I'm a crew member of the Rocks Pirates

Chapter 241 A letter from Whitebeard!

"Wow~hahaha~ the most romantic place, it sounds really good." Roger laughed happily while drinking, "The sea is the most free place, and the sky island is the most romantic place. What about the land?"

"Land? You mean the Red Earth Continent. Isn't that the territory of the World Government?" Shi Ji said disdainfully: "Sooner or later, they will be overthrown and the territory will be taken over."

All the men said in their hearts: "... why don't you just grab the women together."

Except for the large and small islands in the Pirate World, the real land is controlled by the world government. The former world government was composed of twenty royal families. The so-called army may be similar to the dog that guards the house. Protect the royal family on land.

When the banquet was over, only their acquaintances were left on the field.

"Jie~hahaha~ Your kid said you met Im, and I can probably understand what role that Im plays in the world government. The world is actually controlled by her, right?" Shi Ke sat aside. , asked.

"Captain White Feather, I am also very curious about the truth of this world." After Robin came to Sky Island, he rarely said at the banquet: "Have you met the ruler of this world, do you have any impression of her?"


Roger asked curiously, "What ruler?"

Bai Yu told them some news, including that the real ruler of the world government is Im, and also told them that Im is a very powerful existence.

It wasn't until he went to the Red Earth Continent and met Im that he really understood what is the truth behind the world?

The truth is that Im is an observer of the world. In her eyes, the world is just an object of observation. She stands on a higher level and treats the people below as ants.

There was no conspiracy at all, he was just worrying about it from the beginning to the end, it was the chemical effect of Bai Yu's excessive brain supplementation, and it was also the influence of his subjective impression from reading comics.

A fart conspiracy!

There is no invisible big hand pushing behind, and from the beginning to the end, five bad old men are guessing Im's mind. In fact, the real mover of the sea is the five old stars.

In Im's eyes, disdain for this method is a kind of hopeless self-confidence and strength. If people are born different, then the existence of Im cannot be inferred according to common sense.

As soon as they met, they took a fancy to his body.

Can this be deduced according to common sense?

People cannot guess the psychology of abnormal creatures, just like ants cannot understand human thinking.

Those great gods in a certain bar, mistaken me!

Bai Yu thought in the wrong direction at the beginning, there is no conspiracy in this world.

It's just that Im is very satisfied with the current appearance of the world, and Wulaoxing, the high-ranking ruler, tries his best to fawn on and try his best to guess the master's mind in order to firmly grasp the power in his hands.

"...This is Im's attitude towards us. The five old stars are probably a little bit stronger than us. Two-on-one cooperation requires a certain price to win." Bai Yu told them some basic news, and there was no Speak out what's in your mind.

The sea powerhouse fights one against one at the same level, and it takes a lot of money to win.

Even so, many smart people on the field seemed to have guessed it, with thoughtful eyes.

Most of the people had ugly faces. Fortunately, this place is all insiders. This kind of news cannot be spread to the outside world for the time being. The time has not yet come.

Shi Ji shouted angrily: "What do those bastards think of me? I'm not their pet!!!"

The people present did not have a good impression of the world government, and they became even more disgusted when they heard this.

At the beginning, most of the truth that Rocks knew was that the world government regarded the creatures in the sea as pigs, which was definitely unacceptable with the arrogance and heart of Captain Hanhan.

Coincidentally, through some channels, I learned some secrets about the Tianlong people and the world government from the Valley of Gods, and immediately took them to fight.

After the war, Lockes didn't inform them, probably because they were already defeated, even if they told them, they wouldn't get those things.

The secret of the Valley of Gods may have been recovered by the world government, or it may have disappeared into the sea since then. After all, the entire island of the Valley of Gods was destroyed in the war.

"My uncle is going to find a weapon that can destroy the world." Shi Ji said through gritted teeth, "When I find the weapon that can destroy the world, I must kill all those people in the World Government!"

Bai Yu glanced at Shi Ji, one of the three major weapons to destroy the world is definitely useless, the other may be in the hands of the world government, and the remaining one is what he wants to find.

Roger glanced at Skee, too. He wasn't interested in ruling, but if that was the case with a world government, would there be freedom in this great sea?

Roger decided to rectify and leave as soon as possible to find Ralph Drew.

the next day.

Shiji's Flying Pirates experienced a lot of layoffs, and he kicked out many crooked pirates with bad character and mediocre strength.

With the help of John and Binjack, the size of the Flying Pirates has become much smaller, but the cohesion and strength they can exert are not smaller than before.

As for Sky Island, all aspects are developing rapidly, and everything seems to be in order.

Bika Island, Angel Island, and the islands brought by Shiji from Qinghai were all fixed with clouds, forming an archipelago that can accommodate more people and resources.

Shiji's flying pirates live on Bika Island. Except for John and Wald, other members of the flying pirates are never allowed to step into Angel Island and Pioneer Island without permission.

The aircraft manufactured by using the jet shell was successfully tested yesterday.

The school has been systematically run, and the children of Sky Island will continue to grow in education.

Kung Fu Manatee got used to it on the empty island.

Planting and agriculture have been established, and the artificially controlled precipitation and climate can guarantee a bumper harvest every year.

Those who are willing to develop deserted islands among the Sandia people and Sky Islanders have obtained their own land and food seeds. In the future, Sky Island food will become diverse and rich.

The golden clock is not going to be sold, it is better to regard this thing as a symbol of Sky Island.

It looks rich and powerful in front of outsiders. If an outsider dares to make a bad idea, it will be just a looting.

At this time, Bai Yu received a letter from Qinghai.

It was a letter written by Whitebeard to him, passed by Morgans.

After Bai Yu disappeared in Qinghai, Morgans has been relying on the Whitebeard Pirates to escape the capture of the Navy Headquarters and the targeting of the World Government.

"Luo Qi, Brother Newgate wrote us a letter."

Yang Luoqi tilted his head and said: "That's not very good, we are also preparing to go to Qinghai to find four pieces of historical texts."

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