I will save you in this 5th Life

Chapter10: Let the Classes begin

I was having a good dream when I was suddenly woken up by the sound of my alarm buzzing very loudly 

I turned and turned off my alarm which was set up in my Personal Device, I then stared up at the ceiling for a few seconds before finally getting up and out of my bed 

I went to the bathroom first as I turned on the news again to see what is happening around the world at this time 

“Welcome and good morning, this is the morning news for your daily dose of what is going around on the globe” 

“First, we have the news regarding the conflict of Kominato and Gosei, it seems they have really taken a step towards having a full-scale civil war. 

The Kominato revolutionaries have elected their leader and had a peace talk in the beginning but it seems it had fallen through in the end, with the leader planting a dagger on the peace treaty document that the Gosei ambassadors had put down 

When asked the reason for the actions, the leader of the revolutionaries, Tsukamoto Katsuo said that 

‘The so-called peace treaty was not peace treaty at all if you can even call it a treaty. The fact that they even put this out on us means that they have no intentions to have negotiations and solve this problem peacefully. 

And if it is a war, they want then it is a war they will get, and we have no intention of just leaving our hometown behind but we also have no intention of surrendering our hometown to them so they best be ready to receive the wrath of the people who they have wronged.’ 

After he finished his speech, he left to the port where the Navy vessel of Kominato was awaiting 

His tall imposing height, brown skin plus silver hair was such a unique combination that stood out amongst his peers who had a darker hair colour and a lighter skin tone in comparison, which led to me thinking he might have been either mixed or an immigrant  

His black formal navy uniform also contrasted when compared to the soldiers in blue camo who were flanking him as he walked towards the port  

As he reached the port and the entrance to his vessel opened, a soldier came and gave him his cap before he boarded his vessel 

I saw him turn and salute the soldier before getting his cap and going atop the vessel 

The soldier stays saluted until he finished boarding the vessel before boarding the vessel along with the other members of the entourage 

The thing I noticed was when he turned, the camera of the reporters was able to accurately capture the patch that was on his shoulder, which had five flowers imprinted on its silver cloth  

But this was confusing to me, because as far as I remember the current fleet admiral of Kominato Navy which is a part of the Gosei Republic to be someone else 

Unless I missed the whole succession period that happened recently, which I guess I did 

Just as I was thinking about this, the news anchor actually helped answer my question 

“This is the first time we are seeing the fleet admiral make a public appearance after he took over the position when the former fleet admiral retired a few days ago” 

The anchor said as they put up a picture of a person in military formal wear which I recognized as the fleet admiral that I was thinking about earlier 

The anchor then continued on 

“Right after he took over the position, he immediately stated his stance and wanted the Gosei government to leave the Kominato and the other cultures/minorities alone and to stop the suppression of the cultures 

This is also the reason there were more and more hostilities between Kominato and Gosei 

And it seems today it will escalate to another level 

Our news channel will continue to follow this whole incident from start to finish, so please stay tuned for the newest development” 

Then the anchor waited a few seconds to swap her scripts and then finished up the news by saying 

“That is all for the morning news and be sure to bring an umbrella as there might be showers in the afternoon, this was the 21st News Channel.” 

After she finished reporting I was done preparing everything and grabbed something light to eat as I left from my home with my bag and personal device 

As I turned off my lights and closed the door, I saw my neighbour also leaving at the same time 

And without skipping a beat and even questioning this coincidence, I said my greetings 

“Good morning and what a great day, hope you are ready for the classes today” 

She looked a little shocked at first at the same coincidence but then she recovered and said 

“Morning to you as well, I think I am but I hope I am” 

We then went down together and took the same road as last night to school as we talked about mundane things such as who might be our instructors or how long will our classes be 

And as we made it to the crossroads, we saw Nozomu coming towards the way to school 

We greeted each other and continued on our way 

Before we met up, I think I actually saw Nozomu grinning at me yet again 

But I ignore that and we continued on our way 

While we were nearly reached the entrance, we saw Schild’s group also arriving and we joined up to go to the notice board to see where our classrooms are situated 

