I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 5: Advantageous Deal

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"Mr. Parker, it seems we have much to speak about." The Ancient One says as she pours Peter and herself a cup of tea.

"You can call me Peter." He says as he puts two cubes of sugar and a splash of milk in his cup.

"Peter it is." She nodded and took a sip of her tea. "Could you tell me why you're here?"

'Does she not know?' Peter thought as he took a sip of his tea as well.

The Ancient One was known to look into the many possible futures using the time stone, yet based on her question, she didn't see Peters arrival coming. This is good for him as Peter would rather she didn't know about him taking over Peter's body. She may overreact and think of him as a threat to the Earth or something, and a pissed-off Ancient One isn't something he is capable of dealing with.

"I came to ask for your help." Peter says plainly as he sips his tea.

"How can I help you, Peter?" The Ancient One asks.

"I was recently bitten by an odd spider and got some weird powers." Peter says as he shoots a web up above him, pulling himself up to the ceiling and crawling around a bit before returning to his seat.

"Okay, how can I help you with this?" She asks with a raised brow.

The Ancient One didn't know everything about the world or the universe, but she knew all the major possibilities that could happen in her lifetime and slightly after, yet she had no knowledge of this situation. The feeling of not knowing was uncomfortable yet refreshing for someone like her who hasn't been surprised in a very long time. This whole situation truly threw her for a loop.

"I plan to use my powers to help people, but I've noticed how many cameras are in New York. If I dress up in a disguise and run around the city as a sort of vigilante, It would only be a matter of time before a security camera caught me either unmasked or returning home." Peter explains.

"I see, and you think I can help with this?" The Ancient One says as she crosses her legs.

"Well, you are the strongest person on Earth. It was either you or Tony Stark and he doesn't seem very reliable." Peter says with a shrug.

"Okay, I can help with this, but I want you to tell me how you knew to come here. You could say that I'm a very informed person, yet I didn't expect your arrival." The Ancient One agreed but gave Peter a stipulation.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you that. If I were to give an answer, it would be a lie and I wouldn't be surprised if you could somehow tell If I lie." Peter refuses respectfully.

"Hmm, it seems we've arrived at an impasse." The Ancient One smiles as she sips her tea.

She is enjoying this.

"There has to be something else I can do for you in exchange?" Peter asks as he places his empty teacup down.

"Hmm, perhaps..." The Ancient One says as she stands from her seat. "Follow along."

As they leave the room, the Ancient One leads Peter to a crowded courtyard. Many people dressed in monk robes seemed to be trying and failing to open a portal, like the one he came through earlier.

"Uhh, do you want me to help with their practice or something? Maybe bring them towels and water?" Peter asks questioningly.

"No, Peter." The Ancient One smirked and handed him a bronze sling ring. "You are going to join them."

"Umm, I don't get it." Peter says as he takes the offered along ring on reflex. "How is this an even exchange? It seems like I get to learn magic and your help. It's a win-win for me but not so much for you, isn't it?"

"Oh, on the contrary. I get a capable Master who's connected to the Web of Life and Destiny. You would make a formidable Master of the Mystic Arts. What comes with this opportunity is a responsibility to protect the Earth and its inhabitants from otherworldly magical forces and powerful dimensional entities. Are you prepared to take that responsibility?" The Ancient One asks as their conversation turns deadly serious.

'What the hell is the Web of Life and Destiny? Is that a Spider-Man thing I don't know about?' Peter thought as he looked at the Ancient One questioningly. "What's the Web of Life and Destiny?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to learn that in your studies. That is if you accept my offer of course." She says with a small smirk.

Peter didn't know much about Marvel, as he mostly watched the movies, but he could tell that this web thing has to be related to Spider-Man in some way. Which means it's connected to him.

"Fine, I'm willing to help when I'm needed, but if other Masters can deal with the problem I'd rather not be bothered." Peter agrees with a small stipulation.

"Hmm, that sounds agreeable." The ancient one says and holds out her hand. "Do we have an accord?"

Peter was about to shake her hand, but he pulled back last minute as a moment of greed took over.

"Hmm, can I sneak in a magically enchanted spider-style suit for my hero gig? Nothing crazy. Maybe make it extremely durable so I don't have to fix or replace it. You can add the anti-camera thing to it as well." Peter says as he hesitates to shake her outstretched hand.

"Sure, I would be honored to make Spider-Mans first superhero suit." She agrees easily and Peter immediately takes her hand.

"Spider-Man... I like that." Peter pretends not to know his own future.

Having the Ancient One create the suit would save Peter days of sewing and stitching it together himself. The best part about this is the fact that she's seen the future and already knows what it's supposed to look like. Not to mention the cool enchantments that she would add to it.

Peter couldn't wait to see what she does.

After coming to an agreement, Peter joined his fellow students in sling ring practice without much direction from the Ancient One. In fact, she left him there to learn on his own.

Copying the stance and motions of those around him and picturing the top of Mount Everest, Peter slips his new sling ring on and tries his best. On his first try, a golden spark appeared and drew half a circle before fizzling out and disappearing.

He may have failed, but the feeling of using magic for the first time was euphoric. Peter was worried that he wouldn't be capable of learning the mystic arts or that the Ancient One wouldn't allow it, but here he is about to open a magical portal.

"Huh, this may be easier than I thought."


After an hour of practice, Peter was so close to drawing a full circle with the golden energy. Taking a quick break, Peter asked a few of his fellow students some questions and learned that the golden energy is called Eldritch Energy, which is a type of dimensional energy.

So, he's currently practicing Eldritch Magic.

Eldritch Magic, which is utilized by the Masters of the Mystic Arts, is a light-based magic that produces sparks and fiery energy in a yellow/orange color palette. This energy is capable of giving off not only light, but also warmth. Being highly versatile, it can be used to generate constructs of tangible energy, such as melee weapons and shields, as well as to cast spells by conjuring specific formations and geometric patterns with the fiery energy.

The practice of opening a portal with the help of a sling ring is technically the easiest thing that can be done with Eldritch Energy. Which Peter found odd as they were technically bypassing space and maybe even time with what they were doing.

After getting this explanation from his fellow students, Peter got back to work. On his next try, he put all of the knowledge and feelings he had into one last go of it. He had to get home soon or Aunt May would start to worry. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't have cell service here, so he's currently unable to contact her.

With his mind set on his destination, Peter took the stance and slowly waved his hand in a circle. Golden Eldritch energy sparked to life and steadily formed a full circle in front of him. As the two ends of the circle connected, the center warped into the image of a snowy mountain peak.

"Hahahaha!" Laughing like a mad man, Peter jumped through the portal and admired the view. "I did it!"

A/N: 1486 words.


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