I’m The King

Chapter 1510

Chapter 1502 : Han Qi Tianxia One Hundred and Ninety

The night was dark. In the wing room, Qin Yijian and others in the same room were snoring loudly, but Mingtai could not sleep. Chen Gang was the real Han country’s chief official who he had in-depth contact with, but he was far from what he imagined. There is no suave romance, nor is it beautiful, and there is no power that can convince people at a glance. On the contrary, the secularity is tight and the citizens are tight. Between words, a few sentences can draw people to how to make money, how to use money after making money, as if he was not a big official in frontiers, but he seemed to be a businessman.

But after thinking about it carefully, Mingtai shuddered. What are the officials in Han state thinking about? They are trying to make the people make money. Of course, they also try to collect taxes in a reasonable manner, but the taxes they receive are not the first time they receive them. Not thinking about handing over to the treasury to please the superiors or their emperors, but planning how to build bridges and pave roads, how to build water conservancy projects, and how to use the little money in hand to attract more money.

He is not like an official, more like a treasurer, but his boss is the people under his rule.

No wonder that every time the Han State lays down, the local people can immediately surrender and obey their management obediently. Thinking of this, he can’t help but think of the Liangpier couple he met during the day, and even his promised future. No, but I’d rather sell their Liangpi in this Shannan County City, because now their lives can look forward to the future, but I don’t know if they have the life to enjoy.

Perhaps their choice is correct. If they can earn a good life without having to work hard, then why bother with their heads up? I would rather be a peaceful dog than a chaotic world person.

The government office was being repaired, and there were not enough houses to accommodate them, so only a few people could squeeze a room. Cao Tianci and Chen Gang even squeezed into the same room. Fortunately, Chen Gang came to take office and did not bring his family.

Although the night is already very deep, but the outside is still very lively. The refurbishment of the palace did not stop because of the advent of night, only a group of people changed. Still working overtime, Chen Gang, the energetic Shannan County guard, put on his dirty official uniform again, and jumped up and down outside to command.

There is indeed no official look. The officials of the State of Qin that Mingtai himself had met were completely people from two worlds. Those officials of the Qin State are not tired of eating fine, not tired of being careful, and they must wear brocade clothes. When you leave, you must hug and hug, always be so polite and appropriate, so that people will admire them at first sight, but do things come about? Mingtai shook his head.

He couldn’t sleep anyway, Mingtai simply walked to the window, gently opened the window, and quietly looked at the workers who were working in the yard. These were all locals, although they were not allowed to rest at night. But all of them are smiling, because Mingtai already knows how much they are paid to work at night. It is 10% higher than the white workers.

The Han Empire seems to be a place where money is used to measure value at all times and everywhere. It seems vulgar to say it, but it can most effectively motivate everyone’s enthusiasm. Mingtai himself was born in a wealthy family since he was a child. After an accident, the Ming family who saved him is also a rich family. He has never been short of money, but this does not mean that he does not know the pain of lack of money when he was young. As a member of the Black Ice Platform, he often has to lurch to complete tasks. In those days, he had seen too many things that caused a hero to die because of a penny. That is not a story, but a real existence in this world.

First, you must know the etiquette. You can only tell the honor and disgrace if you have enough food and clothing. You can’t ask a person to be hungry to pay attention to etiquette and honor. Only when the most basic survival needs are solved can you guide people to develop their outlook on life and values. And the Han nation is walking on this road, and in many parts of the Han Empire, they have already completed this stage.

Through the Dahan Daily, Mingtai learned a lot of the laws of the Han Empire, many of which were inconceivable to him, such as the Compulsory Education Law. In Han, children over six years old, regardless of male or female, must be sent to the public office. In the elementary school of Shannan County, parents will be punished for those who violate them, and many of their benefits as Han nationals will be cancelled. At the wine table during the day, one of the things Chen Gang said is that a public school will soon be established in the county town of Shannan County. In elementary schools, school-age children are admitted free of charge. This guy, who is stingy even to hire a few workers, generously paid a large sum of money to run the school. If the person doing this is a well-educated person, it would be fine, but this guy is a businessman!

Mingtai felt a little dry mouth and drank the cold tea on the table. In the past, many things were learned through intelligence and the newspapers of the big man. It always seemed to be looking at flowers in the mist. Only when you really contact them can you Understand how terrible they are.

Many beautiful visions described in the Datong society that can only be seen in the book are showing their embryos little by little in the Han Empire.

The emperor of the Han, Gao Yuan, the man who created the name of a king that has never been seen since ancient times, when he was on the top of the symbol of the highest position, he bluntly gave up all his power.

He claims that all the power comes from the people. Although Mingtai disagrees, he still has to admit that his approach has made the people support him to an unprecedented level.

