Chapter 74: The Teleportation station, girlfriend, pets…and NTR? Is this a love comedy now?
"Mommy, why is that lady angy?" A kid a few seats away from them asked her Mother.
And while she would love to claim that she also didn't know, she knew. "Shhh...Let's move away from the pretty ladies okay."
Nooooo, take me with youuuuuu.
"Is everything all right Elizabeth?" The red-haired girl to her left asked.
Rena had awakened after only thirty minutes of their arrival at the teleportation station, the girl hadn't made a fuss or anything, really. She only looked at Rossie, then at her, checked the state of her clothes, and then sat.
On the chair next to her.
"Everything is just fine." She answered, trying not to think too much about the red-haired girl.
Nor why she was as close as possible to her without ripping apart the chair from the floor or removing the armrests of the chair. She didn't ask where she was, what had happened, why they were at the teleportation station nor why she had her passport.
Rena was just there with a smile on her face breathing evenly as she grabbed the hem of her skirt and looked straight ahead.
On the other hand, her girlfriend, Rossie. Was hugging her right arm, resting her head on Elizabeth's shoulder, and glaring daggers at Rena. How could someone look so cute snuggling but also make one shiver from the contained bloodlust behind her glare?
She had thought that Rossie would be okay with her rescuing Rena, mostly because she hadn't complained nor said anything about their plan, and a big part of it depended on Rossie taking care of Rena's body and [Soul] while she wrestled control away from Akira.
"Amm...Rossie? Love?" Elizabeth said trying to get her girlfriend's attention, but the pink-haired girl only continued glaring at Rena.
So since her right hand was busy being wrung out by her girlfriend, Elizabeth thought, 'Well, that's what lefty is for!’ And tried to use her left hand.
"*swish* * grab*" Only for a terrible vice to latch onto her left hand.
"...." Rena didn't say anything either.
She didn't turn her attention from whatever point in the distance she was focusing on, her eyes never wavered nor wandered anywhere. And yet.
"Rena?" Elizabeth said turning her attention to her left, each centimeter she turned her head was several extra newton’s of force exerted into her right hand. "Do you need something?"
"I'm fine Elizabeth." Answered the red-haired girl, not relenting for even a second in the strength of her grip, her fingers interlaced with hers in a soft, yet firm grip.
"..." Rossie was still glaring at Rena, even though no matter who saw them, she was closer to Rossie, her hand was being crushed between the pink-haired breasts even!
She wasn't enjoying it at all since her arm was numb from all the strength Rossie was applying to her arm though. And she suspected her left hand would end like that too unless someone came to rescue her that is!
"Travelers with number #831, please come to reception for a last-minute check-up." The speakers called, heh. Imagine being called to customs when you only want to move.
Sucks to be them...Actually, if it was their group it could be a good way to release some tension from it...
"...That's us Eli-Eli," Rossie mumbled on the low.
"One of us needs to check it out." Rena said too, without a care in the world, then turned her head towards Rossie, "And I'm still recovering from the soul damage, I seem to have trouble controlling my motor functions. Perhaps part of the healing didn't work well?"
Good thing they weren't some weird love comedy anime or manga, if not she probably would see a lighting show going between both girls or the image of a snake and a tiger manifesting behind Rossie and Rena ready to pounce at each other.
Of course, Rossie would be the cat, since she is adorable.
But that wasn't the problem here! THIS WAS HER CHANCE!
"I will go and check on what they need." She said as she funneled her shadows at the floor. What? [Skills] and [Magic] don't work here?
Pfft, that is for people whose lives aren't at risk. When you are in danger because two highly unstable girls don't want to share you, of course, you go above and further beyond. Plus ultra!
"Be good with each other or I will get mad at you!" Elizabeth said as she felt her body turn into shadows and change places with the blob of shadows that she created five meters in front of them, "Take care of the [Minions] while I'm gone!"
And leaving a shadow dragon for each girl she ran. Away, as fast as possible without tripping the mana sensors. She did get a few stares from those nearby as they too, tried to move their own [Mana] to make [Skills] or [Magic] work without much success.
She had thought that it should be possible since she noticed how the [Restriction] seemed to apply to mana from [The World] that most people used.
And while her [Mana] was made, refined, and created by her [Heart] it was something that was hers alone. So she guessed that this particular restriction wouldn't work for her. She had taken notice of this when Nyx was summoned to the arena a few hours ago. How all the [Mana] had escaped from the control of the people around the [Arena], and how Nyx had used it to impose his [Will] upon the world by using the gift from [The World] that he had.
