I’m The Princess of The Ice Queen?

Chapter 8

"...Did I wake you up, Tauro?"

While I was waking up, Sofia was softly smiling while patting my head.



I let out a soft yawn while rubbing my eyes. I'm not sure what I was dreaming of, but before I woke up, it felt very warm.

"...Did you dream of something good?"

"Mm. I don't remember what it was, but it felt very warm and nostalgic."

"...That's good."

Sofia gave me another pat on the head, before carrying me to the table near the window. I sat down on the chair while still feeling sleepy, Sofia then started combing my hair.

After a little while, someone was knocking on the door.

*Knock Knock*

After a brief pause, Annette entered the room.

"Ah, Your Majesty! Welcome back."

"...Thank you."

"You seem to be a good mood, Your Majesty."

"...Yes. It's because I could see Tauro's cute sleeping face. She recently just woke up, I guess you where talking to the head maid about her classes, right?"

"Y-Yes. Um, how did you know, Your Majesty?"

"...When it comes to Tauro, I always make sure what's she's up to. I wouldn't want her to experience that again. And I'm also quite surprised about your boldness Annette."

"W-well... Ehehe~"

Sofia said while smiling while Annette was laughing dryly.

I wasn't sure what they where talking about, as I was not really listening. I was too tired.


"...Still sleepy, Tauro?"

I shook my head.

"No. I'm fully awake now, Onee-chan."

"...That's good. Your hair is also silky smooth now, thanks to my excellent combing. This is also the first time I've seen Tauro sleeping in the middle of the day though. You must have been quite tired."


"...Before I go, take this book Tauro. I bought this in 'Eleya', which is the starter town."

Sofia gave me a book, it looked very ordinary, and it had no design on it at all. It was just covered with leather, and it only contained the name of the book.

"'Sub-Classes For Dummies'? Eh?"

"...It has a really stupid name, I know. But it contains all known sub-classes. It also explains how to obtain them. There are hidden and unique sub-classes, but they are not listed here."

"O-Okay. Thank you Onee-chan."

Sofia gave me a hug, while smiling softly. She really like to spoil me, not that I am against it.

"...Cute, but I will have to go now, I have some quests to complete. Annette, make sure to take care of her, okay?"

"I will, Your Majesty Yuzuri!"

"...Someone is quite eager, I see. Then, I'll see you later, Tauro."

After Sofia left, I put the book in my inventory while Annette told me about the classes that will start from tomorrow on. It was not only ethic classes, but other classes too.

This is the rundown of the upcoming classes:

Looks like I will also get dance classes as well, I hope the teacher won't be strict. And the history one sounds interesting, I guess it will also level up my knowledge.
But, won't I be able to have these classes once school starts again? I probably need to ask Sofia about that.

But before that, I should probably read the book that Sofia gave me. I took out the book from my inventory, and placed it down on the table, and started to read it.

"Sub-classes are a sub category of the main job class, however, that doesn't mean it has to be the same as the main class. You can also have more than 1 sub class, however, obtaining more than one is tricky, as you will need to complete certain specific quests to obtain more sub-class slots."

As I read, I just got confused. More than 1 sub-class? Wasn't that unbalanced? I can understand that you can obtain a different class for the sub-class, since Sofia has one that is different from her fighting class.

"Known sub-classes: Warrior, Magic Warrior, Magician, Maid, Merchant, Joker, Alchemist, Dancer, Summoner... Summoner?"

I never heard of this class before. Does it mean you can summon things?

Let's take a look then. Lets see~... Summoner information is on Page 200 to 201, so only 2 pages?

I then searched for page 200, which did not take long at all to find.

"Sub-Class: Summoner. They can summon monsters they have captured. Summoners can also make contracts to spirits, however, summoners cannot treat their summons as tools, or mere objects. Trust between the summoner and its summon is crucial."

So that means, if I capture a cute wolf puppy monster, or any other fluffy monster, I will be able to pet and fluff it as much as I want?!

"Tauro-sama, are you interested of becoming a summoner?"

"Mm. If I can become a summoner, does that not mean I will be able to pet and fluff all kinds of fluffy monsters?!"

