Imprisoned in armor within a fantasy world

Chapter 7

When he was young and witnessed people on TV leaping from great heights with parachutes, he used to wonder, "What's so enjoyable about this? How do they feel?" And now, here he was, facing the same experience. The second question was answered, but not the first. He was certain that he didn't find any pleasure in it. As the sound of shattering glass and surpassing the castle's boundaries reached his ears for the first time since waking up in this world, he found himself confronting the wrath of gravity and experiencing a free fall.

Devoid of the senses to feel the rushing air, devoid of a beating heart or the ability to vocalize fear, the terror of the moment overwhelmed him. He shut his burning eyes, bracing for the inevitable impact. A powerful thud resonated as he landed on solid ground. Summoning courage, he opened his eyes and took in the view of the ground near his face.

Finding his footing, he turned his gaze back to the castle, the place that had confined and sheltered him for so long. By chance, his eyes locked with a figure peering from the spot he had leaped from, only to quickly retreat their gaze.

With his hands raised high, eager to celebrate his newfound freedom, a distant sound of gnawing wood behind him brought his jubilation to a halt. He turned around, freezing in terror at what he saw.

Under the orange sun, signaling the approaching end of the day, the raging fires spread everywhere, threatening to consume any wood or cloth in their path. He noticed the diminishing source of the previous noise and commotion—people fleeing in panic, their screams echoing through the chaos. This was merely his perspective; if anyone else witnessed the scene from above, their blood would run cold.

Amidst the cold blaze of the sun, a blood-red glow danced on the horizon, heralding the onslaught of an infernal catastrophe. The town, once a bustling center of life and prosperity, now stood at the mercy of merciless flames that devoured everything in their path. The once-charming cobblestone streets were now rivers of fire, crackling and hissing with every gust of wind.

Chaos reigned supreme as terrified townsfolk scurried through the narrow alleys, their desperate cries blending with the roaring flames and collapsing structures. Mothers clutched their wailing children close to their hearts, seeking refuge from the horror that engulfed their beloved town.

The once-proud castle, perched on the hill, now served as an ominous backdrop, its grandeur marred by the consuming blaze. The enemy's siege engines pounded the stone walls relentlessly, casting deadly projectiles into the heart of the town, adding further to the devastation.

The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke, and the town's once vibrant market square lay in ruins, its stalls now reduced to smoldering embers. The haunting cries of wounded animals echoed through the desolate streets, adding a surreal dimension to the scene of devastation.

In the midst of the blazing chaos, The wind symphony sounded sadly, as if lamenting the loss of innocence and peace. The heavens themselves wept, as rain mingled with the falling ash, creating a surreal downpour that seemed to echo the sorrow of the town's demise.


Khaled leaned against the broken window, gazing at the armored figure or whatever it represented crashing into the ground, only to stand up as if nothing had happened. Then, it turned to look in his direction. Despite the spectacle, he chose to ignore it and redirected his steps towards the lord's office. It wasn't as if he could jump and follow the intruder without shattering every intact bone in his body. He was certain that even the Rune of Healing wouldn't save him. However, he was confident that some soldiers would be sent to track the intruder once this madness was over.

Amidst his thoughts, he found himself standing in front of the lord's office, which remained unscathed unlike other parts of the castle, a result of its strategically protected location.

He knocked lightly on the door and entered without waiting for permission, to find the butler Kilver, eyeing him cautiously. Once Kilver recognized him, he gave a nod of acknowledgement, while the lord remained preoccupied, not bothering to glance in his direction.

Lord Gawain stood by the window, gazing pensively at the devastation outside, but his attention was keenly focused on a pocket watch in his right hand, as if it held the solution to all current troubles.

Khaled recognized the man's unchanged appearance—the average height, concealed bulk under thick clothing, and flowing dark hair, with a few white strands hinting at his age. His small but dense beard marked the passage of time. Wrinkles adorned his face, yet couldn't hide the glimmering yellow eyes behind circular reading glasses with golden frames. A small scar traced beneath his eyes and over his nose, adding to his distinct features.

