokemon ones or the Dragon Ball or Naruto ones, though, those were bad…”

“Well, whatever. Look, your system will be made from an OTS. How will it be? Say status!”-Lars said while spreading its arms wide.

“Status!”-The guy shouted with emotion.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”-Only for Lars to start laughing while floating and grabbing its stomach when nothing happened.

“Y-you shitty demon!!!”-The guy said.

“Idiot. You have to wait to be reborn if you wish for the system to activate.”-Said lairs while wiping a few tears from the good laugh. “Oh well… I guess I’ll give you a resume.”-It said while turning to a straight position instead of a relaxed one and with his index finger up.

“…”-The human ghost only stayed there frowning at him.

“First of all. You’ll have the magic system from Tibia and a recompilation of the OTS you’ve played.”

“Wait. I won’t be able to use Magic from Harry Potter?”

“Yes… You will, but that magic system is actually pretty much free you know? They barely explain it at all in the books… It basically makes you think that you can do whatever with magic and the intention to do it. No explanation. It isn’t bad, but not my style if you ask me.”-Said Lars while shrugging. “Also. It would be better for you to use Tibia’s magic. It has a good variety of spells, and you can actually make your own ones by using the magic syllables to create the power words whenever you have enough power. Of course. There will be a need to write them down in a Magic Book, and that won’t be as easy as saying the power word. It also has to make some sense in Tibia's own rules.”

“Oh… Okay… Good enough… I also have studied those syllables out of boredom.”

“Told you. A Tibia’s addict. Well, whatever, let’s continue. You’ll have a store. And it will use a points system. You can trade galleons for points, or you can also win points by doing quests or killing monsters or ‘magical creatures’, either that, or you go hunting bad werewolves, vampires, dark wizards, and whatever you which. Heck, you can ever be dark wizard yourself and kill other wizards, basically, everything alive will be a target, true to Tibia most hardcore PVP servers.”

“Mm… While I was a PVP lover… I don’t think killing without a reason is good… So, well… I guess I’ll have to do with some bad creatures or shit…”

“Whatever man. You have free will. Then, next. Quests! In the system, you’ll find general quests, and quests made automatically by it. You can also find quests that other people inside the story gave you. Like for example, if someone asks you to do something, it could become a quest. Depending on the difficulty, you’ll be rewarded some points.”

“Okay. I know how to gather points. But for what would I need them?”

“For the store, I already told you.”

“Yes. But what can I find there!?”

“Well, for starters. Magic Books. Blank Runes. Wands, Rods, some special spells. Heck, you can even find advanced vocations.”

“Wait. I’ll have a vocation?”

“Technically, yes. But forget Knights and Pallys.”

“So… That leaves Druids and Sorcerers… Though… Thinking about it, wouldn’t Pallys be broken as hell there?”

“Yes, they would. Holy Damage isn’t a joke in there. You could probably go hunting Dementors and Dark Wizards as a hobby. So, no. You’ll also have things like Arcanist and Summoner among others. With advanced vocations.”

“Wait, aren’t those ones from some OTS?”

“Yes. Don’t you remember that it’s the OTS System? Not Tibia System. So, it has a few things new, of which, I don’t know all of them, that kind of automatized itself.”

“Oh… Nice… But will I have to choose a vocation?”

“Nope. You’ll start as a Sorcerer. In the store you’ll see a thing called ‘Vocations’, there, you’ll be able to find other basic Vocations, like the ones I already mentioned, and maybe some more, don’t remember. You’ll also find the advanced vocations for Sorcerers. You can choose to either advance in the sorcerer’s way, or buy another basic vocation.”

“Why would I choose another basic vocation instead of getting a more powerful one?”

“Good question. And to answer it. The more basic vocations you have, the more advanced vocations you can access. Though, which ones, you’ll need to find it for yourself.”

“Mmm… Okay. I’m curious though, what are the requirements for me to learn or use a spell.”

“Thanks for asking! I almost forgot about that. Well. Obviously, I can’t give you levels there as you won’t find enough creatures to level up as you would in Tibia. So. Instead of that, you’ll have to focus on Magic Level, which I’m sure you know well, right?”

“Meaning that I’ll have to grind my ML to use spells?”

“Precisely! Also, it determines your power in that world. To give you an idea. Every 33 ML you’ll advance one stage in power, which will be reflected in your magic core, which will evolve.”

“I know of magic cores from fanfics, but that isn’t canon, right? Also… At ML 99 I’m going to be a Stage 3 wizard?”

