I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Interlude: [Sapphire] ….*sigh* WAH ?

Coming first sucks, because you make all the mistakes, and the assholes that come after reap all the benefits.

–Sapphire, The first.


It’s me, we haven’t met yet, but it’s me, your girl!

Who do you ask? Well, if you took your time with the stupid cipher you may have found that the answer to Alexa’s message was [We are happy!], the one to Alexanders was [We are here]. And I will tell you right now, mine is [We are hype!]. Why am I telling you the answers? Because…I’m not happy, I wasn’t in the [Here] Alexanders spoke, and certainly while I’m [Hype] I’m not [Hyped] about this either.

What is this I’m not [Hyped| about you ask?





Yes, Alexa will live once more, we read that, and she seems to be doing fine as far as I can tell, not that I can tell much, with the being dead and all. Psst…that sucks!

And Alexanders somehow survived? I saw that, the opinions that he survived, you wanna know a secret? He totally did, I made sure. Now why would I make sure you ask? Wasn’t he the asshole that made everything worse? Wasn’t he the one that made mistake after mistake because of a single Misunderstanding?

Well, wouldn’t you want to know? But for that, we need to speak about who I am, since you don’t know me…Hell, even if you search everywhere you wouldn’t find many clues about me, after all… I was what? An afterthought? A funny background character? A way to give [Voice] to [Mother]?

Who am I?

Well, nice to meet you. My name is [Sapphire], it was the name I was given by the man that I hated the most, the man I loathed the most, the man I wished nothing more than to [KILL], the man I thought was taking [Mother]’s love from me… The man who cried tears of blood while trying to save a doomed world, the man who stayed behind the most, the man who never surrendered…The man I came to [Love]. The man who no longer remembers me…

This is the name Alexanders Saintsworths, The dragon of Calamity gave me after staring at my eyes before we sacrificed the last good thing he had in his life to give everyone else a chance. This is the name the man who lost everything gave me when he made sure his [Story] would spread across all worlds so no one else would make his mistakes.

And so here we are. Nice to meet you, I’m Sapphire and this is what was missing from my story.

I was born as a familiar spirit to an entity that encompassed all life on the planet, be it plants or animals, this entity fed upon their consciousness and was made from all of those that were there, this was an entity that was as smart as those that lived upon her soil. So while I call her [Mother], this was closer to an amoeba. Not that smart in the great scheme of things, but… [Mother] knew that if it was to evolve it needed more life on its planet.

So I was born, yaaaaaaay.

I was made from part of [Mother], a growing that was discarded and thrown away from the [Core] left to wander on the magma surrounding the core. My existence was guaranteed by [Mother] so nothing could destroy me, and I would regenerate so long I was within her [Domain]. What was my mission?

The hell if I knew.

Like I said, [Mother] was as smart as an amoeba, and that is being generous. So what did I do?

What do you think a child would do when thrown into an empty wasteland with nothing to speak, see, or know. Besides the warmth of her [Mother]’s hug at the back. I clung to her of course!

I did my work as best as I could, when the planet was being hit by random asteroids I made sure to create a defense mechanism, so I made the atmosphere, when these asteroids brought the ingredients to create life. I made life.

When these little buggers started to get out of control? I killed them.

When something went out of control that could compromise [Mother] I ripped it apart, no matter what. And I even made a convenient means to impose my will upon [Reality]. I shaped my intent using what I could think, and brought those ideas upon reality to make my will real.

I made [Idea] a reality by imposing my ideas upon [Reality]. See what I did there? Heheheheh

So yeah, if you are using it, you can start praising me, I take donations and prayers, please direct them to Alexanders though, I have no need for your faith or money. And we rather have money than faith, to be honest…

Anyway, why does this matter? Easy. I may have created [Idea] (Some claim it was by mistake, those ones lie) but it doesn’t mean I was free from its costs. [Idea] feeds upon what you use to make it a reality. You flesh bag (Humans) may pay [Mana] or [Authority] to use it, and feel nothing from it, at worst the [Idea] doesn’t take form, and that’s the end of it.