Would she be able to do that?
She wasn't sure, nor did she know if she should even attempt to do something like that. What Nyx did to Akira with that power...She didn't regret it, nor thought she would do anything different, but having that kind of power... And being able to do it...
Would she do something like that to all the people she didn't like?
"Miss?" Someone spoke to her breaking her out of her musings, "What can I help you with?"
It was the customs officer manning the desk, "Oh sorry. I'm one of the Travelers with the ticket #831." Elizabeth said while bringing the ticket from her belt pouch. Never travel anywhere without a belt pouch! Especially if you can use [Inventory - Garage] to cheat and make it bigger than it should!
"Oh right, we flagged you because it seems we need extra data on some of the travelers with you." The woman at customs said while checking her monitor. "Here it is...We don't have an address of residence for two of the travelers...Neither Miss Elizabeth Starbright nor Miss Watanabe Rena has an address."
Well, she didn't have one because no one ever remembered or could even perceive her older house! But Rena didn't have one?
"Sorry about that, we are orphans so our current address is the apartment we share at the MPI," Elizabeth said nonchalantly. It was technically a lie...Since she wasn't really an orphan, it was only that her parents went through apotheosis and forgot to leave her a house that anyone could remember.
" there is a note saying that...Let me...Yes, after pinging the system it does seem that you were granted a temporal residence. It's on Britania, Camelot. Walpurgis Street #8001" The woman said while showing the information. It had been updated...five minutes ago. "Hmm...Oh there it is, Miss Watanabe Rena also got the update. So you share a house with a friend, that is cute."
...Rossie could never find out about this.
"Yes, so was there something else you needed?" Elizabeth asked, hoping for the woman to turn the screen in another direction, she didn't need Rossie to go on a murder spree because of this information.
"Hmm? Oh no, that is all..." The woman said while writing some extra things on her PC. Then after a prompt from the monitor she added, "...No wait, we need some mana samples. Just infuse the mana here."
A small little crystal orb rose from the reception desk, it was round and crystal clear. Elizabeth placed one of her fingers on it and willed some of her mana to leak into it.
"Hmm....Blue huh." The Woman said while reading the monitor, "And says you have triple elemental attunement... [Shadow], [Lighting], and [Fire]. That's...some weird attunement."
"Is it working this thing? I know of my lighting and shadow, but fire?" Elizabeth said raising her other hand, "I don't have [Fire], if I had I could just..."
Elizabeth said while making a blob of mana and willing it to turn into [Fire], just like she did with her [Shadows] or [Lighting], she didn't include any formulae to her mana nor use any skill. Just willed the mana to morph into the element of choice.
"Yes, that looks like fire...also how are you doing that? Are the jammers not working?" The Woman said while hitting something under the desk, Elizabeth took this as a chance to snuff the small orb of fire that her mana had turned into. "Weird...I will need to ask maintenance to check the jammers, someone also complained that a girl had used some kind of space or teleport skill too...Imagine, having movement skills not blocked from nonemployees here."
"Yeah...Imagine..." Elizabeth said while laughing too with the woman. She would remember to not do it again...Unless she was in the same spot, again.
"Now I need your other friend's samples, you can send the next one." The Woman said.
...Yeah no...That would require her to either take one of those two and get her here, or send both together, neither was something she thought would end well.
"I can provide their share too," Elizabeth said while channeling the mana she had from Rossie first.
"Look here, I appreciate it, but the machine detects and matches the mana sample with what we..." The woman started saying while the machine dinged again. This time the screen changed the information. "...Rossaline Singh, Healer. Attunement, holy, divine, light..."
Sounds like Rossie yes, she was, after all. Divine, her presence was holy and she was the light of her world.
"...As for Miss Rena...?" The Woman said, oh right. She needed that too...Could she funnel her mana though?
Elizabeth tried to focus on the sword or the other apartment within her [Soulscape], then with some prodding tried to connect a mana thread to one of the outlets within that apartment and funnel that mana. She, once more, felt the fiery red mana travel through her [Heart], it went from there to her navel. Then spread across her body.
With some effort, she funneled it towards her hand even as she felt her body grow [Hot], and then felt the release of energy into the orb.
"....Watanabe Rena....Swordswoman, Attunement. Fire." The woman read as she filed the information that the monitor showed to her. "That is one interesting talent you have...Is it a [Skill] that lets you stockpile mana?"
