I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 85: So... We'll have to attack another world?

After the news that Harry had arrived had spread, the royal queen immediately came into the throne room. After a session of a tear jerking reunion, Harry recollected all the mystical events that he had experienced.

["I have two small questions, Author-San. Firstly, how is the reunion tear jerking? I don't even feel a bit sad! And secondly, 'mystical events' is an overstatement isn't it? All he did was go to a magical world and destroy the largest human kingdom without a war. Wait a second, will he tell them about that?", asked the editor, to quench the potential doubts of the readers.

"Um, I thought that description suited it, and isn't going to a magical world and getting cursed stone considered mystical? And no, he won't tell them how he destroyed the largest human kingdom with internal strife.", said the author, explaining patiently.

Author's note : On a serious note, lately, I've been getting a lot of hate on the so called 'unanswered questions' and the first 20 chaps, which I myself admitted had plotholes ??‍♂️??‍♂️. So, I'm going to start including this short questionnaire sort of thing in any part that may arise doubts in the readers to solve the unanswered questions.]

When he finished speaking, all the department heads who were standing respectfully and the royals who were sitting comfortably stared at him with their jaws dropped. Aoi stuttered for a while, trying to find words, before saying, "So, you want us to attack another world now?! But you said it's a magic based world, filled with demons and witches, right?!"

Harry smiled and said in a soothing voice, "Don't underestimate our weaponry either. We have guns, jets and even nuclear bombs."

Aoi fell into thought at this statement of Harry's before finally sighing and saying, "Okay. But how will we go to that world?"

Harry grinned and said, "Leave that to me!"


In Ikriven, one of the human kingdoms bordering Eryeth, during the night.

The crown prince, and the only child of the king of Ikriven, Cadfan Ikriven was summoned by the king of Ikriven, Merrion Ikriven.

Cadfan had arrived to his father's bedroom and knocked on the door. He heard Merrion's gruff voice say, "Come in."

Cadfan slowly opened the door and walked in while asking in a respectful voice, "Lord Father, may I know why you summoned me?"

Merrion smiled, making his already wrinkled face look like a dumpling and said, "Come and sit here son. It won't be long before you become the king. I want to go on a long vacation along with your mother. Before that though, I want to impart some knowledge and experiences of mine to you."

Cadfan did as he was told and sat next to his father with his back straight.

Merrion then started recounting his various experiences to Cadfan, from when he was a child till the present.

Cadfan listened to his father attentively, making sure to absorb and remember whatever he was telling him.

Just when he was enchanted in a tale that his father was telling him about how he prevented an upheaval, loud knocking echoed through the room.

His father's smile vanished and turned into an alert expression as he said in a tone that almost sounded like a low growl, "Come in."

A soldier came in and bowed before saying, "Your Majesty, Eryeth has collapsed."

Cadfan and Merrion stared blankly at the soldier and the room was engulfed in momentary silence.

Merrion then asked with doubt, as he thought that he had heard the soldier wrong, "Repeat what you said."

The soldier said while sweating, "Eryeth had collapsed, Your Majesty."

Merrion did not know what to say as he stared at the soldier in a dumbfounded manner. His head was in turmoil as various thoughts flashed past his mind such as, 'Eryeth is a literal giant! How did it collapse?!', and, 'Is there a hidden conspiracy behind it? Did the soldiers conduct a military coup?!'

Merrion calmed his mind down and asked while sighing, "Just what happend?"

The soldier said solemnly, "Your Majesty, apparently the king had killed his wife and son, due to which a mass internal war amongst the knights occurred. Then the news leaked out, and the people revolted, and to control them, the dark knights were sent out."

Merrion grimaced at the last sentence that the soldier said. The dark knights are absolute beasts. Sending them out was akin to sentencing all the revolting civilians to death.

The soldier continued, "Apparently, the dark knights had to be sent out due to the scale of the revolt and lack of knights. The dark knights killed all of the civilians and then fought among themselves, which led to their death.

The king of Eryeth, to control the remaining civilians decided to hire mercenaries."

Merrion nodded while thinking, 'Yes, that's the only plausible course of action left. After all, the kingdom of Eryeth had a lot of money that had been piling up from ages.'

The soldier continued, "But unfortunately, the treasury was empty."

Merrion looked at the soldier again, not understanding what he had just said. The treasury was empty?! But, how?! 

Understanding the meaning of his king's look, the soldier said, "No one knows why the treasury is empty. There are only two plausible reasons for it. One, the king had spent it all and two, someone has stolen it."

Merrion did not know what to say. He waited for the soldier to continue with an intent expression when the soldier said, "Your Majesty, that's all the information we have. No one knows why the king killed his wife and son, or why this matter leaked, or why the treasury was stolen."

Merrion gestured for the soldier to leave before falling into deep thought. He then asked in a slow and heavy voice, "What do you think actually happened, son?"

Cadfan said, "I think this was all the cause of someone's careful planning."

[I know that saying careful is an overstatement, but that's how it seems to them.]

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