I’m The Princess of The Ice Queen?

Chapter 46 – Ending

A few days has passed since the new years festival. Tauronaya day's has gone as normal, no weird activities for the time being. What we did find recently, was another of those weird crystals. This time it's pure black, or what looks to be in the purest form of "darkness". Just like the white crystal, it has divinity left in it, but this one is more sinister. Yet surprisingly, it's very weak.

We have been monitoring it, but nothing has come out of it. I'm pretty sure It's linked to the white crystal somehow, but I can't exactly really put my finger on it as to why.

The information that has been gathered recently indicates that "It" will appear soon, we just don't know where or how. But somehow, I've got a feeling that this crystal might be the key of finding this being.

"...Touching this crystal gives me shivers. What could possibly create such a dense negative divinity."

As I was carefully taking close glances at the crystal, I noticed that It was time for dinner. The crystal was carefully placed within a box covered with divinity, not only for protection, but for security.

"...Let's not make Tauronaya wait for too long, then."

After Sofiana left to eat dinner with Tauronaya, the crystal started to slowly change its color, and a faintly sound of a heartbeat was heard.


The crystal has been stuck within the secured box, still emitting heart beats. The sound was quite faint at the start, but as the days went by, it started to get louder and louder by the day. But that's not the only change to the crystal, it has slightly changed the color to a more purple hue. Just looking at this crystal makes me feel woozy now.

As I was contemplating on what I should do with the crystal, I got a very urgent notification.

"...!! Dimensional tears has been appearing everywhere? This is really bad."

What's strange is that these tears aren't strategic either, they all appeared in random places all over the world, some in complete deserts.

It looks like today will be quite hectic, to say the least.

Even the crystal started to act up, and cracks started to form all over it. The pressure was so big, that even the box covered in divinity started to break apart. That's when the realization hit me.

The dimensional tears are from the crystals themselves!

Getting it out of here, or escaping at this point, was rather fruitless. We just hit the point of no return. And right after the box finally broke apart, the crystal shattered, causing a dimensional tear to form, sucking everything in it.

The moment I got sucked into the tear, I lost my consciousness.


When I woke up, the mansion and everything was dark.

I looked around the darkness of my room until I could see again. It was eerily quiet, I could hear no sounds coming from the hallways, nothing. Not only that, the air around me felt heavy, as if I was swallowed up in a never ending nightmare.

I'm scared. Where is everyone?

I cautiously went towards the hallway. Maybe there were some maids around, and its just a normal blackout? But the moment I left the room, I saw neither no maids, and the windows to the outside was dark as the vastness of space, except there were no stars to speak of.

As I wandered around scared for awhile, I finally heard something. I couldn't hear it exactly what it was, as it was getting harder to and harder to see and hear, and I was also getting colder and colder as I went on.

I-It's freezing c-cold...

After reaching the end the hallway that felt like it went on forever, I reached the main entrance of the mansion. There, I saw a girl crying while being surrounded by dark strange shadows floating all around her.

The moment I walked up to her, it got harder and harder for me to breathe. It really hurts, but I couldn't leave the girl alone. She was being bullied by these shadows!

While the shadows tried to stop me, I managed to hug the crying girl. In that instance, a bright light surrounded us. It was the same light that appeared when I touched that weird crystal, but this time it was very warm. It no longer was hard to breathe anymore, and the cold air was changed into warm and fuzzy.

After the light subsided, everything was back to normal, as if nothing had ever happened. The girl that I hugged was now sleeping between my arms. And as I looked around then room, I found Sofia, Annette and other maids lying on the ground. And slowly one by one, they regained their conscious.

The moment they laid their eyes on me, they quickly made sure I was alright. After making sure I was all right, they noticed the girl in my arms. After I explained what happened to Sofia, she simply nodded and said that she will take look after her once she wakes up.

I'm not sure who that girl is, why she was here, or rather, how did she get in here? And what was all the weird shadows all about?

As my stomach was growling, I forgot that I haven't eaten any breakfast.

Oh well, all's well if it ends well, right?

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