I’m The Princess of The Ice Queen?

Chapter 27

"Make sure to you got all of your belongings. Now then, let's head inside [Golden Eagle]."

Today our whole class went on a school trip to the hot springs. We will also stay at the [Golden Eagle] during our stay here. Our head chef also said he worked here in the past, and he also said that they make great food when he worked there.

We where also given our rooms for tonight. Each room can have 4 people, and the ones that will be the same room as me is Tia, Elenoir and Anna.

Since me and Tia doesn't know who Anna is, we made sure to introduce ourselves once we entered our room.

"Greetings, classmate Anna. I am Princess Tiatania L. Ulmeria. You may call me Tiatania."

"I am Elenoir vo' Lyndinen."

"Good day. My name is Tauro Lingren."

I have been getting quite good at doing curtesy nowadays. But those, social gatherings are quite boring. Thankfully Tia was there with me.

"U-Um.. I'm A-Anna. Anna Frej."

"Hrm? Anna Frej? From the Frej-Electronics? Does that mean you are the heir of the company?"

"U-Um.. Yes. That's right, Lady Elenoir."

"You don't need to be so stiff. You can call me Elenoir."

"Eh?! B-But don't you get... you know..."

"W-Well.... If that was the old me, then I would. I'm a bit ashamed to tell you, but it is true that I acted such before. But I have grown up."

"I-Is that so?"

Elenoir then nodded at Anna.


I have no idea what they are talking about.

"Tau, you are probably thinking that you don't get it, right?"


"Fufu~ Of course I would know what my cute Tau is thinking~"

Said Tia while giving me a hug while stroking her shin against mine like a cat.

"Princess Tiatania, you sure get along with Princess Tauro."

"Mm-hmm! That's because she is so cute~!"


The mood inside the room turned all fluffy and bright. It was so bright that both Anna and Elenoir got purified and ascended. Probably.

It didn't take long until all 4 girls became fast friends.


A little while later, everyone gathered together in front of the Inn. Since this was a class trip, we were going to see some historical spots near this Inn.

"Alright, everyone is with us, yes?"

The teacher said, while looking at everyone. Once she saw that everyone was present, she told everyone to get in the bus.

The bus ride took only about 20 minutes. We went up a mountain, to a Shinto shrine. I was quite confused why there where a Shinto shrine here, so I asked the teacher about it.

"You will learn soon enough, Princess Tauro. Once we reach our destination, our history class will begin and I will tell you all about it. Of course, I don't know everything, so I made sure to hire a Shinto shrine maiden that works there to tell us more about it. I may be a teacher, but I don't know everything myself."

"Mm. Thank you teacher Adira."

"I'm glad I could be of any help, Princess Tauro."

Once we arrived, we all disembarked the bus and entered the Shinto shrine.

Teacher Adira looked around until she found the person she was looking for.

"Ah, Adira-Sensei. Welcome."

"Thank you for welcoming us, Sayori. Sorry for calling you while you where on a vacation."

She said while bowing apologetically. But the shrine maiden Sayori simply smiled and shook her head.

"Don't worry about it, Adira. If it's for my Sister-In-Law, then of course I would help you out. I do hope my esteemed brother isn't causing you any problems."

"Ahaha... It's more like I'm causing problems for him, Sayori... Sorry about that~"

"Fufu~... *Ahem* Now then, let's start with your history class then. Shall we?"

"Yes, let's do just that. Everyone, please gather around!"

After their quick little reunion, the class started for real.


"Hello, everyone. I am Amari Sayori. Sayori is my first name, and Amari is my surname. As you can see, I am from the [Rising Sun Empire].

Now then, let's get started on the history of this Shinto shrine, shall we?

This shrine was first built 2105, during the 3rd world war. Of course, this shrine was not the only building that was built back then. The old ruins over there, which are the remains of the stronghold, was also built around the same time as this shrine. It was supposed to be a foothold by the [Rising Sun Empire] against the [Imperials].

As you all know from history books, the [Imperials] was defeated after when [The Nordic Kingdom] together with [Germanian Empire] and [Eashen] attacked simultaneously their capital 2120. Thus ending the war."

"Um... Why was the shrine built?"

"Good question. This shrine was built to boost the soldiers morale. As you know, 80 years ago, [Rising Sun Empire] still believed in their god of war."

"Still? You mean, they don't anymore?"

"That is correct. Things changes with time. And as time changes, we too, lose connection to the gods we once worshiped... Anyway, since this is a history lesson, let's drop the subject about gods and the divine."

After the long talk about the history of the shrine, we walked around the shrine. It was really huge.

The buildings where made out of stone and wood. We were told they where built the same way as their ancestors made them. But they did of course include modern solutions and technologies to fasten the construction of the shrine and the stronghold.

I would love to see the stronghold up close, but since we were told that it would be dangerous, we could only look from afar. But they were kind enough to show us trough a holo display from a drone.

The place where the stronghold stood was huge! To think people built buildings like these in the past.

Once our tour was over, teacher Adira told us that our homework was to write a report of what we saw and learned today.

I'll make sure to remember!... If all else fails, just ask Tia.

"Right then, since its getting dark, let's head back to [Golden Eagle] everyone."

And thus, we embarked the bus, and headed back to the Inn.

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