I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 2: I’m The Villain

Chapter 2: I'm the villain

"What took you so long?" The man asked in a deep voice.

I stayed silent for a while before I slowly walked and sat where at the opposite seat of my father or to be precise... This body's father, Antelmo Quiñones. "Just some disturbance," I replied nonchalantly.

Antelmo's voice was intimidating with red eyes combined with his black hair and his dignified manner, no wonder this villain was scared but at the same time seeks attention from his father since he is a disappointment. But I faced a lot of men like him in my past life, heck! They even threatened to kill my family. Though I'm quite baffled since he looks way younger and much good looking than in the game despite his age already exceding that of a hundred.

Thoughts aside. I then picked up the spoon and fork in front and took the meat as I munched it elegantly.

While Antelmo quietly watched me. Narrowing his eyes at my action, he soon continued eating.

"You're not wearing your gloves today?" The man asked when he was done munching a lump of meat.

I immediately stopped the food going into my mouth and went silent, thinking about how I should reply to his question.

I didn't know that Alfonso would wear his gloves even while eating. But it's probably because he thinks that the spoons are touched by some commoners and is disgusted by it. But for some reason, I can touch the spoon without reacting much.

"They didn't touch your spoon, they used a cloth to put it there. I'm just surprised you're not wearing your gloves." Antelmo added.

Soon I started eating again, "I just wanted to get out of my comfort zone once," I said.

"Hoh?" Antelmo then gasped in surprise before his face went back vacant.

"That's interesting..."

The man knew full well that Alfonso never tried to go out of his comfort zone, so he was taken aback since the son in front of him was always someone who wanted to be in control and gets intimidated by his father easily.

But now? Some things changed, ‹Was there anything crucial that happened to him during the past 3 months I was not here?› Antelmo pondered quietly before taking a bite from his food.

After that, a long silence followed.


After a long silence, the man finally spoke, "You'll be having a sister from now on."

When I heard him, I stopped eating again and remembered that Alfonso had a step-sister.

I slowly looked at the man in front of me and nodded as I continued eating again.

"Why?" I asked.

"She has talent," Antelmo responded.


I kept my mouth shut, I still asked even though I knew already.

This man in front of me saw Alfonso, his son as worthless! Someone who he cannot rely on.

I mean... I do understand it since this body is a piece of shit. In the game, the adoptive sister is also a commoner, I assume that Alfonso wanted to not have a commoner sister but he was too scared to talk.

It could be a good idea to just reject having a sister so I could avoid another death flag but I know that this man would immediately reject it.

Antelmo tried to adopt a daughter so he could use her talent to prosper his family and even arrange a marriage to someone who has high status. That adoptive sister is a beauty, any man would want her, I could tell it since I saw her in the game. He's also planning to use her as a way to gain stronger power and connections.

That's how Antelmo was in the game. But when he tried to arrange marriage to that adoptive daughter of his, she ran away and was never seen once by them ever again.

She became one of the reasons why this family went bankrupt. And how did that happen? Since she bore hate toward Alfonso and Antelmo for treating her like an object, she helped one of the heroines to take down the family and stop the corruption that Alfonso caused. They started with money, by cutting their connections.

Until no one wanted to cooperate with them because if they did, their reputation will go shit, and lessen the success of their business.

Once that happens, the heroines struck and took this family down out of the map. That's how my end will happen if I keep being a shit!

This body is doomed to die since a lot of people will try to get rid of him, even his maid Mary who I think is loyal to him but couldn't stand how shitty Alfonso is anymore and betrayed him by exposing his weaknesses.

And to as why Antelmo never had another wife to make a daughter, it's because he believes in only loving one person. At least his redeeming trait is that he is a loyal to-death kind of man and not a womanizer.

Speaking of which, this body's mother is dead. She died when Alfonso was born. That's the backstory of this villain I possess.

Soon time passed, and I'm finally was done eating. After that, I immediately took a bath since this body is going to hunt today and will meet Valentina.

