I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 23: Engagement

Chapter 23: Engagement



Antelmo's Side

Sitting inside a luxurious office, Antelmo gazed at the map where one family caused the Assassination.

How did the assassination take place? The household that Antelmo is looking at is the one that hired assassins. However, there is one problem. That household shouldn't be able to afford to hire assassins as high ranking as Legend rank unless someone helped them.

And that's exactly what Antelmo is figuring out. It took some time before he could come up with a conclusion.


1[Map of the Concuria]

That was what immediately came out of Antelmo's head. But here's the question. Why would this territory that's just a neighbour of Lopez help a household just to assassinate Valentina?

Antelmo came up with the answer that it was mostly because of the engagement that happened between Alfonso and Valentina. Since once they marry, the two territories will join forces. And to prevent that, the JASZLA tried to kill Valentina so the engagement will be cancelled.

Figuring this out, Antelmo unknowingly gripped his hand and made a cracking sound on what he is sitting on.

‹Is that man trying to shit on my plans?›

He inwardly growled in fury. Soon after, he calmed down, and with a vacant look, he spoke toward a maid. "You're saying, as a punishment for not being able to properly protect him. You'll destroy this household?"

It was no other but Mary he was talking to.

Upon hearing Antelmo's response, Mary then elegantly bowed and said, "Yes, Patriarch"

However, Antelmo turned silent at this moment as he deeply contemplated what happened.

It has been days since the assassination happened and his face furrowed when he recalled that Alfonso broke the engagement. He was able to know this from the information he deciphered from Mary.

He doesn't know what led Alfonso to do that. Especially since Alfonso deeply liked Valentina. So it was a shock to him but there was one thing he was currently curious about.

"You mentioned that Alfonso has been improving his rank and training?"

He asked, "Yes Patriarch," Mary immediately agreed.

Antelmo in response raised his brow as he turned silent once again. Touching his chin, ‹He's been training?›

He muttered inwardly. Finding it intriguing that Alfonso is trying to improve his strength. His deadbeat and useless son, a disappointment even!

Antelmo couldn't believe it but... He soon came to accept it when he recalled their first meeting, Alfonso's rank was visibly raised at that time.

For him, the sudden change was just too sudden. He even started thinking if his son is changing for the better. However, he wanted to see it with his own eyes before coming up with any conclusion. Without wasting any more time. He then let out an intimidating voice, "Call Alfonso here, I need to discuss something with him."


Alfonso's POV

The territory of the Quiñones family is similar to that of a small village or town and in the middle of this is our huge mansion-like house. There is also a place called a training ground for knights and soldiers of the Quiñones territory. Which is only near our house and where I'm currently at.

In a place full of weapons and clashes of swords. I stood in the middle while in front of a training dummy, currently holding unto a wooden sword with a sweaty body.

Despite my sweat, I soon postured my body in a cool way and muttered inside my head.

"[Brute Thrust]"

In that instant, my hand twisted as I gripped the handle of the wooden sword tightly.

Gaining a lot of momentum, my sword soon thrust at the speed of a bullet.

The wind then blew in every direction of my attack because of the powerful impact that my ability created. Dispersing any force that I have applied.


With sweat running down my skin, the dummy I was aiming for got obliterated in an instant. I then wiped my damn sweat away as I took a deep breath and sat down in exhaustion. Elegantly though, my perfectionism still freaking affects me.

To explain my exhaustion, I have been using my abilities for a while now that's why I'm currently exhausted. My shoulders right now are fucking aching like hell, no, every fucking part of my body is.
One question though, why I'm in this place? Well to explain it, I just wanted to see how cool this place is and maybe try practising a little. The wooden sword I'm using right now is what I took at our mansion. Since I still get nausea from even thinking of touching what commoners touched.

Shrugging my thoughts away, I then deeply immersed myself in the past once again.

Soon after, I quickly recalled what happened in the bestial forest when I could only use Brute Thrust three times. However, right now, I could use Brute Thrust fifteen times without breaking my bones.

Crazy isn't it? Including Dazzling Dash, if at the time in Bestial Forest, I could only use it three times. This time, I can use it ten times without breaking a bone.

My fucking body hurts like hell right now because of trying it out though. Well, it's kind of worth it... I guess. So far, what I have noticed is that... The penalties of my abilities cannot be immediately healed by the system or by using points; I still have to wait for them to heal.

This made sense since when I was fighting the assassin and I broke my bones, notifications like healing my bones didn't appear.

‹Guess I'm not as invincible as I thought›

I quietly murmured before I deeply contemplated again.

It's been a while now since I've been thinking about how does my ability work and why my bones get broken. But I know now since I've been practising in this wide of an area.

To start.

Super Slash:

-This ability works as a way to slash using a sword. However, the difference between slashing a sword and using this skill/ability is that this ability is much more powerful. That's why when it's used, it could destroy one's bones. Because the effect could overwork the person's body or surpass its limit just to perform the ability.

How I was able to use this to block the assassin's attack in the bestial forest was by timing. I used this ability of Super Slash to block and parry the assassin's attack.

