I’m Not A Hero Like You After All

Chapter 205

“It’s meaningless to breathe in and out. It’s about what meaning you assign to it. Next, what meaning does it hold? Setting that is the key.”

“……Still sounds like nonsense to me.”

Cariel, seated in the sanctuary listening to the explanation, scratched his head.

The nameless elf, with bony fingers, seemed to draw something, like a circle in the air.

“Everything starts from a point and returns to one. The beginning and the end. All you need to remember and repeat is that.”

“Is this similar to what mages do during mana practice?”

“Mana practice? What methods are used these days?”


The methods of mage training vary widely.

And they differ by school, and even within schools based on who you are.

That’s where the know-how and secrets lie.

Sharing magical theory can range from internal school discussions to external announcements, and sometimes only passed down directly to select heirs—though that’s not limited to just mages.

Knights treat secret sword techniques and theories similarly.

Skills are ultimately built on generations of successful experience, achievements, and trial and error.

If no one had originally known that metal could become a sword or that mana could create harmony, none of this would have been possible.

“The methods vary. Some train the body, focus the mind, and optimize their environment using drugs or surroundings for better practice.”

“You don’t know much, do you.”

“Because I’m not a mage.”

Parents don’t even teach their children training methods.

That’s why mages respect and honor their masters more than their own parents.

While parents give life to the body, the mage teacher nurtures and awakens the soul—making them especially important.

“It’s wiser not to imitate or pretend to understand.”

“That’s true.”

Imitating halfway can cause problems.

For swordsmanship, memorizing movements might help, but understanding magic theory in your head and applying it are two different things.

“It begins with a point. Points connect into lines, which form circles and angles, creating waves and frequencies.”


Why the sudden explanation?

“A straight line can be wrapped into a circle. A point can color a line, and emptiness can be filled with points.”

When things collide, they rebound, and when they rebound, they flow again.

“What goes up must come down, and what comes down will rise again. As filling leads to tilting.”

What is emptied will surely be filled.

What is filled will inevitably empty until it runs dry.

“So, can you at least tell me what this explanation means or its purpose?”

“Don’t try to understand.”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s not done with the mind. It’s achieved through your flesh and spirit.”

“That sounds absurd….”

“That’s why you can’t reach it by trying to understand with your head.”

It’s strange but convincing somehow.

“That’s how it works.”


“Moving forward will lead you there. Even if your eyes and ears are closed, as long as you keep going, you’ll arrive.”

“There’s no guarantee that direction is what I want.”

If someone maliciously misleads you, the fool who believes them will suffer the consequences.

“Don’t ask me. How could I know what you don’t?”

“That’s such an irresponsible….”

He lost for words.

Sometimes conversations veer off-topic or flip unexpectedly, unintentionally plunging you into confusion.

This happens rarely, though.

“The wind seems to blow aimlessly, but everything follows rules and principles. There’s no margin for error. Those who cannot measure talk of chaos.”

“…Alright. Let’s say that. So, what should I do?”

“Start and end. The origin of the world. The first point. From there, the world expands infinitely and returns to one point.”


“The world began as a single point and will return to one. This is what I’ve gained. Reflect on your own origin from my explanation.”

“So, what about breathing?”

“Concentration. To achieve extreme focus, you must control your body. Deep breathing is the foundation.”

“Is this some special meditation technique? Mental unification? Visualization? Contemplation? Speculation?”

“If you want to treat it that way, that’s your limit.”

Ah… talking to a wall would probably be better.


Still, one thing is clear.

If this crazy elf isn’t completely insane, he’s definitely mysterious.

Unknown (미지).

I don’t intend to arrogantly claim to understand everything.

But this case, where nothing makes sense and guessing is impossible, is a first.

Or maybe he’s just obsessed with meaningless chatter.

“…Does this relate to why I can’t sense any mana or spirits from you?”

“I don’t know. If that’s how you feel, then that’s how it is.”

“Well, alright. Understood.”

Still, if I don’t want some random person taking over my body and mind, I might need to concentrate a little.

“You don’t have much time, so focus.”

After finishing his advice, he walked away from the sanctuary with deliberate steps, yet his presence felt unchanged from the start.

Only after he left did it become clear.

Even though he was right in front of me earlier, his presence and aura were completely undetectable.


A man draped in black cloth stood inside a damp cave deep in the forest.

He’d grown accustomed to the cold, damp earthy smell long ago.

Even the irregular, subtle sounds and sensations around him had become familiar.

As faint moonlight seeped in through the cave entrance, someone entered silently.

From beneath a hood, a dim gaze could be felt.

The long ears twitched slightly.

The heartbeat thudded.

Breathing was slightly uneven due to faint tension.

As the visitor placed a basket down and asked, a dark gleam appeared between the black cloth covering the face.

In the darkness, their gazes clashed.

“Everything’s normal. Fully prepared.”

“That’s fortunate.”

An oddly sarcastic tone came through the otherwise emotionless voice.

“So… Kailan. When do we move?”


“How do you feel about betraying your kin and abandoning their expectations without choice?”

“For the greater good. A race that forgets sacrifice and pain has no future.”

“Are you, the youngest and most capable among us, talking about sacrifice and pain?”

At that, Kailan snapped back.

“Those willing to shed blood and bear humiliation. They’re dismissed as innocent victims and efforts to eliminate such beings are dismissed as excessive. That complacency has brought us to this low state.”