But us? Well, [Idea] still takes its toll, for me…It took the most precious thing I had at the moment, it moved me. Further away from [Mother], this was a blessing in disguise for me, but I didn’t know yet. When I stopped caring for that it started to take the second most precious thing from me.


It made me sleep longer and longer, and when that wasn’t good enough, when [Time] stopped mattering when my position in [Space] no longer mattered… It started demanding other things, memories. Friends, family…Love.

But we will get around to that later!

So, what did I do with [Idea]? Well, first… The first time I used it seriously I created [Evolution], a creature that was a lizard (Komodo dragon) got some nasty variation of a disease that would kill all life on Terra. So I removed it and the reason it got it from [The World]. That made a divergence in the timelines that ended up creating all kinds of species across Terra.

Among those was a very weird monkey-like entity. [Humans].

They kick started the creation of [Civilization], not normal ones like huts and weird tables and chairs at caves, not that kind of low-level civilization. But a faster one, what should take a thousand years was done in half the time, for some among them were blessed with a drive that wasn’t normal.

They acted with direction, as if [Fate] blessed them, and wasn’t that interesting… They were harder to remove for me, but I didn’t care since as they moved [Mother] stirred more and more. She didn’t wake up, but I could [Feel] how she was moving from amoeba to multi-cellular levels of intelligence!

And so I started working, less like a [Creator] and more like a [Keeper], making sure the stupid monkeys didn’t erase themselves, taking away their toys (WHY DID THEY MAKE GUN WIELDING VIKINGS?), making sure they procreate enough to keep it within sustainable levels.

I found that the number didn’t matter to [Mother] as much as what they made, so long the light of civilization was burning bright it could compensate for the genocide of a few thousands, what mattered was what they made. Not who made it.

Found that one the hard way when someone burned the library of a weird city called Alexandria, and when the world turned into a wasteland barely two thousand years after that…Yeah, not going to let that one stick.

So I did the reasonable thing.

[Make what happen into an illusion, bring back the light of science and let those that will carry the knowledge of the world Saints worth their mission!]”

Yep, I did that thing.

I may have bitten my tongue when speaking since I was in a rush as [Mother]’s light was dimming, can you guess what I ended up saying?

Here is a hint: “[....carry the knowledge of the world Saintsworth...] ahhh bit my tongue…Oh right [....s mission!]”

And what does it say at the end? Exactly, it says “[Make what happens into an illusion, bring back the light of science and let those that will carry the knowledge the world Saintsworths mission!]”

The effect was almost instant and I turned to slumber, the very first time I would for so long, and when I woke up… I found two things…One, I couldn’t change the world’s history beyond that point in time, everything before that was set in stone.

And two…I made a clan of monsters, people who had the [Insight] and seemed to be able and use all the knowledge stored within the [World] to create innovations, while the world was discovering combustion these monsters were dealing with fusion. When the world was using the first plane, they were designing spaceships.

And when the world was starting to use the microscope to see cells…These monsters were creating advanced humans, not by genetic therapy thank god. But by selective breeding, only…these didn’t create sick or frail samples, but sturdy and more resilient humans. And these ones were sturdier against my [Idea| since these were all sanctioned under [The World]’s blessing.

It was within this clan that a child was born from the most powerful monster born within generations, born from Jack Saintsworths and Eleanore Saintsworths. An unnamed child.

His father threw him into the nearest slave camp to make sure it was from his own blood, to make sure he was [Worthy] of having his last name, Slave #1337.

The child who would be named Alexander after the great conqueror who created the library that started all of this. He was… the most pitiful child I ever saw, his luck was so bad that I had actually needed to tamper his [Fate] to make sure he would live past his fifth birthday.

Now why would I do this you ask? Well, I had wanted to deal with the Saintsworths for a few centuries at this point, and having the child of their head be this unlucky? It was a stroke of luck for me. My plan was easy enough, tamper his [Fate] so he would end up in a position where he would make all the big leaders crowd around him, and kill them all by tying his [Fate] to all of them, making them all as unlucky as him for the fraction of a second.

