I’m In American Comics, My Wife Is Angel Yan

Chapter 71

071: The Problem Of Cold Ice, Raise Troops To Encircle And Suppress Thanos!

071: The problem of cold ice, raise troops to encircle Thanos!

It was very dark inside the palace, with only a little light seeping in.

The faint light sprinkled on the throne covered with dark lines, vaguely illuminated a figure, which was portrayed by the hazy light and moved the heart, perfectly showing the graceful curves.

This person is none other than the Demon Queen.

At the moment, cold water is sitting invisible on the throne

The whole person can’t wait to sink into the soft back of the chair, change the long black skirt of the battle suit, and as she raises her legs, the skirt rippling back and forth as if floating on the lake.

The dim yellow light kept flickering, and the dim atmosphere in the hall made the Demon Queen feel even more irritable. She took out the mobile phone that had lost the signal, opened the text message unconsciously, and opened the chat interface with Vitti.

The conversation was short, with only a few words, but Liang Bing flipped through it repeatedly, and opened Vitti’s social information from time to time, but when she saw the profile photo of Vitti and Yan, her complexion became darker, and her heart was filled with displeasure.

boom boom boom…

At this time, footsteps came from the gate of the palace.

A tall, giant-like body walked in.

He is covered in darkness, with demon wings similar to Liang Bing, and carrying a huge sword, every step is accompanied by a loud noise.

“A Tuo, see the spotted girl!”

The figure walked to the bottom of the throne ladder, knelt on one knee while propping up the huge sword, and said, “Queen, there is now news about the matter you asked me to investigate.”

On the throne, Liang Bing put away her mobile phone, her raised jade legs swayed rhythmically, and her eyes swept over the figures in the hall.

This person is her most proud subordinate, and also her most trusted confidant, and it is Atuo who is temporarily at the helm of the demon army on this trip to the Nine Realms.

“If you have any news, just tell me, what are you still doing?”

The voice was cold and deep, anyone could tell that Liang Bing was not in a good mood right now.

Atuo said: “The informant said that Vitti has returned to God’s Domain and has participated in some military activities in God’s Domain. The specific situation is unknown.”

Hearing this, Liang Bing looked gloomy.

Vitti had already returned to God’s Domain with the Rubik’s Cube, and only a few days later, this woman couldn’t wait to take over the military power, presumably to guard against demon civilization.

After all, the grievances between them are not small. She not only wanted to take away the Rubik’s Cube, but also injured the other party’s fiancee. Now it is reasonable to regard her as an enemy.

After a moment of silence, Liang Bing asked A Tuo, “A Tuo, what do you think of the people of Shenyu?”

A Tuo thinks this question is very strange. He is aware of the conflict between the queen and the people of God’s Realm on Earth, and the queen’s younger brother, Crocodile Thornton, was also captured by the people of God’s Realm. “I think they are the enemies of the devil!”

“Yes, you are right.”

With his chin resting on the back of his right hand, Liang Bing said thoughtfully, “Then what if we propose to form an alliance with Shenyu?”

At these words, A Tuo suddenly raised his head to look at the queen. He seemed to hear some kind of incredible question. The queen actually wanted to propose an alliance to God’s Realm?

Before it was changed, Atuo wouldn’t think there was anything inappropriate, but now God’s Domain is the enemy of demon civilization, God’s Domain not only took away the Rubik’s Cube, but also detained Thornton as a prisoner of war, the Queen actually raised such a question at this time.

In the past, when faced with such things, the queen would usually directly choose to fight back without fear at all, but this time her behavior was so abnormal. Atuo really wanted to know what happened to the Queen on Earth?

Perhaps seeing the disbelief in his subordinate’s eyes, Liang Bing smiled inexplicably, and abruptly changed the subject: “How many people have we lost in this war with Angel civilization?”

Next, although Atuo was puzzled by the sudden change of topic, he still replied: “Back to the queen, we lost a total of one thousand troops.”

Fearing that the queen would blame him, A Tuo added: “However, our attack this time was very effective. We shot down several of Angel’s military commanders and destroyed three of their interstellar beacons. Three years on a desolate star, which also bought us a lot of time for other plans.”

Unexpectedly, Liang Bing directly bypassed these questions and asked again: “How many soldiers do you really know?”

“I…I don’t know.

