I’m Popular (or at least i used to be) Antes Story [GL]

Chapter 20 – Arc 4: I Got Betrayed (but i was ok with it this time)


Arc 4: I Got Betrayed (but i was ok with it this time)

Chapter 20

Friend groups are eternal!

...That's the message every kids show with an ensemble cast drills into your head. If you ever changed schools or moved cities for college you know that's a lie. People fall out of touch easily. In a matter of weeks, sometimes even days. When we're not forced to go through the same academic hellhole together we tend to run out of things to talk about.

"What's so different about your new school?"

"Since you left, Person A is like this! Can you believe it?"

Once you've gone through these thrilling conversations you're left with "How was lunch?" or "Can you believe it's snowing already?" until someone leaves the other on delivered out of boredom.

It was just my cynical nature that brought this train of thought on since I'm pretty sure a normal person would react very differently after receiving this text from Yuka:

Y: Yeah. We needed a fifth person for the family deal that's why you're in the friend group. Or at least the initial reason

I had been betrayed...

I had thought my cool outfits and my rare and coveted sense of humor had got me an invite to join my current friend group. To think the only reason I got to know Emma, snuck out of the school and discovered Little Caesars stuffed crust pizza was because of a Family Meal at Ronda's.

It was stupid and a little funny. It would be an entertaining story to tell a future niece.

I tapped my home button twice and went to my Maps tab.

Now the bus is 6 minutes away??? I swear it said that a couple of minutes ago.

I was waiting to take the 47 home. Back at the turnaround Gwen's mom called her and reminded Gwen that she needed to pick up food from Walmart and start preparing dinner. She apologized for leaving early and promised the next time we'd hang out she'd pay for food again as an apology. I wanted to disagree with her proposal but I didn't want to hold her any longer so we separated on that note.

Oh. I should respond to Yuka.

I tapped home twice and went back to IPhone's messaging app.

J: Couldn't you just get Galina to come? Or one of Shanice or Aliya's friends

Y: We thought that but since we all wanted to bring different people we just decided to get someone new so it would be fair

J: I see. Very democratic

Y: Yea. we get like that when we can't decide on something as a group lol

J: Makes sense

J: Did Emma suggest someone to be a 5th

Y: No

Y: She was actually against the idea of us bringing a 5th

J: That makes sense

It would've been more surprising if Emma actually suggested someone.

Y: We got off topic!

Y: Come on. The sale ends tomorrow. it's the last day to get the deal

Y: Emma calculated it. All the food we get in the meal is basically 60 percent off!

I sighed.

J: Fine. We can go

Y: Woo!

J: Only going for the food tho

Y: Yea yea

J: When and where are we meeting?

Y: 1pm in the dorm lobby

Y: Got it

I looked up and saw the 47 barrel down the street.

J: I gtg the bus is almost here

Y: Alr. tmr! Don't forget

J: Dw I won't

I put my phone in my pocket as the bus stopped in front of me at the bus stop. I got on and realized there was a different driver. This driver was a younger woman with long raven black hair. She was wearing a black work shirt, some dark blue shorts, black thigh-high socks and black sneakers. She smiled at me as I looked at her.

She's cute...I'm 18 now. How old do you have to be to be a bus driver? Not that old right. Like 25, 24 maybe. I wouldn't mind but, she probably would since that's like a six year age gap. I could lie about my age...I know myself. I might look a little older but, I definitely do not act like I could be 24. 19 maybeeeee.

I sighed. Just like that, I had given up on the possibility of romance springing with this random bus driver.

She looked at me confused. A couple of seconds passed and her eyes lit up.

"It's fine if you can't afford it. You can just walk on." The bus driver whispered.

She's so nice...

"Don't worry. I can afford it." I said, raising a hand.

I opened my pochette and cursed.

Right. No card...

"Actually, can I take you up on that offer? My maid forgot to pack my wallet in my bag this morning." I lied.

The young woman laughed. "Sure."


"Just make sure to hold on. I'm kinda new hehe..."

I laughed nervously. "Got it."

Are Ecruville buses ever safe?

I walked into the bus and sat in the front. There were only a few people at this time. The bus ride started out kind of rough but I think the bus driver got the hang of it after a couple of minutes. I even fell asleep at one point. I wasn't that tired but the warmth of midday combined with the bus driver's humming was oddly comforting. Her humming sounded...familiar too.

Luckily, I woke up a little before the school stop

Luckily, I woke up a little before the school stop. The bus stopped and some girls got up before me. I followed them to the front.

"Thanks again." I said to the bus driver as the girls stepped out of the bus.

"No problem." She said nonchalantly.

"You're cute. I don't mind giving cute girls free rides every now and then." The bus driver explained.

I probably blushed a little. "...Thanks."

"Hehe. Now I need to get going so politely...get out of my bus." She said with a smile.

"Sure, sure."

I stepped out of the bus and the doors closed behind me. The bus quickly drove off.

That woman...Could she be?

I shook my head.

There's no way. I know her. She would never drive buses.

I looked towards Coraline Miller's Girl's School and started walking. I made it to the dorms in about 20 minutes. I opened the door and was greeted by a familiar face. 

"Jocelyn! Haven't seen you in a while." Lizzy exclaimed.

"Yeah, I've been busy." I said as I walked up to her desk.

"That's good. Being busy is better than doing nothing,"

"I don't know about that."

"Maybe you'll understand after college."


The dorm supervisor tilted her head. "You seem different."

"Really? Compared to two weeks ago, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's hard to put a label on it but the difference is definitely there."

I must've given her a look because she waved her hand.

"Don't worry. It's a positive change!" She assured me.

"Alright. I'll take your word for it."


I looked up at the first floor's ceiling for a second and looked back at Lizzy. "I should get going. I have homework due."

"Ok. Good luck with it." The dorm supervisor said, smiling.


I walked through the doors of the lobby and deeper into my dorm.

Have I really changed?

That question lingered in my mind as I was laying down attempting to sleep that night. I grabbed my pillow that I was laying on with both hands as I stared at the ceiling.

Emma. The stuff that happened around her. Maybe that changed me a little. Just when it comes to bullying. Other than that I can't think of much. I guess after talking for a while Gwen wasn't so bad but, that convo didn't change the trajectory of my life or anything.

My mind wandered to Hayley. How would my rival react to this supposed 'new' Jocelyn? I know for sure she'd like my blonde hair. I felt myself smile. Only for a second as I caught myself and quickly switched back to my ultra cool introspective-looking neutral expression.

Is...she really going to delete her Instagram?

I lightly bumped my forehead with my wrist.

She would never. It's just a scheme to get followers sympathetic. Maybe she has merch selling soon and really wants it to sell well. Either way, it doesn't matter to me.

I rolled on my left side, closed my eyes, and started to go to sleep.

I'll see Emma tomorrow...

I cursed quietly to myself.

I must be pretty tired.

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