Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 44 - Break me

The Wu tribe, even in the grand nineteenth heaven, are also extremely powerful races. Their physical bodies are very fragile, but every member of the tribe has a magical magic, killing and invisibleness.

Blood burial is just the lowest level of witchcraft among the witches, but even so, it is enough to shock Lin Feng.

“No, this is not the true blood burial technique of the Wu tribe. Although it is very similar to the blood burial technique of the Wu tribe, it just looks divine.”

“However, if it is the blood burial technique of the real Wu tribe, let alone Luo Lao and Feng Lao, I am afraid that the entire Luo family will be buried in the villa and the villa.”

The witchcraft’s sorcery is powerful. He knows very well that even the lowest level of blood burial is amazing.

If it is the highest level of witchcraft witchcraft, it is enough to sacrifice the entire planet, even a star field.

“Although it is not the real witchcraft witchcraft, but with the shadow of witchcraft witchcraft everywhere, it must have a great connection with witchcraft witchcraft. Could it be … This is also the witchcraft inherited by the witchcraft. It was originally witchcraft The true blood burial technique of the clan only passed through a long time, and the inheritance appeared incomplete, which led to the situation that seems to be divorced now. “

“This possibility is still very big, out of ten.”

“So it seems that in the past on earth, there may have been a Witch race at some time.”

Returning to God, Lin Feng wondered secretly in his heart.

After much deliberation, he felt that this was the only possibility that could explain the seemingly divine blood burial of the Wu tribe.

“If this is the case, then this place on the earth is really more and more interesting.”

At this point, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes with interest.

Based on the status quo of the earth, even if it is supported by Jiu Pin Ju Ling Da Zhen Tian Zai Zhen, and elixir, it is only congenital.

However, the emergence of the Witch heritage has given him hope that since there was a Witch existence at some time on the earth in the past, it is likely that other powerful races also existed. These powerful existences may be in some place on the earth. In the corner, some relics are left. If these relics can be found, even if it is Yuanyuan, there will not be any problems.

It may even break through the distraction, which is a big barrier to the realm. If he can really break through the distraction, he can forcibly ascend to the ninth heaven with the help of mystery. By then, he will succeed in the ninth heaven with the experience of thousands of years ago Breaking through the realm of the Emperor, you can return to the earth regardless of the channel enchantment, and take your closest relatives, lovers, friends, ascend the Nine Heavens Realm, and obtain a longer life.

“Witch tribe, blood burial?”

“Master Lin, what are you talking about?”

Luo’s family asked nervously, and even Luo and Feng were equally nervous.

“This is the blood burial technique of the Wu tribe.”

Along the direction of Lin Feng’s fingers, the Luo family quickly discovered the problem.

In the basement, there is a puppet doll. The puppet doll is red all over the body, as if it was soaked with blood. It is engraved with dense runes and is also wrapped with dense red silk threads.

“Master Lin, what do you do now?” The Luo family panicked, helpless.

Such a thing, they have never seen it, even Luo Luo and Feng Lao. The most important thing is the mysterious atmosphere above, which is weird in the simplicity and reveals a spooky atmosphere. Impressive, just one glance made them like falling ice caves.

Looking directly at such a puppet doll full of redness is even more frightening, just like facing death, and there is even an illusion that one’s vitality is constantly losing to such a puppet.

It was only a short moment and unprecedented unknown fear shrouded the hearts of all Luo family members. Even Luo Lao and Feng Lao, two powerful warriors, couldn’t help frowning.

“It’s broken.”

Lin Feng dismissed.

“Master Lin, please.”

The Luo family hissed deeply and bent down, earnestly.

“Break it for me.”

Lin Feng snapped his fingers, and a sharp white mang flew from his fingertips, directly submerged into a copper nail at the position of the puppet’s navel.

In the previous life, he had been in contact with many and many races in Jiuzhong Heaven. He had also talked with the old ancestors of the Wu clan for three days and nights. Although the witchcraft of such a red puppet is not the true blood burial technique of the witch family, it has the same purpose and is generally the same.

The blood burial technique, the copper nail placed on the navel’s eye, is the key to the whole blood burial technique. Just destroy the copper nail, and the whole blood burial technique will collapse.

The same is true of the red puppet.


When Bai Mang hit the copper nail, the copper nail glowed a thick blood red light, blocking Bai Mang from the copper nail.

The two collided with a loud noise.

“Om, um, boom …”

Bai Mang and blood red light continued to collide, one time more fiercely than the other, and the sound of the collision changed from the original buzzing to the roar of a rumbling boom.

The roar was loud. Everyone except Lin Feng felt like a thunder exploded in his ears, his head was blasted, and his eyes were confused.

Luo Lao and Feng Lao are good martial arts practitioners. The condition of the two is better. In contrast, Luo Zicheng and his parents squatted down with their ears covered in their ears. A flashing star burst into their eyes .

“Well … it’s a bit of a contempt for you!”

Lin Feng stepped up his strength, and the white awns emitted were thicker and brighter, and he instantly wrapped the blood-red light completely.


On the red puppet, more intense blood-red rays burst out. These blood-red rays desperately resisted the engulfment of the Baimang while enclosing it.

“Buzz …”

White and blood-red entanglement entangled with each other, and a louder humming broke out.

The continuous roar, even more harsh dementors, even Luo Lao and Feng Lao couldn’t bear to cover their ears. As for Luo Zicheng and his parents, the eye sockets and ears had already exuded a hint of red. Blood, and then the three of them became dark before passing out.

“Master Lin …” Luo Lao and Feng Lao said nervously.

“Rest assured, it’s okay.” Lin Feng nodded signally, his eyes continued to fall on the blood-red light trying to resist, “the mantis blocked the car and couldn’t help it.”

In the previous shot, he only used less than 30% of his power. After all, in his view, breaking this seemingly ridiculous blood burial technique, but it was only a pediatric gadget, but he never thought that he looked down on this seeming Divine blood burial.

“Break me!”

Lin Feng shouted and at the same time increased his strength to 50%.

The dazzling white awn, which had become dazzling, began to become dazzling. The entire basement began to be filled with this dazzling white awn, and the sense of darkness completely disappeared. In its place, it was unprecedentedly bright.

The feeling was like from the dark night to the bright day.

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