I’m in an Omniverse with Anime, While I Opened My Harem

The New Knights

The following day Zennò S. Suzuki went to school, but I immediately noticed that many students were on top of each other looking into his classroom, as if they were watching a star or a famous idol. 

Suddenly you hear a voice politely asking him "classmate, can you please tell me if this is the right direction to reach the class indicated by this paper"

Then the beautiful girl who had a medium height, long crimson hair that reached her waist and purple eyes, and a decidedly voluptuous body for someone her age, walked up to him while holding up a paper. 

Zennò S. Suzuki looked at him and then while he felt strange for a moment, he replied unconsciously "and this is exactly the class" he said pointing to where there were a bunch of students looking inside

The girl didn't answer, but smiled as she said with gratitude and even a trace of apology "thank you brother..."

Surely this name would have made Zennò S. Suzuki suspicious but above all confusing, but strangely he said with a smile "you're welcome sister, let's go inside" then while he made room for both of them, they successfully entered the class

The girl is called Mıo Naruse, and she was a pure blooded Demon, daughter of the previous and now deceased Demon King, Wilbert, the most powerful of the Demon race, the enemies of the Devils. 

Just now she had used a hypnosis spell to brainwash Zenno S. Suzuki into thinking that she was his second sister, even though she wasn't. 

She hated having to use these dirty methods, but she needed to find refuge and hide from her father's enemies, who want to gain her power and future position as Demon King by marrying her. 

As he followed the human he had just controlled, he noticed Koneko Toujou giving off a dangerous feeling to himself, so he realized that she must be a Devil. 

While trying to hide from Koneko Toujou's perception, Zennò S. Suzuki took her with him to introduce her, thus taking her by surprise. 

"Koneko, she is my second sister, her name is Mıo Naruse. Make friends and try not to fight" he said while I stroke Koneko Toujou's head, thus making her happy

But soon, she returned to her senses and looked at Mıo Naruse with malice, immediately discovering that she was not Zennò S. Suzuki's girl at all, especially given the demonic power that her body contained, which was equal to that of a Satan, even if sealed. 

But not wanting to attract attention and reveal the existence of the supernatural in front of these normal students, he decided to tell Rias Gremory about what happened, especially since he noticed that Zennò S. Suzuki was under a spell. 

While he pretended to get along with the other party, the other party also did the same, doing so until it was time for lunch on the roof, where Zennò S. Suzuki took them unaware of the situation. 

As he closed the door being the last to arrive, you hear Koneko Toujou carefully ask Mıo Naruse "what did you come to this Devil-controlled school for, Demon?"

Feeling that his identity had been exposed so quickly, Mıo Naruse sighed and asked "where did you know he was a Demon?"

" simply because my Zennò already has two sisters, but you are certainly not his second sister. Not to mention your strong demonic energy inside your body, even if it seems sealed! " Koneko Toujou answered sincerely, not taking her opponent seriously, especially since she was stronger

Realizing that the situation was getting bad, he looked at Zennò S. Suzuki and ordered him "shield me, and if you see that your friend tries to harm me, protect my safety with your life!"

But while giving orders, Zennò S. Suzuki asked "why fight among ourselves, isn't it easier to try to talk about it and see if there is a solution to avoid possible problems?" But once again, someone interrupted them

A young teenager with a slim but gifted build appeared, with light blue hair that has a braid placed on the right side of her face and a slightly raised but falling tuft of hair located on the top of her head., with yellow eyes and long eyelashes. 

He wore a very unique armor, while with the cloak being blown by the wind, he held a sword and said with a calm tone "leave that Demon to me for your own good, and I will let you go without hurting you"

Seeing that a new person had appeared on the scene, Zennò S. Suzuki looked at Koneko Toujou and Mıo Naruse with surprise to ask "is this a friend of yours who does cosplay?"

But they both shook their heads in denial, while Mıo Naruse seemed to think of a certain enemy who wanted to kill the holder of the previous Demon King's powers, so he said "if I'm not mistaken he belongs to the hero tribe, an organization that claims to maintain the world peace whilehe kills all his enemies, without distinction. 

But at the end of the day, they are nothing more than a group of criminals worse than Demons and Devils, who take pleasure in hunting us, not to mention those experiments on our species that they have captured! 

Now they are hunting me because I am the daughter of the previous Demon King. Please help me and in exchange I will tell you everything you want to know, if you want I can also give you everything I own" she said while looking with concern at Zennò S. Suzuki

Seeing that Mıo Naruse was speaking slander about his village, the girl with the sword attacked without waiting any longer, but Zennò S. Suzuki stood in front of her as she took the back of his sword in her hands and punched him in the stomach with her other hand, thus knocking her unconscious. 

Turning his head in the direction of Mıo Naruse as he picked up the girl, he asked her "tell me a little about this organization that experiments on Demons."

What I tell was very familiar with the subject of the Naberius family, so I think perhaps the two were connected in some way, but not being sure he asked. 