It was going well, even with all that bad luck Alexander was one that strived to see what he wanted through, and he even had the dream of having a normal life. He used to dream of having a normal family, a wife…Twins, just so he didn’t need to do that multiple times. Growing old, dying in his bed surrounded by his loved ones…

And maybe getting his father to tell him that he was sorry for selling him into slavery…

But that wouldn’t happen, because he would die on his fourteen birthday. Because I had moved his [fate] so that the experiment that was supposed to fail and leave him unfit to live among the Saintsworth would turn to critical mass, killing all the people at the site, making the government look into the clan, and spreading their technology bringing a second age of discovery.

That…did not happen.

The drug they created was made from motes of my [Geode], the one I stopped caring about when I managed to form a metaphysical body, the one I hadn’t gone to check, what did that mean? For one, Alexander got his fate [Linked] to the other people around…Usually among the same level [Fate] they would normalize among them, instead of one very unlucky [Human], it would create multiple [Somewhat unlucky humans]. But Alexanders got linked to someone else here.

To [Me], and in case you don’t know. I’m an important one, I direct this [world] development and play with the [Fate] of the humans, what does this translate to my [Fate] size? Well…

When a low-density object gets close to a big-density object, usually the smaller one gets obliterated and absorbed into the bigger one, in this case, the [Fate] of all the big and important Saintsworths got sucked into Alexander. I managed to cut his connection to me to the minimum so nothing of me leaked to him, or from him to me (I thought at the time).

And at the end of the day… Most of the important members of the Saintsworths got deleted from history, minus Alexanders, who remained with the biggest amount of [Fate] any human had, or ever held. It made him impervious to any tampering from me, and made it so any human that stayed long around him would be resistant to me.

The good thing was that his past as a slave made him anathema to most of the people I wanted to erase, so this meant that I could still deal with most of the Saintsworths, like that general who wanted to rule the world, he got erased from history because his yapping was annoying.

And while slumbering I found something quite interesting…I had never found anyone annoying, that was such a [Human] thing, why did I find it annoying? Well, care to give a guess?

Yes, Alexander got many things from his connection to me, but I also got things. Namely… [Emotions]. I found that some things I could enjoy, some I found annoying, some I loathed, and some I loved… Among them what I [Hated] the most was people ignoring me.

Not because Alexander fed me his emotions, but because I understood that all my life I had been ignored, and now that someone could recognize me…well… I may have gotten overboard in my reaction.

“I’m BACK!” That was what I screamed when returning from my slumber and finding Alexanders in his office.

He acted as if I wasn’t there, so I spent the time speaking aloud to him, about what I saw, what I found. How people were moving in the world, who was doing what. Who wanted to take his spot, whose political enemy was planning his downfall and all.

How he smiled at the information made him look cute, and that in turn made me want to see it more, so I continued feeding him information about the world, and what to do to achieve his goals, half the time he didn’t listen to me of course, but as his mistakes piled up he learned more and more, and his presence solidified…

I knew [Humans] didn’t live long, so I stopped giving orders and started encouraging his learning, my talks to him shifted from outright orders and advice to factual information he could find, and I saw less of his smile when I spoke to him. But I started seeing more of his brilliant smile as he found the answers he wanted himself.

And when he turned a hundred and wasn’t dead…

“WHY AREN’T YOU DEAD, HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?!?” I made a scene at his office, while secretly smiling to myself, this meant that my biggest fear wouldn’t come to realize, that Alexander’s lifespan didn’t seem to have a clear end. Even to my senses.

All I could see was a [Life] that was as long as the planet, as long as me.

I knew he liked his privacy and from time to time he would [Engineer] situations where I would need to [use] my powers to erase people, half of those didn’t really need such extreme answers, but I didn’t mind it that much. [Mother] hadn’t said anything to me yet even though she had no reason to not be able to communicate with me.

So I was happy to help him…

And then…. I was betrayed.

Well, not in the strict sense of the word, because while I knew I had some feelings toward Alexander, he didn’t ever answer me back. So when I was woken up by the most intense pain I ever experienced I followed the feeling in a rush and found…

Alexander standing in front of a weapon with humanoid form and a thread similar to the one that connected him to me….Forming toward the weapon, and the [Mana] that the weapon gave was…twisted.