"...You could say it's something like that," Elizabeth answered as she separated her finger from the crystal sphere and let the raging mana within her body settle down. It was...[exhilarating], feeling Rena's mana.
Unlike Rossie's who was warm and seemed to want to hug her inside out, Rena's mana was like a raging storm that wanted to destroy everything, like an inferno released upon the world.
"Well, that is probably how you managed to manifest the fireball. Since it's stockpiled mana." The woman said while writing something else on her station. "Here it is. Try to not use much of that stockpiled mana unless you want to get into trouble with the guardsmen."
And like that, she was handed three tickets, they stated their mana attunement to the elements and their grades. Both of the schools and the ones that stated their tier.
Rossie with her level 35 came as: Rossaline Singh, Magical Girl - Healer [B-Tier].
Rena with her level 40 came as: Watanabe Rena, Hero - Swordswomen [B-Tier].
And then, her own ticket...
Elizabeth Starbright, Magical Girl [A-Tier].
She had been surprised at first, mostly because just after the fight against Akira she had gotten some extra levels... First for her fight, then for summoning Nyx...For summoning Aura...For summoning Beatrice...For wrestling Rena away from him.
For stripping him of his [Hero] status...She had rewards for almost everything she did in that fight!
And that wasn't even getting into the whole debacle with the weird gems that had come from it. She was feeling weird about those things, she was glad that they weren't near her, because if they had stayed near more time...She would probably have tried to eat them.
And what would have come from that? She ate one similar enough from Rena when she got it from Akira's soulscape. And that was enough to make the connection to Rena.
But if she ate the one that was made from Rossie's soul fragments... Would her connection to Rossie be strengthened?
Would she get linked to Michael if she ate the one that represented him?
"What did they need Eli-Eli?" Rossie asked as soon as she got close enough to their seats. Rossie didn't move from the spot, that was weird.
Or so she thought till she noticed how Rena also didn't move, were they keeping each other in check or something? What was this? A couple of cats?
...Rossie did purr like one when they were sleeping though. Rena...Didn't look that much like a cat, she seemed closer to a dog, so would she wag her tai-
"Is everything okay Elizabeth?" The do- I mean, Rena asked. Why did she ask that?
Well, that was mostly because Elizabeth slapped herself, blessedly Rossie didn't say anything and only narrowed her eyes at her, was the game up?
"They wanted to confirm our address for the tickets and wanted some mana signatures," Elizabeth said while offering the tickets to each girl.
Rossie for her part took the chance to intertwined her fingers with her hand and very slowly take her ticket as she toyed with her fingers...LOOD THIS GIRL IS TOO LOOOOOOOOD!!!!!
Rena for her part, with the utmost care to not touch her hand or fingers took the ticket and hugged it close to her chest, she almost could see her having a tail made of mana waving at her back. With cute animal ears flopping everywhere. Even while her face remained stoic and serious.
It was kind of cut-
"Oh right, I forgot to give you the address of my house so you could update your residence, what address did you give them?" Rossie said bringing her back to the world of the people who didn't cheat on their girlfriends in FRONT OF THEM.
"Oh, that? I tried to give them the MPI apartment address, but it seems that Agatha provided us with an address in Camelot already, so I only needed to give them [Mana] samples." Elizabeth answered as she sat down.
To the right of Rossie, leaving one open spot where she left her backpack resting. Not like she needed the thing, it was mostly a dummy luggage so people wouldn't question them about why they were traveling so light. Most of their stuff was in the [Inventory - Garage] anyway.
And Rena only had a pair of uniforms and some spare underwear, so they would need to buy her new clothes. Also, Elizabeth wasn't doing her best to not think about how the imaginary tail of Rena was resting between her legs, nor how her imaginary animal ears flopped on top of her head.
Nor how imaginary dog Rena was whimpering like an abandoned puppy.
Especially since Rossie seemed to perk a little at this obvious declaration of how she was the favorite of the two. Not like there was much need to state the obvious, but Rossie was obviously angry at the addition of Rena to their circle.
She would need to address that, but since they were traveling to Rossie's house... Oh right, they were traveling to Rossie's home. And in the rush of all of it, she had brought Rena...
"Do we need to go and give a sample then?" Rena asked from the other side, turning her head and staring at her, through Rossie...The girl was fearless if nothing else.
"No, I already gave them samples of all of our mana. Since you two are connected to my [Soulscape] I can funnel your mana in my body." Elizabeth answered.
She didn't elaborate more on that connection, not in public at least.