Soon under the security brought by Zennò S. Suzuki, she began to tell things she had already heard and learned from the files that Koneko Toujou's mother had left before she died, so she was certain that the village of heroes was also an ally or member of an organization even more powerful than she thought. 

Coming to this conclusion, I immediately think that for sure the Naberius family should also have been members of that mysterious organization, but they didn't know what role they had. 

If it was an important role, then it would have been easier to dismantle this plague, but if he was just one of the small fry... he couldn't have imagined how complex it would be to solve this whole mess, but for now he got a person who maybe could know moreover. 

Looking at Mıo Naruse, he told him "if you want protection to escape or protect yourself from pursuers, then I will help you, while if you want more strength to be able to stand up to your enemies, then I will help you too. 

But I want you to help me take control of your demonic world, because apparently we will need quite a few men if we want to fight against the village of heroes, the Naberius family and above all whoever is behind them "

Koneko Toujou specially understood what was happening, so I look at what Mıo Naruse would decide. 

"If you can make me strong enough to no longer have to use innocents for my purposes, no longer be anxious every time for fear that an enemy might be around the corner to kill or capture me, or insecure as I watch my family die because I'm not strong enough,then I want you to teach me how to become stronger! 

I will do everything to do it, even if I have to give up my life! " he said as Mıo Naruse made an important decision in his life

Hera was suffering as her father was betrayed and murdered to death, she was tired of watching helplessly as her adoptive family was mercilessly slaughtered, and she was tired of having to run away without even stopping while the idea that one day they might capture her or a her close friend, lait hurt. 

He decided that rather than suffer all this, he would rely on the first man he felt a closeness and desire, even if the latter were to deceive him, but in the end he can say he tried to fight. 

▪︎[ Ding... The requirements for the hidden mission have been activated. 

Information: Use the seal of love on Mıo Naruse, and have him swear allegiance as the first of your new knights, as well as your future companion who will help you fight against the enemies of another omniverse. 

Reward: Technique: Dual Cultivation - 1,000,00 System Points - 10,000,000 Harem Points ]▪︎

Understanding the seriousness of this moment, Zennò S. Suzuki looked up and asked "Mıo Naruse, are you willing to pledge allegiance to me and help me fight against my future enemies at the cost of your life in exchange for my help and trust?"

"even if I haven't known you for less than a few minutes, I know for sure that you will be the person who will be able to change my life, especially because my instinct tells me to trust and give myself to you, something that no one has ever managed to do So I will pledge my allegiance to you! " he said after careful reflection, thinking about both the advantages and disadvantages

But in the end she decided to trust her instincts, so when she said those words, a light enveloped her as a luminescent tattoo mark began to appear from her neck. 

The symbol was very elegant and made of gold, while only she and Zennò S. Suzuki could read the true meaning of the writings contained in it, that is: Live for yourself, to live fully. The Knight of Solitude: Queen of Demons. 

This was her newly conferred Knighthood, while Mıo Naruse herself felt the powers within her begin to increase, as her father's began to merge into one, thus causing her to cross the line of the Satan class, and reach that of the God ofBible. 

Feeling the enormous power brought by the oath and that of his father coming together into one, Mıo Naruse was extremely happy and happily thanked "thank you my new lord!"

Hearing the title given to him by the other party, Zennò S. Suzuki said without hesitation "just call me Zennò like everyone else, I don't like to be called that pompous way. From now on you will be my first Knight, and I hope we will go agree "

But just when he was about to take the unconscious girl to his new home while Mıo Naruse would follow him, Koneko Toujou asked "can I become your Knight too?"

Before Zennò S. Suzuki could say anything, he knew from the system that he could make anyone a Knight, so he happily replied "okay, I'm glad to know that you want to help me"

Thus the same scene also happened to Koneko Toujou, as she also acquired the powers of a God of the Bible, thus surpassing the category of Satan. 

Then the golden writing appeared on his neck: loyalty is equal to love, while love is infinite like eternity. Knight of Love: Queen of Love

Having two beautiful and strong girls following him, Zennò S. Suzuki had to admit that it wasn't really bad, especially since he could feel a certain pleasure in having the sensation of being the boss. 

While returning the new prisoner to the condominium thus skipping school, Zennò S. Suzuki checked his rewards and was surprised and happy to discover the details of the Dual Cultivation technique. 

It allowed him and his girlfriend to increase their strength while making love, without a limit if time. 

The increase in power was 50% every time he did this, but it could be increased if there were multiple girls at the same time, as well as if there are multiple males with only one female, but this is not important. 

The technique made the body stronger and gradually strengthened it until it became immortal, thus no longer having to worry about dying from old age. 

Mıo Naruse said she would go get her best friend and follower, so she broke away from the group, while Zennò S. Suzuki successfully brought the girl back to one of the empty apartments of the condominium, while Koneko Toujou stood guard, to avoid interference. 

Tying the girl on a bed which was the only place he could put her, because the chairs had been moved for the renovation which will take place in a few hours, Zennò S. Suzuki began to remove the girl's clothes. 

