I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 8: I wasn’t the only one with levels.

She was being killed.

The terrible vice on her neck was making it hard to breathe.

Soon she would go and visit the stupid being that had sent her here, overall it wasn't a bad way to go, one could say she was going surrounded by people that loved her...

One could also say that she would die because of their love...

After all...

"I THOUGH YOU WERE DEAD ELI-ELI" It was the unbreakable vice of this pink-haired girl the reason that she was on the brink of death.

She wondered where such strength came from. Maybe she would try and experiment with her to see if her skills were detectable.

"I'm....dying....right now....can't breath...." For now, she would fight for survival, and maybe try to allocate some stats on her constitution so she would survive and be better.

The healer did say her constitution now was stronger than before, so her level-up bonus that raised her constitution from 3 to 5 was good.

"NOOOOO, DON'T DIE ELI-ELIIIII!!!! " screamed harder and cried harder the pink-haired girl.

This continued for a few mins and she could swear at some point she almost could hear someone laugh in the back of her mind.

In the end, she somehow managed to be released from the vicious grip of the pink-haired girl.

"And-and you there was so much blood, and you wouldn't wake up...And the healing spells the teacher was using didn't work...So we moved you to the hospital on campus...And they started using skills, but at the start, they didn't work either...." Said between tears the pink-haired girl.

She really cared for the well-being of the blonde girl.

Our protagonist couldn't help but shed a single tear at the sight of such a wonderfull friendship blooming between two girls on the first day at a new academy life.

"I'm okay now, don't worry. It will not happen again...Probably" said the blonde girl.

At this, the pink-haired girl had a smile blooming on her face and started wiping her tears.

One could think this was a friendship that spammed years of trials and adventures.

Of course, it wasn't.

And of course, our dear protagonist wasn't so naive to take this for granted, her mother had told her the stories behind these pink-haired beings after all.

Fate always favored them, so for now she would do something that could taint their friendship (If the other side knew).



Name: Rosalina Singh

Title: The Misplaced Saint of Healing

Alias: None

Level: 5

Health: 100%

Mana: 100%

Stamina: 100%

Stress: -20%

Strength: 5

Constitution: 10

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 25

Charisma: 15

Status Auto allocation active.

Magic Origin: Healing

Magic Spells Learned: 0

Magic Circle Learned: 0


It was bullshit.

She was higher level than her?


Also, how could a strength of 5 almost cost her life?

These pink beings are indeed as dangerous as Mother had said.

Besides, what's that title?

The Misplaced Saint Of Healing
She was destined to be one of the heroes meant to save a world at peril, the main hero choose to forsake said world, so the heroes were lost in the transmigration cycle and now wander the world searching for their light. They are attracted to the hero and will follow their hero without a doubt. If they don't find their chosen hero, they will follow someone else.

That decided it, she was a stalker, funnily enough, Mother did describe some of the pink-haired girls on the multiverse as Stalkers...Most of those had something wrong with their head.

This one at least looked harmless enough...But then again, maybe it was something to do with her charisma?

"What's wrong Eli-Eli?" said the pink-haired girl.

Right, she was talking to her and then decided to stare at the status, but from her perspective, she was staring at the air.

"Nothing Rosie, had some feedback from one of my skills, had to be sure they wouldn't act up again," said the blonde girl, she would not say what skill she had used.

Father always said, keep your skills secret and close to your heart, no one needs to know what your powers are, since powered skills are simple enough most of the time so you can deduce information by how they move or how they work.

That was why superheroes from the powered side had so much theatrics going on with their get up and why they all trained to have above-average strength.

Not like magic wielders, wizards, sorcerers, and magical girls. Since they could just use another type of spell...According to mother at least.

Her skill said the opposite, telling her about the magic origin and where the talent dwelled.

And talking about talent...

"What will you focus on as a magical girl Rosie?" asked the blonde girl.

"Hmm...was thinking about going the wind magic girl route...Always wanted to fly, but I haven't chosen yet. Maybe a Light-based magical girl if I find the wind spells hard...why?" said the pink-haired girl.

