I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C69 Stolen Kiss

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 13 chapters ahead!

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The heavy doors of the throne room swung closed with a thud, echoing through the ornate space now vacated by the Queens newest guests.

Speaking of the Queen, Padmé remained seated on her throne, her figure casting a long shadow across the polished floor, illuminated only by the fading light of the setting sun streaming through the tall windows. Letting out a sigh, she seemed to relax, the earlier firmness in her posture easing into a weary slump.

Captain Panaka observed the change in his queen’s demeanor. Standing at her side, his expression was carved with concern. "Your Majesty," he started, his voice soft yet carrying a weighted urgency, "may I ask what troubles you?"

Padmé turned to face her loyal protector, her eyes reflecting the turmoil that Peter’s words had stirred within her. "Captain, how do you feel about what Star-Lord suggested? About executing Stakar Ogord?" Her voice was a whisper, yet it filled the room with its gravity.

Panaka's face tightened, his brows furrowing as he weighed his response. "I find Star-Lord to be a liability, Your Majesty—a threat even. And his disrespect for etiquette and decorum is unsettling. However," he paused, his gaze dropping before lifting again to meet her eyes, "in this instance, I believe he may be right. Stakar Ogord's crimes are heinous, and perhaps unprecedented measures are required."

Padmé's frown deepened, the weight of her crown almost tangible as she considered the implications of such a drastic course of action. "And what of the people of Naboo? We haven't executed anyone in thousands of years. What would they think?"

"Your Majesty," Panaka replied, his voice firm, "we also haven't had a queen sullied and murdered inside the palace in all that time either. Times change, and perhaps our responses must as well. This may very well be an exceptional case."

Silence settled between them, heavy and contemplative. Padmé stared off into the distance, her mind racing with the images of the past and the possibilities of the future. Her hands clenched into fists, then relaxed as she drew in a slow, deep breath.

"I am torn, Captain," she admitted quietly. "My heart screams for justice—for retribution and assurance that no one else will suffer at his hands. Yet, my mind fears the precedent it may set. How can I choose between safeguarding the present and potentially endangering the future?"

Panaka stood silent, unsure how to respond to that. His stance was supportive, his presence a silent pillar of strength.

Finally, Padmé leaned back, her gaze lifting to the painted ceiling above, as if seeking answers in the intricate swirls of color and gold. "I need time to think, to weigh our options and the consequences of each. We will revisit this discussion tomorrow. For now, let us prepare for the evening and ensure our guests are comfortable in our care."

Panaka nodded, his expression still troubled but obedient to her wishes. "As you command, Your Majesty."


After a lively evening filled with luxury and the exotic flavors of Naboo, the members of Peter’s crew had retired to their lavishly appointed rooms.

The palace staff, under Queen Padmé's orders, had pampered them with the finest comforts, leaving no request unmet. Yet while his crew rested, Peter found it hard to sleep in such an unfamiliar place.

Deciding he wasn't one for early nights, he slipped past the guard's Captain Panaka had subtly placed for their surveillance, his trust in the off-worlders not as generous as the Queen's hospitality.

With his Walkman clipped to his belt, Peter donned his headphones, letting the familiar tunes from a mixtape fill his ears as he wandered through the grand corridors of the palace. Each song brought a swell of joy and a tinge of homesickness.

Play Don’t Stop ’til You Get Enough by Michael Jackson

You know, I was

I was wondering, you know

If you could keep on

Because the force

It's got a lot of power

And it make me feel like, ah

It make me feel like, ooh

Lovely is the feelin' now

Fever, temperatures risin' now

Power (oh power) is the force, the vow

That makes it happen, it asks no questions why (ooh)

So get closer (closer now)

To my body now

Just love me

'Til you don't know how (ooh)



The Naboo Palace, with its sprawling architecture and opulent décor, was truly a sight to see. Peter couldn't help but admire the artistry that went into it all.

