Immortal Voices

Chapter 3 - Yu

The little sister who was just awake watching the bed closed her eyes pale again at this time, Yu Xiu’s hands froze, and she felt a rush of tears in her heart.

He hurried forward and gathered a white energy in his hand. The energy light group was very small and not as bright as Aunt Choi.

The light group slowly integrated into the body of the younger sister, and after a while, he did not wake up until he was relieved.

Yu Xiuwa burst into tears. Dad was right, he couldn’t do everything, he couldn’t do sword and exercise, he couldn’t do his homework, and he couldn’t even take care of the people.

Yu Xiuhong cried for a while before thinking of the unconscious person on the bed. He wiped his tears and choked and said, “Sister, I’ll go to Aunt Caiyi, she will be able to save you, you wait for me.”

Soon after he left, Rong Xian was awake.

Suddenly she was attacked by the pain before she lost consciousness, but her powerful soul power did not allow her to faint for too long, and she was still unfamiliar.

There was no one in the room, and Rong Xian immediately closed her eyes and let out the consciousness.

Rong Xian opened her eyes when the child practiced swords, grown-ups, poultry, chickens, and dogs jumped, and the child asked the pharmacist’s voice until the spirit bounced back from a barrier.

There was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, and she looked very happy.

How could she be upset, she finally found the location of the sword emperor’s essence.

Sword Emperor is the first person recognized in the world ten thousand years ago. No one knows how high his cultivation is, but as long as he sees the holy mountain suspended over the infinite sea, he can see the tip of the iceberg.

Before the sword emperor disappeared with the most outstanding Tianjiao of the Yu tribe, he accidentally left a drop of essence blood. As the most trusted subordinate of the sword emperor Yu family, he was responsible for guarding the essence blood and waiting for the sword emperor to return.

The sword emperor has not heard of it for many years, and the power and vitality contained in the essence and blood are very huge. People who know the essence and blood exist frequently harass.

The Yu family can’t be disturbed with the essence and blood, and cursed in their own blood. The descendants of their own generations can only guard and not own the essence, and the offender will suffer the heartache.

They were afraid that the sword emperor would suffer unexpectedly, and this drop of blood might be the key to the resurrection of the sword emperor, so they will wait no matter how long.

Over the years, countless people have been looking for the Yu clan’s place, just for that drop of sword emperor’s blood, but unfortunately they all came back.

The essence of the sword emperor is in sight, and Rong Xian will not let it go.

After becoming the Supreme Master of Magic, Rong Xian assigned her powers to her subordinates. She has been studying the place of the Yu clan, but she has no choice but to find it once she died. It is really a blessing to rely on.

At this time, footsteps came from outside the door, and there was an urgent urgency from the children: “Aunt Caiyi, hurry up, hurry up.”

Caiyi is a woman in her thirties, wearing armed uniforms like the villagers, looking lean and neat.

Holding the medicine box in her hand, Wen said, “Xiuer, I just said I was holding you to go faster. You didn’t agree with it. How could you urge me now?”

Yu Xiu scratched his head, grinned, and said, “I’ve grown up, I’ve lost face because of my aunt. Okay, Aunt Caiyi, look at the younger sister.”

Caiyi drowned a little on the tip of his nose, opened the door and walked in, directly facing the bright eyes of the girl lying on the bed, her eyes softened and said, “Little girl, you are awake. “

Yu Xiu also ran forward in surprise, wanting to reach out and touch Rong Xian, but was afraid that he would be fainted just like before. He could only watch his aunt diagnose the veins of his little sister, comforting in his mouth: “Sister, don’t be afraid This is Aunt Caiyi. With her there, you will soon feel uncomfortable. “

Rong Xian bent her corner and smiled very cute.

The Yu family is isolated from the rest of the world, and this pure atmosphere of her body makes her very comfortable.

She only needs the sword emperor’s blood, and as long as the Yu people don’t bother her, she won’t bring trouble to the Yu people.

After Caiyi let go of her hand, she couldn’t help but smile when she saw Yu Xi’s anxious look, saying, “It’s okay, it’s just malnutrition. Just two days.”

Yu Xiu was relieved. He looked at the younger sister’s pale face and asked hesitantly, “Aunt Caiyi, does the younger sister take medicine?”

Caiyi thought about it and said, “I’ll prescribe some solid medicines and eat them for two days.”

She looked at the girl with a good smile on the bed and couldn’t help softening her voice: “Child, what’s your name, how could you faint outside our village?”

“Yeah, I don’t know what the younger sister’s name is.” Yu Xiu patted his head in annoyance and introduced to Rong Xian: “Little sister, my name is Yu Xiu, I’m eight years old this year, how about you?”

Rong Xian blinked, showing eyebrows and phoenix eyes, but she did not see a half-strength breath, but because the confusion in her eyes was too heavy, she seemed innocent and vulnerable: “I seem to be called … Rong Xian.”

“Like?” Caiyi stared at him: “Can’t you remember?”

Rong Xian nodded, and her pale face looked particularly pitiful: “I can’t remember anything except my name.”

Caiyi examined it carefully and found that the child had a swollen congestion in the back of the child, which seemed to be caused by the impact. This was the reason for the child’s memory loss.

She thought about it and said, “Then you’ll get sick here first, the village will send someone out of the mountain to find your family, and then send you back when you find it.”

A flash of light flashed in Rong Xian’s eyes, but Feng’s eyes curved into a crescent, and his expression was grateful and said, “Well, thank you … Aunt Caiyi.”

Send her away when you find your family?

Rong Xian concealed the irony from the bottom of her eyes. The only relative in the original owner’s memory has been solved by her. Yu’s people may be disappointed. Already here, how could she leave easily, saying that Yu Xiu would become an opportunity to stay here.

Rong Xian smiled quietly and docilely, making her heart soft into a pool of water.

Caiyi couldn’t help but touch the child’s head. This child was so good and really distressing.

“Xiu Er, you are here to accompany Xiaoxian, I will go to boil medicine.” Cai Yi said towards Yu Xiu.

Yu Xiu nodded quickly, and said very chestily: “Aunt Caiyi rest assured that I can take good care of Xiaoxian.”

Rong Xian didn’t hesitate to call the name “Xiao Xian”. She lay in bed without moving, her eyes fell on Yu Xiu.

Since becoming the Lord of the Demon, no one remembers her real name.

Wu Xin is easy to breathe, and his heart is so busy that he is free to care for Ningyue, and the month is lazy in Hanxi.

Everyone knows that there are two connoisseurs of Ningyue and Hanxi, but unlike the high-profile of Condensing Moon, Lord Hanxi has never appeared before his ancestors, and even the Condensing Moon thinks that the third is nonexistent.

After thinking about it, she was finally relieved.

Before the self-explosion, she made a gesture that only herself and His Excellency Hanxi could understand, so that Hanxi withdrew her confidant to hide from the battlefield and wanted to come to Hanxi to do well.

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