Immortal Cultivator in MHA

Sealing the deal

Thanks for the support, Byakoo!

"You have a keen eye," Zhang Yu said the moment he steps into the private room. To which, she responded with the same business smile on her face before saying, "To survive in this business, you need to have a special set of skills, otherwise, you will be left behind and fired for not meeting the quota of the month."

"That's a good mindset to have," he said followed by a curt nod as he sat on the comfortable sofa. The decoration of the room seems to be luxurious and intimidating enough to the guest, but Zhang Yu was clearly used to this sort of situation as he appeared calm and steady, not the least affected by his surrounding.

"Thanks for the compliment, then can Mr.." "Zhang Yu."

"Thank you, then can Mr.Zhang inform me what kind of deal do you have for this humble store?"

Rather than answering her with words to which he was certain she won't believe him without showing the actual thing, so he slips his hand into his pocket before bringing out a simple yet mysterious necklace to the table. He didn't want to surprise her more than necessary by using the same method he showed to Allmight so he make use of the pocket. Her eyes immediately shine the moment the necklace appeared in her sight but she quickly tried her best to conceal the greed within her eyes by looking away. Though, it goes without saying that he noticed her apparent reaction as he smile. 

"This is?" Apparently, she didn't think he had noticed her reaction so she pretends to be ignorant and ask him. Of course he didn't mind and choose to play along, he wanted to test out how far her knowledge goes. 

"This is a special necklace, an heirloom of my ancestor. By wearing this, one can attain a certain amount of strength depending on the wearer's potential." He then slowly narrated how a normal person wearing this could easily lift up a car with their bare hand, and some could potentially punch a hole in a wall and come out unscratched. 

" it like a quirk?"

"You can think of like that. Even a quirkless person could have obtained powerful strength by wearing this. Now, if I were to trade this, I'm sure you know full well how high this thing value, especially in the auction market."

", can I try wearing it?" She clearly wanted to wear it but was holding herself back quite well. Zhang Yu was also quite amazed that she could hold herself so much despite her early 'outburst.' He wouldn't be surprised if she were to accuse him of stealing and try to kick him off the store after seizing the necklace as her own. He had experienced it more than once back in the cultivation world after all.

The moment they were blinded by greed, that's when he makes sure they regret that decision for the rest of their life. He honestly doesn't mind as, at the end of it, he earns a lot of profit by blackmai—asking them compensation for the 'trauma' they did to him, and most of the time, that's where the true profit is. He really wish for her to also fall to that stereotype, but unfortunately, he underestimated her.

"Sure, go ahead."

Though she appeared hesitant at first, she eventually gave in to her curiosity and wore it around her neck. The moment the necklace was wrapped nicely around her neck, she could immediately feel a surge of vitality in her body. Without thinking twice, she stood up and directly punch the nearest wall, her eyes widened in awe. Her first swiftly penetrated through the thick wall leaving behind a small hole where she punched, and exactly as he claimed, there wasn't any scratch around her hand at all. 

She could feel the impact of her fist against the wall, but instead of hardened cement, she feel as if she was breaking a wood instead of a wall of a building. The feeling was almost addicting, if she were a quirkless person, she wouldn't even want to separate from it at all.

"A million," she immediately put up the price as she plopped her weight on the sofa. She hopes the man doesn't know the true value of such an item, but unfortunately for her, the man knew more about the necklace than anyone else in this world.

"That's too little, 4 million," he stated while showing her his four fingers. He said it so calmly and confidently that the girl immediately realized he must have known about it more than his appearance suggested. It's either that, or he didn't actually know anything and choose the highest price he could imagine. But it was too close to her assessment that she believes her realization must have hit the mark.

"2.5 million, that's as much as I could go," Even so, that didn't mean she won't stop trying to bargain for more. When he looked at her, if it was someone else in his place, they would've believed she was making the final deal. Her eyes were deadly serious, but what gives her away was also her eyes—they were burning with too much passion within them, it was clear to him she wanted it.

"Alright, you win. 3 million, I won't go any lower than this," He then exaggeratedly acted as if he's feeling sadness by giving up the chance where he could possibly earn more. But that is indeed the case, 3 million for such a specular item is too cheap. If it was put in the auction, it could go as high as 10 million or more. Even someone with an already powerful quirk won't let go of the chance of gaining more power up their sleeves. 

But Zhang Yu didn't want to go teeth to teeth for it. It isn't like he only has a piece of them—there are far more valuable items that are worth much more than the necklace within his void storage, he simply chooses the trash one that was left to collect dust to be sold. If he could sell it for some money, he didn't mind selling them either. There's once a famous saying back in his old world, 'one man's trash is another man's treasure' which seems to be the perfect replicate of the current situation.

Chapter 12 is out on Patreon!

Chapter 13 is currently at 33%, but the author is going to sleep and will resume later.

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