And it was coming towards my connection, and while it seemed to want to erode me, I could deal with it easily enough by dumping it towards Alexander’s side where it seemed to be easily processed by the man. That same corrupted [Mana] was traveling towards [Mother]...

I half expected to feel elated at annoying [Mother] a little. But that didn’t happen. What happened next was…worse.

[Corrupted energy disappear, all that came into contact be purified, come return to the origin and be made anew.]”

[Mother] spoke, the tone was…There is no human word that could describe it, nor there is a word using [Idea] that could describe it, it was… [Eldritch] is the nearest way to describe it, and that was interesting, to say the least, because that was the same word I would use to describe the entity that was creating that corrupted and twisted mana that seemed to toy with [Reality] in the same way [Idea] did.

But that wasn’t that much of an issue, not really. At the start, I felt smug because the [Thing] that dared to make a connection to Alexanders would get pulled into [Mother] and turn into nourishment for [Civilization].

The thing started to disintegrate and I smiled at that.

“Error, integrity…failing…restart….procedure…evacuation…Error 404” The thing said as its form crumbled and the core at the center disappeared.

“What?” On the other hand, Alexanders voice made me turn to him, “...is…happening…it…hurts….did…you?”

And that hurt me, the fact that he thought I would hurt him, the fact that he was in pain, the fact that his form was turning into dust…same as the [thing].


My words seemed to take by surprise the blonde man as they took hold of [Reality], the same as they did to me. And while I waited for the slumber to hit me…I found myself within the core of the planet. A single purple gem spinning at the heart of the world.

“[You wish to keep the man alive?]” A voice spoke to me, and as I turned to look around I found…another version of me, another purple-haired girl dressed in a Roman dress with twin tails…And with lifeless eyes. “[He doesn’t look at you, he doesn’t care for you, and he even blamed you for his mistakes. Even though you gave him everything he has. And yet…You would turn your back on THE WORLD for him?]”

“He deserves a chance, it is human to make mistakes!” I spoke back at this mirror of me. “It wasn’t his fault that the thing made using my crystal shavings would twist our existence like that!”

And that was the crux of the matter, that thing was made using parts of her as materials, she, of course, knew Alexander planned to do that, he had been planning that for ages, and she had seeded those ideas there. To make him look at her more, to make him want to study her more. To shore their distance.

“[And yet…This will break you, should he find a way to harvest it, it will make him use all that is part of your body, then turn to search for more materials. His search will find him at the door of THE WORLD’s CORE. Should he attempt to harvest it, he will kill the planet. Just as this twisted energy wants to crack us.]” The other girl pointed at the gem.

She knew what it was, a visual representation of [The Core], of [Mother] cracking as the corrupted energy entered…As it wanted to convert it into normal, to fix it, to make it one with itself… And it couldn’t, it was too twisted by the human inventions, too corrupted. Too [Alien].

At best it could flood more energy into the outside to try and dilute it, but even that wouldn’t fix it.

“He will find a way to solve this. Alexanders is the kind of man that wouldn’t let anything stop the progress of mankind!” I said as I took a step forward and grabbed the gem, the weight crushing me.

It felt as if I was holding the [WORLD] in my hands, and it wanted to break me apart.

“[You will die, a mere FRAGMENT dares to try and stop its maker?]” My reflection spoke, the worlds suddenly making all clear, that this wasn’t a reflection, nor another version made from [Mother] to replace me.


“[Mother]?” I spoke to the other girl.

“[Do your best, should you manage to survive we will allow this mockery of us to live. And same to the man you uplifted… He does have the right makings for a GOD, and we wanted to start making those.]” The reflection spoke before disappearing, leaving me alone with the gem that wanted to crack.

Leaving me alone trying to hold the world together by my own strength… Now this is important, you need to understand something, my body. The one Alexanders saw, the purple-haired girl, is fake.