“Stage 4. Hypothetically, every wizard starts at stage 1 when their "core" is mature, meaning when they’re 11 years old. Some of them earlier. You’re lucky, you will have your first maturation at ML 1… And about the magic core thing… It’s just a thing to help you understand yourself a bit. As I said before. Harry Potter universe does have little details when it comes to its magic system, basically, you could invent your own spells working around will and a few known spells. Heck… Those guys talk about incantation, but in the movies, you can see how some characters only make the wand movement and voilà, you have a spell done.”

“Nice! Then, how fast will it be? Like an OTS?”

“You’re asking too much… No. It will not be that easy. Though not impossible. It’s not like you will get to stage 4 when you’re 50 or more, but you won’t be an 11yo with a stage 4 core neither… All in all, it depends on your efforts. There will be different ways to train your ML, from hunting monsters, wizards, and dark wizards, to meditating, casting spells, learning and creating new spells or the good old rune smithing. So, grind away my friend!”

“Oh, nice. Spell Books will also give me bonus ML?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t they? That’s the only reason to implement more than one… Though don’t expect them to help you mature your core, your base ML has to reach 33 to reach the next stage. Also… I’m sure you pretty much know this but… Oh well, you’ll know it once you’re there. To finish things up. You’ll win 1 ML with each passing year. Take it as the OTS part of the system, putting things easy for you. So even if you don’t do anything, you’ll still able to get to stage 4 at your 99 years hahaha.”

“Oh, thanks. So considerate. And I guess I’ll be able to go past 99 ML, right? I mean… In my last OTS, I went towards 300ML… I do thanks bots for that increase.”

“Of course, you can, though, you sure know how hard that will be. Well, there’re a few more things, but you’ll find them out once in there.”

“Okay… Then, how will I go there? Some dying boy? Reborn? What?”

“Oh, you’ll wake up as an abandoned baby, to later be taken into a muggle orphanage. But don’t hope for any oh so grand lineage. You’ll be a mongrel.”

“Well… Thanks…”

“You got a freaking system. What? Want to be the descendant of Merlin or even some kind of god? Not happening.”

“Fine, fine. It works for me…”

“Of course. It’s not like anything will change. You’ll be once again a loner.”

“Y-you little shit…*sigh…*-I try to defend myself, only to shut the next second. “Then… What do you get from all of this?”

“Mm? What do you mean?”

“Well… You’re a demon, right? Are you giving me this for free?”

“See… This is what I hate about humans. They think demons are evil beings that would do anything to destroy humanity. Wake up, kid. It’s not like that. We’re just like you humans. Maybe living with different circumstances, but still, we have our own lives and shit. And to answer you. I’m doing this because I’m bored. B-O-R-E-D as shit. So… I’ll put you inside that world, and see what you do with what I gave you, you know, like watching a movie.”

“… Okay… Fine for me… Either way. I don’t have other options. I prefer to reincarnate having my memories and a system than having a completely new life.”

“That’s the spirit! Now. Time to go! You’ll wake up being a baby in the muggle world in 1978. Be happy though, you won’t have to live the first war against Tom.”


“That name sucks, better call him Tom or Tommy for the friends. So, ready?”

“Sure. Oh… Wait! My name! Will I keep it? Or I will be given a new one?”

“… What if we randomize it?”

“You didn’t think about it right?”

“Shut it… I was planning that damned system…”

“Can I ask for one?”

“Sure, which one?”

“Itachi Uchiha!”

“My balls you’re getting that one in the middle of UK in 1978. I’ll call you Poppy if you push it.”

“*tch…* Fine… Whatever. What about… Logan?”

“Like wolverine?”

“Yes! It’s an English name, right?”

“Well… It sure is… What about your last name?”

“Ha… I have zero ideas about English last names…”

“Mmm… What about… Logan Taylor? Logan John Taylor? Or Logan J. Taylor to make it short.”

“Mmm… Good enough. But, can we have a D as a middle name instead?”


“I’m a fan of One Piece. Gimme da will of D!!”

“…*sigh…* Fine. Whatever. You’ll be called Logan Davis Taylor. Logan D. Taylor for short. After all, this will be the last time we speak, so take it as a gift for entertaining me, even if it's weird for some mongrel to have a complete name... You’ll be alone after you enter there. Remember, that even the quests are from the system, they don’t come from me.”-The little demon says before snapping his fingers. Making the ghost completely disappear.

“Well… I better get some popcorn ready.”-After those parting words. He also disappeared.

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