She could actually see her as a Light based magical girl, not so much as a wind one...Those...were odd.

"Try your hand with healing magic first. Maybe you will find your true calling in that" said the blonde girl without trying to sound too pushy.

For her part, the pink-haired girl was just fidgety moving from left to right on her chair.

"Actually I was going to try that first, Mom and Dad always are getting sick since we don't have enough money to go around...And then you started the whole bloody mess thing and I felt so useless...." and would you look at this saintly look.

If only she didn't have pink hair...

"It's okay, it was a normal skill rebound, the teacher said it was normal and it only was dangerous since my skill was too strong and my body too weak. They will put me in some extra exercise and I will be good" Of course that was a lie!

The rebound was a serious problem. That somehow got solved on its own. Maybe it was the level up to the constitution?

Since there was no way that getting information that she forgot had solved the issue.

And since the system was making it look like her bugged skill was shaded maybe it would work again when she had enough strength to use it later on.

"I mean, the more normal stuff on my skill works fine and it helps me get better already!" Either way, one wouldn't let a girl cry...Even if you yourself are a girl.

So she pointed at the monitor that was showcasing her vital signs.

The latest one wasn't highlighted in red, like the older ones...And man, those were some low numbers...


The latest being a 110/60.

Probably at that point was when the level-up had gotten her constitution to 5.

And thinking about it...

[Allot status points (14):
Constitution: 5 -> 10
Agility: 9 -> 10
Intelligence: 17> 20
Wisdom: 7 -> 10
Remaining stats: 2 ]
Aaand done.

She almost could feel it...

Actually, she felt it.

"Aaah ♥ ~ ♪ "A little moan even escaped her.

"Should I call a nurse?" asked the pink-haired girl with a worried look on her face.

So cute, here was she, moaning on her bed and the first thing she thought of was to call for a nurse to see if she was okay.

But then again, maybe it was the alarm of the monitor saying how her pulse was a little higher, jumping from 62 to 85 for a few seconds.

"It's okay, a little backslash from my skill making sure everything is fine." answered the blonde girl, quickly adding "Not the bad kind, it just made me more resilient, my dad's skill is similar. So I know what it is, trust me. "

Wonderful friendship between two girls, nothing had more lies woven in it like this!

Not that she was lying to her...Her father's skill was indeed one that strengthen one... Just the base was exercise while her skill gives free points to that...

Wonder how their stats look...

"Elizabeth?" asked a nurse after knocking on her door...Her open door.

"Yes?" why do you knock if the door is open?

"Your Mother & Father are on the holo-screen. You want to answer in the room or should I tell them to call later?" Poor nurse, she thought her parents would accept a no...

"It's okay I will answer here...Does the room have privacy settings?" asked the blonde.

"Yes, every patient's room has privacy wards fueled by magicks and skills. " answered the nurse, with a look of relief.

"I will leave then, have fun with Papa & Mama Eli-Eli!" said the pink-haired girl, bless her kind soul.

She wasn't ready for a talk with Mother about how she had a pink-haired girl stuck to her. Besides, at least she now could see how their status looked...


The pink-haired girl was on the doorstep and she jumped in fright at that. She gave her a quick Ok sign and signaled her to keep going.

"Mama...I swear it wasn't an experiment...I was messing around with the skillset I got to see how it worked..." said the girl searching on the holo-screen for her father.

He was tied to a chair and gagged too...She doubted that was enough to restrain him since there wasn't any sign of magick circles around, so he was just pretending for the sake of Mother...

Either way, since he was in the picture it was good enough.

"We call messing around with something we don't understand experiment young lady. Don't get sassy with me" said her mother, yes. She was mad...

Probably she was more mad because she was messing around with the skills instead of magick. But then again she didn't know much magick...And magick was inherently more dangerous.

"I will not do it again...Besides the skill in question can't be used right now anyway" answered back the blonde girl.

Her mother quickly changed her stance and looked around like she was searching for something.

"Visit?" asked the blonde girl.

"Hmm....I think the skill that gave you backslash is the same that tried to travel last time, good. Then speak girl, what did you find this time" said her mother.

