I’m The King

Chapter 1491

Chapter 1483 : Spin-off of Hanqi Tianxia (One Hundred

He Lanyan went to see Madam Mei in the back house, while Gao Yuan and Mei Yipo went to the study, sitting on Mei Yipo’s big case, Gao Yuan flipped through the stacks of thick books on the case, and only looked at it for a moment. I feel that my head is a little confused, and it is full of professional manuscripts related to the financial industry.

“This is when Weichen collected some of his experiences over the years in his spare time. They are all things related to the internal operation of the banking industry. It seems to be a little bit ridiculous.” Mei Yipo offered fragrant tea for Gao Yuan. Smiled.

“It’s not just silly, it makes me confused, forget it, and look at it for a while, the melon seeds in my head have to hurt.” Gao Yuan smiled: “By the way, Lao Mei, Cao Tianci just told me about it. Some things related to stocks, I heard that this is a new thing that we have just appeared in Jicheng. At first, Cao Tianci’s police department thought it was a group of scammers. After in-depth investigation, they felt that *pig*pig*dao*xiao* said ww .huzu is not, deliberately take the truth, but can’t make up his mind, for fear of causing criticism from the big council, saying that our government interferes in the economy. Have you heard of this?

“Speaking of this, I am going to find a time to report to the king. This thing has existed for several years, but since this year, arrogance has begun to develop exponentially. Since it involves finance, our central bank will naturally do it. A lot of investigations, this matter is a good thing from one aspect, but from another aspect, it may turn into a bad thing?”

“How do you say this?” Gao Yuan asked pretendingly.

“My lord, now our big man’s economy is developing rapidly. Some people, workshops, and companies are extremely short of funds. I don’t know who they are. They came up with such an idea to take out a small part of the workshops and the company’s shares. They were sold separately at a clear price, and some people actually bought it. According to our investigation, the people who bought these shares in the first place became rich. Those workshop companies that received the funds happened to meet the rapid economic growth of our big man. In the past few years of development, in these few years, no matter what you do, as long as you do it with your heart, you can make a fortune. After a few years, those who bought this stock with the attitude of giving it a try at the beginning also followed suit. Cai, the most extreme one, the stock in his hands has doubled tenfold. This person was just an ordinary teahouse owner, and now he is a millionaire.” Mei Yipo said.

“There is such a thing?” Gao Yuan really didn’t know.

“With such an example, this matter has aroused the attention of many people. If such stocks are on sale, some of them are in short supply. Often the workshop companies of these stocks have not really made money. Their stocks have already turned over. Somersault went up. At first, these things were sold secretly, but later I saw that the court did not respond to it. Now they have begun to sell publicly, and a street for buying and selling this thing has been formed in Jicheng. They are called the stock street. “Mei Yipo Tanshou said: “Our big man upholds what you said, the law can do without prohibition, so we can only watch, even the employees of our central bank. There are many people playing this thing, but Now instead of buying this thing and waiting for the workshop company to make a profit, it will pay dividends. Instead, it is speculating on this stuff. The old minister is already playing drums in his heart.

Gao Yuan originally wanted to use this new thing to bring up the topic of breaking up the central bank, but he didn’t expect to say this to Mei Yipo, and he really kicked the drum. This thing is not so fun, once If the game is overwhelming, I am afraid that many people will have to go bankrupt, and it may cause some great social problems at that time.

“Is it serious already?” His face gradually became serious.

“My lord, it is indeed very serious. Now basically all merchants have accounts with our central bank. The minister has conducted investigations. I am afraid that the amount of money involved is as much as 100 million yuan!”

Gao Yuan was shocked, “Where did the money come from? Is it worth it?”

“Majesty, we Han people are indeed rich now. How many people there are in Jicheng now, as many as three million people, hundreds of millions of yuan is a lot, but it is really broken down to everyone, and there are not many.”

“How can you divide it like that?” Gao Yuan shook his head. “There must be a small number of people who play with this thing. If something goes wrong, it will be a big deal. There may be liars here. How do you think about this? ?”

“The veteran believes that this matter must be managed, regulated, set up thresholds, and strictly managed. Anyone who is eligible to enter this market must be reviewed and approved by the government to minimize risks.” Mei Yislope.

“This requires knowledgeable people to do this. Now your central bank already has a lot of various businesses. If you manage this as well, I’m afraid you can’t be too busy!” Gao Yuan frowned.

