I’m In American Comics, My Wife Is Angel Yan

Chapter 67

067: Dark Elf Invasion, Ronan’S Conspiracy!

067: Dark Elf Invasion, Ronan’s Conspiracy!

in the hall.

Volstagg continued: “The dark elves have started a war on Europa.”

“The demon civilization behind them sent a large number of troops to support them.”

“Now the entire planet Europa has almost fallen!”

“I think after this battle, these guys will not choose to stop.”

“We hope that the eldest prince can quickly make a countermeasure.”

After hearing this, Vitti fell into deep thought.

The leader of the dark elves is Malekith, the “cursed god”.

The guy was born during the war in Svartavheim.

As a dark elf tribe, one of the members of the Black Daredevil Clan.

Malekith’s living environment since he was a child was extremely harsh.

As a result, his ethnic group,

It has become a violent race that does whatever it takes to survive, believes in survival of the fittest, and advocates fighting

And Malekith himself is even more tyrannical and inhuman.

Therefore, the Dark Elf Legion led by him is warlike and tyrannical by nature.

Attempt to move to the rule of God’s Domain and conquer the entire Nine Realms!

The demon civilization led by Liang Bing is very similar to the concept of the dark elves.

There is a high possibility of an alliance between the two.

And, the motivation is obvious.

A few days ago, Vitti not only injured Liang Bing and took away the Rubik’s Cube, but also captured her capable general back to God’s Domain, and he is still in prison at the moment.

It’s hard for him not to doubt,

The Demon Queen formed an alliance with the Dark Elves for this very reason.

In order to retaliate against God’s Domain, the situation in the Nine Realms will be further muddied!

Yan originally didn’t want to participate in the affairs of God’s Domain.

Although Odin and Frigga, who have already admitted that she is Vitti’s fiancée, will make the “587” alliance up to Vitti’s decision.

But the two of them have not yet officially married, and the alliance has not yet begun.

After all, she is still an outsider now.

However, when she heard the familiar name “Morgana” mentioned in the conversation, she couldn’t hold back and asked, “Isn’t Morgana the name of Liang Bing’s demon?”

If it is true that the demon civilization and the dark elves are allied to start a conquest in the Nine Realms.

Well, the problem is much more serious!

“I think it might be her.”

Vitti replied: “Because we were still on Earth.”

“We participated in the Rubik’s Cube incident and brought her capable subordinates back to God’s Domain. She will most likely encourage the dark elves to cause chaos in the Nine Realms in order to retaliate against us.

Definitely, there is another possibility.

Vitti believes that Cool Ice probably came to the Nine Realms for Infinite Gems as well.

The woman presumably heard that Thanos was looking for the Infinite Gems.

In order to strengthen the power of the demonic civilization, they set their sights on Rubik’s Cube.


Thinking about it, Vitti has some doubts: “It’s just that there are demons in the Nine Realms, and not only Liangbing is called Morgana.”

“So just based on one-sided information now, it doesn’t mean that these demons are sent by Liang Bing. It is very likely that they are new forces that have just risen in the Nine Realms.”

There are many demons in places like Niflheim and Haile Hades, and the dark elves are likely to collude with these hidden forces to provoke wars.

“I think you’re right. With Liang Bing’s personality, she generally doesn’t trust outsiders, and it’s even more impossible for her to form an alliance with a civilization far away in the Nine Realms.”

Yan said: “But as you said, these are just speculations.”

The three Asgard warriors didn’t understand who Liangbing was.

Because Odin did not disclose the recent invasion of demons in the Nine Realms, who made the Nine Realms chaotic enough to disturb the soldiers in the army, so this matter is unknown to outsiders.

“Hiko, you’re right.”

Vitti said: “When our army defeats the dark elves, we will know whether the allies behind them are the cold demon civilization.”

“I’d like to help,” Yan said.

Since it is related to the demon civilization, it is the sacred left wing of the Angel civilization.

Yan must help.

Zhi Xin, who was buried in his meal, moved his ears and raised his head: “I can do it too.”

At this time, Volstagg said: “The strength of the assault force this time is not very strong, we don’t need to go to war like this, the dark elves don’t intend to make a full-scale attack yet, I feel that they should still be testing our God’s Domain people manner.”

