I will finally embark on the road of no return called hero

Chapter 135: Chapter 61

"We've made it to the enemy's stronghold, haven't we?" Astolfo scratched the back of his head, staring up at the massive doors before them.

"Looks like it," Chiron replied, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "What's the plan, Master?"

"We've got three Servants on our side. We should be fine," Fiore said after a moment of consideration. "They probably let us get this far to pick us off one by one. They'll send their strongest to face Lancer and Saber, likely Achilles and Red Lancer. So, behind these doors…"

"...are only Assassin and Caster," Caules adjusted his glasses.

"We've got the upper hand here," Celenike said, patting Astolfo on the shoulder. "It's your time to shine."

Astolfo let out a nervous laugh, waving his hand dismissively. "Oh, I'm not that strong, really. Also, you're way too nice to not be into that S stuff…"

"Let's get going," Chiron nodded and pushed open the doors, stepping in first. He looked around carefully and signaled to Fiore, "All clear. Doesn't seem dangerous."

Astolfo stretched his arms behind his head with a sigh. "Come on! Are we still searching? Has Red Team forgotten about us or something? It's way too quiet."

Just as they all entered the hall, the doors slammed shut with a thunderous boom. Magic circles spread across the floor, glowing ominously from end to end.

"A trap!" Caules quickly stepped in front of Fiore, shielding her.

Frankenstein summoned her hammer, growling lowly as she scanned the surroundings.

"We haven't been forgotten after all," Chiron said, his eyes narrowing as he looked toward the throne. "You've led us here intentionally, haven't you, Red Team's Assassin?"

"Sharp as ever, wise centaur," a voice echoed through the chamber as Semiramis appeared, perched elegantly on the throne, legs crossed. "But now that you've noticed, it's too late."

Astolfo summoned his lance with a cheeky grin. "You're an Assassin, showing yourself so openly. Is that a good idea?"

"Laughable," Semiramis flicked her nails dismissively. "This is my domain. Why wouldn't I reveal myself? The real question is—why haven't you knelt before me?"

"Empress, huh?" Caules pushed up his glasses.

Chiron shifted into his centaur form, assessing the situation. "Since you're not hiding, I assume you're confident you can take us all out."

"Of course. I've been preparing just for you," Semiramis said, snapping her fingers.

Above the throne, a massive magic circle appeared. A deafening roar echoed through the room as a colossal creature descended in a swirl of black fog. Nine heads slowly rose, glaring down at them.

"That's…" Chiron's eyes widened. "The Hydra!"

"Indeed," Semiramis smiled wickedly. "The same monster your student defeated, and the one that led to your death."

With another snap, magic circles formed around Semiramis, and chains shot out toward them.

Frankenstein raised her hammer, lightning crackling around it as she tried to break the doors, but they barely budged. "Mmmrrrgh!!"

"I told you, I prepared for this," Semiramis said smugly, watching them struggle. "The moment you stepped into this throne room, your defeat was sealed."

Chiron's face grew grim. Semiramis stood behind the Hydra, far beyond reach. Getting to her meant crossing the deadly poison mist surrounding the monster—and defeating the Hydra itself. On top of that, they'd have to fend off her magical attacks.

Someone was going to have to sacrifice themselves.

Chiron sighed. "Looks like I'll have to go. Rider, Berserker—stay behind and protect the Master."

"Wait! We should all go together!" Astolfo protested. "We can at least distract that thing! You can't take it down alone—remember, it's what killed you before!"

Frankenstein nodded, grunting in agreement.

"No, leave it to me." Chiron readied his bow. "This is my fight. I trust my Noble Phantasm."

Fiore hesitated, then nodded. "Understood. Please, take care of it."

"Berserker, full power on the doors!" Caules shouted, clenching his fists.

Frankenstein gathered more lightning than before, readying to smash the door again.

"Tsk, don't waste your time," Semiramis waved her hand lazily, sending more chains flying at them.


Astolfo leaped forward, slashing the chains with his lance. "Don't underestimate the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne!"

"Hydra! Take them out," Semiramis commanded.

The Hydra roared, lumbering forward as the deadly purple mist thickened around it.

"Well, here we go again," Chiron muttered, drawing an arrow as he charged toward the poisonous fog. The moment he stepped into it, a sharp, familiar pain shot through him. The corrosive mist was eating away at his soul, but he kept moving, his focus locked on the Hydra.


Chiron's arrow sliced through the air, piercing one of the Hydra's heads with pinpoint accuracy.

The Hydra screeched in pain, two more heads lunging at him in retaliation.

Chiron remained calm, jumping onto one of the heads and smashing it down with his hooves. Another arrow materialized in his hands, and with a quick shot, he blew apart another head mid-attack.

Six heads left. Three of them hadn't regenerated yet. There was hope.

Chiron gathered six arrows on his bow, drawing them back in one fluid motion. No matter how much the Hydra moved, it didn't matter—his aim was perfect. He could end this—

Suddenly, a barrage of chains shot through the air, narrowly missing him as he leaped backward.

"I'm not done watching yet," Semiramis taunted, her smile growing as she rested her chin in her hand. "Let's see how much more you can resist."

Chiron didn't respond. Time was running out. Each second the poison ate away at him, and every movement had to count. There would be no testing the waters now. Only action

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