Lost in thought and music, he eventually found himself stepping out onto the main balcony at the front of the palace. The cool night air brushed against his face, and the serene landscape of Naboo stretched out before him, bathed in moonlight. It was then he noticed he wasn't alone.

Queen Padmé stood by the railing, dressed much more casually than earlier, her features gently lit by the soft moonlight. Lost in thought, she didn't notice Peter approaching.

Removing his headphones, Peter vaulted lightly onto the railing beside her, taking a seat, his legs dangling off the edge. "What are you looking at?" he asked, his voice cutting through the silence.

Padmé jumped slightly, caught off guard. Her hand fluttered to her chest as she regained her composure. Realizing it was just her masked guest, her initial alarm faded to a gentle smile. "Just the city," she replied. "I like to watch it at night. It feels like the only time I can truly see it anymore."

Peter nodded, his gaze following hers to the twinkling lights below. "You miss it, huh? Walking around down there, being part of it all?"

"Yes," she sighed, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "Before I was queen, I used to walk through those streets and shop like anyone else. Simple things, really—groceries, clothes, supplies. But now, it’s different. Guards, always guards. And no one ever lets me pay for anything; they think it curries favor."

Listening intently, Peter stayed quiet as Padmé vented, the burden of her royal duties spilling out with each word.

“…I just miss being normal.” She finished, catching her breath from her litany of frustrations.

Gesturing to the city, Peter turned to her with a half-cocked grin. "Want to go now? I can take you."

Padmé’s eyes sparkled with a mixture of temptation and hesitation. "I... I shouldn’t. Panaka would be furious if he found out I left the palace without a guard."

Peter pointed to himself, chuckling softly. "You won't be alone, I’m right here. And hey, you’re the queen, right? Shouldn’t it be you who’s calling the shots?"

Her lips twitched into a smile, and after a moment's consideration, her adventurous spirit won over. "Okay, let's do it," she declared, a rebellious glint in her eye. "Though I hope I don't regret this."

"That’s the spirit," Peter exclaimed with a smirk. Glancing around to ensure no one was watching, he suddenly scooped Padmé up in his arms, princess-style. Before she could protest, he leapt from the balcony, the ground rushing up to meet them.

“?!” Padmé's scream pierced the night, a mixture of shock and thrill, her arms tightening around Peter's neck as they descended swiftly toward the unseen.



The streets of Theed at night were a world away from the regal air of the palace. Shadows played across the ornate buildings, and the sounds of the bustling city faded into a gentle hum under the blanket of stars.

Peter and Padmé, disguised by the darkness and a simple shawl draped around her head, blended into the crowd of late-night wanderers and local night owls.

Peter led the way, his steps confident and light. "So, this is the freedom you’ve been craving," he says, his voice barely above a whisper as they slipped past a group of street performers. “How does it feel?”

Padmé chuckled, her eyes shining with the thrill of anonymity. "Amazing… It’s been so long since I’ve been just another face in the crowd. I’d almost forgotten what it was like." Her gaze lingered on a vendor selling exotic fruits, the vibrant colors catching the moonlight. Without thinking, she reached out to touch them, only to pull back at the last second.

Observing her hesitation, Peter picked up a luminescent fruit and handed it to the vendor. "How much for this one?" he asked, playing the part of a typical customer.

The vendor, oblivious to the identity of his customers, smiled broadly. "For you, a good price, sir! Only two credits."

Peter handed over the credits and tossed the fruit to Padmé, who scrambled to catch it, nearly dropping it before securing it in her hands. “Don’t throw things! What are you? A child?” She exclaimed, but Peter just laughed and walked away, spurring her to rush after him.

They wandered through the marketplace, each stall offering a new marvel—from handcrafted jewelry to intricate textiles.

As the market's noises faded behind them, they found themselves at a quiet overlook, the city’s lights reflecting off the waters below. It was a breathtaking view, one that captured the beauty and serenity of Naboo.

