I’m on the Road To Probation Paranoia

Chapter 19

Chapter 18: When The Green Plum Grows Up

Aunt Li walked in with a basin of cold water, her face darkened the moment she saw Lin Ye squatting by the window.

But obviously Dr. Zhang had already greeted her, and he didn’t drive away Lin Ye. He glared at her complainingly, walked up to her, tucked the quilt for Bai Han, and went back to Twist the handkerchief.

Lin Ye stretched out his hand: “I’ll come.”

Aunt Li turned sideways and avoided.

Lin Ye’s hand froze awkwardly.

Bai Han’s body was indeed in a coma, but she gave her a mental projection through the system to see it all.

Seeing that Aunt Li was consuming the favorability she had earned with her life, Bai Han sighed: “System, do you still have a temporary sobriety card, let me tell Aunt Li a word about Lin Ye? point.”

System: “Who made you waste the opportunity just now.”

Bai Han grimaced: “Aunt Li drove Lin Ye out at that time, believe it or not!”

The system rolled its eyes: “There is only one chance.” After a pause, it added embarrassedly, “Mainly if I have it, I will give it to you.”

Bai Han: “…”

Fortunately, although Lin Ye was rejected, he did not turn around as ruthlessly as Bai Han, but the young daughter-in-law faced the evil mother-in-law. On one side, he stared at Bai Han on the hospital bed.

Aunt Li has other things to do. It is impossible to stay in front of Bai Han’s bed all the time, put on a cold handkerchief and go downstairs.

Lin Ye naturally took over her job, changed Bai Han’s handkerchief every once in a while, and touched his forehead from time to time to test the temperature.

Bai Han looked at her hard-working appearance, and felt very happy and relieved: “It seems that this suffering is not in vain, so she finally took the initiative to me this time, I also have to support Wake up once.”

System: “Scare her with a corpse?”

Bai Han: “…I don’t know what time it is in the evening. Lin Ye hasn’t eaten lunch yet, so he’s starving again.”

System: “Congratulations, you will be able to have a baby directly when you go back. You will definitely be an excellent mother.”

Bai Han: “…First of all, I have to have a partner.”

Aunt Li boiled porridge, and when she came up to see that Bai Han was still awake, she touched the handkerchief on Bai Han’s forehead, it was cold, and looked at Lin Ye’s hands that were red with cold, with a gloomy face Finally, Ji and a few points: “The white porridge is boiled downstairs, let’s go eat something.”

Lin Ye shook his head: “No, I’m not hungry yet.”

Aunt Li didn’t care about her either, so she didn’t say anything after mentioning it. She raised her head and glanced at the newly replaced IV bottle, and touched the one that Bai Han had placed beside the bed. hand.

The whole arm was cold and faintly pale, she lifted the quilt, covered it, and pinched five stiff fingers lightly, and was about to turn around to fill a thermos At that time, the palm of his hand was suddenly scratched.

“Miss, are you awake?” Aunt Li leaned forward in surprise, she saw Bai Han’s eyelids moving slightly, and slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were confused and scattered, and after she managed to focus , get up immediately.

“I’m here!” Lin Ye hurried up and pressed her shoulders, “Don’t move.”

Bai Han’s body was limp, she glanced at Lin Ye weakly, looking at her up and down with anxiety and worry, and then she was relieved to make sure she was all right, and her eyes fell on Aunt Li. : “Li, Aunt Li, rice.”

Her voice was hoarse and could only make low breath sounds.

Aunt Li didn’t dare to let her waste her voice, and immediately answered, “Miss is hungry, I cooked porridge and served it immediately.”

Bai Han shook his head, his head was dizzy, and this time he almost fainted.

She stared at Lin Ye and said slowly, word by word: “You haven’t eaten yet, Aunt Li, she is weak and can’t be hungry.”

Aunt Li’s expression changed immediately, but because Bai Han was ill, she endured it.

Bai Han was displeased and was about to open her mouth when Aunt Li hurriedly said, “Don’t worry, I’ll go get a bowl of noodles and lie down with two more eggs, so I won’t starve her.”

“It’s just that Miss, what else would you like to eat?” Before Aunt Li could finish asking, Bai Han had already fallen asleep again with peace of mind, the corners of his mouth were still bent, like a smiling Jiuquan, frightened Aunt Li jumped.

I had to listen to Miss’s orders. Aunt Li threw her anger all over Lin Ye, gave her a stern look, and then went downstairs.