A similar thing could be applied with the skill Brute Thrust

This skill is with a sword but only can be used to thrust. Unlike Supper Slash which only slashes things.

A reminder though! while these skills are used, no mana is needed to perform, only my physical body. That's if it could handle the burden of it... If not, my bones will be broken, like what happened at the Bestial Forest.

Another skill is,

Blade of Pierce This one also has the same rules, your body depends on how it can handle this skill. If this skill is used, you'll be able to perform consecutive hundreds of slashes in only a blink of an eye. Because of how fast it is, no normal eyes could see it. But because of how fast it is and how powerful every slash is. My bones will probably break apart, forcing my body just to perform this skill alone. This is the only one I haven't tested yet because it would probably spill some unnecessary troubles and worries. However, if my body and bones can handle the burden of performing these abilities. I'll receive no limitations. I can even fucking use them an unlimited amount of times if my body is strong enough.


Dazzling Dash

This ability can actually make me dash at a crazy speed with the use of my feet. How does this work? Well, it's similar to jumping, this ability strengthens one's feet and can dash in a sweep. That's why when I fought the assassin, I could use it on my other feet to kick him with such crazy speed and power.

But in return, it could destroy my bones because of how it uses my feet just to perform these things.

This rule applies to my every ability. The benefit though is that... Once I bought these abilities, I'll immediately know how to use them. Crazy right? I just now need to master them though. And how to use them to my advantage.

Soon, I shook my head and stood up. Satisfied with my current abilities and how I can use them multiple times now.

However, as I stood up, I realized that the knights around me looked at me with flabbergasted expressions. They expected me to just fuck around after all. Since Alfonso is known for being an asshole and... A deadbeat who doesn't even want to learn how to use swords to some commoners.

If ever he wants to be taught, he'd likely want it to be someone remarkable or a royal, noble even. Since he deeply hates commoners for some reason. The knights have also probably speculated that I would only judge them and humiliate them for being a commoner or trash in this population. Antelmo never taught Alfonso too because he is too busy and thinks if you are worthy or strong enough, you will immediately know the path to greatness.

Well, that doesn't matter. Who fucking cares what people think of me anyway. It's not like I would die because of it. I should just do what I need to do.

With that in mind, a man then suddenly appeared in my sight.

His appearance was that of a knight. A high-ranking one at that.

His rank can't even be determined by my system. Red hair and brown eyes, combined with a scar on his left eye made him look like a man who went through thousands of battles because of his intimidating presence.

He then spoke while walking toward me, "Have you come here to punish the knights who were not able to protect you, young lord?"

Hearing him. I couldn't help but think that I have caused some misunderstanding. But before I could answer him. He immediately shouted at the knights,

"Everyone who went with young lord in the bestial forest. Gather here!" with a single order. The knights jolted and formed four lines, each containing five people who went with me to the bestial forest.

The red-haired man soon looked at me with a visible expression of despise.

"How should we punish them young lord?" he followed as if he expected my arrival and that I would punish these people for failing to protect me.

However, I soon shook my head and walked in front of the knights gathered.

With an indifferent gaze, I soon slowly opened my mouth.
"Knights of the Quiñones family" Turning for a brief moment, "It might be dishonouring that you people were not able to protect me. It could even be an insult if I'm being honest."
"To be exact you guys are trash!" I quietly cursed because I couldn't help but feel the growing disgust Alfonso is feeling.
But without further ado. Soon, I continued. "However, there's no need for you trash to be punished because I was the one who endangered myself" turning silent once again as I walked in slow motion. I soon continued,
"I chose to risk my life even though I could have gotten away with it without a problem. I'll take full responsibility for this and disregard the punishment you guys will have.

The execution could have been put on your heads but there are families that you guys need to feed. Killing you all is just unnecessary bloodshed."

With that, I halted my steps.

"That's all I wanted to say. You can now all go to your responding duties"

Despite saying all of those words. The knights who were listening widened their eyes at me and didn't immediately continue what they were doing. But I could care less and soon I walked in front of the red-haired man.

"Thanks for making my work easier," I said coldly with an indifferent gaze. Soon after, I walked out of the training grounds as murmurs filled the entire place.

"—Did I hear that wrong?

"—Was he perhaps blaming himself so they don't get punished?"

"—I can't believe it... Maybe the rumours about him were not true?"

I ignored their words though, while I walked toward the exit with a happy expression inside. Why? Because points keep fucking dinging!

2[+20 points! For changing your image toward one knight]

3[+10 points, you have improved your reputation!]





To be honest... I didn't mean to look good in front of them. I just genuinely didn't want to cause some trouble or some unnecessary bloodshed. I know how hard it is to have no provider after all... Like what you would call a father. I also just went there to train because of how wide the area is. But looks like they misunderstood my intention.






It didn't take long before I arrived outside the training ground. And now, I have already reached the front of our house. Setting inside, I glanced at the garden that was just beside and as soon as I put my eyes on the greeny flowers combined with different vibrant colours. I could quickly see a little girl watching some butterfly that flew on one of the flowers. Chasing them continuously with an astonished gaze.