"This is the first time I have heard someone wanting to become a summoner, just to fluff monsters, Tauro-sama."

Annette simply smiled at my determination on wanting to pet and fluff all kinds of fluffy monsters.

I looked back on the book, since I remembered Sofia also saying that the book also contains information on how to obtain the said sub-class. And there it was, on the second page.

To obtain this said class, you will have to do the following:
    Step 1) Have MP around 150 (Starter MP is 30, so this is recommended only for those of level 5 and higher)
    Step 2) Be near a fairy fountain, and cast the spell: 'O mother nature, give thy' spirits blessing.'

That's all you have to do to obtain the sub-class? Sounds pretty simple. But, the first step says is recommended for level 5 and higher. And I'm still level 1... Wait, how much MP did I start with again? [Status]

「Player Status」
     Job Class: Princess
     Name: Tauro
     Gender: Female
     Age: 10?
     Level: 1
     HP: 10 / 10
     MP: 200 / 200
     EXP: 5%
     Title: Beloved by the Goddess Ultenia, Anomaly, True Loli, Princess of the Ice Queen

Eh?! I started with 200?! The book says the normal starter MP is 30, so how come I start with so much? I should probably not tell anyone about this... Yeah, let's not. But I earned 5% EXP, somehow? I wonder what I did.


After I closed the book, I asked Annette if there was a fairy fountain somewhere near here. And to my surprise, there was.

"If I recall correctly, you can find one not that far away from the capital. It will take around 1 hour to reach it, since its within the 'Spring Forest', which is relatively close to the capital. Do you want to go there, Tauro-sama?"

"Mm. I really want to be a summoner, I want to summon fluffy things."

"Then, let's ask for Her Majesty Yuzuri's permission first then-"

"...You don't need to ask permission. And no guards are needed, as I will accompany Tauro."


"Y-your Majesty!"

"...Sorry if I appeared out of nowhere, I just simply used my teleportation spell."

"S-simply you said?"

"...Mm. Since I know the location, I can take Tauro there within mere moments. So It won't really take long."

"Really? We won't need to walk the whole way, Onee-chan?"

"...Nope. Though, we do still need to walk a little bit, so It will probably take around a minute or 2 to reach our destination at first. But the way back will be instant."

"Your Majesty. I'm sorry for speaking out of turn, but may I accompany Tauro as well?"

"...That's fine. But before we head out, I shall give you some equipment, Tauro."

<Player 'Yuzuri' wants to trade.>

<Cancel> <Accept>

When I clicked on [Accept], I saw the list of items Sofia wanted to give me. She also put [Nothing] in the column she wanted. As I clicked on [Accept] once again, the equipment ownership was then transferred over to me.

<You obtained 'Short Boots'.>
<You obtained 'Princess Armor'.>
<You obtained 'Knuckles++'.>
<You obtained 'Battle Dress'.>

Though, what am I going to do with knuckles and a battle dress? Do I need those to capture monsters? But fighting is scary... And what is the difference between 'Princess Armor' and 'Battle Dress'? I should probably ask Sofia.

"Um, Onee-chan. What's the difference between the 'Princess Armor' and 'Battle Dress'? And why do I need such gear?"

"...Just in case if anything would happen to you. 'Battle Dress' is more suited for battles, while the 'Princess Armor' is basically an armor piece that is meant for tankers. Though, this is designed to look like a real princess outfit, so you can use it as your casual wear, as it also gives you 1500+ DEF."

"1500 defence..."

I said in complete shock.

"Does that mean that Tauro-sama will be safe even if someone would try to assassinate her, Your Majesty?"

"...That's correct. Not that I would allow such scum to exist anyway."


I know that Sofia is quite overprotective, but isn't this quite much?

Chapter 8 is here!

I had a hard time to figure out what kind of information the book was going to have, so this chapter took a bit longer than intended. oh well   o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

And I created the little Discord server, here is the invite link: https://discord.gg/qcBwhUP

There isn't much there yet, as it was recently created.

That's all for now.  ヾ(•ω•`)o

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