My real body is that of a rock, a crystal geode. I do have emotions that Alexanders gifted me, but while I know how touching something must feel, I can’t touch things. While I know how something tastes, I can’t taste things. I can’t smell things…I can’t do all of these things that make a human [Human].

But not all is bad, since I can’t feel pain.

I thought I couldn’t feel pain at least.


If you lived in Terra, or [Terra Invicta] as it came to be named later on. Then you may have heard my soul-piercing scream and seen the image of me crying tears of blood while holding a gem in my hands, as my body was bleeding all over the place in an empty room.

Not one of my proudest moments. Should have fixed my appearance first.

What? You thought I regretted doing that? Psht… Of course not.

It was my decision to grab the exploding bomb and prevent it from exploding, I made a choice, the choice that for me, Alexander’s life was more important than the life of the [World]. Many people have spoken across the time, some blame Alexanders for the end of Terra Invicta. Even though he fought till the end for its survival.

Others blame him for meddling where it wasn’t his to meddle.

Let me make it clear, Terra Invicta didn’t fell because Alexanders experiment failed, nor because he stuck his adorable and handsome face where it wasn’t needed (There isn’t a place where that face isn’t needed to be honest).

It fell because [The World] said he needed to die for everyone else to live, and I didn’t allow that to happen.

So yeah, with that out of the way, the [Idea] stuck and…I was stuck there. Alexander continued his life trying to prevent the end of the world while I continued screaming my non-existent lungs as I pumped more [Mana] into the atmosphere and I tried to dilute the corrupted mana from the atmosphere.

Now, this would have worked…I should have fixed the ambient mana problem in 50 years top, the problem…Is that that stupid [Thing] was tied to Alexanders mana, and he was in turn connected to me (No problem there!), and I was currently managing all the [World]’s mana.

So he had as much influence on the world as me (Again not a bad thing!), and the [Thing] in turn had as much influence on the world as him, so that meant that no matter how much mana I released, it was half corrupted. So I needed to release more, scream more, bleed more, but it was an endless loop!

At least Alexanders would fix it… right?

Well he would, at some point, just not fast enough that there would remain humans on the planet, tehe ;p

………..Yeah, to be honest, I was just waiting for him to surrender and kill the god damned thing, but the thing latched into his longing for a family and he adopted the [Thing]!

So that was out of the plans…At least he wasn’t going to do something dumb like messing with time right? Right?

Well, if he did it I’m sure it wasn’t something dumb… which he did…and didn’t solve anything… But again, it's a common thing for humans to make mistakes!

What? Usually the human’s mistakes don’t cost the lives of 7 billion people? Did you hear about the guy who invented the nuclear bomb? Or of Genghis Khan? Or what about that midget that started the Second World War? Care to say that phrase again?

That’s what I thought.

Either way, he did travel back in time, something that shouldn’t work…. okay it didn’t work, he didn’t manage to shove his consciousness into the core of the [Thing] and using that to travel to another point in time was just stupid. Time doesn’t work like that, nor does [Time] work like that.

I…may have cheated… JUST A LITTLE!

I pulled his consciousness from the present and shoved it into the past, Alexanders had grabbed the [Thing] consciousness so it made it hard for me to pull it, and then pull him into the past and make it work, but WE MADE IT WORK. Team effort yaaaaay.

What? Why wasn’t I doing this for free for everyone else? Well, for one it wasn’t free….

It may have cost me half my [Existence]... If I were to use fleshy human terms… It was like ripping one of your arms, pulling the bone out, making a blade out of it, and using that to cut open your stomach and pull out one of your lungs.

Yep, that hurt like hell, it almost made me want to rip this [Heart] out, step on it, and let [Mother] purge the corrupted mana… And then…That smile that god damned childlike smile. Why was Alexanders so handsome when he smiled…? It just…wasn’t…fair.

And if that wasn’t enough he even looked at me with a pained gaze while traveling back in time, he looked pained, confused, and most of all… He seemed to be thinking about what was happening, but that didn’t matter, he looked at me!

He acknowledged my existence!

Who cares if half my being was consumed!?!?

I didn’t!

