I'm a Homelander

Chapter 26: Chapter 27

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I slowly opened my eyes and yawned, feeling my mouth dry. Blinking a few times, I sit up and pick up the glass and carafe. The water fills the glass, then quickly drains, filling it again. And so it repeats a couple of times. Though there was a thought of drinking the water directly from the carafe, but I'm not in such a hurry to go to such extremes. Putting the carafe and glass on the nightstand, I finally get up, heading for the bathroom.

The cold shower washes away the rest of my drowsiness, at least managing to perk me up a little. I yawn long again, looking at my tattered hair in the mirror, and my appearance in general. Once again I was convinced that this wasn't some psychedelic dream my mind had conjured up, staring into bright blue eyes. I grinned and picked up my toothbrush, brushing my teeth thoroughly. No, I can rely on my invulnerability to healthy teeth, but I'm more used to fresh breath.

Finished with that, I glanced at my reflection again, only to leave the bathroom a second later. Pulling my dressing gown over my naked body, I walk into my office and sit down at my desk. I open my laptop and switch it on with a sigh, then start reading the news, which, frankly, doesn't make me optimistic.

It was expected, given that Wout International formerly known as Wout America, which is an American multi-billion dollar superhero entertainment conglomerate, has contracted with the US military to have Seven serve in it. Naturally, this has caused an active stir in society. Representatives of various countries are expressing negative opinions about what is happening, saying that the US is forcing them to go to extreme measures. It's just as I predicted.

But there is no action, although there is plenty of indignation on the part of Russia. Quite a predictable reaction, given the Homelander, who can just point-bomb the Russian Federation Government House, it is only necessary to give the order. And you can't shoot it down with anything, and you can't harm it in any way, given Russia's lack of supers. People in power are simply afraid for their lives, realising that they can be taken away very easily. That's why everything has been relatively quiet for the last few days.

But it won't end there, of that I was sure. I doubt very much that the government is not concerned about having a super. On the contrary, I'm pretty sure there's already a programme to build supers. Knowing what the Americans have done, they couldn't help but try to replicate their success. This means that in the near future we are waiting for the birth of some superhero team or at least one super from Russia. There's also other countries to consider, like China and North Korea. Based on how it was with nuclear weapons, it is safe to say that the emergence of their supers is inevitable. The big question is: Will they be as strong as the Homebrewer? It's unlikely.

The situation is unnerving, but there is hope for stability. Getting involved in a war has not yet been part of my plans, and hopefully it won't be. And anyway, I'm too old for all this crap. It's time to stop reading every article on the subject so I don't just go insane. In my situation, that's a very bad outcome of events, personally for me and generally for the world. Sighing, I switch off my laptop and get up from my desk, heading for the bedroom.

I open the wardrobe, seeing in front of me the usual picture of a set of superhero costumes. It's so bright and patriotic that it makes my eyes water. Sighing, I pull out one of them and leisurely slip it on. Before I finally stepped out, my gaze locked on the naked blonde in my bed. Last night had been very fruitful, with Annie involved. Very fruitful, although I could use a refill. With a snort, I continue on my way, jumping off the balcony after a while to fly swiftly upwards.

The film set was relatively close, though not in the centre of town, but that wasn't a problem for me. I flew in just in time for the start of filming, heading straight to the make-up artist. Everything was already ready here, all that was left was to film everything necessary. I sat down on the seat and waited patiently for the make-up artists to do their work. The script had already been read and was in my head, so the shoot should go quickly, considering it was just an advert for supers in the army.

- I thought you'd be late," Maeve sat down next to me, putting her foot on my leg. - How was your evening?

- Pretty good.

- I could tell," she grinned, giving me an eloquent look. - Tonight promises to be... not bad.

- You think so?

- I'm sure. - The Queen winked at me, casting an intimate glance at me, scrutinising my body.

I did not deny myself the aesthetic pleasure of looking at my companion's legs. Yes, we have a strange relationship. Friendly sex is probably good, considering how pleasant the process is. But you have to remember to be decent, it can't go on like this for long. We both realise this, and that's probably why we have such a good time in bed, and not only that. After a while the director called us and the shooting started. I sighed quietly, I still had to attend the premiere of the Techno Knight film, as Madeline had said.

- Hello, you know who we are, but meet the new hero," Maeve said, walking towards the camera with a black soldier (that's important) in the middle and me at his side. She stopped, touching the soldier's back. - This is Lance Corporal Dan Wheeler.

- Dan and the other brave Marines of Second Battalion help keep you safe from the threat of super villains. - Continued to speak after her, looking at the camera.

- We're proud to serve in the same formation, and now we need your help.

- That's right, Maeve. In our new initiative, "Save the World." - I nodded gravely at her words, feeling myself dying of embarrassment after saying them. Luckily, after that the filming of the general plan was over, further we have to work as talking heads.

But for some reason there was a stranger on the film set, remembering that it was just us for the next three hours. The person who came in was clearly one of the supers, which was clear from the costume. It was dark red, and had a cape as well. Not like Starlight's, but a full-fledged cape like mine. Which made me think she could fly. Her face was pretty, but nothing more. Black hair, with one temple shaved on one side. She looked modern, and acted accordingly. Arrogant.

- The base here is a sham. If only Homelander and Maeve ate rations and pissed in the gutter like the rest of the infantry. - With a smile, the woman said, looking at the screen of her smartphone, ignoring the stares.

