Immortality in DxD

Chapter 15: Scheme

“Calm yourselves.” Yasaka said soothingly, trying to calm the frayed nerves of the council members. She knew this kind of reaction was normal, especially for the more elder Yokai. They all vividly remembered living under the thumb of ancient Senjutsu practitioners and frankly, none of them were all too keen to going back to such an arrangement. Better to turn themselves in as nothing more than Spirit Plum farmers.

“No!” Marui, the giant oni slammed his meaty fist on the table. Sending the occupying tea cups and kettle flying into the air,” We will not ‘calm down’! You are endangering everyone by keeping such a person nearby!”

Even the warmongering oni, who didn’t fear the reprisals from the Satans or any other factions was hesitant to the appearance to their kind’s ‘boogeyman’. That’s just how serious this situation was.

“As much as it pains me,” The tanuki, Kiyo, said through small gritted teeth,” But I agree with Marui. They’ll have our hide if this gets out.”

“That’s exactly what I hope will happen.” Yasaka said simply, crossing her arms under her substantial bosom.

The council froze in unison as they looked at their leader in horror.

“What do you mean Yasaka-sama?”

The white suited tengu, Xoru, asked equally as shocked as his other council members.

“Simple,” She shrugged,” I plan on announcing to the world the return of Grandmaster Yamato Iori and the fact that we have his backing. And unlike my strength that only really acts as last defense, his isn’t so limited.”

“That sounds nice and all.” Nurarihyon spoke with barely concealed sarcasm,” But how do we know this is actually who he says he is?”

“What are you alluding too?”

Yasaka asked dangerously, Ki barely held back from lashing out at the old man’s rudeness. To dare call her master a fraud? Only she could do that!

The yokai in the shape of an old man easily detected the hostility in the air and tried to quickly speak up.

“I’m just saying that we can’t be too careful. While any Ancient Practitioner is guaranteed to be strong, but if they’re only taking up a moniker then we don’t know if their strong enough to protect us from reprisals from the other factions.”

“Then what is your suggestion?”

The kitsune drew in her Ki, allowing the man to speak without the weight of a mountain baring down on him.

“Through my own contacts,” He breathed heavily, gripping at his cane,” I have enlisted the aid of a local Senjutsu Master to verify this man’s claims. He is said to possess records passed down from his master and his master’s master that can shine some light on the situation.”

Yasaka sent a glance at her master, as he quietly partook in the provided tea. His dismissive hand was all the answer she needed.

“Grandmaster Yamato doesn’t see an issue with it so you may proceed.”

Frankly, Iori was thoroughly enjoying himself. No wonder old monsters in wuxia novels acted all aloof! Everyone practical stepped on eggshells around him and just his mere presence alone was enough to make people pause.

“I present to you,” Nurarihyon introduce, motioning for a servant to open a separate door,” Master Shitori of the Shattering Mountain School.”

Out those doors stepped out a simply ancient looking man. A long wispy white hair that blended in naturally with his envy inducing beard. His body was thin, as though a mere breeze would knock the man down. But even then, his posture was pristine.

Combine that with a simple pure white kimono that had a symbol of a fist shattering stone on it’s left breast.

Okay. Iori was man enough to admit when he had lost. This man’s appearance looked a lot more like a classic cultivator than he did. By a wide margin. He looked like some kind of immortal sugar daddy. Like he belonged locked in a ring instructing some snappy youngster that would overturn the heavens themselves.

In simplest terms, he still had a lot to learn when it came to the aesthetics.

‘How does he get his beard like that..?’

He had to hide an envious expression behind another long sip of tea, allowing the extremely bitter taste smooth out his face. It wouldn’t do to shatter his cultivated air.

“Welcome Master Shitori.” Nurarihyon gave a tilt of his elongated head, probably the equivalent to a bow or nod of respect,” And thank you for coming on such short notice.”

“It was no problem at all Nurarihyon-sama.” The senjutsu master fell into an elegant bow, showcasing a youthful spryness despite his old appearance. “Thank you Yokai Council for extending an invitation to such an insignificant figure as myself.”

His words invited a collective nod from the now thoroughly mollified council members, who all sat up a bit straighter under the man’s honey words. This is how a human should act in the presence of existences like them.

“Please do not be so modest Master Shitori,” The yuki-onna, Akiko, giggled softly behind a frost tipped fan,” I have personally heard a lot about your school and it’s accomplishments…”

“One of their elders took down a half step High Rank Stray.” Xoru nodded sagely, beak twitching up into a smile,” The Mountain Shattering School is not only well known for their strength but also their record keeping.”

“Please.” Shitori bowed again, sleeves completely devouring his hands,” You honor me and my school too much! We are but a humble collective of Senjutsu Practitioners, not deserving of receiving such praise.”

“Then let us get back to business,” Marui grumbled,” You can sing his praises later.”

“You’re only saying that because your grandson got rejected entry!”

The lightning clad dog, Yū, barked loudly much to the giant’s dismay. Their tail wagging wildly in amusement was like thunder rolling through the sky.

“Quit mutt!”

The Oni roared, his large hand automatically reaching for his oh so familiar tetsubo. It would be much more accurate to call it a tree as it easily reached the giant’s shoulders.

“You are showing great shame to Master Shitori,”

Kiyo chided, not looking to convincing given the large clay jar they had pulled out. Tiny claws struggling to pull the cork, their eyes alight as they settle themselves in for a show.


Nurarihyon commanded loudly, causing the two warring Yokai to look over at the old leader. Their eyes easily taking in the man’s darkening countenance and the transparent image paper lanterns just beginning to take shape above him. The two sent a harsh glare in the other’s direction before settling down back into their seats, the air now still.

“Good.” He nodded, allowing the lanterns to fade out of existence with a mere thought,” I apologize Master Shitori for taking up more of your time, we should be getting back on schedule. I have heard that your school has a pretty detailed account of the Ancient Practitioner Era?”

“There is no apology needed, Nurarihyon-sama. Just being able to catch a glimpse at the legendary Hyakki Yagyō (Night Parade of One Hundred Demons) was more than this humble practitioner could ever hope for.” The master bowed, truly grateful,” So thank you for providing such an opportunity to me. You are correct, my late master has indeed left me texts that survived the ages.”

“Before we continue,” The old man smiled slightly, sending a glance at the peaceful looking youth,” We are being rude. Let me introduce the 2 of you. Master Shitori, this is ‘Grandmaster Yamato Iori’.”

At that name, the white bearded man froze on the spot. His eyes widening in shock as he looked at the youth who didn’t even look 40. The youth in question only nodded in greeting, blue orbs seeming to look right through him.

Shitori’s shock passes quickly and was soon overtaken by a stern expression.

“Young man.” He said slowly, squinting those pure white eye brows,” I don’t know how you found out about that name, but to actually go about using it will only result in your life being cut short.”

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