“Kailan, do you still harbor regret and resentment against your leaders for abandoning our fight?”

“That’s reasonable. They turned the noble sacrifices of our fallen into meaningless actions under the guise of peace. Can that be forgiven?”

“…True. I agree. There were among your warriors who impressed even me.”


“If I hadn’t been summoned, your words might have had merit.”

The hooded man’s clenched fists trembled.

Regardless, a voice emerged from beneath the black cloth.

“But ultimately, your race suffered little despite the continent’s devastation. Your leaders likely chose practicality over pride.”

“Do you think you’re in a position to judge or empathize with their choices now? Especially you?”

“A pitiful excuse for the leader of a defeated army, who must survive out of duty and trust.”

“True. A pathetic excuse. And enduring such blame and disgrace is part of being a leader.”

His dark gaze glimmered faintly under the tilted moonlight, turning into a white glow.

“If that gives you some small comfort, feel free to criticize me.”

“Damn bastard…”

Finally turning his back, the man asked while still seated, gazing steadily at the other.

“Barg. Aren’t you afraid of the repercussions of what you’re about to do?”


From beneath the black cloth, the indifferent dark eyes reappeared.

The man slowly moved his lips covered by the cloth.

“What does a soldier who’s lost his commander have to fear? What dignity remains for someone who couldn’t die honorably?”

“I hope those weren’t thoughtless words.”

Eventually, as the man left the cave, moonlight poured clearly through the entrance, but it didn’t reach the motionless figure cloaked in black.

“All I’m allowed is regret. Surely you can grant me this small luxury.”

If He were here.


Whether the master of the world or the will of the world, whatever it may be, the immediate threat to me is the will of the World Tree.

Even though I’ve somehow taken on the full authority of the elves, it doesn’t mean I’m free from this.

“So, Mr. World Tree, let’s have a deeper conversation, shall we?”

It has no physical form, but it possesses consciousness like a collective subconscious that exists yet doesn’t.

However, as its mass, volume, and age accumulated, it started to develop specific awareness.

…That’s the conclusion I’ve reached so far.

According to various opinions from theologians and books I’ve encountered, heaven wasn’t originally defined.

We can only infer based on commonalities, like what Lady Irene or her apostles mentioned, but interpretations vary wildly.

Adding ancient magicians’ and philosophers’ theories only complicates the worldview and related theories further.

Since childhood, following my mother, I delved into various scriptures, and my interest always leaned toward these kinds of questions.

Doing good gets you to heaven.

But if praying well also gets you there, why bother striving for heaven?

Why make extra effort to help even one more unfortunate person?

Non-believers might sympathize, but why should believers?

If the afterlife is eternal and this life is worthless, fleeting, and meaningless, why work hard or struggle to survive? Why are instincts and emotions created?

Why test us? Why judge us? Why let the wicked prosper? Why allow greedy people to eat more bread?

If you keep theorizing, all that remains is extremely simple:

Just believe.

Accept it nicely.

Don’t doubt.

But this doesn’t add up, right?

You said it’s harder for the rich to enter heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

So why say that anyone who believes and repents can be forgiven and enter heaven? That doesn’t make sense!

Most go to hell, you said.

Then why say believing and repenting lets you into heaven?

Isn’t it rational to die quickly and go to heaven if this life is tough?

But suicide sends you to hell?

What? What am I supposed to do?

“So naturally, I developed curiosity about politics and social concepts.”

The moment religion becomes a plague.

Yet its teachings aren’t entirely wrong…but there’s definitely distortion and deviation.

Why twist and distort them?

Because there’s a unique power called divine authority.

In front of it, powerless, incapable, and ignorant individuals kneel and bow their heads for reasons unknown, despite no tangible guarantees.

“And I found my own answers.”

The gist is this:

Making a better day.

Not living easily but striving to become greater, more magnificent.

Realizing that words of encouragement ultimately hold no real meaning.

Then what does becoming a better self mean?


I place my hand on the wall of the sanctuary.

I currently carry the full authority of the Fairy Clan, the Tribe of the Forest.

This serves as proof of qualification.

Using that, I reconnect with the will and spirit of the World Tree.

Countless illusions paint scenes, incomparably more vivid than before.


The inspiration from the nameless elf was crucial.

The World Tree doesn’t predict the future.

It merely shows predetermined facts labeled as the future.

It’s a path.

But since we can’t comprehend it with our minds, we accept it as scenes and phenomena.

Don’t try to understand.

There was a clue in the nameless elf’s words.

Rather than trying to understand the path, just accept it.

Then the scenes disappeared, spreading like countless branches of a tree.

Maybe resembling hundreds or thousands of root branches.

They spread across the entire domain.

What I seek isn’t the edge of the world these roots reach.

It’s the starting point.

‘The source.’

Did it start from a single point, as he said?

Was he deliberately giving me clues by repeating that, or was it coincidental and linked to this?


Giving up trying to understand and just walking the path made progress surprisingly smooth.

Without a map, trying to draw one in your head gets confusing, and there wasn’t much information or hints anyway.

So just see with your eyes, listen with your ears, and sharpen your senses.

Desire. Crave.

Toward the place I yearn for.

Walking like flowing, at some point, I found myself in a world where pale snowflakes slowly fell.

In a world painted pure white,

I witnessed a girl hanging herself from a tree, driven by her own will.

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