- Well, hello there. - Greeted the troublemaker for not bothering to state her thoughts in a quieter voice while filming. Maeve followed me, also interested in her.

- Oh my gosh, hi!" she said excitedly, pointing the front camera at me so I could be seen by her audience. - My grandmother is a fan of yours, and I'm Stormfront.

- Right.

- From Seattle, right? - Maeve asked.

- Portland, actually, your, uh. Highness," Stormfront said dismissively, grinning at her, then looked me in the eye. - Squeaky, your eyes are really blue up close.

- And yours are black, and I noticed that when you first came up here, Stormfront," I frowned, looking back at her. - What have you come to us with? Not something stupid, I hope? You shouldn't take up people's time over nothing.

- Are you always this boring? It's one thing on the screen, but in real life. - Stormfront grinned, still scrutinising me.

- Get to the point.

- Suit yourself," the brunette sighed. - I was just sent to meet you, the guys from the eighty-second. I'm new.

- Wait, what are we talking about? - Maeve asked, not sure what was going on here.

I had a pretty good idea.

- Oh!" Stormfront looked at us with feigned surprise, then waved her hand as if to say hello again. - Hi, I'm from the Seven, in place of Mrezhnyaya. May he rest in peace.

Maeve's mouth dropped open in surprise as she watched the brash lady and my reaction. Everyone in the Seven knows that I'm the one who decides who joins and who leaves the team.

- The contract's just signed, but yes, I'm already on duty. High five. - She raised her hand, in Maeve's direction. But she still couldn't process in her head what was happening.

- And who sent you to bring us this good news? - I asked her with a smile, feeling annoyed that I hadn't been notified.

- Mmm... Mr Edgar, sort of. - She pretended to think about it for a moment before giving her answer.

It made me feel even more annoyed, also because Stormfront is trying to impersonate someone else in my presence. Pretending that she was a kid and "her own" wasn't bad for her, but not for me. There's a reason Stan Edgar sent her here, and there's a reason he made her a member of the team. Even her demeanour hinted that I was being taught a lesson by an unruly bitch who would clearly challenge my leadership of the team.

- Oh, so Stan was in on it? Interesting," I smiled, remembering that unflappable nigger. But as much as he delighted me with it, I couldn't let him get away with it. - But it ain't that simple, Stormfront. You can't just join the team.

- Can't you? I thought I could. - She replied with a smile, pointing the camera at my nonchalant face.

- It doesn't matter what you think. You're not in Seven yet, at least not in this easy way. - Chuckling at her words, looking at her body more thoughtfully. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't a bad build.

- What, the CEO's words don't have any force now? - Stormfront asked in a bewildered tone, actively showing her emotions to the audience.

- That's right," he nodded, surprising her. - Seven is my team, and I decide who will be in it, and who should not even dream about it. And unfortunately, I didn't approve you.

- So what, I'm supposed to quit?

- A place in the Seven is out of the question.

I turned around and walked calmly back, only a second later to hear a shout of indignation from behind me.

- Since when does a salaried labourer get to challenge a superior's decision?! Who the hell do you think you are?

I froze without turning around.

- You want to challenge my judgement, Stormfront? - The words were spoken in complete silence.

- Very much so. - The words were spoken back enthusiastically.

Only then did I turn towards her, looking straight into her eyes.

- Well, you can get into the Seven by taking a shortcut. Since I don't know your potential and your abilities, I'll have to rely on the most efficient option," I approached her at arm's length. - If you can hit me three times, you're in the Seven.

- Just like that? - Stormfront was incredulous.

- There was the option of fighting Maeve, but I wouldn't want her to accidentally kill you. She's got a heavy hand.

- Okay, let's start your 'test,'" the brunette replied irritably, handing the smartphone to Maeve. - Hold it, please.

Immediately afterwards, she released lightning bolts, purple in colour, from her hands without warning. They could definitely throw back the target they hit, not just fry the insides. Not a bad power. Humming at such a sneaky reception, he simply walked up to her and shoved her away sharply with his hands. The force of the push was so great that she flew at least four metres away, sweeping the dusty ground with her body.

- That's a mean move, Stormfront. Do all of Portland's heroes do the same? - With a smile, he approached the woman rising from the ground and waited for her to get to her feet.

Instead of an answer to his question, however, he received another lightning bolt to the face. And if it didn't hurt my body at all, the flashes in front of my eyes were annoying.

- You've become so taciturn. - I smirked and just slapped her in the face.This time the insolent girl almost hit the wall with her head, but she left a crack in it. She wasn't going to stand for this kind of treatment, and her eyes turned black with anger. The lightning bolts were much more powerful this time, but they were still ineffective against me. And yes, I gave in. Maybe I should have gone for a confrontation against Edgar in this matter, but I was just too lazy to do such a stupid thing. There's no telling what he'll come up with after this, and in this case, I know who to expect the unexpected from.

- Are you satisfied? - Stormfront exhaled, waiting for my decision.

- It could have been worse," I hummed in response and turned back around. - You'll go to work tomorrow, you'll be in the conference room at six in the morning. Now, don't stop people from doing things, and do something useful yourself.

With a wave of his hand, he took the smartphone from Maeve and simply tossed it to Stormfront, who had enough reaction to catch her device. We'll see how the new girl performs tomorrow, but today I should go visit Stan and clear some things up.


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