I’m The Princess of The Ice Queen?

Chapter 3: Sofia POV 1 – Tauro is still Tauro

I woke up pretty early today, and sent a message to my little brother. Even tho we live in the same house. After that I took a shower, and got myself ready for today.

Tauro is probably still asleep. Let's go wake him up then.

I walked up to his room, and knocked on his door.

"...Tauro? Are you awake?"

I got no response, so I assumed he was asleep. I opened up the door, and found... Tauro?

Someone was sitting on his bed, with the game I gave him. As I looked closer, I noticed it was indeed Tauro, they had the same facial features. Not only did Tauro get the gender change disease, he also became smaller? Not only that, his eye and hair colour have changed too.

Tauro's hair became silver looking with beautiful green looking emerald eyes, not only that, he became really cute too. My cute little brother became a cute little sister, that also became younger too it looks like.

"...I should contact mom and dad about this, since they are overseas right now... We also have to go to the government building tomorrow too. Good thing we are in our holiday for the next 2 weeks."

But knowing Tauro, he will probably be afraid. Afraid that I would come to hate him...

I placed my hand on his left cheek and gently stroke it.

"...My adorable little Tauro. Even if you change, you will still be Tauro."

When I had my fill of Tauroism, I went back to my room and booted up the game.

As I walked to the fountain from the initial spawn location where I told Tauro to meet me, I noticed that some people was talking about a 'silver haired beauty'. Silver hair is not an option in this game, and the only one who has silver hair was Tauro.

When I got to the fountain, I wanted to start searching for Tauro. But before I even had the chance to, some players headed to my direction.

"Hey there Missy, you wanna party up with us?"


I simply stared at the person who was talking to me. I quickly used my appraisal and checked their statuses.

<Player: Tokko, Age 16, Male>

<Player: Jool, Age 17, Male>

<Player: Bergen, Age 17, Male>

Minimal status mode, huh?

"...No thank you. Further more, I already have a guild. Go invite someone else."

"Ehh~? Why not come with us instead?"

"Yeah, yeah."

I narrowed my eyes, glaring at them.

This also happened at the start of the closed beta period.

"...If you don't want to die, then get your ugly mug out of here."

I coldly spat, without an ounce of emotion.

"Oi, oi! Isn't that Yuzuri? The top player?!"

"Didn't this happen back in the closed beta too?"

"Yeah, it did. I saw everything when it happened back then."

"Will the Blue-Guards appear again?"

As I placed my hand on my sword hilt, the player's surrounding us was talking. Realising that I was one of the top players in the game. The party in question took a step backwards when they realised who I was. Looks like they did not know that I, Yuzuri, was a top player.

But then I noticed someone looking at me from my left, and when I locked eyes with the said person... I noticed that she was Tauro, the same one I saw sitting in her room. Why did she not modify her avatar?

I headed to where she was sitting, while not removing her from my line of sight. As I got closer, she got scared and looked down.

<Player: Tauro, Age 10?, Female>

Why does the age say 10, with a question mark no less? Is it because Tauro's actually became younger?


"...Ye ...Yes?"

When she looked up at me, I could see that she was terrified. She has always been like this when it came to strangers. As I moved my hand to place it on top of her head, she closed her eyes thinking she would get punched.

Seeing Tauro do such reaction must mean she did not check my status, she probably got too afraid to even check it.

When I placed my hand on her head, I gently patted her.

"...Sorry for scaring you Tauro. It's me, Yuzuri... It's okay, I'm not angry... So please, don't cry. Okay?"


I simply smiled softly when Tauro realised I was Sofia, her big sister. And hearing Tauro saying 'Onee-chan' after such a long time made me even more happy.

"Mhmm. It's all okay now. And I'm sorry for logging in so late."

After I said such, Tauro hugged me and started crying onto my chest. Since there where a lot of people around us, I told Tauro that we are going to change locations.

"*Sniff* ...Where are we going, Onee-chan?"

"...To my guild, It's safe there, plus there are no meanies there either. If there are, I will personally get rid of them."

"O-Okay... *Sniff*"

I opened up the menu, and opened up the 'Friend List' and added Tauro. After she accepted, I opened up the 'Teleport Menu' and selected my guild.

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