Vitti thought for a moment and said: “Yan, I don’t need your help this time, the dark elves are not yet a threat to us God’s Domain people.

Then, Vitti issued an order to the three warriors of Asgard: “The three warriors obey the order, and then they can send troops and set off to provide combat support for Planet Europa!”


The three warriors of Asgard lead the way and leave.

at the same time.

On a remote planet, three motherships stop here.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can still see the flames of war rising and rising into the sky.

Traces of war can be seen everywhere.

The earth was devastated, corpses were strewn across the fields, and the soil was stained red with blood.

Among them, in the hall of the US mothership.

The leader of the dark elves, Malekith, said, “Ronan, are you sure this plan will work?”

Ronan the Conqueror was in front of him, with a round table between them.

The desktop is a strategic map.

The above is the strategic deployment strategy of Planet Europa!

A large area has been marked with a red cross, which means that the invasion has been completed!

Malekith leaned his arms on the table and asked, “Do you really think those guys from God’s Domain won’t find out?”

Despite the Conqueror’s reputation, Malekith worried that the strategy was not going to work.

“Don’t worry, the people of God’s Domain won’t be able to guess.”

Ronan the Conqueror said in a low voice, “With the militant character of their great prince Vitti.”

“Now it is estimated that troops have been sent to Europa to fight, how can one think that all this is just an illusion.

Ronan looked determined to win.

He was sure that the eldest prince of God’s Domain had already believed that the demon civilization had joined forces with the dark elves. Because Vitti’s brain is full of muscles, just like his second brother Thor, otherwise he wouldn’t be demoted by Odin.

Malekith could understand Ronan’s meaning, but their goal this time was to capture the staff and Tesseract, and spend so much force to fight against God’s Domain.

The biggest loss must be his troops!

If the plan fails.

Not only will he not get any benefits, but he will also completely offend God’s Domain because of this.

After all, he was the one who took the biggest risk.

As for Ronan in front of him, he just came up with a plan and sent a few troops to rush in. The things he promised can only be realized after the fact.

Ronan saw the distrust in Malekith’s eyes, and suddenly flew into a rage, swept away the tactical board on the table and said angrily: “What’s wrong? Don’t you believe my strategy? You are questioning the great Lord Thanos?!”

Seeing this, Malekith said helplessly: “Ronan, it’s not that I don’t believe it, but that I still have a question.”

“Oh?” Ronan frowned.

“Why do we use the Morgana of the demon civilization to lure Vitti into the army?”

Malekith raised a question: “This civilization is not in the Nine Realms, so the risk of doing so is a bit greater…”

Demon civilization is not in the Nine Realms at all.

As far as he knew, none of the other demon forces in the Nine Realms dared to offend Odin.

There are too many doubts about doing so.

No matter how stupid Vitti of God’s Domain is, he can’t really suspect a civilization outside the Nine Realms, right?

This was what Malekith was most worried about.

Hearing this question, Ronan sneered and said, “No, of course there are risks.”

“But you don’t know, this demon civilization had a conflict with Vitti a few days ago.”

“According to the returned information, the demon was trying to steal the Rubik’s Cube, but was wounded by Vitti and others. Not only did the Rubik’s Cube fail to be obtained, but also lost a capable subordinate.

“That’s why I took advantage of this conflict to send troops under the banner of Morgana.

“As for Vitti, that muscle-headed guy.”

“He must now think that Morgana formed an alliance with you in order to avenge God’s Domain.

“So, you don’t have to worry so much.”

Ronan the Conqueror has already figured it out. The effect he wants is that God’s Domain will target the demon civilization.

Seeing that Malekith was still silent, Ronan said: “You can rest assured.”

“After the people of God’s Domain send troops to reach the planet Europa.”

“If you use black magic to infiltrate God’s Domain, won’t it be easy to get the staff and the Rubik’s Cube then?”

“When you get the wand and the Rubik’s Cube, Lord Thanos will not treat you badly.”

Malekith finally had a reaction, he said coldly: “I hope you won’t break your promise, after I’m done, you can hand over the Tai particles to me!”

Everything Malekith did was for the Tai particles he created with dark magic!

Back then, when the dark elves dominated the universe and their strength reached the peak of invincibility…

Malekith intends to use great power to return the universe to darkness when the celestial bodies converge.

