I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C13 Master & Apprentice

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 10 chapters ahead! 

🚨Patréon Link🚨


Peter stared at the ghostly figure before him, his expression blank as he tried to process the information being thrown at him. "Darth Revan, huh?" he echoed, the name rolling off his tongue awkwardly as if tasting a foreign dish for the first time. "Can't say that rings any bells. Should it?"

Sadly, Peter's knowledge of Star Wars comes from the movies, and Revan never had a movie of his own…

(A/N: God please Disney! Please make a Revan Movie!)

The spectral figure of Revan frowned, his ethereal form shimmering with a mix of indignation and disbelief. "You have not heard of me?" he asked, his voice carrying an edge of wounded pride. "The Revanchist, honored as Revan, reviled as Revan the Butcher, dreaded as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, and praised as the Prodigal Knight? Savior, conqueror, hero, villain? None of this sounds familiar?"

Peter simply shrugged, an apologetic smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Nope, drawing a blank here. Were you some big shot before you died? Wait—you are a ghost, right?"

The visage of Revan seemed to deflate, the aura of menace dissipating as his ego took a serious hit. "Indeed, I am a force ghost," he admitted, his tone losing some of its earlier authority. "It appears that the Jedi Order has chosen to erase me from history..."

Walking closer to Revan, Peter couldn't help but let a teasing smirk spread across his face. "Hey, don't sweat it, ghost guy," he said, clapping a hand on what he assumed would be Revan's shoulder, only for it to pass through the apparition, adding to the awkwardness of the moment. "Looks like you've got a branding issue. Maybe in your next life, consider hiring a PR team? I hear they do wonders. Just look at Logan Paul for example…"

"Logan Paul?" Revan repeated in confusion. 

Peter chuckled awkwardly, nodding his head. "Yeah, anyway, where's the exit again? I've got classes in the morning." He asked, looking around for a door. "This whole trial thing has been fun and all, and I appreciate the offer of apprenticeship, but I think I'll pass…"

As he turned to leave, his steps echoing softly in the ancient, shadow-filled chamber, the ghostly figure of Darth Revan appeared in his path, an ethereal barrier to the exit. The spectral figure's eyes glowed a deeper shade of yellow, betraying his refusal to simply let Peter walk away.

"You cannot leave, not yet," Revan intoned, his voice resonating with a supernatural force that seemed to vibrate through the very air. "Your destiny is greater than you know, and it intertwines with the teachings I can offer you."

Peter stopped, an eyebrow raised in skepticism. "Look, Raven, was it-?"

"Revan…" The ghostly figure corrected him, a dangerous look in his yellow eyes. 

"Yeah, uhh, sorry… Look, I'm all for destiny and stuff. But apprentice? To a ghost?" He chuckled nervously, shaking his head. "Yeah, no thanks. Besides, you're a Sith, which is cool and all, but I'd rather not get myself killed by the Jedi order for practicing the dark side of the force…"

As Peter walked through Revan, feeling an odd, cold shiver down his spine as he passed through the ghostly figure, he was determined to leave. After all, he didn't know how long he's been here. For all he knew, the whole temple could be searching for him. 

Revan, however, had other plans. A smirk formed on his ethereal face, and with a tone rich in amusement and cunning, he called out to Peter. "You seek to leave, yet you have not considered the one lesson I can offer you above all—control over your rage."

Peter paused, mid-step, a frown creasing his forehead. He turned around, facing Revan's glowing figure. "Rage?" he echoed, skepticism painting his tone. "You're a Sith. Won't you tell me to embrace my anger and let it run wild or something?"

"Ah, but I'm not just any Sith. I was once a Jedi as well, one of the best even. Are you sure you don't want to accept my teachings? During the trials, your anger was quite impressive really," Revan retorted smoothly, his voice a haunting melody in the dimly lit chamber. "Unchecked, it will lead you down a path from which there is no return. The Sith thrive on such emotions, and the Jedi... they would not hesitate to end a threat they cannot convert to their ranks..."

Peter's expression softened, contemplation replacing his initial reluctance. He knew anger had always been his biggest problem, a flame that sometimes burned too brightly, threatening to engulf his reason. 

And here was Revan, offering a way to harness that fire, to control it rather than let it control him.

After a moment of silence, filled only by the distant, eerie echoes of the ancient chamber, Peter nodded slowly. "Alright… Master," he said, his voice carrying a newfound resolve. "Teach me. But remember, I'm no Sith apprentice. I make my own decisions. I won't be turned into some monster, nor will I be following your orders. If I think your training is good, I'll do it. If not, then I'm out…"

Revan's smirk widened, pleased with his new apprentices backbone. "Very well. But know this," he warned, his voice taking on a solemn edge, "my lessons will be fraught with challenges and hardship. I wouldn't be surprised if you started begging to quit after the first hour… Are you sure you're up for it?"

Peter simply shrugged in response. "Meh, I'll be fine." he replied. 'I hope…'

Having finally agreed to Revan's proposal for tutelage, Peter decided that it was time to leave. "Alright, so... How do I get out of here?" he asked, his voice laced with a touch of impatience. "Because as much as I love this little seance we're having, I have a life back at the Jedi Order to get to."