During the first two days, we actually did not even go to the classrooms since everything happened in the halls of the academy so we did not which rooms we were assigned to 

And as we were looking at the rooms, Mizuki arrived and we looked at the rooms together 

Since there was only one class or cohort for each year, we already knew we were going to be in the same classroom 

We were actually looking for where the academy situated our room, and since they did not have a set room for each year or cohort 

We had to spend some time on the notice board in order to find it 

It took us quite some time to scour through the notices since there were quite a bit of quest or notices that were plastered all over the boards 

And a few minutes after Mizuki arrived, we were finally able to find the room that we were supposed to go 

And as we left for the room, I think I saw a request letter from Kominato but I am not sure since I did not have the time to look at it clearly as I left to go to the room 

The classroom was situated in the left wing of the academy 

The academy is built in H shape with the notice board we were just at being at the bottom of the H which is also the entrance 

And the school hall where we did the appraisal ceremony and principal's greetings was located right in the middle of the H, which the middle area seems much bigger and not a straight line due to the size of the hall 

And the principal’s office which me, Aika and Yuuna was taken to was located on the right side of the H, specifically the back end 

We turned left from the notice board and went to the left wing of the academy, and since the room was on the back end of the left wing, it took us quite some time in order to reach the room 

By the time we reached the room 

Most of the first years had already arrived and had been seated 

There was no sitting arrangement on the boards so we just sat together on the side which had windows leading outside and not the corridor side 

There were lockers situated in the back end of the classroom 

So we first went there in order to put down our bags and in the case of the others, their weapons 

The only ones who did not have to put down the weapons were mean and Yuuna since we both had our Armaments instead 

As we went to put down our bags, I saw many different varieties of weapons from lances, maces to wands and bows 

I think I even saw a locker with a magic rifle hanging there 

After we put down our items, we spent some time talking and the teacher finally came into the classroom  

The teacher came in and clapped her hands as she put down the book, she was holding on to the teacher's table 

She did not seem very tall but her blue hair and bright red eyes which seemed to form a glare made her seem very imposing, which is also why the students immediately paid attention she clapped her hands for attention 

“Good morning, everyone I am your homeroom teacher and the counselor as well, Yamazaki Hitomi but obviously you are going to be calling me Miss Yamazaki during lessons. But I don’t mind you calling me by my given name during missions or after you have graduated from the academy” 

From hearing her speak, she actually seemed much kinder than I thought, the others thought the same as well since the atmosphere of the classroom lightened once she finished saying her first sentence 

The teacher then continued on and said 

“So, for our first order of things, let me pass you the schedules for the classes on your Personal Devices. I think most of you should have bought your devices since we did send you a notice on there?” 

I did not check it at all, but since I never go anywhere without it, I luckily have it on me 

I opened and checked the mail section of my device to see the email she was talking about 

It seems everyone else has checked their mail beforehand or just keep their devices with them since they have all bought it as well 

But to be honest I think most students would bring their Devices even if the teacher did not ask us to do so 

Personal Devices have been around for a while, and no matter which region we are in they are also widely used due to the convenient functions that can both serve as a communication tool and also allow a person to entertain themselves with the variety of functions it has 

But due to the fact that even the military has widespread use of such Devices, each country has their own production line for each of them and rarely allows the locals to procure foreign devices since they serve as national security risks 

And even foreign tourists are not allowed to bring in their devices into the countries they are visiting for the same exact reason, and in order to prevent smuggling of said devices, pretty much each country has a jamming tower for each specific foreign device 

These towers are also being constantly upgraded in order to deal with the improvement of each Device 

Seeing all of us had brought our devices, she continued on and said 

“Do you see the slot on the left-hand corner of the desk, put your device in there and connect it to the school’s network and you should be able to get the information that I am about to send to you” 

As I slotted in my device on the specified area, the screen of my Device lit up and told me to choose a connection 

I then clicked on the Academy’s network and it automatically connected and wrote on the screen 