"...You can funnel [Both] our mana?" Rossie asked.
....should have probably worded that better.
"That is a convenient use of this [Link]," Rena said raising her hand above her chest and [SOMEHOW] materializing a rope of mana that seemed to be visible to only them, as no one else reacted. "Was wondering why I felt so well and warm. So is this how you did it?"
Rossie was staring at Rena's rope, then towards Elizabeth's chest, and how a small red sigil seemed to manifest above her chest. Red in color too.
Then frowning the pink-haired girl raised her hand above her chest and tried to do the same, to no effect.
"Was this how you...[helped me]?" The red-haired girl asked her, ignoring Rossie's attempts at doing the same.
How had she done that anyway? Not even Elizabeth could do that.
"...Yes...I tried to get you free, but...Actually, we better speak of this in a more private setting." Elizabeth said this was something way too important to speak in public. In a place where she was half sure they were monitoring them.
"Were? You two will travel to [Camelot] to Rossaline's house. I have no house to stay there, so I will not be able to have a private place to discuss this. Should I wait until our third year at the MPI then?" Rena said.
Right...she half hoped that the girl had a place to stay there too.
"You will stay at the Singh residence with us. We can discuss important matters at my home... Such as what is expected of you...And what your place is... And what your relationship with Eli-Eli will be." Rossie said with her hand gripping hard her breast as if she wanted to claw out the chain that symbolized their link.
And while Elizabeth was thinking something along the lines of 'Rossie...please...don't rip them out...they are adorable (even if small).' She didn't say anything.
"...I see. I'm thankful for your consideration Rossaline." Rena said letting go of the mana rope that was coming from her chest. "...Also I apologize for all my bad manners so far. While it is no excuse the fact that I wasn't in full control of my body, mind, or [Soul]. I am sorry."
...It was so weird seeing Rena apologize since she had been quite...stuck up so far, even outright hostile to them.
"It's fine. I would have been no better if that had happened to me too. Can't imagine having someone I don't [Love] toying with my body, soul, and mind like that. So it's okay, even if you aren't [Pure] anymore. Eli-Eli is magnanimous." Rossie said with a mocking tone.
"ROSSALINE SINGH!" Elizabeth said as she felt the sting of her hand, "There are things that are okay to say, but that isn't one."
Rossie turned to look at her with her usually cute and inquisitive eyes, only this time, there wasn't any aspect of warmth that she had been used to. Instead what turned to her were empty eyes.
That wasn't right.
"Apologize." It hurt her, seeing her lovely and bright Rossie like that, but she needed to set things straight. "I know you don't like Rena, and that this was mostly my problem and I dumped it on you... But Rena is a victim of this too."
"See?" Rossie said turning to Rena, "Even though she loves me, she is willing to get angry at me because I'm mocking your pain. She still sees the best in me and is angry because I'm bringing things that obviously aren't your fault."
"So if you take advantage of her. Or make her suffer. I will make you [Wish for death]." Rossie said to Rena, ignoring Elizabeth who stood there with tears in her eyes.
"That is fair. But I will return those words back to you. Should I notice you toying with her feelings or making her suffer. I will cut you down." Rena answered back, she almost could see the outline of a ripple in space as Rena's sword seemed to want to manifest in the real world. "And unlike you. I can function like a human being even while only a fragment of my soul remains."
"Deal," Rossie said as both girls shook hands.
"What?" Elizabeth said as both girls seemed to have come to an agreement.
"So what is next on our schedule Eli-Eli?" Rossie said turning to her, the empty and cold eyes nowhere to be seen, instead Rossie's eyes had returned to normal.
"...I'm going to sleep and check on the notifications I have pending," Elizabeth said moving the backpack that was in the middle of both girls.
She was angry that she had been used by her girlfriend to reassure Rena but was happy because they seemed to have come to an agreement. So how to deal with her cheeky girlfriend?
"Don't wake me up before it's time to leave." She decided that she would reward herself (And maybe both girls) at the same time!
First, she rested her head on her girlfriend's thighs, it was a nice and comfy spot with an awesome view, as for her legs?
She rested them atop the red-haired thighs, she was sleeping using her girlfriend as a pillow and her pet as a resting stool for her legs!
Yes, she was winning in life. Anyone who said otherwise was wrong!
Before going to sleep (And her [Soulscape]) she felt like she had crossed a line of thought that she didn't want to cross, but she wasn't sure what it was. Probably it wasn't something important anyway.