Khaled approached Kilver, who stood behind his master, and gave him a questioning look. Kilver responded with a perplexed glance towards the pocket watch in the lord's hand, as if saying, "I don't know either; I'm just waiting like everyone else."

khaled turned his gaze away and patiently waited as the minutes passed, avoiding the dismal view outside—an image he wanted to avoid but felt a sense of guilt if he disregarded the struggles of the innocent and the soldiers caught in this conflict. He could bear the burden of guilt, but not disrespect for the soldiers' fight.

suddenly, he felt the presence of another person in the room, causing him to quickly change direction and pull his sword slightly towards the intruder. But he recognized him swiftly; he had seen him several times in the barracks. If his memory didn't fail him, this person was from the Scout Battalion.

"Lord Gawain."

As the scout revealed his presence, Khaled cautiously lowered his raised sword and instead took a step back to observe the forthcoming conversation.

Lord Gawain turned towards the scout, in what seemed to be his first movement since Khaled entered the office, and perhaps even before that.

"The scout is here," the lord spoke in a slow and composed tone, as if it wasn't his land under attack. Then he fell silent, waiting for an answer known only to him from the scout's response.

"Lord Aurelius is prepared and awaits only a signal," the scout responded.

Suddenly, Khaled, an experienced warrior sensitive to hidden fluctuations in people, felt the tranquil facade of the lord crumble and disintegrate like worn-out fabric. A small flame of ferocity emerged, transforming into an enraged inferno that engulfed the lord. In a stark contrast to his demeanor and the content of his words, he calmly spoke, "Send a message to the commanders of the forces to intensify their efforts. Give Lord Aurelius and the Knight Battalion the green light. Tonight, I want the forces of the Emirates brought to their knees and their capitals reduced to ruins at the nearest opportunity, turning their history into ashes."

The scout quickly retreated, silent as he made his way to deliver the news. He entered the office in silence, while Khaled savored the words spoken by the lord.

Khaled was not a general or a war tactician to comprehend everything, but he was seasoned enough to piece the fragments together and understand the overall situation. This knowledge fueled his anger, a wrath comparable to the lord's previous fierceness, but in contrast, Khaled was not composed when angered. With hurried steps, he approached the lord under Kilver's watchful eyes. Gripping the fur collar, Khaled, for some reason, noticed that the lord didn't flinch. However, this didn't stop him from shouting loudly.

"Lord Gawain, son of the Earl of Evergreen, do you dare tell me, by the name of the Creator of Hell, how you can keep your forces while innocents and commoners suffer from plunder, burning, and killin_"

Suddenly, he felt a vice-like grip on his arm, Kilver's hold.

"Kilver," Khaled said through gritted teeth.

Kilver responded with equal intensity, a threatening tone laced in his words, "Khaled, the lord has his reasons. Don't overstep your bounds."

Khaled and Kilver exchanged sharp glares until the lord finally spoke.

"They were ordered to depart, and some refused while others complied and left," the lord continued, cutting off any interjection from Khaled. "I don't justify my actions in their departure, but their presence was crucial for such a dangerous maneuver."

Khaled's intense gaze remained fixed on the two, but it gradually softened. Even his fists loosened their grip on the lord as he spoke with a mix of sorrow and resignation, "I understand, I understand, but..." He didn't finish his sentence but released his hold on the lord's collar. Instead, he headed to one of the chairs in the room, disregarding the lord's return to monitoring the outside.

He sat down slowly in surrender, letting his body slump, intertwining his hands, and resting his face on them, obscuring any expression. However, his murmuring tone conveyed much, "I'm too old for this."

In twilight's grasp, an old man's tale unfolds,

A heart once strong, now frail and cold.

Emotions, once vibrant, now delicate as glass,

With memories and regrets, his soul amass.

The weight of guilt, a burden hard to bear,

Creases on his brow, lines of despair.

The weight of years, a heavy load,

As he walks the path towards the unknown.

Each beat, a reminder, life's finite thread,

As shadows lengthen, and fears widespread.

Yet in this struggle, a wisdom thrives,

A life well-lived, despite its drives.

Embrace the twilight, old heart so true,

For in this journey, beauty still accrues.

Let not approaching death cast fear,

But find solace in the life lived here.


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