I will save you in this 5th Life

Chapter 16: Library (1)

I rest for quite some time before I saw that the time was up for this period and my other appointment was ready for me to go

I said bye to Aika for her teaching and also for the story she told me about, as I made my way out of the room

As I made my way to the library, I saw some people leaving the classroom, presumably to another place in the school but I cannot be sure

But as I walked past the classroom, I saw someone familiar people coming out of the room and waving towards me

I waved back and met up with the twins and Mizuki

“Where are you guys going?”

I asked since I was curious about where they were heading to

Mizuki answered my question and said

“I was heading to the gym to see if they were still battling each other, and also to see if there is someone interesting in battling me

Preferably those two, since I am really curious about how they battle

But it likely won't happen since I think they will be tired from fighting each other”

The older twin then answered after she did and said

“We are also going there for the same reason since we wanted to brush up on our skills and also to see what types of fighters does our school has”

The younger twin nodded in agreement to the older sister's statement

“So, I guess it's only Aika is going to be the only one alone huh?”

But then the younger twin suddenly said

“She actually just messaged me earlier to say she was also going to the gym to find some to spar with”

Huh, I think she going to have a hard time finding someone to spar with due to her Rank, and as far as I know, there are only two people, I think who can fight with her

And that is Nozomu and Schild, but both of them are occupied with each other

Maybe she would be having a battle with Mizuki in the end, which is making me quite curious but I guess that will have to wait for another day

I was walking with them for a bit till we reached the forked path on the left wing, and then I broke off and continued downwards to make my way to the library for a prior arrangement

I waved and said bye to them as I made my way down to the library

As I made my way to the library, I passed by a classroom with a wooden door that had the word Monk written on the board outside, and I also heard some students having their classes in there

After a while, I finally made my way to the library that was located at the end of this hallway

There was a teacher and a Golem sitting outside the table next to the door of the library

Or at least I think she was a teacher?

Her silver hair made me remember people from my family, but I do not think I remember meeting her ever

She heard me walking towards the library and looked up from the book she was reading, it seemed like the Golem next to her also stirred to life as I heard some noises from the golem as I made my way closer

She put down her book as I arrived in front of the counter

“Please give me your Personal Device”

I gave her my Device and she slotted it in front of the slot that was on the left side of her table

While waiting, I looked at the golem next to her which was staring straight at me with its bright red eyes, that was similar to the scarlet eyes of the silver-haired gatekeeper sitting in front of me

The golem looked like a statue you could find in front of museums of ancient tombs that were used to keep out intruders

But this one was a bit different since it had a school emblem on the left side of its chest

The school logo has a lion in the middle of the hexagonal shape, and if people actually looked at it closer there is actually a star on the forehead of the lion

The logo seemed to be stuck on the golem rather than being carved in like most other countries and ancient civilizations used to do

I and the golem were staring at each other when the person sitting in front of me clear her throat and I snapped out of my staring contest with the golem

“Here is your device back, and you can go in now”

“Thank you”

I thanked her as I made my way into the library, and I gave the golem one last look


Its eyes had now turned bright green as it sat back down and waved at me

It seems the eyes change colour when the person passes the check

That’s interesting

And I waved back as it sat down on the chair behind the gatekeeper, but it caused the sticker of the school emblem to fall off its chest and the gatekeeper sighed as she stuck it back on

The door close behind me as I fully made my way in

The smell of wood and book entered my nose as I looked around the large library filled with knowledge from various time periods and about various subjects

I walked past a bunch of books as I headed left to the areas where students are supposed to be seated

At first glance, I saw the tags on the side of the bookshelves and it seemed the shelves as I passed by were the history section and the geography sections

And the shelves right next to the seats were mainly about magic, and they seemed quite popular since I saw quite a few of them have already been borrowed out

While I was interested to check out what other magic books they had in the library, I first turned my focus to the seats since I have to look for Yuuna first

I looked around the seating area and I could not find Yuuna at all but the thing I realized was it was quite packed with students from all the school years

And another thing was, for some reason, there were quite a number of couples reading or flirting together

And I pushed the thought of jealousy aside as I made my way to the staircase that was next to the seating areas and made my way up to the second floor of the library where books that come from an older time period were kept