Atuo said: “In every war, we will lose many compatriots, some of whom I know very well, and some whose names I only know…but I am used to it.”

“Then do you like this?” Liang Bing asked.

“War or Death?”

A Tuo was puzzled, and then he continued: “I don’t like war and death, but that doesn’t mean I’m afraid. For the queen’s great cause, I’m still willing to sacrifice my life and follow the queen forever!”

Liang Bing stood up calmly, and slowly said: “Vitti persuaded me to reconcile with Angel. The condition I gave him was that unless he convinced me, this matter would not be discussed, but this was also before the conflict with God’s Domain broke out. .”

As the leader of the devil, Liang Bing clearly understands that talking about reconciliation with the enemy to her subordinates will affect the morale of the army, but A Tuo is different, A Tuo is her most trusted confidant, she naturally knows that the other party will not Talk too much and spread her words everywhere.

At that time, Vitti asked her to reconcile with Angel civilization.

She felt that this proposal was stupid. They had fought for thousands of years, and there was no way they could reconcile with just a few words. So at the time, she thought it was impossible, and she thought it was ridiculous.

But now, after her thinking, it seems that what Vitti said is not wrong. If they have been entangled with each other for thousands of years just because of the so-called ideological issues, then what is it for?

Liang Bing said, “So, what do you think I should do?”

A Tuo stood up holding the huge sword, lowered his head slightly and said: “Queen, everything you said should be decided by you, and it is difficult for my subordinates to give you a perfect answer.

The empty palace was quite deserted. Listening to A Tuo’s answer, Liang Bing didn’t continue to speak. The wind that came in from nowhere brushed her black dress, which was decorated with dark tones in the palace. The picture had a bit of Gothic style. texture.

“Queen, if you have no other arrangements, then this subordinate will step down first.”

A Tuo shouldered the giant sword, and with the silent consent of Liang Bing, he turned and left the palace, making At the moment even more deserted without a personal palace.

When only Liang Bing was left alone in the whole hall, she sat down again and took out her mobile phone. Looking at the screen of the mobile phone, the white light shone on her beautiful face, and she fell into a state of silence expressionlessly.

“Let’s talk about it, what else have you done besides this?”

In the closed interrogation room, there was a lonely light on.

One wall is one-way transparent glass, and the interrogation tables and chairs are fixed on the ground.

Two Ravens hovered in the corner, staring at the prisoner on the seat with deep eyes.

The prisoner was the prisoner of war captured by Thor from the deserted star—Ronan the Accuser.

At the moment, it is Vitti who is interrogating Ronan, and Du and Wang are beside him.

He just got back from the Angel Nebula.

After all, there is nothing to do there.

The current situation is very tense, and it is unlikely that Vitti will be idle all the time.

Therefore, Vitti followed Yan around Angel City for a few laps, and after getting to know some of Yan’s better friends, the two rushed back to God’s Domain.

As soon as he came back, Vitti interrogated Ronan directly, in order to set out Thanos’ next plan, and he suspected that some of the previous things were also related to Thanos.

Ronan the Accuser was handcuffed on a chair, his limbs were tightly bound, and the magic shackles carried flames. A slight attempt to break free may trigger the burning effect.

Facing Vitti’s question, Ronan said innocently: “Have we ever been anxious before? Or, did I hug you when you were young?”

“Hey, be serious!” Thor yelled loudly: “Now I want you to say that it is a chance for you. If you continue to speak hard, it will not do you any good.”

“Hey, please don’t do this, you three. It was pure accident that I provoked you this time. In fact, I was also fooled by Malekith. I didn’t know he was going to attack you.”

The accuser, Ronan, looked like he was going to roll the meat with a knife, and refused to tell the truth, and threw all the blame to Malekith, anyway, now there is no evidence to prove it.

“It seems that you don’t plan to talk about it?”

Vitti said calmly, he was not offended by Luo Nanning’s attitude of denial, if this guy doesn’t speak now, they will always find a way to make the other party speak.

“You bastard!”

Thor Rage, who had already taken the lead, swung his hammer and smashed it directly above Ronan’s knee.



Ronan wailed in pain, the thigh above the knee was smashed into a bloody mess, the blood seeped through the fabric of the clothes, and the dark red blood flowed down the calf to the floor.

