Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

10. First Day [1]

My first day at the academy, I entered the building armed with nothing but my tracksuit and my Registration form. Along the way, I was greeted by a familiar face.

"Why hello Rei, long time no see"

"Dodai...what are you doing here?" (Rei)

"Not even an honorific huh...what was I hoping for? I'm here to handle the registration for today in the place of Raikage-sama" (Dodai)

"So...he really couldn't make it huh..." (Rei)

Makes sense when we're in the middle of a war

"Unfortunately yes. He's quite disappointed to be the first Raikage in history to break the tradition of seeing new students in on the very first day of school" (Dodai)

"He shouldn't worry over it. In this situation, there's nothing he can do anyway" (Rei)

"You're maturity for your age is impressive as always. Anyway, I've been chosen to fill in for him today. I'll take your form now...let's see...ok, you should head to Room 104 now" (Dodai)

Done with registration, I headed to my classroom as Dodai called out to me again

"Oh Rei! Happy Birthday!" (Dodai)

"Thanks...but my birthday was a week ago" (Rei)

" was?" (Dodai)

That's right, this body is now 4 years old. I didn't get a birthday cake because Mabui thought I would vomit it during training. Well...with THAT kind of training she's not wrong.

Talking to him from down the hall

"Try to do better next time! Dodai-ossan!"1Old or "Middle-aged man" (Rei)

"Ossan?! You rude little!" (Dodai)

"Um, I here to hand over my registration form?" 

"Hm?! Oh sorry, I'll take that" (Dodai)

Before he could retort more students began asking him for their class numbers

"Alright, if memory serves me right from what nee-san told me, all classes that start with '1' should be towards the left of the entrance" (Rei)

After reaching Room 104, I went inside only to find a theater-style of classroom with descending stairs and desks. Looking at it, I remember nee-san telling me the reasoning for making the classroom so big is built on a theory that larger classrooms lead to expansive education.  

There were no more than 16 students all sitting down. Before I could even say anything, some of the kids started whispering to one another

"Huh? Another one?"

"He's wearing the expensive version of Kumogakure's standard academy clothing"

So this tracksuit IS expensive. Thank you nee-san for going the extra mile when it comes to shopping for me

"Seems he comes from a wealthy family"

"I wonder if he hails from some prominent clan?"

"I wonder if I should 'scout' him?"

I was about to speak before remembering they're not gonna be all friendly like in Naruto's school. Right, everyone here is competition for those few remaining graduation spots. No use humoring their curiosity. Since they've taken all of the front seats, I'll head to the back row. There's only one student sitting there anyway, that should keep things quiet for me.

"Hmph! Look at this guy ignoring everyone"

"He doesn't look so tough"

"All I see is another stepping stone for me"

Hehe, oh you little shits. I can't wait to step all over your dumb, smug faces

"Hey, I'll be sitting here" (Rei)

"It's not like I own this place, help yourself" (???)

This guy seems nice, I shouldn't have any problems here. Almost my height, with a light skin complexion he had brown spiky hair, and blue eyes. Wearing long black shorts and a long-sleeved white t-shirt, he gave off an easygoing feeling.

"Heh...true. Am I the last one to arrive?" (Rei)

"Well with you here that makes 17, so there should be four more people left from what I gathered. Also heads up, when the teacher takes attendance and calls you, don't mention your surname." (???)

"...Why not?" (Rei)

"To avoid all the kids who come from prestigious families. They're VERY competitive when it comes to...well...everything. A lot of people here don't come from strong families or even have family names. When their info gets out, bullying is quick to follow. If they don't know which family you're from, they're less likely to mess with you out of fear of offending someone with powerful origins." (???)

"..." (Rei)

"And as you can see, a bunch of them have already formed their little 'groups'. While few in number, there's still a fair amount of Grad spots to take. It makes sense to gain allies" (???)

"I see" (Rei)

"So with that in mind, would you like to team up with me?" (???)