Once I reached the second floor, I looked between each of the sections and I finally found her in the magic section trying to get a book that she could not reach

She looked quite adorable as she tried to reach for the book on her tiptoes

As I made my way to help, I saw someone else making their way to help her and I increase my pace to go help her reach the book

And I think the person saw that I was closer and opted to go back to what they were doing

I made my way behind her and asked her

“Is this the book you want”

She looked behind and saw me

“Yes and thanks”

I helped her get the book and shielded her head as I pulled the book out since I did not want to accidentally drop the books next to the one I was pulling out

I got the book and gave it to her

I saw her face slightly redden as she held the book and then I realized what I just did

I felt my face heat up and thought

I could have just asked her to step aside

What you doing you idiot Itsuki

I fumbled my words as I suggested to her that we should get seated

“Uh... um let's find a seat, shall we?”

“Oh, uh lets..., oh wait I actually already found a seat here on this floor

Follow me”

She went ahead and led me to a table which was filled with quite a number of books and sat down

And I sat down right on the chair that is opposite to her

She put aside the book I got for her and she push forward one stack of books that was on the left of her

“These are all the books on the magic you are trying to learn, I think there are different variations of it so I just got all of them for you so that you can choose the one you need”

“Thanks for that and sorry about earlier”

“Un, it's fine”

She said with a smaller voice this time

And she went back to her reading

She was reading the book I just got for her, it was tilted “Legend of the Close-Range Healer”

Interesting choice of a book, but makes sense for her situation

I then turned to look at the stack of books in front of me

There are three books in total, each from different time periods and about different types of manipulation magic

The one in the bottom looked kinda scary with its dark red and black colour scheme with some weird symbols on the side

But I am going to ignore that book for now

I took the book that was on top of the stack and read the cover

“Introduction to Elementless Magic, you too can be a mage even without element affinities”

Interesting title

“I am not sure if this was the right book but I think you will be able to find something related to the magic you are searching for

Oh, and I am not sure if you already told me this but are you Elementless or do you have an element affinity?”

“I don’t have an Element as you have suspected, but I was trying to try something interesting by learning Manipulation magic which is why I was looking for books related to it

While we are on this topic, do you mind telling me what element do you have an affinity with?”

I do have a hunch though

“Oh, of course I don’t mind since I made you say yours anyway but yeah, I have affinity with fire but I have not used any fire magic in my life as of yet but maybe I should what you are doing and try to incorporate something into my skillset”

I did have a hunch It was fire

“Oh, sorry for randomly breaking open a topic while you were concentrating”

She said apologetically

“Nah you don’t have to be, and I was not starting yet anyway”

Moreover, I am glad you did start the topic

I thought as I flipped open the first page

Introduction to Elementless Magic, you too can be a mage even without element affinities

Written by Formar Haskins

Hmm first time hearing about this name, let me see if there is anything about the author in the book

I turned the book over and saw a brief introduction about him

Formar Haskins is one of the first Archmagis of the Ancient Tripolis Civilization (the equivalent now would be the area bordering Aotsuki and Grüne Riesen Alliance, with the majority of the area being inside the Alliance territory)

He was famous for the time due to his abilities as an Archmage and also due to the fact he become an Archmage despite having no Element Affinity when the people of the era thought Elementless people were useless and often were discriminated against

Ooh that’s a cool way to get rid of the “useless” label

He has been credited for the base of various Elementless magics but is often obscure in history due to his low key nature unlike the other Archmages from the same era

I guess that makes sense he is not that well known to me but it's still so weird that someone this exceptional is not well known among the masses, but I guess I am overthinking it

I turned to the page of contents

And quickly scanned through as I found the magic I needed

Manipulation Magic Page 59

I quickly flipped through and reached it

Page 59

It had the words Manipulation Magic written on the page and I flipped one more page and reached the explanation section

“Hopefully this guide will work out for whoever and whatever reason you are trying this magic

And I hope this is not done for mischief

And don’t just skip to the magic word at the end since you need to know the explanation of how it works or you are going to have a bad time”


Should I?

Welp let's just go for it

I flipped some pages and reached the section about the magic words and just read it out loud

I felt something

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