Wow that was such a quick update to the database of the school, but there are only so many students so it makes sense it did not take a long time for them to add us in 

And the academy is also no slouch among the rankings of the schools in this country so it makes that their efficiency in school-related affairs is high 

The academy is actually called the STARs Academy, but since pretty much only this institute is called an academy in this country so most people refer to it only as the Academy, and so did the principal on the first day of the school 

Pretty much all locals know which school you are mentioning if you just say the academy 

STARs actually stand for Specialist Training for Adventurers and Rankers, but even lesser people use that when referring to this academy, it's just either STARs Academy or The Academy 

After the system logged us in using our Personal Device which is unique to each person, the teacher then sent out a file titled “Class Locations” 

I opened to see and saw the training locations for each of the <Classes> and the instructors assigned to it 

I saw some familiar surnames but also some completely foreign surnames 

The teacher continued after sending us the files and said 

“So, I think you all got the file I just sent, as it is said on the tile and also the content. It is a file that shows the location of the <Classes> and the instructors for it 

I don’t think you will have to look for too many locations since pretty much all except some of you have only one class” 

She turned to look towards me and Yuuna 

“For those of you who have multiple classes, it is your choice which class do you want to try out and we won't force you to take them all equally since it is your choice which one to focus on.” 

“Do not be late or skip any of the classes since the instructors took time off the frontlines in order to come and teach here so you should not disrespect them by making them wait or not appear. And even if your rank is higher than most of your peers or even your instructors, you should not skip the lessons.” 

She turned to Aika as she said the last sentence 

“That is all for the homeroom period, I am going to give you five minutes to look at the files and ask questions, then it is going to be time for your first lessons.” 

Some students went out to ask the teacher some questions and I instead turned towards the others in order to see where they were headed since I only found my classrooms first 

Then Schild saw me turning and asked 

“Where are you planning on going first Miss Four?” 

I was taken aback at first and but ignored the nickname and said 

“Probably the Paladin one? Because I want to see what will happen over there and also because I want my first class in the Academy to be something I am familiar with.” 

“Then I guess let’s go together and I also want to get another match with you if it is possible today, it won't end in a draw this time” 

“We will see about that and I also want to see if I can try to use my other weapons this time so I look forward to it” 


The others then told me about the location of their classes 

And after most of them finished, I asked Yuuna who had a similar situation to me about which class is she starting with 

“I am probably going with the Monk one for my first class, for the same reason as you Itsuki. BUt I also want to see if I will have to attend this class much or I can just focus on improving my Priestess aspect for the upcoming battles” 

Despite Priestess being her higher-ranked class, she probably is much more used to being a Monk than a Priestess so I understand her train of thought 

Right after we finished, the bell rang and the teacher ushered us out to our classes 

The whole group minus Aika and Mizuki walked downward of the classroom since Aika and Mizuki had their classes near the classroom 

And then as we walked down 

Yuuna and Nozomu then continued downwards as the remaining four of us moved to the right wing of the academy  

Then as we reached the split at the right wing, I and Schild continued downwards as the twins went upwards towards the direction of the principal's office 

Luckily we were not late even though we spend some time walking and chatting 

As we reached the room marked training court we knocked and enter to see a rather tall woman with long cyan hair stand in front of the teacher’s desk in the court which seemed rather out of place 

She motioned for us to enter the room and we sat down on the floor of the court with two other students 

Both are also of imposing sizes and if I had to compare, I would probably be the smallest person in this room 

Schild sat in front of a tan student who had black hair and it seemed that they had a similar sitting height 

While I sat next to Schild and the person behind me had gold hair and a similar tanned skin 

It seemed he was of much larger stature compared to the other two at first glance 

Then the instructor looked at us and said 

“I am Mina Mayer your Paladin class or course instructor, whatever would you like to call it. And I hope you are ready to receive some fatal amounts of damage.” 

She said as she ready a spear that she went to pick up earlier it seems, as I and Schild were getting seated 

She is not going to throw that is she? 

And then she did 


“Let the classes begin!” 

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