…I should, BUT I DIDN’T CARE!

So he tried again and again, this time he had the experience of his previous years, and a great plan to work with! Sadly…

It wasn’t meant to be, he did get a few extra years…But since I needed to make sure Alexanders arrived okay…I needed to travel back too, and since I was the reason the planet didn’t burst… I had to carry [Mother]... So I fused with my past self (This solved some of my wounds) but the [Core] fused too…And while it gave it more time, it also took back time from this planet’s life.

So…The end was nigh!

Very much NIGH, like RIGHT NOW NIGH!

Alexanders didn’t let himself fail, and he even attempted all that he could, from time-locking the planet (Again, time doesn’t work that way). But I had no way to steer him away from that, so I decided to observe, as more [Humans] died, my strain was lesser, and I could continue making sure this planet would survive longer, Alexander’s [Existence] was shifting with each passing moment, his connection to [Mother] kept strengthening itself. He was becoming more and more aware of his position in this world.

He would probably manage to find a solution if he managed to travel back in time once more, alas, it was too late…I…was too weak, I tried it!


But…he was too heavy, his burden too strong, his resolution too powerful… His guilt…too great.

He cracked the corrupted one, and in doing so his own existence was further tainted down, he could have taken it away from him, he had enough mastery over it, but…he had come to embrace Alexa as family. He… was too attached to the idea of her being a sister.

Was it Alexa’s plot? She wasn’t sure, the girl had grown on her over the year too (Mostly because she would be her in-law one day!). But Alexander didn’t surrender, he continued to try and find a solution.

He was starting to instinctively reach out and try to help his own way, trying to lessen my strain, trying to help me, taking on the corrupted [Mana], he was still only human, so his [Soul] could only process so much, he still did his best, modeling his own [Heart] in secret away from prying eyes. Making a new [Core] for himself that would collect mana and try to create more, using a very human notion.

He started to take in the [Souls] of those that died and refine them into his [Heart], now, this was something that usually wouldn’t be possible for a [Human], you see… [Souls] are the coin that [Gods] use, but also the way that [Mother] and those of her kind use the souls to store energy and further the process of their rise to power. They take the [Soul] of those under their care, wipe them clean, and then shove them into a new body. So that guy that you meet at the store? He could be your grandfather, he could be your killer in another life, hell that kid at the back of your flight that annoyed you because he cried every time he saw you? That could be your wife who died a week ago!

So usually, the [Soul] of those that died don’t dwell among the living, they are grabbed and thrown into a reincarnation cycle, either natural or artificial. [Mother] had these spires within the metaphysical world within her [Core] where the souls would fly, be purged from their memories, and the [Mana] that was generated while alive would be taken away, leaving only the bare minimum, then what was left would be directed into a new body for a fresh start!

But [Mother] wasn’t around, she was sleeping while waiting for me to fail and [Purge] Alexanders, and so she wasn’t doing her work. It was meaningless to bring new life into a world that was so hostile, it was…a loss of energy. So the [Souls] of this damned world floated aimingless on the open.

And if anything they created more strain for me to deal with since this stupid [Gem] wanted to process them, and this is where Alexanders took his first steps towards [Godhood]. He grabbed them and started shoving them into his [Heart], into his [Soul], he almost died with the first one. But soon enough found a way to deal with them, a very [Human] way….

He asked them for their forgiveness, and tried to embrace their sins, he cataloged the souls that he took in by the [Sin] they had more present, embraced such sin, and [Devoured] them to further his power in an attempt to solve the problem with [Time].

He [Greedily] took all of them, and when [Greed] wasn’t enough, he [Pridefully] started gobbling them, when his [Pride] was so bloated that he couldn’t take more, he [Envied] them for the soul of the damned didn’t have anything to do, so he fueled his [Envy] using them, and if that wasn’t enough, he [Lusted], he feed his [Wrath] against this situation that made him resort to this, he [Lazed] while funneling all the souls into himself…And when he could no longer help himself, when he got a taste for this cursed power… When all that was left around him were the [Soul of the damned] he [Devoured].