Vitti on the side couldn’t help but cover his face. It wasn’t because he thought the scene was scary, but because he was surprised that the second idiot Thor came up and opened the zoom directly. You must know that Ronan has a super strong body, and it is impossible to get injured easily. Er, it took so much effort to directly make Ronan bleed.

Vitti said slowly: “You can talk now, Mr. Ronan.”

……… Ask for flowers……

“I said, I said.”

Ronan yelled, “Do you remember the cult attack you got on Earth? That was me too, I didn’t do anything else.


Vitti said in a low voice, “You’d better think about it again, is there anything else you want to tell me?”

“No… no, I swear it’s really gone.” Ronan bit his teeth and affirmed.

Yan on the side couldn’t stand the long-winded words, pulled out his long sword, stabbed Ronan’s wound directly, and asked angrily, “Tell us everything about Thanos!”

This time Ronan didn’t make a sound. When he heard this question, he gritted his teeth tightly, and refused to open his mouth halfway, appearing to be more resistant than before.

Putting away the long sword, Yan said, “Don’t want to say? Then don’t you wonder why we know you were sent by Thanos?”

Hearing this sentence, Ronan’s lips moved.

“The previous Chitauri invasion on Earth was also initiated by you, right?”

Seeing the other party’s reaction, Yan continued: “Don’t ask me how I know, aren’t you curious about my identity?”

“What is your identity?”

Ronan finally asked back. His eyes quickly swept over the extremely beautiful woman in front of him, and the aura on her seemed to be a little different from Vitti and other Shenyu people.


Yan said, unfolding the Angel wings, and the shadow of the white wings enveloped Ronan, “I am an Angel.”

“You…I understand, the reason is that you ruined my plan!”

Ronan said angrily: “At that time, I felt strange, why you Angel, who are still powerful left and right wings on the earth, handed over the Rubik’s cube and staff to the people of God’s Domain. It turns out that there is cooperation between you!”

Ronan didn’t recognize Angelyan just now, that’s because they have never met each other before.

Although, first

Qianyan repeatedly prevented him from fighting in other star fields.

But he, who has been behind the scenes, has never met Yan face to face.

However, Ronan realized at this moment that Angel seems to have formed an alliance with God’s Domain. Doesn’t that mean that the two civilizations will join forces to deal with Lord Thanos?


Thinking of this, Ronan shook his head.

Thinking about Lord Thanos with God’s Domain and Angel civilization is simply wishful thinking!

“And then? Was it all Thanos’ idea?”

Vitti stepped forward and asked, “So, where is Thanos now?”

“I told you, what can you do?”

Ronan said disdainfully: “When Lord Thanos arrives in the Nine Realms, can you resist his army?”

“Vitti, stop talking nonsense with him.”

Yan pulled out his long sword again, “If you don’t use some force, it’s impossible for this guy to speak.

Vitti leaned close to her ear and said, “Then you should take it easy and at least hold your breath.”

On the interrogation chair, Ronan looked at the men and women who were whispering, and shouted loudly: “Hehe, no matter what method you use, do you think I will speak?”


Thirty minutes later, the bruised Ronan murmured in a delirious mouth: “Stop hitting, I’ll tell you where Thanos is, he… he is rushing now

On the way to Asgard…”

In the interrogation room, it was difficult for Thor to look directly at Ronan’s injuries. The skin on this guy’s body had been peeled off, and there were some flaky objects on the ground that looked like pieces of meat.

“Sister-in-law, it’s really cruel…” Thor swallowed.

On this side, after getting Thanos’ position, Vitti and Yan have already walked out of the interrogation room.

Yan said, “What are you going to do now?”

“What can we do? Now that we know Thanos’ route, it means we have gained a temporary initiative.” Vitti replied.

Yan asked suspiciously: “You mean——

“Take the initiative!” Vitti said to himself.

Ten minutes later.

God’s Domain, Four Palaces.

After hearing what Vitti said, Odin learned that Vitti wanted to send troops to attack Thanos’ troops. He didn’t veto it, but felt that it was a good choice to take the initiative.

“Vitti, I think your strategy is good. Instead of sitting still, it’s better to take the initiative and give Thanos a fatal blow by surprise!”

Odin’s rare agreement to solve the problem by war also seems to be because the problem can only be solved by war.

After being recognized, Vitti said: “Then please allow me to send troops to encircle Thanos’ army!”

Odin said: “This king agrees, and orders you to raise troops!”

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