Unfortunately, it was finally defeated by the Asgard army led by Odin’s father Bauer, and the Tai particles were buried deep underground and sealed up!

Now, Ronan has come forward and said that he can help him take Tai particles back from Odin.

Judging from the strategy given by Ronan now, it has indeed played a certain effect.

In addition, Ronan’s assault troops have already occupied most of the planet’s territory, and the troops who want to come to God’s Domain are already on their way, and victory is imminent!

“Hehe, don’t worry.”

Ronan the Conqueror said with a sullen smile: “We will never break our promise. Not only will we hand over Tai particles to you, but we will also help you dark elves rule the entire Nine Realms!”

Seeing that the leader of the dark elves trusted him completely, Ronan was already happy in his heart.

Malekith in front of him might not have expected it.

Malekith was just a pawn in his hand.

When the other party takes back the staff and magic, it is impossible to hand over the Tai particles.

If the previous strategy is to divert the tiger away from the mountain and attack the west, then using Malekith is an empty-handed wolf!

“Okay, respected Dark Elf Monarch.”

Ronan said: “My assault force has occupied all important strongholds, it’s your turn to continue marching to attract the firepower of God’s Domain attack.”

Malekith didn’t know what Ronan was thinking. The dark elves he was leading now were not as good as before. He regarded the snatching of Tai particles this time as the only hope for the dark elves to rise.

But wrong, then the dark elves may cease to exist!

When darkness descends on the universe again, the dark elves will surely be able to restore their glory thousands of years ago!

Just as the conversation between the two of them was over, the Mothership at the bottom of their feet vibrated.

buzz buzz……


Then, there was a violent explosion!


“There are enemy troops attacking outside!”

At this time,

Dark elf guards rushed in and reported loudly.

“Just in time!”

Ronan proudly said: “Did you see that? Vitti has already sent troops!”

Malekith frowned, instead of answering, he turned on the screen in the main control room.

The above shows the scene outside.

On the dark surface of the planet, the golden armored soldiers who couldn’t see the edge attacked, and the noise was everywhere, and the wind swept across the Hengchuan Plain and whispered!

These God’s Domain soldiers are all covered in shining golden armor. They are tall and mighty, and their tall and straight bodies are extremely deterrent.

In contrast, it is as conspicuous as a god!

And those dark elves, compared with these God’s Domain soldiers, are not inferior in number, but they are extremely weak in momentum!

“There are so many people here?”

Malekith exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, God’s Domain would go to war in such a big way, sending so many 3.8 troops, the golden soldiers almost filled the entire screen.

“What are you afraid of? Doesn’t this hit our plan?”

Ronan said calmly: “The more soldiers and horses they send, the more empty God’s Domain is at this moment.”

The more soldiers God’s Domain sent, the more successful his strategy was, and the more empty God’s Domain would be at this moment!

When the soldiers and horses on both sides intersect and fight each other, they can take this opportunity to sneak into God’s Domain and get back the staff and Rubik’s Cube!

“Where’s your assault force?”

Malekith asked suddenly.

“Huh? My…”

Ronan heard what the other party meant, and he said coldly: “My assault troop has completed its mission, now it’s your business to hold back the God’s Domain army, besides, my troop still has a lot to do.”

We have to do it, aren’t we going to sneak into God’s Domain? They are the vanguard. ”

Ronan said slowly: “Okay, let’s wait for a while, these soldiers of God’s Domain look very fierce, but they are just some show.”

“Wait for your troops to delay for a while, we will enter the god’s domain through dark magic, and Asgard will take away the staff and the Rubik’s Cube!”

Malekith did not answer, his eyes were fixed on the big screen——

Nearby are dark elves as dense as a black cloud, and from the far side are the golden armored soldiers of God’s Domain.

The moment the two sides collided, there were shouts of killing, fierce weapons clashing, screams of dying, tremors of the earth, these chaotic sounds could be heard endlessly!

The God’s Domain Legion devoured the dark elves like a golden wave. The bloodstains from the fighting between the two sides deepened the color of the earth, and the fallen soldiers screamed

The ground was stepped on by tens of thousands of soldiers and kept trembling, as if the dead souls of the war decedent were nostalgic and did not want to leave their last place of survival!.

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