Good, it means that she didn't need to beat around the bush this time.

"Well, first I used this skill [Identify] to see the full information I had" and cheekily use the skill on her parents to see the truth behind the situation!

Holo-Screen projector, HoloCube 7000.
The state-of-the-art holo-screen projector made by Saintsworth Industries, reinforced by magick and tinker-grade technology. Can traverse long distances with almost no lag. Order one in your nearest Saintsworth Approved store.

"Everything okay Eli-Eli? You spaced out" said her father from her chair, he had taken away his gag.

"Huh? Ah, yes...The skill got activated and I was processing the information" said the blonde girl. It seems that this was one state-of-the-art projector.

Yes, and it even said the company that made them...


She wanted to bash someone's head in.

"If it spaces you out then take care to no use it in live combat situations before getting it under control," said her father.

Of course, he would think that he was a super. For him, skills were mostly used in combat situations.

"That is why you focus on magicks, if it gives you too much information you just add a buffer spell to organize it for you," said her mother on a huff.

Ah...right, she ought to pacify her mother.

"I have aptitude tests tomorrow on the magic side. I used this skill on another student here on the magic course and suggested her to focus on magicks of the magic origin she has. So I will see if that is closer to the affinity they test us for" Maybe that would pacify her mother?

She always had a soft spot for magick experimentation after all.

"Hmm...She didn't notice the intrusion?" asked her mother with a sharp gaze.

Ugh...she noticed?

"Intrusion is such a strong word...." said the blonde girl.

"As if a magick brat could detect the activation of a skill...Unless you have a power graded on at least A-Tier energy type you can't detect that type of skill" said her father from the back.

A quick scowl from her mother shut him off quickly enough though.

"That is true, if she hasn't been trained then she might not notice the intrusion on her soul. Try it on a teacher with proper authorization later on. You need to know if your skills can be detected by others before using them willy-nilly Eli-Eli" Sigh, it seemed to work the pacification strategy.

"Aye sir" I salute to your mad scientist side mother.

"Enough of that, you feeling okay? Should I send a Saint Class Healer?" asked her mother finally in a softer tone.

"I think your school has a B-Tier powered healer. I burn a few favors to send you an S-Tier Healer too." Said her father. What was she supposed to do with two top-of-the-line healers?

Weren't those rare?

"I'm okay now, either the healer of the school healed me. Or my skill has a strengthing factor that healed me. The Healer noticed my constitution was below average before and after the event now it's average..Or was average. I used the skill again and now I should have a constitution twice as strong as normal" said the blonde girl showcasing his achievements!

"Eli-Eli...." said her father with a sigh. What?

What's wrong with that?

"Don't rush that too much, there are thresholds remember? If you rush them the backslash from that can hurt" said her father...


"They are all different, if you break them slowly then it's okay. But rush too much? I bursted my arms by using buffs to break a wall in the strength department once...Had to use toxins and curses from your grandmother to lower my strength to an achievable state. All just so I could get my constitution strong enough to withstand my strength" That makes sense.

So grandmother really cursed father once...

"And then we had to get a couple of light-attuned saints to clean those curses since Mother didn't want to take them away," said her mother at the end.

Wait....something isn't quite right there...

"Weren't you from a normal world mama?" said the blonde girl poking a hole in that plothole.

"Oh, I don't mean my biological mother. I meant the one that taught me magick. Before leaving that world I brought her with me" said her mother with a sickly sweet smile.

"Couldn't leave someone that taught me so much to die" Yes...Note to self, don't cause trouble at grandmother's home again.

"By the way, you will have to call her later to tell her about how you awakened....She will have a few choice words about you if she thinks that you will not train that side...And don't tell her too much about the trigger. She doesn't like powereds..." said her mother.

Yeah...Not gonna mention that...

"Beware of the thresholds Elizabeth. " Said her father before saying their goodbyes.

Yes...Note to self. Don't dump too many stats on the public...

And maybe try to find a way to identify said thresholds...

Identify couldn't detect them?

More problems for a later date.

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