It was no other but Alice. She was damn gorgeous that looked like it came out of a fantasy. Well... I'm already in one.

My heart felt at peace at that precise moment because of how beautiful she is and how calming the scenery is.

However, my appreciation of the scene was shattered when it reminded me of something from my past that I have already buried in the depths of my soul. One of the memories of the past that I wanted to forget and deeply regretted.


|Please, not my daughter!|

A hoarse voice echoed inside my mind. I could not help but look down in shame. Which caused me to halt my steps along the way as I trembled.

A glimpse of a beautiful garden filled with roses and a girl that has a bullet pierced her head repeatedly rolled inside my mind.

Those lifeless eyes of hers recalling it haunted me... As she lies dead on the ground. However such thoughts of mine were abruptly shattered when I heard Alice trip.


Without even noticing it, I immediately rushed toward her and after I was in range, I asked her.

"Are you fine?" I was trying to make my voice friendly but my tone emitted a cold one. I'm not sure what made me go to her... But it was probably because of the memory I just remembered.

Probably because I feel guilty and would like to make up for what I did.

However, there is this one detail I didn't miss. Every time I talk with Alice, I seem to feel like I could easily say what I want to her compared to commoners who I don't know.

Was it a coincidence? Because showing some kind of concern toward a commoner finds this body hard to do. And... strangely... I can easily do it toward Alice.

With a curious mind, I asked inwardly.

‹Maybe there's a reason?› While concluding that maybe it had to do with how she had noble blood mixed in her.

With that thought in mind. The girl who just stumbled, Alice, then jolted and immediately responded to my calls.


Trying to stand up, only to fail miserably which made her ankle twist. And led to her stumbling again

However, this time,


I caught her. Followed by me cautioning her, "Careful"

It was only an instinct of mine. But I immediately felt my body shriek when I touched her. Fortunately, I was wearing gloves and a black suit.

I actually... felt kind of disgusted... No, I felt complicated as hell. Confused about whether to feel disgusted because she has the blood of a commoner or okay with it since she has noble blood.

I can't describe it but it's not as harder to control the impulse of disgust toward her compared to full-blooded commoners.

"T-Thank you..." Alice suddenly spoke, disrupting my thoughts away.

In response, I asked her, "I guess you're fine now?"

Since I saw her twist her ankle earlier, I could easily guess she is in pain. Especially since she is a mage type of a person. The step-sister I know in the game has a very fragile body but has destructive magic abilities after all.

However, contrary to what she is feeling, "Ye-yes... I'm okay!" she forcefully replied while she tried to stand up with a pitiful smile that can be seen through.

Trembling legs, trying to look tough and okay, as best as she could.

Looking at her...

I immediately knew why she is trying to force herself to act tough and okay. It's because she is probably suspecting me that I'm planning something horrible for her like what her past family did.

Her reaction didn't surprise me though since I expected it.

‹She experienced some horrible shit toward her siblings and stepmothers. That's why she probably acts this way›

However, as I muttered those words inwardly, her strong figure slowly crumbled when she couldn't bear the pain anymore.

Making her almost trip again. Fortunately, I already expected it and assisted her to stand.

"You don't look like it. Don't move" I commanded, I then bent my knee and faced my back to her.

"Hup on, I'll carry you toward the healers"

Hesitant at first, but she soon hopped on my back. I then tried to stand up in response, only to realize that my body is still aching from my earlier training. My body even almost gave up as I felt my legs tremble.

But I endured it, not wanting to look pathetic after I offered her to hop on my back.

My dignity as a man and my perfectionism wouldn't let me do it. And with all my might! I fucking carried her as I slowly took my first step.

"T-Thank you..."

Alice meekly said while I tried to only focus on keeping my energy. However when I was about to reply. A sudden footstep, approaching us echoed through my ears.

Only to recognize a familiar figure coming in front of us. It was no other but Mary.

"My Lord, your father is looking for you," Mary said while I continued to walk and carry Alice. But as soon as she saw me carry Alice, I could immediately tell that Mary noticed that I'm having a hard time.

"Let me carry her my lord" she proposed, despite that, I wanted to refuse her. Not wanting to hurt my pride while at the same time, my perfectionism kicked in.

No... The perfectionism urge is only an excuse, I just felt guilty after I remembered my past. That's why I'm trying to kind of punish myself right now.

"No need, I should be able to do this much as a brother and don't mind it. She's my sister now, after all, doing this is nothing" I replied with a cold tone.

At that moment, I could hear Alice on my back meekly mumbling.

"Uhmm... Lord brother... I think you should accept her request."

"No. I can do this." but I quickly insisted with a determined look.

"This much is nothing..." I struggled to speak as I continued to walk.

After I said that, Mary gazed at me with an astonished expression and slowly, her indifferent and cold gaze became warm. A smile then slowly crept on her lips.

Suddenly, a notification coming from the system rang again.


4[+50 You have changed your image toward Alice!]


5[+100 points, Mary's affection and attraction for you has increased!]


Looking at the words affection and attraction instead of an image. I was suddenly intrigued.

‹Increased... Affection...? Huh?›

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