Han Guo was founded by him, but when he reached the peak of power, he gave up everything he deserved. Even this time when he led the army to fight in Qin, the Great Council elected him as the commander-in-chief of the whole army and sent him a letter of commission. This was a joke in the eyes of the people of Qin, but now Mingtai understands this. Many relationships. In Han, any existence beyond the law will be restrained the most.

Gao Yuan personally put the supreme kingship in a cage and put a lock on it. They gave the key to the lock to the representatives of the people. Mingtai can imagine that if Gao Yuan lives for a day, he will have a huge influence on Han politics, but it is only the next lifetime. When Gao Yuan is gone, the emperor who takes over will never be able to use it as firmly as Gao Yuan. One’s own influence grasps the domestic political trends, or as long as two or three generations pass on, the position of the emperor, as Gao Yuan said, will truly become a spiritual vision, a symbol of a country, and a lofty confession. Bodhisattvas will no longer have any real power and influence on governance.

Or, people who are annoying and outstanding, their thoughts are always different from normal people, and Gao Yuan, in any way, does not look like a normal person. His thoughts seem to always be far ahead of this era.

Mingtai decided not to think anymore. He was going to have a good night’s sleep. After getting up tomorrow, he would follow Cao Tianci’s advice and walk around Han, from Dayan County, Jishi County, and then to Jicheng. On the road that Gao Yuan traversed back then, on this road, he might be able to learn more about Gao Yuan’s thoughts.

When he just stood up and was about to cover the window, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes outside, and the horse stopped outside the gate of the palace, and then a man rushed all the way and took a small out of his arms. The small bamboo tube was handed to Chen Gang, who was directing the construction in the yard.

Opening the letter in the bamboo tube, Chen Gang read it hastily, first with a look of surprise on his face, then burst into laughter, and rushed into the bedroom where Cao Tianci was resting. This made Mingtai couldn’t help but guess what Chen Gang was. He was so surprised by what news he received. This is not a person who made a fuss at the first glance.

But after a while, a louder laughter came, and there were footsteps outside, but they were walking towards him. Listening to the voice, it was Cao Tianci and Chen Gang.

“Commander Ming, are you asleep?” Cao Tianci’s knock on the door sounded outside.

Mingtai opened the door and saw that Mingtai was dressed neatly. Cao Tianci couldn’t help being surprised: “Commander Ming hasn’t rested yet?”

“I didn’t feel sleepy, so I just got up.” Mingtai smiled: “The two are so happy. Did your army win the battle? Did you win the Hangu Pass?”

Mingtai guessed that the only thing that would make these two high-powered people so excited might only be the victory of Hangu Pass. Of course, the victory of Xianyang would make them happier, but over time, it is definitely not enough Now Xianyang has also gathered hundreds of thousands of troops. Although most of them are farmers who have just put down their hoes, even if there are hundreds of thousands of pigs, it is not a matter of three or two days to chop them down.

“There are so many ugly people, Ming commander, their general Lu has made another move, but this move is indeed beyond our expectations. It is really unexpected, unexpected!” Cao Tianci smiled and held his hand. ‘S letter was handed to Mingtai.

“There is news from Xianyang that Qin Wangchan is located in the general Lu Chao, which is nothing. Originally, Lu Chao is now the de facto king of the Qin Kingdom, but Lu Chao ascended to the throne the day before and proclaimed himself emperor the next day. It’s ridiculous Cao Tianci shook his head again and again.

Mingtai opened the letter paper in his hand, carefully looked at the content on the paper, smiled bitterly and shook his head again and again: “He is truly crazy. Now Xianyang itself is in the wind and rain. He did this instead of giving some people away. Did you push yourself far away?”

“Or, he is using this to find out his opponents and potential opponents, and then cook them all in one pot. I know that now Lu Chao is desperately searching for money, food and grass. His trick may be aroused. The fierce resistance of those Ying clan aristocrats in Xianyang City, he also happened to take this opportunity to make a big splash. He gathered hundreds of thousands of people outside Xianyang City to repair fortifications, fortresses, and large-scale weapons. That is not like flowing water. Spend money!” Chen Gang analyzed from the perspective of a businessman: “Lu Chao is not a lunatic, he is shrewd!”

Mingtai shook his head and returned the letter to Cao Tianci: “Tomorrow I will set off, first go to Dayan Lake in Dayan County to visit the seniors there, and then set off from Dayan County to Jicheng, just like you said. That way, take a good look.”

“That’s great, but I can’t accompany you anymore. His Majesty the Emperor has arrived in Jinyang. I want to go there, but I have arranged for someone to lead the way for you.”

“Thank you so much.” (To be continued.)

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