Immortal Cultivator in MHA


The moment he realized where in the world he is, he immediately scanned the crowd around him as if he was searching for someone. It only took him a second to find his target, he smiled. 

A young and short boy with messy dark hair coupled with green eyes, they all match perfectly with the description from his old memories. He is usually optimistic and energetic but as of now, he appeared depressed and possibly stressed out over something. 

Straight ahead, a villain entirely based on liquidity seems to be wreaking havoc in the surrounding with its explosive quirk. But if looked closer, he could see a young boy wearing the same outfit as the young boy he found in the crowd which is easy to conclude that they go to the same school. With a casual glance, it is apparent to everyone here that the villain is trying to take over the young boy's body but the latter is still resisting with all his might. 

With such a small space in the alleyway, a hero such as Mount Lady couldn't even get in there with her gigantic size without destroying the whole place down, so even if she wanted to help, she simply couldn't. The other heroes on the other hand certainly could help, that is if they weren't restricted by the hostage situation. Although it was more of a takeover body than a hostage, it is not that much different as, if they ever make a move, they may accidentally injure the student which is why they didn't dare to make a move up until now. It is a peculiar situation.

They need a hero with a unique quirk that can attack the villain and save the student at the same time. Plus, with the fire burning everything around them, it became harder for them to put forth their action. 

Kamui of the Wood, as his hero name suggested, his quirk is made of wood that he can stretch out like a branch and move like his limbs. But for someone with a liquidity quirk like the villain ahead, there's no way he can immobilize him with his quirk, especially if he didn't want to get himself burned instead.

Even now, another hero also tried his best to put down the fire with his water-based quirk but to no avail. So long as the villain keeps abusing the student's quirk which caused a small explosion from now and then, the fire won't die down anytime soon. They desperately need someone with a powerful wind-based quirk, otherwise, the villain will be unstoppable. Also, the more time passed, the lower the chance of the student surviving once the villain successfully take over his body.

Suddenly, everyone on the scene witnessed a middle schooler recklessly rush toward the villain. The heroes shouted to try and stop him in his track, but the boy wasn't listening. To their eyes, the boy's action is no different than that of a madman. It's borderline suicidal and could worsen the situation.

The villain turns his slimy head toward the reckless boy and he immediately recognized the brat as the same one he tried taking over previously but was manhandled easily by the number 1 hero. Though he didn't know how he could get away from that hero, it didn't matter anymore. Anyone who gets in his way—he will obliterate them by exploiting the kid's explosive quirk.

"I'll blow you to pieces!" Said the villain as he prepares to use the kid quirk to blow the brat, but unexpectedly, the brat throws his bag at the villain's face which obstructed his view for a moment. 

The Immortal Cultivator watches the scene in silence. He finally remembers the bits of how the beginning of the story goes. He was lucky. Thankfully, he appeared in this world just in time the story had only begun. 

At this rate, that certain hero will be forced to use his power which will certainly worsen his already bad condition—a fatal injury he received from a villain years ago. He doesn't mind making a move to save them, but if he did, it will ruin the story. His next action could potentially bring more impending doom to the people of this world. Could he burden himself with the responsibility when the butterfly effect hits due to him changing the future? 

He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. An Immortal Cultivator who goes against Heaven's Will, something akin to God, is now afraid to take action because he was worried it will bring more harm to people? What a joke. 

Onto the next second, he disappeared from his spot as the people's sight was hooked on the scene ahead of them before reappearing next to a scrawny blond hair man with a white T-shirt standing at the back of the crowd. As expected of a number 1 hero, he immediately noticed someone blinking to his side with his sharp sense. 

"Who...are you?" The scrawny man asked in a whisper tone as he didn't remember any villain nor hero that fits the description of the person next to him. There was a strange but calm aura that exhibit around the man that didn't go unnoticed, yet the number 1 hero also felt intimidated by his presence at the same time. The villain shouldn't have known of this weakened figure of his which is only known to a selected few, people that are very close to him.

"I know who you are, and you certainly don't know me. Don't worry, I didn't come here to harm you or anything, in fact, I'm here to give you a hand" said the white-haired man with a reassuring smile that shows neither malice nor kindness, almost neutral to a fault.

"...what do you mean by that?" He didn't let his guard down just yet, he was still just as concerned, perhaps a bit calmed down. But then, his eyes widened when he saw the white-haired man's hand slip into a void before he brings out a strange and shiny golden pill in his palm. He could smell various kinds of herbs from the pill, so he judged it must be some kind of medical pill. But why did he bring such a thing out?

"Well, you see, this golden pill in my hand can heal any injury, when I said any, I meant ANY. And in my place, it's called Rejuvenation Pill and a quite precious pill if I do say so, I only have a few of them left." Though, he certainly can produce it again at any time if only he had the materials, but that is not something the other party should know just yet.

"A pill that can heal any injury—are you serious?!"

"Now, you may have realized where I'm getting at. Don't worry, I won't ask much from you, just a few bits of help which can only be done by you, that is all I needed, so what do you think? Not a bad deal right?"

The white-haired man was clearly suspicious. He knows nothing of him yet the other party seems to know a lot about him. From his tone and action, he didn't seem to be doing this out of malice. In fact, Allmight could sense a bit of respect concealed in the latter's eyes. Is it just one of his fans?

"It's because your eyes were pleading for help!"

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