Padmé leaned against the railing, her eyes reflecting the city lights. "It’s beautiful, isn’t it? The peace of it all?"

"It sure is," Peter agreed, leaning beside her. He watched her face, lit by the soft glow of the city, and felt a rare moment of peace himself.

After a long pause, Padmé turned to him, curiosity piquing as she noticed the Walkman at his belt. "Hey, what is that device you always have with you?"

"This?" Peter unclipped the Walkman, holding it up. "It’s a Walkman. Plays music—it’s from my home planet, mostly. It was my mom’s; she gave it to me." His voice softened with the memory.

Intrigued, Padmé asked, "May I?"

"Sure." He placed the headphones over her ears and pressed play. The soft strains of a classic song from Earth filled her ears, a stark contrast to the traditional music of Naboo or the operatic scores popular in the galaxy.

Play Lean on Me by Bill Withers

Hmm... hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm



Sometimes in our lives

We all have pain

We all have sorrow

But if we are wise

We know that there's always tomorrow

Lean on me

When you're not strong

And I'll be your friend

I'll help you carry on...

For it won't be long

Till I'm gonna need somebody to lean on



Listening, Padmé’s eyes widened in surprise. "This is... different. But it’s beautiful, in its own way. I like it more than I thought I would," she remarked, her voice tinged with emotion. "It's much more emotional than anything I've ever heard before."

Peter watched her face, a smile forming under his mask. "Glad to hear that. I’ve noticed that the galaxies music can’t really measure up either."

They resumed walking, the music still playing in her ears, creating a private world between them as they strolled back toward the palace.

As the palace gates came into view, Padmé reluctantly removed the headphones, handing them back to Peter. "Thank you for tonight, for the freedom and the music. It’s a night I won’t forget."

Peter nodded, a genuine smile warming his hidden features. "Anytime, Your Highness.” He said jokingly, giving her an exaggerated bow.

They approached the palace gates, their night of freedom drawing to a close under the cloak of stars. But, as they neared the entrance, the quiet was shattered by the sound of commotion—guards rushing around, their voices laced with urgency.

Peter's relaxed demeanor shifted as he caught the sight of Captain Panaka in the distance, his expression fraught with panic and authority as he directed the search efforts. "Find the Queen!" he barked to a group of guards who hurried past. “She has to be around here somewhere!”

Padmé's hand tightened on Peter's arm, a silent signal of reassurance. She returned his headphones and whispered urgently, "You should go—get back to your room. I'll handle Panaka." Before he could respond, she leaned in, gently pushed his mask aside, and gave him a swift, surprising peck on the cheek. "Go," she repeated, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

Stunned by what just happened, Peter robotically nodded and slipped away, blending into the shadows as Padmé stepped forward to confront her overprotective guard captain.

"Your Majesty!" Panaka exclaimed, relief washing over his face as he spotted her entering the front gate. "Where have you been? We've been searching everywhere!"

Padmé fixed him with a steady gaze, her voice calm yet firm. "I needed some air, Panaka. I was safe."

Panaka’s relief was quickly replaced by frustration. "Your Majesty, you must understand the risks—"

"I do, Captain," Padmé interjected, her tone leaving no room for argument. "But I am still the Queen, and I must insist on certain freedoms, though I do apologize for scaring you..."

Sighing, Panaka nodded stiffly, his duty colliding with his respect for her wishes. "Very well, Your Majesty. But please, notify me next time. I understand that you need your space, but you also need protection..."

Padmé smiled faintly, the weight of her crown and her night of freedom coalescing into a moment of quiet strength. "Of course, Panaka," she said. "Now, if you don’t mind, I'm heading off to bed. It’s been a long and exhausting day…”

With that, she turned and walked back into the palace, her cheeks flushed with a blush as she realized she had just initiated her first kiss—and with a man she barely knew, whose face she had never seen. 'Oh, God... What was I thinking?!' she wondered to herself.

A/N: 2303 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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