There is a valid reason in his intentions, even if it might seem at first glance that he is just a boy intent on raping an unconscious girl, but this was to make sure that he had no other weapons besides the sword, on the other hand it seemed like a fighter. 

In fact, I find three knives, one between her butt and her spine, one under her skirt and finally one that held the skirt up as a button. 

Having removed all the weapons while he had to admire her figure with only bras and a panty, Zennò S. Suzuki woke her up with a basin of water. 

"Cuff...cough...w-where am I, who are you?! " she asked as she regained her senses, but received only a cold silence while she could feel the cold herself for the simple reason that she is only in her underwear

Zennò S. Suzuki looked at her and finally asked "who does your village of heroes work for? Is it a terrorist organization that aims to conquer both the mundane and the supernatural world? Answer me, or death will be the least of your problems! !"

Being questioned as she understood his words, the girl looked confused as she asked "what organization behind my village? Why would they work with someone when we are already strong enough to defeat a Satan-class like the previous Demon King?"

Revealing that his hero village had something to do with the downfall of the previous Demon King, Zenno S. Suzuki sighed in disappointment and said, "so you have been kept ignorant of the business your village does. 

Poor girl, I can't even imagine what they did to your body to make you so strong even if you're a human... maybe you were one of their guinea pigs with whom they had to see the effects of their research, or you were just a simple guinea pig who then ended up Was it discarded? "

Hearing the other party's teasing, the girl got angry as for the first time she showed an expression different from the previous calm "you! Why do you have to install such strange ideas? But I won't be fooled by you, even if you kill me!"

But before she could try to free herself and commit suicide for fear that the other party would do something more dangerous to her, thus making her give in and reveal information that she thought was important, she saw a video of experiments on living beings. 

As she watched the video, she seemed to notice that some of those scientists were members of her hero village, and the guinea pigs were also many Demons and Devils who had captured her and her companions, but above all there was one guinea pig that surprised her the most among everyone. 

That was one of her friends who was half Vampire and half Human. As a child, she was one of her few friends after her best friend and childhood sweetheart, Basara Tojo, died without warning. 

As she remembered that her friend had disappeared one day without saying goodbye, she heard a shocking revelation from one of the scientists. 

["So, how's the 'Hero Race' project going?" asked one of the scientists

"is proceeding as expected, the Hero Race was made with the DNA of the Dragon God of Infinity, Ophis. But too bad it is still very difficult to experiment with the strict surveillance of those four Satans"]

The recording ended there while the girl who thought she was of the Hero race, discovered to her shock that she was just one of the guinea pigs created by those scientists. 

Feeling confused, surprised, sad and above all betrayed by the village of heroes, I don't even imagine if the death of her first childhood love had anything to do with them, seeing as he was the son of a God. 

Crying as he imagined the truths hidden in many mysteries, he suddenly asked Zennò S. Suzuki, while showing deep boundless hatred "didn't you also tell that Demon that you can give him power if he agrees to be yours? 

Even though I was unconscious, my ears listened and then my brain stored, so I know for sure that she got stronger power after accepting your deal. 

I want to take revenge and find out who killed Basara! Even if I had to turn against everyone in the hero village, because he was the only love of my life! "

Zennò S. Suzuki sighed seeing her reduced to this state, so he said to her "it's okay, but you know that once you become my knight, both your body, your mind and your soul will be mine forever, even if I had to meet yours again first love "

Hearing his words, the girl was very conflicted whether to accept, on the other hand if she ever managed to find something to revive Basara Tojo, then she could be with him again, but if he becomes the knight of Zennò S. Suzuki, then she will no longer be able to be with him. 

But in the end he said "it's okay, even if I had to give you all of myself to avenge his death and make the real culprits pay, I accept!" then he saw light begin to envelop his entire body, while the writing appeared on his neck forming a stream of golden writing

The pain is as deep as the abyss, but revenge is as close as love. Knight of Sorrow: Queen of Solitude

After reading the words containing on the golden circle on the skin of the girl's neck, it was seen disappearing and melting as the latter said "I feel my strength is increasing!"

Then freeing herself from the chains that bound her without allowing her to move or even free herself, the girl looked deeply at Zennò S. Suzuki, and finally knelt while swearing out loud "my life will be yours from now on. 

You gave me the means for my revenge, and I will give you my loyalty and everything I have, even if it is my body" she finally said as she took off her bra and panties

Watching her undress, Zennò S. Suzuki told her as he covered her with the sheets "I can't take from you what is important to a girl without you even having feelings for me. 

But I'm grateful for your loyalty and I'll wait for the day when you can forget your old love and accept a new one, whether it's me or not."

Then I consoled her by thinking that she was sad for having discovered so many truths in a single moment, so without the two saying anything to each other, they remained next to each other, while Koneko Toujou breathed a sigh of relief, on the other hand she didn't want another girl would join the Harem so soonby Zennò S. Suzuki. 

(Info: Shinmai No Testament)

End of Episode 18

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