That was the day Alexanders Saintsworths stopped being a [Mortal]. His body morphed as his [Heart] took it all in, the [Mana] within him evolved and changed, the soul of billions of humans roared within his body as he let a [ROAR] and he [Ascended], Alexanders Saintsworth mortal coil was left behind and there in that spot, a new [God] ascended.

No longer mortal the imposing dragon looked upon the world that birthed him, the world struck by a calamity. This was the day [The Dragon of Calamity] descended upon the [World]. And this was the first time Alexanders looked at me and apologized for what he did.

“I’m so sorry…I didn’t know…It…All of this…Is my fault.” He said as he traversed a thousand kilometers in a second and stood at my side, holding the [Gem] that kept this place secure, and forcing me to let go. “I never got your name you know, you spent years speaking, screaming, but not even once did you say your name.”

“Humans….are…the…ones….with….names….we….use…. [Idea].” I answered, I know. I could have been smoother, but I was TIRED!

“I see…Your gem-like eyes are pretty, perhaps we can call you [Sapphire] for now, and when you find a name that you like we can use that one.” Alexanders smiled as he said that.



And we lived happily forever and ever, had a thousand kids and we never had any problems, the end.

Now! Here is the thing…I am guessing you are wondering something along the lines of: “Hey Sapphire, this is very interesting and all…But your timeline is weird, didn’t Alexanders system tell him more information? Didn’t he ascend to godhood when his body was already dragon-like? Also aren’t the things here different? Also, you didn’t even make it to the story we know! And neither Alexanders nor Alexa ever spoke about you! Or Alexanders having kids!”

….Okay, the last one is valid, we didn’t get to that stage… But we could have!

As for the other things…You see…I know I told you that [Time] didn’t allow time travel like how Alexanders did, and that I cheated, but…Alexanders has a way of messing with things that I have never seen before, and [Time] was one of his favorites.

Now how many timelines do you know about?

One? Two?

At least two right?

The first one would be Alexa’s timeline, the one where she dies and wakes up in Zanaam, she had these weird reality-bending powers and used them to make sure everyone thought she was the cutest one.

The second would be the one where Alexanders became a god after he failed to time travel, where he had already became a dragon…but not a [God], the one where he ascended and tried to help his past self.

And now we have this one! Were he married me (Or not) after ascending to [Godhood] using the soul of all the living things in his world as material, were he saved me.

Was this the last time he messed with time? No, it wasn’t. He…really wanted to fix his mistakes, and that meant that he kept doing it, he wasn’t under the same restrictions as me, and he had two fragments of my [Geode], besides the cracked [Gem] that was [Mother].

So what did he do? Did he let it go? Did he seed a new world and start anew? No. The Saintsworths can’t let go that easy, the madmen.

Instead, the first thing he did was…Create a new start, he restarted the world using the broken remains of [Mother], making sure nothing would travel back with us, he separated us from the reality of the past, and started fiddling with it. This is a reality close enough to the one you know from his side, but with me at the side!

Helping him, making sure he understood how [Idea] worked, I taught him the [Language of Idea], helped him master it beyond what any [Mortal] had any right, and then he [Seeded] this knowledge into his mortal coil. It made his [Fate] sturdier, harder to affect even to me who was separated from the time stream.

No wonder my past self wasn’t able to affect him after he got experimented on, that event was the start of everything. We could save the timeline by preventing that from happening, but that would mean that the world wouldn’t have an Alexanders Saintsworths, his clan would fade into oblivion…And me? I would turn into a husk that didn’t know how to communicate, closer to a broken program. My crystal geode would turn red and I would be closer to his [System].

I know, we tried that approach, but we didn’t like it since my red self turned psychotic around 300 years into the future and would murder all human life, [Mother] didn’t mind it, but both Alexanders and me kinda liked [Humans], so that was shelved!

We did keep that version of me since it was very good as a program, we shouldn’t have done that.

You guessed it right, the red screens that plagued Alexanders in the past were that version of me, while the blue ones were the ones he himself made to monitor the [World], the problem is…The timeline you saw him? The one where he dies and joins the circle of transmigration?