“My lord, I think a special institution should be set up to supervise all financial-related industries, formulate policies, and standardize supervision.” Mei Yipo said sternly: “Now it’s only Jicheng, but Jicheng It has always been a benchmark in various places. If there are imitating in various places and something happens, it will involve a major event in the whole country. At that time, it may really be out of control.”

“If this is the case, I have an idea, can you see if it works?” Gao Yuan glanced at Mei Yipo: “The central bank will spin off all cash-related businesses and set up a special bank, and the central bank Regardless of national currency issuance and financial security supervision, what do you think?”

Mei Yipo slapped his thigh suddenly, “My lord, you really are an unborn wizard. I thought about this for a long time before I came up with this idea. When you heard about it, you immediately came up with a countermeasure. Yes, that’s what I think.”

Looking at Mei Yipo’s adoring eyes, Gao Yuan was a little ashamed. He really wanted to talk about wisdom. The old man in front of him was afraid that he would throw himself a few blocks out.

“Since Elder Mei has considered this issue, let’s talk about your thoughts, how to split it?” Gao Yuan asked.

Mei Yipo stood up excitedly, pulled out a plan from the big case, and spread it out in front of Gao Yuan: “Now the entire central bank is a monopolistic operation in Dahan, and the scale is too large, although the merchants in Jishi City Seeing the huge business opportunities, the Jishicheng Commercial Bank was established. However, compared with the behemoth of the Central Bank, it is not worth mentioning. My plan is to divide the cash business of the Central Bank into two. Targeted independent banks, one is for agriculture, agriculture is the foundation of the country, the main task of this bank is to support the development of agriculture, let’s call him Dahan Agricultural Bank, and the other is for large-scale infrastructure construction in Dahan. , I call them Dahan Construction Bank. Of course, what I am talking about is their main business. In fact, after separation, there will definitely be many overlapping business areas. We may as well let them operate independently and take responsibility for their own profits and losses. Of course. For the safety of funds, the state still needs to have a certain degree of support.”

Gao Yuan stared at Mei Yipo’s endlessly speaking, suddenly there was an urge to laugh, Agricultural Bank, China Construction Bank, what a familiar name! If this continues, will the Bank of Communications and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China appear in the future?

“My lord, my lord!” Mei Yipo’s cry brought him back from the thoughts that had already flown far away: “My lord, these are just some of my immature thoughts, just for your reference.”

“No, it’s already very good. Just do what you said. Tomorrow, we will meet Wang Wudi from the Huiqi Political Affairs Hall and the Ministry of Finance to discuss this matter.”

“I don’t know if this matter can be passed by the Great Council?” Mei Yipo was a little worried. “There will definitely be some controversies, which will involve the interests of many big parliamentarians themselves.”

Gao Yuan snorted coldly, “This time, I’m going to do it arbitrarily, first to do things in the form of administrative orders, and then to seek the approval of the Great Council. I will endorse this matter.”

This new year, for the big man, is destined to be unrest. First, the big man destroys Chu and knocks down the most powerful enemy in his mind. Before everyone wakes up from the triumphant carnival on the battlefield, political affairs Tang suddenly issued an order to spin off the cash business of the Big Mac Central Bank and establish Dahan Agricultural Bank and Dahan Construction Bank. The former central bank will become an independent department to manage all financial businesses in Dahan. This order is immediately The Jishicheng Commercial Bank, which was originally independent from the outside world, was also circled in.

The first policy and regulation after the transformation of Dahan Central Bank, which became a pure management institution, caused a great shock in Jicheng, and the stock trading law was announced in a very short time. To the public, stock trading is officially permitted in the form of statutes, but it is no longer a private spontaneous transaction in the past, but a transaction within a prescribed place and time. The threshold for the issuance of stocks has been greatly increased. Whether or not they are eligible, the workshop or company that intends to issue stocks must first apply to the central bank, and then enter the exchange for trading after review and approval. The decree clearly stipulates a series of requirements and detailed rules for the application.

As soon as the decree came out, Jicheng immediately fell into two extremes where some people were happy and some were crying. Some stocks skyrocketed, while some became worthless in a very short period of time.

The most nervous people are Mei Yipo and Cao Tianci. One is the governor of the central bank and the minister of the police. Once a large-scale riot occurs, both of them will be held responsible.

Fortunately, we have already prepared for this, and in recent years, a large number of migrants in Jicheng have basically returned to their hometowns, and these migrant businessmen are the main players who purchase and sell stocks for speculation. Their departure has made Jicheng The security pressure on the country was greatly reduced. Although there were several small-scale commotions, they were immediately suppressed. The festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival also dilutes these ominousness to the point where no one notices. (To be continued.)

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