I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 16

Slime Comes Again

Shaw’s morning practice just started. Even so, it’s the same as when I was in the North Forest, bareback and sometimes a blow to Falco. Falco also gestures next door.

That’s how I gently sweat in the hot springs in the morning to help you want to have breakfast. Gina opened the inn because she likes to cook, but she has a quiet husband who mostly cooks. He said he used to be a group of the same adventurers. Some customers wake up a little early to help their husband and watch Shaw peel and carry vegetables. Even Falco drinks tea and watches Shaw in the corner of the dining room while taking care of his unnecessary protective equipment.

Then we have breakfast and ask Falco to give us a lift to the church, where we will go to Falco. Falco goes out unfortunately.

Now, Shaw was in the youth group, but the youth group also had about 20 children in Shaw. It’s half male and half female. Shaw found Aura, and I just tried to get to Aura, and she grabbed her arm for a long time.

“Wait, Shaw, you’re over here.”

“Oh, Cain, hi. Huh?”

Yeah? They took me to the boys’ group.

“Hey, Shaw, good morning”

Fresh today, he’s Cain’s stopper Alfie. Alfi also wears a yellow belt. He is a senior healing apprentice. They say it’s a group of four now, 14, 13, 11 and 11 years old in turn from Joseph, Juan and Alfi.

“Begin today as a group of five”

“Well, this is a group of five from the beginning, and I can’t help it.”

Another group seemed unhappy, but they couldn’t help it because of the number of people.

“I’m breaking up everywhere in the morning hunting slimes and taking medicinal herbs, Shaw, because you’re good at hunting slimes?

Juan and Joseph glitter and ask.

“I’ve never compared it, but there were so many slimes in the North Forest that I took it pretty well”

Let me see it.


“Well, we’re going to the rocks today!

Reporting to the church adults, the 10 of us headed to the rocks. A rocky place is a rocky hill on the northern outskirts of town.

The Auras appear to be herbicidal, arrayed beneath the rocks to pick herbs thoughtfully. He seems to be chatting and sometimes picking some early spring flowers. Nice. Shaw got his hair pulled a little back, but the slime is important too. The road is also on, but we all climb athletically where it’s not the road. Alfi and Shaw climb the road slowly.

“There can be slimes along the way, so climb carefully.”

Let the kind Alfi teach you. I also saw quite a few herbs growing on the rock. Let’s take it home.


When I climbed up, it was a large platform. Looking back, the town was supposed to be right there, but it looked small, and I felt the sky was close. Alfi sees the sky with him next door.

“The sky is close.”


“In the summer, when the longest day of the day comes, we’ll gather here at night for a star reception festival.”


“Wasn’t it where Shaw was born? It’s a festival for everyone in town to get together with a lamp so that we can have another proper long night. There are stars on earth, so it means come back at night.”

“Wow, that’s a nice festival.”

“Shaw’s 10 years old, so I can join you.”

“Yeah, I’ll have Falco bring me”

I was talking about that, and everyone who was climbing the rocks came.

“It’s my first day, so Shaw’s exempt, but starting tomorrow, Shaw’s climbing rocks, too. It’s training.”


It’s about building strength.

“Shaw, over here!

Joseph is just finding a slime. Shaw took the stick out of the porch, put the bucket out, put water in the bucket, and prepared the chopsticks. Everyone got intrigued. Hey. Shh. Hey. Shh. Saku. Hii. Po.

What do you say?



“You… it… Demon Stone, show me”

Fine. Shaw pinched it with chopsticks from the barrel to show it.

“Beautiful water colour…”

“Isn’t it water? All the magic stones in the mountain slime were water colored, right?

“I’ll show you.”

When Cain found another slime, he shredded the slime once and for all. There is a juicy noise and the slime loses its shape. Oh! That’s cool. Shaw slapped his pussy hand. Cain washed the magic stone with water magic and picked it up and showed it to Shaw. Yeah, it’s water colored, but

“Is it a little grey?

“Yes. This is what happens when we hunt. They buy it out once, but they say it’s really water.”

“Why not?”

Hmm. There was a noise called ju, but it discolored with acid?

“Cain, with this stick, you make me throw up acid first. You won’t throw up twice, so why don’t you take it down after that?


Cain sliced on with a funny looking face and I knew I’d cut it cool. What about the stones?

“Beautiful water colour…”

“You were discolouring because the acid was still in the slime…”

Then I tried slimming it with a stick of shaw that we all adore, but it still turned into a clean water color when I let the acid spit.

“This is good. It’s safe, and I can take quality demon stones. It’s not cool.”

Not cool is extra! Cain spoke to Shaw with a serious face.

“Shaw, can we hunt like we’re fakes too?

“Yeah, fine.”

“Yeah. Thanks”

When I said that, I laughed. Damn, how cool is that from, this boy?

“Okay, did everyone hear that, too? I’m going down to town once today to collect sticks like Shaw’s has in the West Forest. Then we’ll all experiment with what Shaw’s saying about only spitting acid twice.”

“Okay -”

Everyone in the two groups replies, watching Alfi smile as he nods. Older is Alfi, but the leader was Cain. If you think it’s just plain and mean, you’re cautious and dominant. Alfi supports that. I don’t even like the group. If I watched it with respect, I’d tell Cain,

“What the fuck?”

I was told.

“Cool, guys”

And if Shaw is honest,

“Dumb, you, nothing. I… let’s go get the stick!

It went red. Face to face with Alfi, Shaw followed with a dull laugh.

Then the magic stones of the slime taken by the children increased in quantity and quality, and everyone’s pennies increased after the damage to the slime decreased. In other words, Shaw was quickly accepted by everyone, and occasionally when the rest of Falco went to see it, he was crossing everyone and climbing the rocks.

Meanwhile, Aura and I became friends, and when we weren’t climbing the rocks, we crossed girls and picked herbs and flowers as well. Aura’s house operated a large clothing store, and Aura often also took grass for dyes. Helping with that was Shaw’s pleasure too. Cain wanted to pull Shaw off whenever he wanted, but Alfie stopped him by saying he was studying Shaw for a lot of things.

That way, in the spring, if there are signs of summer, a little bit of the star reception festival approaches. Contrary to Shaw, who is looking forward to it, Falco has had more days to think about. I wonder what’s wrong. Gina and Leon looked worried about those two.

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