As to why they are hunting? I can only guess that Valentina wanted to so she can improve her skills. For Alfonso? He probably just wanted to join and chase Valentina, and be some fucking dog who please her. In short his a simp!

One reason too is probably because he wants to show his father that he is not worthless and could kill a beast. So when an opportunity comes that his father going to watch him hunt a beast, Antelmo would be proud of him.

I know... Alfonso has some daddy issues too!

Or probably because Valentina's knight is going with her to hunt and Alfonso is jealous.

‹Seriously, this is so childish!›

Anyway... [Valentina Lopez] this woman is engaged with Alfonso and is one of the heroines.

Alfonso is freaking obsessed with Valentina in the game, he would even kill people of who he's jealous.

They got engaged when Alfonso turned 10, and obviously, it's because of interest.

But Valentina hated Alfonso, his arrogant demeanour and all that stuff made her not want to be associated with him. To be honest, when Alfonso's family fell, and the last person he saw before his last breath was no other than the woman he is engaged to, it was Valentina who stabbed Alfonso to death with her eyes full of resentment.

She killed him because Alfonso was the reason her knight friend died just because Alfonso was jealous of that knight.

Valentina took revenge on behalf of her friend and took the road of being a knight. Well... She always wanted to become a knight and she'll soon become one of the strongest. That's how it happened in the game.

But as I was taking a bath, a notification then suddenly popped out of my sight.


[Congratulation! You have slightly changed your image toward Antelmo]

{+ 10 points}

"I didn't even do anything and just casually ate lol. But there's some kind of system too?" I whispered in astonishment. Then I suddenly thought.

‹Is there a way for me too to see my status?›

But as I pondered that, a stat immediately showed in front of my view.


|Name: Alfonso Quiñones|

•Age: 12

[Points: 10]

Level: 1 [Low]






•Martial Arts: 23 (Low)

•Swordsmanship: 27 (Low)

•Medical Skills: 33 (Low)

•Singing: 22 (Low)

•Instruments: 70 (Unknown)

•Magical skills: 52 (Average)

•Horsemanship: 55 (Average)


<So the system is similar like in the game...>

I inwardly mumbled as I saw my stats.

‹Then does that mean I can also see people's stats?› I thought and smirked inside.

‹Guess I'll be able to get stronger by using the system,> I added and suddenly asked the system inside my head just to clarify if it's similar to the game.

‹System, how do I gain more points?›

Then soon a word popped out of my sight again.

[Changing the plot, Gaining affection/respect, killing beast monsters, and completing random quests]

I then shook my head in satisfaction, realizing that it was similar to the game.

The only difference is that I have levels and different objectives to gain points.


After I was done taking a bath, I immediately wore a suit.

The suit's color was black, with the family crest badge on left. I also wore white gloves, I completely understand now why this body always wore gloves in the game after I felt what he is experiencing. I wouldn't want to feel that again if possible.

I look cool though, just looking at my face in the mirror makes me want to admire how handsome this body is. I would be lying if I say that my past body is much more handsome, but I was also handsome too but incomparable to this face which I have now.

This body's look is freaking full of radiating elegance, combined with his red pupils and cold gaze, his height is someone tall too. About 5 1/3 feet. In the future, he'll turn 6 feet or more... Don't remember it since I don't pay attention to those details.

‹Man with these looks I wonder how could women resist this.› I thought and chuckled inside while my face stayed expressionless and cold as ever.

Though... After possessing this body, what I noticed so far is that. Even though I feel like laughing or smiling, I can't laugh and smile. It feels like this body always wants to look elegant and perfect all the time!

Even the things I find not so perfect in my eyes make my urge grow to fix them. I realized this after experiencing some anxiety from unorganized things.

But my thoughts were finally interrupted when a knock came out of my door, followed by a muffled female voice. "Young Lord, the carriage is ready."

After hearing her, I could tell that its Mary. Soon, after I'm finally satisfied with how I looked, I then strode my way outside with gracefulness.

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