Revan's spectral form seemed to shimmer with a nod. "This way," he said, his voice echoing off the ancient stones as he glided toward a section of the chamber wall. The stones shifted, revealing a spiral staircase. "You've only been here for a few hours, so I doubt they know you're gone…"

"But it felt so much longer than that…?" Peter muttered. 

"That's just the after effects of the trials. Each trial warps reality in its own way…" Revan explained. "Being so close to a dark side nexus point doesn't help either…"

Peter paused, curiosity piqued. "Dark side what?!"

"Hmm, you don't know this either?" Revan frowned. "It seems the Jedi have been hard at work, hiding history from its own people…" 

"Yeah, I get it. You're annoyed with the Jedi for erasing your existence. Can we just move on?" Peter sighed, exhausted from the trials he was forced to endure. "What the hell is a Dark Side Nexus?

"The Jedi Temple on Coruscant is built over an ancient Sith shrine," Revan began, his voice carrying the weight of centuries. "A shrine that sits at a Force vergence, constructed long before the Galactic Republic's rise. The Jedi hoped to neutralize its dark influence by overlaying it with their temple, and occasionally use it to seal away dark side artifacts. Though they haven't come down here in over a thousand years…"

Peter's eyebrows shot up, finally realizing why Yoda wouldn't answer his question about the temple. "So, the Jedi are basically living on top of a Sith time bomb? That's... kind of ironic, don't you think."

Revan's ghostly form offered what might have been a shrug. "The galaxy is full of such ironies. The Force moves in ways beyond the comprehension of even the most wise and knowledgeable Jedi or Sith."

Nodding, Peter asked. "So, is this shrine thing dangerous? Should we, I don't know, try to fix it or something?" he asked, his mind racing with visions of untold disasters, springing up from beneath the Jedi's feet. 

Revan's ethereal figure paused, as if contemplating the question. "Yes and no," he finally answered. "In the hands of a malicious Sith Lord, the shrine's power could be catastrophic. But for now, it lies dormant, merely radiating a hum of Dark side energy, which we will use to our advantage during your training."

Peter nodded, the gears in his mind turning. Despite his trust issues, especially with ghosts of ancient Sith Lords, the idea of using such a place for training intrigued him. "Alright, I guess that makes sense. Anyway, I should get going,"

"As you wish," Revan replied, his tone even. 

As he prepared to leave, Peter made a mental note to investigate the shrine further, just incase his new master was lying to him. If what Revan said was true, he needed to understand exactly what lay beneath the Temple, and how to neutralize it should the need ever arise. 

"Before you go," Revan called out as Peter turned to leave, "report back here tomorrow night. Your training officially begins then."

Peter stopped, glancing over his shoulder at the spectral figure. "Tomorrow night, huh? Okay, I'll be here,"

Revan's smirk seemed to creepily glow in the dim light. "Until tomorrow my young apprentice…"

With an uncertain nod, Peter made his way out of the chamber, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts about the upcoming training, the mysterious shrine, and what it all meant for his future.


Luck, it seemed, was on Peter's side. Despite the feeling that days had passed in the shrine below the temple, only a few hours had indeed slipped by. 

The Jedi Temple was cloaked in the serene quiet of night as he made his way back to his quarters, skillfully evading the notice of any patrolling guards. The whole ordeal felt surreal, like stepping out of a dream—or a nightmare—back into reality.

Once safely inside his room, Peter wasted no time in stripping off the day's adventures along with his clothes, stepping into the shower. The hot streams of water felt like a cleansing ritual, washing away the residue of ancient dark energies and doubts that clung to him. 

But as the water poured over him, so too did a torrent of second thoughts. Was allying himself with Revan, a Sith Lord, albeit a ghostly one, truly a wise decision? 

Accepting Revan as his master was a gamble, one that could lead him into darkness or offer the mastery over his inner demons he so desperately sought. Only time would reveal the true cost of this alliance.

He couldn't deny the allure of learning to control his rage, yet the Sith's notorious reputation for treachery and domination lingered in his mind, a shadow that soap and water couldn't wash away.

Other than controlling his rage, Peter realized after tonight's incident that he also has another thing to work on. 'I need to find a better way to protect myself from mind control…' After all, it was too easy for Revan to make him go down there in the first place. 

Draped in a towel, Peter paced the cold floor of his room, unable to settle his own thoughts. Finally, surrendering to restlessness, he reached for his Walkman, the device almost an extension of himself. 

With a deep sigh, he put his headphones on and pressed play, letting the familiar strains of music envelop him.

Play O-o-h Child by The Five Stairsteps(A/N: I won't put all of the lyrics, but you can listen in the background if you want.)

Ooh child

Things are gonna get easier

Ooh child

Things'll get brighter

Ooh child

Things are gonna get easier

Ooh child

Things'll get brighter

Some day, yeah

We'll put it together and we'll get it undone

Some day

When your head is much lighter

Some day, yeah

We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun

Some day

When the world is much brighter



As the music filled his ears, a melodic balm to his frayed nerves, Peter curled up in bed. The songs, each one a piece of his soul, worked their magic, guiding him into a restful slumber. 

Thoughts of the day's events drifted into the background, overshadowed by the rhythmic beats and harmonies. For a moment, in the sanctuary of music, Peter found peace, a brief respite from the storm of uncertainties that awaited him.

A/N: 2090 words :) 🚨Patréon Link🚨

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