I knew this info might come at a cost. Nothing truly is free anywhere you go

"I figured that's what you were getting at. Why me though?" (Rei)

"For starters, you don't seem like the rest of those snobby brats. I prefer to work with someone I can get along with" (???)

"Well I'm glad to know my first impression isn't like theirs" (Rei)

"Second, unlike all the others, you don't seem eager to make allies which suggests you have a well-founded confidence in your abilities" (???)

"...Or maybe I'm just arrogant, have you considered that?" (Rei)

"If that were the case, you definitely would've responded to those guys talking about you earlier" (???)

ONCE AGAIN, the maturity of most children in this world is ridiculous

"Well if I'm as strong as you say, why would I need you who doesn't have confidence in his abilities?" (Rei)

"True...compared to many others I'm not confident in my strength. But what I lack in brawn, I make up for in brains. I've got the beat on this place, I know all the ways this school is gonna come at you. All the info you need to win is housed in this head." (???)

It's true I'm lacking knowledge. The guide told me the only information it has to offer for free is from the original story that I know. Everything else is in the category of 'unpredictable'

"...Knowledge is power after all" (Rei)

"That's a nice line. So...what do you say?" (???)

"...Name" (Rei)

"Hm?" (???)

"What's your name?" (Rei)

"...It's Tai" (Tai)

Holding out my hand

"I'm Rei, nice to meet you" (Rei)

"Hehe, it's my pleasure Rei" (Tai)

After shaking hands and getting a new ally, the door opened once more and three students came in

"Whew...finally made it" 

"I was worried we were too late" 

"Haha! Come on guys, you know I'll never steer you wrong! Now let's find a place to sit-gaaaah?!" 

"You're in the way" (???)

Before the loud one could finish talking, a fourth student suddenly came from behind and bumped right through them without a care in the world.

"Ooof?! Hey! You rude woman, watch where you're going!" 

"..." (???)

"Not even an apology?! You really know how to set someone off!"

He was about to confront her when his two friends dragged him back and had him sit down. The girl didn't speak and walked past everyone else, taking a seat at the top row with me and Tai. Although, she had sat quite a distance from us. The guy from earlier was sitting in a lower row. He had turned his head and continued to glare at her, it was kinda funny.

The girl however held a calm demeanor. She had a fair complexion, green eyes, and shoulder-length black hair in a high ponytail with short cut bangs in the front. She wore a small grey sleeve-less kimono that covered the top half of her body with typical shinobi mesh clothing underneath, covering her chest. Black shorts and shoes, with bandages on her wrist.

"...Watch yourself Rei, I've heard rumors about that girl and none of them are good. Best to keep your distance" (Tai)

"Rumors? Like what?" (Rei)

"I've heard she comes from a family with a bad reputation. Plus I know for fact she doesn't work well with others as you've clearly seen. Getting into fights is the norm for her." (Tai)

"Is she strong?" (Rei)

"Oh don't even think about it, I doubt even someone as handsome as myself could tame that wild beast" (Tai)

...Look at this kid's big head. Anyone who has talked about my ego oughta kick themselves

"I thought we would need more allies" (Rei)

"Not the detrimental kind" (Tai)

"She's that bad?" (Rei)

"Like you would not believe. Relax, there have been those who made it through school with just two people. We'll be fine on our own. She easily draws attention to herself, and one of the best ways to succeed in school is to go unnoticed from other students. It's only the teachers' recognition you should be focused on." (Tai)

"Alright I'll drop it" (Rei)

As a scientist, I've never been one to believe in rumors, but rather what I can see with my own eyes. Still, if there's a risk maybe I shouldn't take it.

Before anyone could talk further, an adult came in and stood by the long blackboard in the front of the classroom.

"Everyone, please take your seats" (???)

All the chatter quickly came to end as we moved our focus towards this new arrival

"Good, my name is Osoi. I'll be your sensei for your first year. It's nice to meet you all" (Osoi)


And so it begins

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