Yeah…that….didn’t happen either, you see… [Gods] are interesting things, even those that are self-sustaining themselves using 15 billion human souls. They maintain their existence using that fuel, but if the fuel ends and they don’t have a mortal coil to return…They cease to exist.

Reincarnation is for [Humans], as is [The afterworld], [Heaven], [Hell] even [The Void]. They all only accept [Humans], and Alexanders…wasn’t one. Not anymore, he was a [Dragon] a [Dragon God] even.

So when the [Red Screens] poisoned him, and when he died as a [God], he was [GONE]. No second chances, no reincarnation, nothing. Nada, zero.

I…didn’t like that. So I used [Idea], the thing I hadn’t used in ages, my [Idea] is tied to [The Word], to [Mother], I got hit with mana backlash at the start because I was dependent on it. And as I said before, my [Idea] asked me to pay the price of something I [Loved]. At first, it was my contact with [Mother], then my time with [Mother], then my time with [Alexanders].

So what would it take when all that I had left was my [Love]?

I knew what it would take, I would revive Alexanders, but either he wouldn’t [Love] me or I wouldn’t [Love] him.

I didn’t want that.

I couldn’t live without him, and knew that any life I had without [Love] would be an empty life. So I weaved my thoughts… I could [Feel] the other timelines, always had, always would. The ones we left behind, and none had an answer. But…there was the future, I wanted a way for him to survive, this was a doomed world. Nothing that we could do would work.

But Alexanders was too stubborn to see it and wanted to fix it, so I would give him a way out and a second chance. Yes, this would be my [Legacy], and just so that no one would ever suffer as I did, I would make sure no one would make my mistakes. No one would ever suffer what I did.

But how?

Easy…I would sacrifice my [Love], I would sacrifice [The chance of falling in Love], the [Opportunity to Love him], and [The opportunity of him ever looking at me].

And what would I get from that?

Break the world and turn it into a seed, spread the seed upon the multiverse, may all the WORLDS that are born from this know the mistakes we made, make it so they will never make my mistakes… Make it so they KNOW.” Was the start of it, this would make it so from the fragments of [Mother] a thousand other [Worlds] would be born, they all would know what mistakes I did and to avoid them, perhaps they wouldn’t know from where the information came, but they would survive…They would be my daughters, my sons…And those would be born from my and Alexanders efforts. See? I told you, we had plenty of daughters and sons! “Make it so the one I love will have at least a second chance, make it so when he falls he can rise again. Make it so…he is able to choose if he wishes to join or not the circle of transmigration. So that should he achieve godhood…so that if he ever falls from the throne of gold he still has the chance to live as a mortal once more.”

And so, should Alexanders achieve [Godhood] again (He would do it, I knew my man) he would enter the circle of transmigration should he die as a [God]…

At the moment I knew not what form that second chance would take, would it be a second life? Would be a [Retry] I knew not. But with some luck, maybe he would have happiness? It should have ended there of course. I knew not that he would MANAGE TO GET STUCK INTO THE SOUL OF HIS REINCARNATION!

Nor that he would then decide to break his soul to make sure his reincarnation would have a second chance, or that Alexa (The little monster) would make a new world using the remains from Terra Invicta and restart her own [Story] by brute-forcing everything.

But who cares? Not me.

All I care about is the fact that Alexanders is alive. What happened to me you ask?

Well…Take a guess. Am I around? Maybe I’m that one girl at the back, maybe I’m one of the assistants of Alexanders? Maybe I’m that summon you think looks adorable. Maybe I’m dead. Maybe some nosy [Word] decided to use a fragment of [Mother] to reincarnate me into the body of someone who she could use to make sure her machinations worked but somehow turned wrong and now my new reincarnation is servant to a blonde bimbo version of the man I love?

Nah, life can’t be that weird right?

And that is why I’m not particularly [Hype], nor [Hyped] about. I didn’t get to enjoy my time with Alexanders, nor have a happy ending. Well, at least I hope he has a better time wherever he ends up as. And that some form of me can help him again…



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