I Will Be the Greatest Knight

Chapter 32: Hands On Learning

With one last glance towards the township, Irene and the others were on their way back to the forest. However, to the apprentices' surprise, they led their horses around the outer edge of the tree line until they found a somewhat worn path that went to the heart of the forest. 

With a knight in the front and another at the back, they searched for the landmarks that signified wherever they dipped into the forest the last time and found evidence of goblins everywhere. 

Sir Phillip at the front was the first to see a boulder he recognized and he abruptly stopped his loyal steed which caused the horse to rise onto its back feet for just a moment. 

"Woah!" he called to his horse and got the beast of an animal to calm back down. "Left this way!" 

His voice carried far and could be heard easily since everyone's horses had ceased galloping by then. 

The noise soon returned and the knights and apprentices navigated their way through uncertain footing and thick trees. With every tree covered in leaves due to the season, some had to duck while others had to renavigate entirely to avoid all of the obstacles in their way. 

Shortly, the group found a clearing at the center of the forest and they crossed it, redirecting north as they followed Sir Phillip. It was only when they reached the other side of the trees that the knight instructed them to get off of their horses. 

"The rest of this place is a bit overgrown," Sir Gunnar announced from the back. "We will leave our horses in the clearing and create a path for ourselves. Keep your eyes open. There's a likelihood of goblins having returned since the night before. Normally I wouldn't have you dull your blades on vegetation but there's no other choice but to have your swords out." 

At this, the apprentices knew it was time to pull out their weapons. 

As Irene's eyes went over the group and she saw their determined expressions almost hedging on excitement, she knew she had finally found the right company for her. 

The girls she used to spend time with, at the request of her mother, gossiped over tea and hated lifting a finger. Being wild and outdoors was her preference. She wanted to get dirty and get strong. 

As they all continued on, Sir Phillip stopped to pull down overhanging vines or chop at disruptive branches a few times. 

"Does anyone else notice anything about this area of the forest?" he asked after pulling down more vines. 

The five apprentices gathered around, making sure that they all could see what he was referring to. Since it seemed Irene was the least knowledgeable, she felt gazes burning into her as her green eyes were set onto the ground. 

"Bones and seeds," she observed. "An awful smell. A few broken arrows but the tips are well rusted. Must have been here for a while." 

"We estimate they've been here since the plains thawed out," Gunnar confirmed. "Must have come from the mountains and were chased by the knights into this forest. Next time we clear the hills of the monsters, we will have another force working in the opposite direction to ensure this doesn't happen again." 

The apprentices nodded. 

"Let's keep going," Sir Gunnar said and Sir Phillip continued on. 

There were parts of the forest where the trees were further apart and the group then stopped to see that a lot of the long grasses covering the forest floor in that area were flattened. 

"Deer?" Irene wondered. "That's the only time I've seen something like that." 

"I would have normally agreed with you if it weren't for the other evidence of goblins all around," Sir Phillip explained. "There will likely be a lack of deer during hunting season because of the occupation of goblins. Hopefully, we nipped the issue in the bud before it could get to that point. There are plenty of cattle to slaughter if all else fails." 

Irene nodded thoughtfully and the other apprentices did the same. Even if the details were ones they already knew, it was a good refresher for anyone who dealt with monsters for a living. 

Since the group was stopped, Sir Gunnar walked forward, joining Sir Phillip and saying something under his breath so the other knight would understand his intentions. 

After the young knight nodded, Sir Gunnar announced, "Now it's time to scout. Go forth and be sure that there aren't any more goblins in the area. It will benefit the townsfolk in the long run."

"Yes, sir!" the apprentices responded.

Irene began to walk forward through the nests, looking into each one as she did so and memorizing the pattern. As she looked more closely, she did see more bones and rusted objects likely stolen from their victims. 

When she got to the edge and there were more densely packed trees, just as Sir Phillip had done for them before, Irene slashed down some of the vines and walked deeper. 

Right away there was more evidence that struck her. 

An axe with its handle broken off was stuck in a tree trunk. There were more marks in the wood that showed there had been a struggle there before. She placed a gloved hand on the trunk and silently wondered about what must have happened. Were there victims? Did they get away?

At the prospect of goblins being there when she was mostly alone, fear gripped her heart but it wasn't enough to stop her forward path. That time she had armor. She wouldn't die again. 

There were a few more arrows in the ground, rusted because of past rains and broken in half because of unknown reasons and unknown struggles she could only imagine. 

With her dagger in her hands, she felt so much less helpless. She couldn't wait for the feeling of carrying a heavier sword when she was on these scouting trips. 

However, these thoughts distracted her momentarily. It seemed that when goblins were involved, her thoughts always compounded and she thought of the future she lived where her life ended unfortunately. 

While slashing down another bit of greenery to get through, a body fell in her path, hanging off of the branch in front of her. She let out a shriek that caused birds in the forest to fly away and promptly fell onto her backside. 

Her dagger was held in front of her with shaking hands. At least if something alive surprised her, she would have likely still had the wherewithal to stab them. 

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