Lin Ye has been absent since just now. When there were only two people left in the room, she slowly leaned down. Fingertips rubbed her chapped lips, lips light She squirmed lightly, but her voice was too low, and she was so close that Bai Han couldn’t hear what she was talking about.

Lin Ye noticed Aunt Li’s movement just now, and now he would hold Bai Han’s hand and rub it lightly, rubbing the palm of his hand hard, and covering the back of Bai Han’s hand.

Aunt Li moved very quickly, and brought a thermos in less than half an hour, and also brought a bowl of deluxe version of alkaline water with too many ingredients.

I can smell the rich sesame sauce from afar Dumplings, all kinds of hot pot meatballs, and green cabbage, everything is available.

The forest leaves looked up.

Aunt Li put the thermos under the drip tube, don’t turn it around: “Miss bought this before, and it’s been in the refrigerator and no one eats it, so it’s time to clean it up.”

Lin Ye took a deep look at Bai Han who was asleep, then looked at Aunt Li: “Thank you.”

She didn’t want to eat, but she still picked up the chopsticks and mechanically stuffed the contents of the bowl into her mouth one by one.

Lin Ye didn’t even taste the taste of this bowl of noodles. She only tasted the sourness that came up from her throat.

When Aunt Li came up to collect the bowl, she found that a large bowl was eaten completely, not even a residue left, as if a dog had licked it, she was stunned: “You ate it all ?”

Aunt Li was afraid that she would not know what she likes to eat, so she put in more ingredients, but this is enough for two adult men. If it breaks, the lady won’t blame herself. .

Lin Ye’s head was full of Bai Han, and he couldn’t feel anything else, so he nodded perfunctorily: “Well, thank you.”

Young people now eat so well?

Thinking of her cat-like appetite, Aunt Li thought to herself, no wonder she was not in good health, so she still ate too little.

Aunt Li packed up the tableware and chopsticks: “The next room has already been packed for you, let me know when you sleep.”

Lin Ye nodded casually, but didn’t answer.

She didn’t plan to go to sleep, and she didn’t feel at ease without seeing Bai Han wake up with her own eyes.

Lin Ye pulled the stool and sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the person on the bed with a good look.

The quilt was pulled so high that it covered the lower half of her face, revealing only her curved eyebrows and full forehead.

In my mind, Bai Han always looks forward to looking at him. Those dark puppy eyes are shining brightly, as if they are full of small stars.

Lin Ye asked softly, “Why are you being so nice to me.”

Bai Han is relieved: You know that I am good to you, don’t lose confidence in this world in advance, don’t give up this world too early, when you grow up, when you reach a larger environment, When you remove more people, you will find that you will meet more people who treat you well, treat you as friends, and even start your own family, and gain normal affection from them.

After more than half of the drip, the temperature on Bai Han’s body finally returned to normal, and there was a faint healthy blush on his cheeks.

Lin Ye raised the temperature of the air conditioner and dimmed the lamp at the head of the bed.

Bai Han: “…she doesn’t plan to sit by my bed all night, how can that be? Normal adults can’t stand it. With her small body, she doesn’t want to die!”

No matter how she complained in her heart, she really didn’t have the strength to wake up again, so she could only watch Lin Ye sit down stubbornly.

Lin Ye squeezed Bai Han’s fingers gently and slowly closed his eyes, but he still seemed to be able to see Bai Han clumsily approaching him, and the pair of eyes watching him tenderly eye.

Lin Ye thought to himself, why are those eyes so beautiful.

How much she thinks, those eyes will only see her from now on.

The room darkened, Bai Han couldn’t see Lin Ye’s face, was bored, and slowly fell asleep.

Arms, I’m afraid she will be numb.

Looking at Lin Ye with such a human touch, Bai Han said: “In this way, my mission is over, such Lin Ye will never become the heinous person in the original plot. The bad guy, no. When she experiences more kindness in the future, it won’t get worse.”

In fact, Lin Ye is a good boy in essence, but she is forced by her parents and the school to stand on the opposite side of everyone. As long as anyone on this side beckons to her, she will definitely stand back decisively .

, before the final moment, it is not certain whether the task will be successfully completed.”

This sickness is so ingenious that she has even thought about what to do next.

Reconcile with Lin Ye immediately after sobering up, and then elevate their friendship to another level.

It’s just that the plan didn’t change quickly. The next day, Bai’s father and Bai’s mother, who were originally stationed abroad, came back.

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